#muuid {36753ae3-840b-4797-94a5-fd9f5852b942}
;  File: SpellChecker.dll
;  Plugin: Spell checker
;  Version:
;  Authors: Ricardo Pescuma Domenecci, FREAK_THEMIGHTY
[Spell checker for the message windows. Uses Hunspell to do the checking.]

;file \plugins\SpellChecker\res\resource.rc

[Enable auto-replacements]



[Add auto-replace word]

[Wrong word:]

[No separators and all lowercase chars]


[Use variables in correction]

[Spell Checker]

[Default language:]

[Auto-replace words with dictionary suggestions]

[Ignore words with numbers]

[Ignore words in UPPER CASE]

[Ask before sending a message with spelling errors]

[Download more dictionaries]

[Underline type:]

[Show corrections in submenu]

[Show all corrections in context menu (takes more time to show)]

[Show wrong word]

[Use flags]

[Use input language to select dictionary]

[Use dictionaries from other programs]

[Avoid removing underscores (slows down checking of long texts)]

;file \plugins\SpellChecker\src\ardialog.cpp
[The wrong word can't be empty!]

[Wrong Correction]

[The correction can't be empty!]

[The correction can't be equal to the wrong word!]

;file \plugins\SpellChecker\src\dictionary.cpp
[Tagalog (Philippines)]

[German (Germany)]

;file \plugins\SpellChecker\src\options.cpp
[Message Sessions]
Sesiones de mensaje




[Dash dot]

[Dash dot dot]



[Wrong word]


;file \plugins\SpellChecker\src\spellchecker.cpp

[Custom Dictionaries]

[Flags DLL]

[Enable/disable spell checker]


;file \plugins\SpellChecker\src\utils.cpp
[There are %d spelling errors. Are you sure you want to send this message?]


[Always replace with]

[Ignore all]

[Add to dictionary]


[Wrong word: %s]


[Enable spell checking]

[Wrong words]