[Edit contact information]
[Edit Contact Information\nThis list gives you some overview about all your contact's anniversaries.]
[Display name:]
[Second name:]
[Marital status:]
[Language skills]
[Contact added to contact list:]
[Just from the beginning.]
[Your contact's local time is:]
[Enter your phone number\nand don't worry about formatting.]
[Enter a category for this number:]
[Add e-mail]
[Enter your full e-mail address.\n(e.g., john.doe@provider.com)]
[Enter a representative name for the e-mail address here:]
[Enter the e-mail address here:]
[Show menu items]
[Remind me]
[days before]
[Check every]
[Icon flashing on event]
[Perform check on each startup]
[Time of last check:]
[Birthday compatibility mode:]
[Automatically backup and keep protocol based birthdays up to date]
[Play sound]
[Use ignore list]
[Birthday popup colors]
[Use Windows colors]
[Use default colors]
[From Popup plugin]
[Show reminder messages as popups (if reminder is enabled)]
[Anniversary popup colors]
[Replace progress dialogs with popups]
[Replace message boxes with popups]
[Add affiliation]
[Add past]
[Add interest]
[Anniversary editor]
[Anniversary Editor\nAdd/Edit your anniversary here.]
[Enter a name for the anniversary here please:]
[Anniversary list]
[Upcoming anniversaries\nThis list gives you some overview about all your contact's anniversaries.]
[with birthday:]
[number of contacts:]
[average age:]
[Show &during the next]
[Popup this dialog on a contact's anniversary]
[Check file version of default IconPack to prevent wrong icon display]
[Display icons on each dialog button]
[Scan subcontacts for missing information]
[Enable extended 'send/receive e-mail' service (*)]
[Use Windows timezone]
[(*) Requires Miranda to be restarted.]
[Reset factory defaults]
[Protocol's information]
[Custom information]
[Overwritten information]
[Changed information]
[Enable colors to give information about information's status.]
[Make protocol based contact information read only]
[Enable groups in details dialog's treeview]
[Sort all tree items alphabetically]
[Info of a metacontact's subcontact]
[Change my ICQ details with UserInfoEx (disabled if ICQ doesn't support it)]
[Adapt propertysheet pages to Aero mode]
[Importing...\nPlease wait!]
[Setting/Event (20/100)]
[John Doe (1/10)]
[Show menu item]
[Main menu]
[Export/import items]
[Contact menu]
[Group menu]
[Subgroup menu]
[Account menu]
[Extra icons]
[Replace the following default icons:]
[Show 'Restart' menu item]
[Use zodiac as default avatar]
[Country flags]
[Use &unknown flag if country cannot be determined]
[Show country flag as &status icon on message window]
[Use global reminder settings]
[Don't remind me of this anniversary]
[Refresh contact details]
[What do you want to export?]
[Contact information]
[Contact history]
[Select modules]
[Check the modules on the list which you want to export for the contact. To add the file as a new list entry later you need to export at least the protocol module.]
[Check all]
[Uncheck all]
[%s provides a new birthday via protocol.\nIt is %s. The old one was %s.\n\nDo you want to use this as the new birthday for this contact?]
[Update custom birthday]
[Keeps your custom birthday up to date.]
[Due to a parameter error, one of the treeitems can't be added!]
[A fatal error occurred on adding a property sheet page!\nDialog creation aborted!]
[Rename Item]
[Hide Item]
[Show Items:]
[Creating unique name for a page failed with %d and error code %d]
[Creating the label for a page failed with %d and error code %d]
[The dialog template type is no longer supported]
[Add a new anniversary]
[Delete an existing anniversary]
[Edit e-mail]
[The phone number should start with a + and consist of\nnumbers, spaces, brackets and hyphens only.]
[Choose the item to display]
[Edit the currently displayed item]
[Add a new custom item]
[Delete the selected item]
[CRITICAL: Unable to edit current entry!\nThis should not happen!]
[Do you really want to delete the current selected item?\n\t%s\n\t%s]
[All contacts]
[Birthdays only]
[Anniversaries only]
[Disabled reminder]
[Popup anniversary list]
[Upload details]
[Protocol '%s' is offline]
[You are not currently connected to the ICQ network.\nYou must be online in order to update your information on the server.\n\nYour changes will be saved to database only.]
[Creating the image list failed!]
[Could not find contact's protocol. Maybe it is not active!]
[No pages have been added. Canceling dialog creation!]
[Details dialog failed to be created. Returning error is %d.]
[The page to add has invalid size %d bytes!]
[Contact (private)]
[Contact (work)]
[Export to file]
[Import from file]
[edit contact information]
[Upload ICQ details]
[Upload failed]
[Your details were not uploaded successfully.\nThey were written to database only.]
[Fatal error, image services not found. Flags module will be disabled.]
[IM naming]
[Marital status]
[Export: modules]
[Export: folder]
[Details info bar]
[Phone info bar]
[E-mail info bar]
[Export VCard]
[Import VCard]
[Anniversary info bar]
[Custom phone]
[Down arrow]
[Backup birthday]
[Birthday today]
[Birthday tomorrow]
[Birthday in 2 days]
[Birthday in 3 days]
[Birthday in 4 days]
[Birthday in 5 days]
[Birthday in 6 days]
[Birthday in 7 days]
[Birthday in 8 days]
[Birthday in 9 days]
[Birthday later]
[Anniversary today]
[Anniversary tomorrow]
[Anniversary in 2 days]
[Anniversary in 3 days]
[Anniversary in 4 days]
[Anniversary in 5 days]
[Anniversary in 6 days]
[Anniversary in 7 days]
[Anniversary in 8 days]
[Anniversary in 9 days]
[Anniversary later]
[Warning: Your current IconPack's version differs from the one UserInfoEx is designed for.\nSome icons may not be displayed correctly]
[Warning: No IconPack found in one of the following directories: 'customize\\icons', 'icons' or 'plugins'!]
