#muuid {9584da04-fb4f-40c1-9325-e4f9caafcb5d} ;============================================================ ; File: Actman.dll ; Plugin: Action manager ; Version: ; Authors: Awkward ;============================================================ [Plugin for manage hotkeys to open contact window, insert text, run program and call services] Plugin de gestión de teclas de acceso rápido para abrir la ventana de contactos, insertar texto, ejecutar programa y llamar servicios [Apply] Aplicar [New] Nuevo [Delete] Eliminar [Up] [Down] [Test] Prueba [Import] [Action "$" exists, do you want to rewrite it?] Acción "$" existe, ¿quieres volver a escribir? [Choose action] Elija acción [&Yes] &Sí [&No] &No [A&ppend] &Añadir [Yes to &All] [N&o to All] [Export] [Reload/Refresh] [Registered actions] Acciones registradas [Your Actman settings are for old version. If you are ready to upgrade settings, press OK. Else press Cancel and change manually Actman plugin back to old version or make settings backup. To keep previously exported macros please import them back before conversion.] [Please, don't use macro test for non-saved macros. If you had 'Advanced' or file writing actions previously, check them - their logic was changed.] [Actman settings converted to new version] [Actions] Acciones [No description] Sin descripción [Reload] [Append data to file?] Añadir datos al archivo? [Help] Ayuda [Action] [Notes] Notas [INI] [Read] [Write] [INI file name] [Text Editor] [Script] [Wrap Text] [C&ancel] C&ancelar [Section] [Parameter] Parámetro [Value] [Use LastResult] [UTF-8 encoding] [Function call] [Function name] [DLL name] [Call type] [Arguments] [Number of arguments] [Argument] [Param] [Param type] [number value] valor numérico [ANSI string] Cadena ANSI [Unicode string] Cadena Unicode [current contact] contacto actual [last result] Último resultado [parameter] Parámetro [structure] estructura [Ansi message] [Ansi caption] [Structure] Estructura [Structure editor] Editor de estructura [alias] alias [type] tipo [length] longitud [data] dato [Data align] Alinear datos [Native] Nativo [Packed] Empacado [2 bytes] 2 bytes [4 bytes] 4 bytes [8 bytes] 8 bytes [Byte] [Word] [DWord] DWord [QWord] QWord [NativeInt] NativeInt [Byte Array] Orden de Byte [Word Array] Orden de Palabra [Pointer to bytes] Puntero a bytes [Pointer to words] Puntero a palabras [Last result] Último resultado [Data length] Longitud de dato [Use Variables] Usar variables [V] [Structure size] [Use MMI] [Structure help] Estructura de ayuda [Name] Nombre [Plugin] Plugin [Descr] Descr [&Change] [Result] [Result type] [Free memory] Memoria libre [DLL Handle Cache] [Keep to end] [Close immediately] [Close for macro] [Contact] Contacto [Choose contact] Elija contacto [Refresh] Refrescar [Keep handle only] Mantener sólo manejar [Get from active window] [Chain] [Other Action groups] Otro grupo de acciónes [not defined] no definido [Keep old result] [Same thread] [Do not wait until the end of execution] [Program] [Text replacing\r\nby last result\r\n\r\nText replacing\r\nby parameter] Texto <último> se reemplaza\r\npor el último resultado\r\n\r\nTexto se reemplaza\r\npor el parámetro [Process options] Opciones de proceso [Parallel] Paralelo [Continued] Continuado [Process time, ms] Tiempo de proceso, ms [Current path] Ruta actual [Window option] Ventana de opción [Start normal] Iniciar normal [Start hidden] Iniciar oculto [Start minimized] [Start maximized] Iniciar maximizado [Program path] [Program args] [Service] [Miranda service help] Miranda servicio de ayuda [Alias] Alias [Return] Volver [Effect] Efecto ['' in service name will be replaced by protocol name for contact handle in parameter] '' en el servicio de nombres será reemplazado por el nombre del protocolo para el manejo de contacto en el parámetro [Service:] Servicio: [In/Out] [Clipboard] [Copy to] Copiar a [Paste from] Pegar desde [File] Archivo [Append] Añadir [UTF8+sign] [UTF16+sign] [Message window] [Autosend] [Jump] [Condition] Condición [NOP] [Math] Matemática [> greater] [< lesser] [= equ] [& and] [Text] Texto [Case sensitive] [Opposite order] [empty] [contains] [starts with] [ends with] [NOT] [Operation] Operación [BREAK] [JUMP] [^s - selected (and replaced) part\r\n^e - replaced by empty string\r\n^v - paste text from Clipboard\r\n^t - replaced by tabulation\r\n^l - replaced by last result as unicode\r\n^h - replaced by last result as hex\r\n^f(name[,str])\r\n paste line from text file.