[OK] [ICQ] [Some options are grayed out because they can only be changed when you are online.] [E-mail:] [Organization:] [The server sent warning, this version is getting old.\nTry to look for a new one.] [Contact "%s" was authorized in the server list.] [Contact "%s" lost its authorization in the server list.] [User "%s" was removed from server list.] [Are you sure you want to revoke user's authorization?\nThis will remove you from his/her list on some clients.] [** This message was blocked by the ICQ server ** The sender has flooded the server.] [Engaged] [Your file receive has been aborted because Miranda could not open the destination file in order to write to it. You may be trying to save to a read-only folder.] [Display problems causing possible loss of data] [Miranda was unable to allocate a port to listen for direct peer-to-peer connections between clients. You will be able to use most of the ICQ network without problems but you may be unable to send or receive files.\n\nIf you have a firewall this may be blocking Miranda, in which case you should configure your firewall to leave some ports open and tell Miranda which ports to use in M->Options->ICQ->Network.] [Failed to create the correct sub-group, the using closest parent group.] [Sumo] [Depressed] [Miranda was unable to make a connection with a server. It is likely that the server is down, in which case you should wait for a while and try again later.] [The files are too big to be sent at once. Files bigger than 4GB can be sent only separately.] [The checksum of file "%s" does not match, the file is probably damaged.] [GMT-11:30] [GMT-10:30] [GMT-9:30] [GMT-8:30] [GMT-7:30] [GMT-6:30] [GMT-5:30] [GMT-4:30] [GMT-2:30] [GMT-1:30] [GMT-0:30] [GMT+0:30] [GMT+1:30] [GMT+2:30] [GMT+5:30] [GMT+7:30] [GMT+8:30] [GMT+10:30] [GMT+11:30] [February] [City] [Company state] [Company industry]