[Extended user info]
[Export/import contact]
[&Export user details]
[&Import user details]
[Export all contacts]
[Import all contacts]
[Backup birthdays]
[Check anniversaries]
[Export/import group]
[&Export group]
[&Import group]
[&Export xml]
[&Import xml]
[Please enter a valid description first!]
[No valid date selected for editing!]
[Do you really want to delete the %s?]
[Open in browser]
[Primary e-mail]
[Secondary e-mail]
[Tertiary e-mail]
[Address and contact]
[This will delete all settings, you've made!\nAll TreeView settings, window positions and any other settings!\n\nAre you sure to proceed?]
[Everything is done!]
[All settings are reset to default values now!]
[Reminder disabled]
[UserInfo (default)]
[This is the reminder message]
[Details dialog]
[Sorry, but there is a problem with adding a new item of type "%s"]
[Edit category]
[Edit value]
[Delete an entry]
[Do you really want to delete this entry?]
[College Student]
[Community & Social]
[Financial Services]
[High School Student]
[ICQ - Providing Help]
[Non-Government Organization]
[Science & Research]
[University Student]
[Web Building]
[Other Services]
[Outdoor Activities]
[News & Media]
[Business & Economy]
[Social science]
[Consumer electronics]
[Retail stores]
[Health and beauty]
[Household products]
[Mail order catalog]
[Business services]
[Audio and visual]
[Home automation]
[Alumni Org.]
[Charity Org.]
[Club/Social Org.]
[Community Org.]
[Cultural Org.]
[Fan Clubs]
[Hobbyists Org.]
[International Org.]
[Nature and Environment Org.]
[Professional Org.]
[Scientific/Technical Org.]
[Self Improvement Group]
[Spiritual/Religious Org.]
[Sports Org.]
[Support Org.]
[Trade and Business Org.]
[Volunteer Org.]
[Elementary School]
[High School]
[TmplPast Work Place]
[TmplPast Organization]
[Close relationships]
['(Unknown Contact)']
[Memory allocation error!]
[E-mail (uinfoex)]
[Gender (uinfoex)]
[User has no valid homepage]
[View Homepage]
[Homepage (uinfoex)]
[Phone (uinfoex)]
[[b]%s (%S)...[/b]\n%d Contacts remaining]
[Abort Refreshing Contact Details]
[Do you want to cancel the current refresh procedure?]
[Miranda must be online for refreshing contact information!]
[The function caused an exception!]
[%s has %s today.]
[an anniversary]
[%s has the following anniversaries:\0]
[%d. %s today\0]
[%d. %s tomorrow\0]
[%d. %s in %d days\0]
[%s has birthday today.]
[%s has birthday tomorrow.]
[%s has birthday in %d days.]
[\n%s becomes %d years old.]
[No anniversaries to remind of]
[Backing up and syncing all birthdays complete!]
[Birthday reminder]
[Birthday reminder: it's coming]
[Anniversary Reminder]
[Reminder (uinfoex)]
[contact identification]
[The contact %s(%s) has no unique ID in the vCard,\nbut there is a contact in your contact list with the same nick and protocol.\nDo you wish to use this contact?]
[Importing a new contact was aborted!]
[You aborted import of a new contact.\nSome information may be missing for this contact.\n\nDo you want to delete the incomplete contact?]
[Importing a new meta subcontact failed!]
[The newly created meta subcontact '%s'\ncould not be added to metacontact '%s'!\n\nDo you want to delete this contact?]
[Settings: %S]
[Events: %S]
[All Contacts]
[Required modules]
[Optional modules]
[Shows Miranda's installation directory.]
[Shows the directory with all your Miranda's profiles.]
[The OpenFileDialog returned an error: %d!]
[The SaveFileDialog returned an error: %d!]
[The ini-file "%s"\nfor saving contact information could not be opened.]
[None of the %d contacts, stored in the ini-file, match the selected contact!\nNothing will be imported]
[Import complete]
[Some basic statistics]
[Added %d of %d contacts stored in the ini-file.]
[The ini-file "%s"\nfor reading contact information could not be opened.]
[all Contacts]
[Select a destination file...]
[Import User Details from VCard]
[Can't create xml file!\n%S]
[Export took %f ms]
[Contact: %s (%S)]
[Importing %s caused error %d]
[Loading contact %s from xml failed with error %d]
[Importing Owner caused error %d]
[Parser is unable to load XMLCard "%s"\nError: %d\nDescription: %s]
[The selected file is no valid XMLCard]
[The version of the XMLCard is not supported by UserInfoEx]
[Owner contact successfully imported.]
[Selected XMLCard does not contain an owner contact!]
[Import took %f ms]
[added contacts: %u / %u\nadded settings: %u / %u\nadded events %u / %u\nduplicated events: %u]
[FATAL: An exception was thrown while importing contacts from xmlCard!]
[Flags (uinfoex)]