#muuid {6f376b33-d3f4-4c4f-a96b-77da08043b06}
;  File: ImportTXT.dll
;  Module: Imports history saved in TXT files from other clients
;  Version:
;  Authors: Abyss
[Imports history saved in TXT files from other clients.]

[Import history to ]

[Import history]

[Choose a file...]

[Choose a pattern...]

[Choose a file for import...]

[Text files (*.txt)]

[All files (*.*)]

[Error in cfg file: ]

[No Files Patterns Found]

[No messages in this file]

[Import started...]

[Added: %d messages]

[Duplicates: %d messages]

[In: %d:%d:%d]

[Import not finished. Do you realy want close?]

[Error adding message to database]

[Error opening file]

[Error mapping file]

[Error mapping]

[Header not found]

[Import Text Files Wizard]

[This wizard will help you import message history from some other clients and Miranda plugins, stored in text files.]

[Click ""Next"" to choose the information you wish to import, or click ""Cancel"" to exit the wizard and continue using Miranda.]

[Choose type of imported files:]

[Select files or the whole directory for import:]



[All previous chosen files will try to import to this protocol.]

[Select protocol or account:]

[Click "Next" to start Import or "Cancel" to Abort.]

[Select folder for import...]

[File: %s]

[To: %s]

[Can't determine destination contact]

[Default extension]

[It's not %s file]


[Your version of Miranda don't support XML parsing]

[Check for duplicates]

[Check messages for duplicates]

[Show duplicates]

[Error at initialization XML parser]

[Import history to %s (%s)]