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[String replacing variables....\r\nThe following are all the valid variables that can be used. Refer to the readme for a proper explanation.\r\n\r\nfile(X)\t\t<- specifies the file to read from. MUST be followed by either start() or end() or wholeline()\r\nfilename(X)\t<- copies the filename of file X.\r\nstart(...)\t\t<- specifies where to start copying from.\r\nend(...)\t\t<- specifies where to stop copying.\r\nwholeline(line(...))\t<- specifies a whole line to copy\r\n\r\nstart() and end() explained\r\n.........................\r\nMUST start with line() followed by a number or a string inside " marks, OR csv(separatorX) variable. The number specifies which character in the line to start/end copying. The string specifies a string in the line to start/end copying.\r\n\r\ncsv(seperatorX) explained...\r\nSeperator is either "tab" or "space" or any SINGLE character. X is the Xth seperator to pass before copying, (or to stop before).\r\n\r\nLastly the line(...) variable...\r\nInside the brackets must be either a number (to specify the line number), or a string inside " marks (to use the line with that string), or lastline(X). The X in lastline is the Xth line above the last line, i.e., lastline(1) will use the 2nd last line of the file. If searching for a line with "some words" you may put a + or - X after the closing ), i.e., line("some words")+3 to go 3 lines after the line with "some words".\r\n\r\nSome Examples...\r\nfilename(0)    <- will display the filename of the 0th file\r\nfile(0)wholeline(line(0)))    <- will display the whole first line of the 0th file\r\nfile(0)wholeline(line("hello")-1)))    <- the wholeline above the first occurrence of "hello" in the file\r\nfile(0)start(line(lastline(1))csv(tab2))end(line(lastline())csv(tab4)))    <- starts at the 2nd last line of the file, from the 2nd tab variable, until the 4th tab variable in the last line (in the 0th file)\r\nfile(0)start(line("hello")+1"zzzz")end(line(6)17))    <- starts from the first occurrence of zzzz in the line after the first occurrence of hello, until the 17th character in the 6th line (starting from line 0) of the 0th file.\r\n]
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[File couldn't be opened,2]
[line(%-3d) = | %s]