\r\n brackets contents must be w/o spaces] [Process script after] [MessageBox] [Text replacing\r\nby last result\r\n\r\nReturns:\r\n--------\r\nOK\t= 1\r\nCANCEL\t= 2\r\nABORT\t= 3\r\nRETRY\t= 4\r\nIGNORE\t= 5\r\nYES\t= 6\r\nNO\t= 7\r\nCLOSE\t= 8] Texto reemplazado\r\npor último resultado\r\n\r\nRetornos:\r\n--------\r\nAceptar\t= 1\r\nCANCELAR\t= 2\r\nABORTAR\t= 3\r\nREINTENTAR\t= 4\r\nIGNORAR\t= 5\r\nSÍ\t= 6\r\nNO\t= 7\r\nCERRAR\t= 8 [Message title] Titulo del mensaje [Message text] [RTL] [Right justified text] [Icons] Iconos [Error] Error [Question] [Warning] Advertencia [Info] Info [Buttons] [OK, Cancel] Aceptar, Cancelar [Abort, Retry, Ignore] Anular, Reintentar, Ignorar [Yes, No, Cancel] Sí, No, Cancelar [Yes, No] Sí, No [Retry, Cancel] Reintentar, Cancelar [Database] Base de datos [Contact type] [Own settings] Valores propios [Manual] [Module] [Setting] [Save value] [Storage] [LastResult to ] [LastResult from] [Slot 0] [Slot 1] [Slot 2] [Slot 3] [Slot 4] [Slot 5] [Slot 6] [Slot 7] [Slot 8] [Slot 9] [Settings] Ajustes [Contact list] Lista de contactos [Active accounts only] Sólo cuentas activas [Contact list format] Formato de lista de contacto [You can use %name%, %uid%, %account% and %group% substitutes] Puede usar macros %name%, %uid%, %account% y %group% [Service list format] [value] [name] nombre [value (name)] [name 'value'] [Current Macro] [Select for FirstRun] [Mark as Volatile] [Single instance] [Scheduler] [Task sample] Tarea de ejemplo [Start] Iniciar [Starting after] Iniciando despues [Starting from] Iniciando desde [Start immediately] Iniciar inmediatamente [Days] Días [Time] [Date] [Repeat] [Repeat, times] Repetir, veces [Interval] Intervalo [Break on non-zero result] Romper el resultado no es cero [Send event on start time] Enviar tiempo de inicio del evento [Send event just once] Enviar evento una sola vez [Hooks] Ganchos [Description] [hook sample] Gancho de ejemplo [Event] Evento [Miranda event help] [Use Actions] Usar acciones [Action list] Lista de acciones [Where to use] Dónde se utiliza [TopToolbar] Barra de herramientas TopToolbar [TabSRMM toolbar] Barra de herramientas TabSRMM [Core Hotkey] Tecla de acceso central [Main menu] Menú principal [Contact menu] Menú de contacto [Tray menu] Menú de la bandeja [Protocol menus] Menús protocolo [Status menu] Menú de estado [Common] [2 state button/item] 2 botones estado/ítem [Save button/item state] Guardar botón/ítem de estado [Contact related] Contacto relacionado [Normal button tooltip] Botón de información sobre herramientas normal [Pressed button tooltip] Botón pulsado sobre herramientas [Show only if variables return 1] Mostrar sólo si las variables devuelven 1 [Main settings] [Root popup:] Raíz emergente: [Menu item name:] Nombre del ítem del menú: [Custom settings] [Separated] Separado [Do not translate] [Show window for new/changed profile password] [int 0, if successful] [Hide All Titlebars] [Show All Frames] [Show All Titlebars] [will never return the user's custom name] [will return Unicode instead of AnsiChar] [will not use the cache] [Gets the string that the contact list will use to represent a contact] [int hMenu handle] [Built the context menu for a specific contact. Menu should be DestroyMenu()ed after done] [Show All Users] [Show only Online Users] [Toggle status] [Change 'hide offline contacts' option value] [Offline] Fuera de línea [Online] En línea [Away] Fuera [Do not disturb] No molestar [Not available] No disponible [Occupied] Ocupado [Free for chat] Libre para el chat [Invisible] Invisible [Set global status] [Switch contact list status] [Closes Miranda] [Show or hide netlog console window] [int Value] [Returns contact amount, excluding user account] [Ansi Text] [Removes all settings for the specified module] [int 0] [Import settings/contacts from file] [Opens or activate database editor] [Opens or activate user search dialog] [displays File Transfer window] [on Desktop] [parent