#muuid {88928401-2ce8-4568-aaa7-226141870cbf} ;============================================================ ; File: Discord.dll ; Plugin: Discord protocol ; Version: ; Authors: George Hazan ;============================================================ [Discord support for Miranda NG.] ;file \protocols\Discord\res\discord.rc [User details] Про користувача [E-mail or phone:] [Password:] Пароль: [Contacts] Контакти [Default group:] Група: [Enable guilds (servers)] [Do not open chat windows on creation] Не відкривати вікно чату при створенні [Use subgroups for server channels (requires restart)] [Delete messages in Miranda when they are deleted from server] [Log out] [Delete contacts in Miranda when they are deleted from server] [Nick:] Нік: [Multi-factor authentication] [Cancel] Скасувати [Send group chat invitation] Запросити до чат-кімнати [&Invite] &Запросити ;file \protocols\Discord\src\dispatch.cpp [edited at] ;file \protocols\Discord\src\groupchat.cpp [Change &nickname] Змінити &нік [Invite users] [Channel control] [Change &topic] [&Rename channel] [Destroy channel] [Leave channel] [Copy ID] Копіювати ID [Add friend] [Kick user] вигнав(ла) користувача [Make group owner] [Do you really want to destroy this channel? This action is non-revertable.] [Enter new channel name:] [Enter new topic:] [Enter your new nick name:] ;file \protocols\Discord\src\main.cpp [Main icon] Головний значок [Group chats] Групові чати [Call] Дзвінок [Call ended] ;file \protocols\Discord\src\menus.cpp [Enter channel name] [Enter invitation code you received] [Do you really want to leave the guild?] [Disable sync] [Enable sync] [Disable database history for a guild] [Enable database history for a guild] [Join guild] [Copy my Discord ID] [Leave guild] [Create new channel] [Enable guild sync] ;file \protocols\Discord\src\mfa.cpp [Use your authenticator app] [Use a code sent to your phone] [Use a backup code] [6-digit authentication code:] [8-digit backup code:] [Invalid two-factor code] [MFA initialization] ;file \protocols\Discord\src\options.cpp [Network] Мережа [Account] Обліковий запис ;file \protocols\Discord\src\proto.cpp [%s server connection] [%s gateway connection] [Discord voice call] [User ID] ID користувача [Message send failed] ;file \protocols\Discord\src\server.cpp [The server requires you to enter the captcha. Miranda will redirect you to a browser now] [Connection failed.\n%s (%s).] ;file \protocols\Discord\src\utils.cpp [Owners] Власники [Participants] Учасники [Embed] [Preview] Тест [%s added %s to the group] [%s joined the group] [%s removed %s from the group] [%s left the group] [%s changed the group icon]