[xStatus will cleared before text changing and restored with new text later.]
[If this option is "ON", XStatus doesn't depend on protocol status.]
[player status (stopped,playing,paused)]
[Channel message]
[If this option is "ON", XStatus will be changed to "Music" and status text will be replaced by music info.]
[player status (stopped, playing, paused)]
[  Refresh time (sec) is time to refresh music info and status messages. If zero, automatic refresh is disabled.\n  Only if 'Music' status was set - change your status if Music XStatus sets already.\n  Keep 'Music' XStatus - if player stopped or shutdowned, save or not 'Music' XStatus (changes to empty).\n  If text after processing is empty, the status message does not changes.\n  If settings saved in ini-file, its will be deleted from Miranda DB. Else ini-file will be deleted.]
[Check all marked players for active (started and playing) or stop at first founded]
[Content language]
[Bad Auth. Check login and password]