window handle] [Show "About..." window] [Open support (originally - Miranda wiki) page] [Go to Miranda Homepage] [Open bug report page] [System] Sistema [Shows contact history or (wParam=0) system history] [Erases contact's history. hContact can be NULL(0) to empty system history] [Show Global history search window. If already opened, bring it to front.] [Ignore all] [Ignore messages] [Ignore URLs] [Ignore files] [Ignore User Online] [Ignore requests] [Ignore 'You were added'] [Ignore Contact] Ignorar contacto [Unignore Contact] [restart in default profile or profile manager] [restart with current profile] [Restarts Miranda] [Station name] [wParam is Handle] [wParam is Ansi station name] [wParam is Unicode station name] [Starting or stopping radio station] [Stop cycle] [Start cycle] [Start/stops the cycling through protocols] [All protocols] [Protocol] Protocolo [signed -2 if proto can't set this, -1 on protocol not found, else 0] [Shows a dialog to set the avatar for all possible protocols] [Shows the next protocol in the frame] [Shows the previous protocol in the frame] [Open Options dialog] [Opens the options dialog, optionally at the specified page] [Check for updates] Buscar actualizaciones de plugin [with confirmation] [without confirmation] [Empty updater download folder] [Popup plus (PopupPlus.dll) latest StdPopup (StdPopup.dll)] [Enables or disables popup windows] [Notify] Notificar [StdPopup or Popup plus] [Popup window] [Unicode Text] [Enables or disables popup windows (maybe deprecated)] [result of protocol service call] [Send a general request through the protocol chain for a contact] [account name (string)] [Return account name associated to contact (no need to free it)] [displays the Account Manager] [Show the dialog to select the contact] [filter text] [wParam is unicode] [wParam is Ansi] [Reserved] [Open main QuickSearch window with text filter] [Plays sound added through Skin/Sounds/AddNew. If sound not found, standard Windows sound plays] [Send Email to contact] [struct] [Returns the received files folder for a contact] [Open contact received file directory] [Send file to contact.] [Opens message window for contact with handle in wparam] [remove all temporary contacts from db] [Call avatar option dialog for contact] [Filename] [Set (and optionally protect) a local contact picture for the given hContact. If lParam = NIL, the service will open a file selection dialog.] [Shows contact property window.] [Open URL in current window] [0 - Open URL in current window] [Open URL in default browser] [With formating] [Don't use formating] [Returns a string containing the versioninfo post] [Show or save (call default action) Modules version Info] [Show popup or Info window with current music information.] [log filename] [report filename] [int 0, if unsuccessful] [Create report from log and run it (if option is set). If wParam or lParam is empty then file names from options are used.] [Display birthdays window] [Manage Jabber Bookmarks] [text] texto [Set status message] Establecer mensaje de estado [Set protocol status] [None] Ninguno [Angry] Me enoja [Taking a bath] [Tired] [Birthday] [Drinking beer] [Thinking] [Eating] [Watching TV] [Meeting] [Coffee] [Listening to music] [Business] [Shooting] [Having fun] [Gaming] [Studying] [Shopping] [Feeling sick] [Sleeping] [Surfing] [Browsing] [Working] [Typing] Escribiendo [Picnic] [Cooking] [Smoking] [I'm high] [On WC] [To be or not to be] [Watching pro7 on TV] [Love] Me encanta [Sets owner current custom status] [Display xStatus detail] [Undefined] [Action group list was changed: some was added or deleted] Lista de grupos de acción fue cambiado: algunos se agregan o eliminan [contact list] lista de contactos [The context menu for a contact is about to be built] El menú contextual para un contacto está a punto de ser construido [Double click on the contact list] Doble clic en lista de contactos [database driver] [New contact added to database] Nuevo contacto añadido a la base de datos [Contact deleting] Eliminando contacto [Displays a modal dialog box that contains a system icon, a set of buttons, and a brief application-specific message, such as status or error information.]