[Delay between pings (secs):] [Ping timeout (secs):] [Logging] [Log to File] [Log Filename:] [Popups] [Reply] [Block Repetitions] [View Log] [Browse...] [Interface] [Do not change icon when testing] [Use the Options -> Customize -> Fonts options to change text size and color.] [Indent:] [Repeats for success/failure:] [Attach to contact list] [Use CSV format] [Add] [Remove] [Edit] [Up] [Down] [Edit Host] [Address:] [Label:] [TCP Connect] [Control Protocol:] [Set my status to:] [On success, if my status is:] [Execute the following command on double-click:] [Protocols] [(Optional) Command Parameters:] [Menu] [Graph] [Enable] [Disable all pings] [Enable all pings] [Options...] [Hosts...] [Ping] [Text Files (*.txt)] [Open log file] [] [Settings] [Hosts] [Ping Plugin] [Responding] [Not Responding] [Testing] [Disabled] [Show grid lines] [Show stats] [%d ms] [AVG %.1lf ms] [MAX %hd ms] [MIN %hd ms] [Ping Graph] [%s - setting status of protocol '%S' (%d)] [Ping Reply] [%s - reply, %d] [Ping Timeout] [%s - timeout] [Disable] [enabled] [double clicked] [Show/Hide &Ping Window] [Host %s requests that you reduce the amount of traffic you are sending.] [Unknown Address]