[Displays contacts, event notifications, protocol status.] [Clist nicer exception] [Continue] [Exit Miranda] [Although the exception was caught and you may continue working with Miranda, you should restart the program as soon as possible. The exception may have damaged internal data structures and can have a serious impact on stability.] [Apply last active view mode] [Show menu and status buttons] [Draw sunken edge] [Event area] [Set base visibility on the frames menu] [Auto mode] [Do not show system tray icon tooltips on mouse over] [Show number of contacts in a group] [Hide numbers when all offline] [No expand/collapse icon] [Center group names horizontally] [Alignment] [Margins (left/right)] [Row gap] [Minimum row height] [Group row height] [Inner row vertical padding] [Margins and spacing] [First by] [Then by] [Finally by] [Move events to the top of list or group] [Do not separate offline contacts] [Right align contacts] [Draw a border around avatars] [Rounded avatars] [Radius] [Always align icons and text for missing avatars] [Avatar alignment] [Don't request avatars for offline contacts] [Second text line] [Display status message when available] [Show second text line:] [Show contacts local time] [Only when timezone differs] [Show status icons] [Centered when possible] [When possible, draw status icons in avatar space] [Use metacontact protocol icons instead of subcontacts] [Use overlay icons on avatars] [Replace status icons with xStatus] [Rounded border] [Always hide on taskbar] [Client margins] [Clip border by] [Gap between frames] [Fully transparent (like TweakUI)] [Use full row for selection and hottracking] [Double click on avatar opens user info] [Use these settings to skin the entire background] [If you enable this, the background settings will affect the entire contact list frame.] [Show account names] [Draw background skin] [Show ICQ extended status icons] [Mark protocols locked from global status changes] [Per contact skins:] [< Reload] [Contact list skin] [Load this skin on startup] [Apply skin now] [Unload skin] [Make selection shape equal to selected item] [Blend selection with background] [Automatically fill background with wallpaper (tiled wallpaper only)] [Apply group indent values to background drawing] [Use per protocol/contact skinning] [Protocol skins override status text colors] [Set all buttons to skinned mode] [Use fast gradient drawing] [Corner radius] [Skin options] [Group top padding] [Frame title bar height] [Ignore selection for groups] [Download more skins] [Load from skin file] [Export to skin file] [Show menu] [Find and add contacts] [Open preferences] [Minimize contact list] [Select view mode] [Clear view mode] [Nothing] [Message frequency] [Never] [Always] [For RTL only] [RTL TEXT only] [Always left] [Always right] [Automatic (RTL)] [When space allows it] [When needed] [With nickname - left] [Far left] [Far right] [With nickname - right] [Row items] [Groups and layout] [No events...] [Title bar] [Tool Window] [Thin border] [No border] [List layout] [Toggle show online/offline] [Toggle groups] [Find contacts] [Toggle sounds] [Show TabSRMM session list] [Show TabSRMM menu] [Sounds are off] [Setup accounts] [My contacts] [Overlay icons] [%s connecting] [Connecting icons] [Menu] [Open main menu] [Set status modes] [The requested action requires a valid contact selection. Please select a contact from the contact list and repeat.] [Parameter mismatch] [The service %S specified by the %S button definition was not found. You may need to install additional plugins.] [Service failure] [You need the FloatingContacts plugin, cause the embedded floating contacts were removed.] [Frame titles] [Contact list local time] [Embedded frames border] [&FrameTitle] [&Visible] [&Show title bar] [&Locked] [&Collapsed] [&Floating mode] [&Border] [&Skinned frame] [&Align] [&Top] [&Client] [&Bottom] [&Position] [&Up] [&Down] [Lock frame] [Visible] [Skinned frame] [Floating] [Show all frames] [Show all title bars] [Hide all title bars] [The contact list cannot be docked when using the default title bar and border. Use a toolwindow or borderless style instead.] [Contact list docking] [Load and apply] [Show metacontact protocol icons] [Show additional buttons] [Draw sunken frame] [Current view mode: %S] [No view mode] [Clear current view mode]