#muuid {e882056d-0d1d-4131-9a98-404cbaea6a9c} ;============================================================ ; File: Quotes.dll ; Plugin: Quotes ; Version: ; Authors: Dioksin ;============================================================ [Shows currency rates and economic quotes.] ;file \plugins\Quotes\res\Forex.rc [Variable List] [OK] Aceptar [Edit Settings] [Use contact specific settings] [Log] Registro [Use &Internal History] [&Format:] [&Variables...] [&Add to History only if Value Changed] [Use &External File] [&Select File:] [&Browse...] [Variables Allowed: %miranda_userdata%,%quotename%] [F&ormat:] [V&ariables...] [Add to &Log only if Value Changed] [Show &Popup Window] [Show Popup Window Only if Value &Changed] [Cancel] Cancelar [Popup settings...] [Currency Converter] [&to:] [&Swap] [Convert] [Info provided by <a href="http://www.google.com">Google</a>] [Close] Cerrar [Chart] [Info provided by <a href="http://www.dukascopy.com">Dukascopy Swiss Forex Group</a>] [Get data from:] [Filter:] [Popup Window Settings] [Colors] Colores [Use default colors] Usar colores predeterminados [Use user-defined colors] [Background color] Color de fondo [Text color] Color de texto [Delay] Retardo [From Popup plugin] Desde Popup plugin [Custom] Personalizado [Permanent] Permanente [Do not add to popup's history] [Preview] Previsualizar [&Choose Quotes to watch in contact list:] [&Refresh Quotes Every:] [&Display in Contact List as:] [&Status Message:] [&Tendency:] [&Advanced Settings...] [Static] [<a>SysLink1</a>] [Current Rate:] [Rate Fetch Time:] [Previous Rate:] [&Convert:] [&Add] &AƱadir [&Watched currency rates:] [&Remove] [&Refresh Rates Every:] [Quote\\Rate Info] [Type &Stock Name or Symbol:] [&Watched Quotes:] [Status &Message:] ;file \plugins\Quotes\src\Chart.h [There is no to show] ;file \plugins\Quotes\src\CommonOptionDlg.cpp [Seconds] [Minutes] Minutos [Hours] Horas [Enter integer value between 1 and 60.] [Enter integer value between 1 and 24.] [Enter text to display in contact list.] ;file \plugins\Quotes\src\CurrencyConverter.cpp [Info provided by] [Enter positive number.] ;file \plugins\Quotes\src\Forex.cpp [Quotes] [Refresh All Quotes\\Rates] [Currency Converter...] [Export All Quotes] [Import All Quotes] [Refresh] Refrescar [Open Log File...] [Chart...] [Edit Settings...] [Network] Red ;file \plugins\Quotes\src\HTTPSession.cpp [Quotes HTTP connections] ;file \plugins\Quotes\src\IconLib.cpp [Protocol icon] [Quote/Rate up] [Quote/Rate down] [Quote/Rate not changed] [Quote Section] [Quote] [Export] [Swap button] [Import] ;file \plugins\Quotes\src\ImportExport.cpp [Xml File (*.xml)] [All files (*.*)] ;file \plugins\Quotes\src\ModuleInfo.cpp [Miranda could not load Quotes plugin. XML parser is missing.] [Miranda could not load Quotes plugin. Microsoft HTML parser is missing.] ;file \plugins\Quotes\src\QuoteChart.cpp [Log File] [Miranda's History] [All] Todo [Last Day] [Last Week] [Last Month] [Last Year] [User-Defined] ;file \plugins\Quotes\src\QuoteInfoDlg.cpp ;file \plugins\Quotes\src\QuotesProviderGoogle.cpp [Error occurred during html parsing.] [Error occurred during site access.] ;file \plugins\Quotes\src\QuotesProviderVisitorFormatSpecificator.cpp [Quote Symbol] [Quote Name] [From Currency Full Name] [From Currency Short Name] [Into Currency Full Name] [Into Currency Short Name] [Short notation for "%f/%i"] [Source of Information] [Rate Value] [Previous Rate Value] [Fetch Time] [Fetch Date] [Fetch Time and Date] [Percentage Character (%)] [Tabulation] [Left slash (\\)] [Open Price] [Percent Change to After Hours] [Percent Change to Yesterday Close] [Day's High] [Day's Low] [Previous Close] [Change] ;file \plugins\Quotes\src\SettingsDlg.cpp [Log Files (*.txt,*.log)] [Enter integer value] [Enter log file name.] [Enter log file format.] [Enter history format.] [Enter popup window format.]