[Suppresses popups and mutes sounds for 10-300 sec at Miranda NG startup, then sets them back to predefined state (Automatically per computer settings).]
[Silence at Startup]
[Settings for the next Computer Name:]
[Enable silence at startup]
[10-300 seconds (Default 20)]
[Show Popup notification]
[Popup time 1-30 seconds (Default 5)]
[Main Menu Item (plugin reload or Miranda restart required)]
[TopToolBar button (Miranda restart required)]
[Reset to default\r\n(for this computer)]
[You need to configure it once for each computer, where you run your Miranda NG.]
[No Apply button required.]
[After startup set:]
[Filtered popups only (leave uncheck for no popups)]
[Enable sounds]
[Allow to set sounds and filtered popups only after startup (uncheck for all popups and sounds)]
[Allow mRadio or Weather popups, etc.]
[Silence at startup]
[Toggle Silence OFF]
[Toggle Silence ON]
[Toggle Silence OFF TTB]
[Toggle Silence ON TTB]
[Sounds and popups are enabled]
[Filtered mode ON]
[Sounds and popups are disabled temporarily]
[Sounds and popups are disabled temporarily\nAllow mRadio or Weather popups, etc.]
[Silent Startup mode changed to ON]
[Silent Startup mode changed to OFF]
[Silence At Startup is ON]
[Silence At Startup is OFF]
[Toggle Silence At Startup]
[You have to install TopToolBar to use this option.]
[You have to install "YAPP" or "Popup+" to use this option.]