[Settings] [Tile vertically according to Row Height] [Warning!\r\nThis MenuObject not support user defined options.] [MenuObjects] [MenuItems] [InsertSeparator] [Service:] [Name:] [Set] [Hide from list only, in order to keep their history and ignore/visibility settings] [Use Options->Contacts->Ignore to unhide contacts.] [Are you sure you want to delete %s?] [This will erase all history and settings for this contact!] [Ask before deleting contacts] [Sort contacts by protocol] [Always show status in tooltip] [Disable icon blinking] [ms, delay between icon blinking] [icon when statuses differ] [Contact list sorting] [Don't move offline user to bottom] [Pin to desktop] [Translucency options] [If window is partially covered, bring to front instead of hiding] [Enable drop shadow (restart required)] [Dim idle contacts] [Hide vertical scrollbar] [Use 'Meta' protocol icons for metacontacts] [Avoid double click expand] [Hide all extra icons for subcontacts] [Metacontacts supporting] [Ignore empty extra icons places (arrange to right)] [Hide offline subcontacts] [Show size grip] [Show bevel effect on panels] [Use connecting icon] [Use new drawer for status bar] [&Main menu] [Tray] [Nowhere] [Hide Miranda] [Group] [Customize] [Backgrounds] [Status bar background] [Frames title bar background] [Status messages] [Group closed] [Hover contacts] [Selected text] [Hottrack text] [Quicksearch text] [List metacontacts] [Global] [_NoProtocol_] [Tray menu] [&About] [My contacts] [My Contacts] [Group menu] [Subgroup menu] [Close Miranda] [Restore last status] [&FrameTitle] [&Visible] [&Show title bar] [&Locked] [&Collapsed] [&Floating mode] [&Border] [&Align] [&Top] [&Client] [&Bottom] [&Position] [&Up] [&Down] [Frames] [Show all frames] [Show all titlebars] [Hide all titlebars] [Lock frame] [Visible] [Floating] [Frame menu]