// ========================================================== // FreeImage implementation // // Design and implementation by // - Floris van den Berg (flvdberg@wxs.nl) // - Hervé Drolon (drolon@infonie.fr) // - Detlev Vendt (detlev.vendt@brillit.de) // - Petr Supina (psup@centrum.cz) // - Carsten Klein (c.klein@datagis.com) // - Mihail Naydenov (mnaydenov@users.sourceforge.net) // // This file is part of FreeImage 3 // // COVERED CODE IS PROVIDED UNDER THIS LICENSE ON AN "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTY // OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, WARRANTIES // THAT THE COVERED CODE IS FREE OF DEFECTS, MERCHANTABLE, FIT FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE // OR NON-INFRINGING. THE ENTIRE RISK AS TO THE QUALITY AND PERFORMANCE OF THE COVERED // CODE IS WITH YOU. SHOULD ANY COVERED CODE PROVE DEFECTIVE IN ANY RESPECT, YOU (NOT // THE INITIAL DEVELOPER OR ANY OTHER CONTRIBUTOR) ASSUME THE COST OF ANY NECESSARY // SERVICING, REPAIR OR CORRECTION. THIS DISCLAIMER OF WARRANTY CONSTITUTES AN ESSENTIAL // PART OF THIS LICENSE. NO USE OF ANY COVERED CODE IS AUTHORIZED HEREUNDER EXCEPT UNDER // THIS DISCLAIMER. // // Use at your own risk! // ========================================================== #ifdef _MSC_VER #pragma warning (disable : 4786) // identifier was truncated to 'number' characters #endif #include "../stdafx.h" #include "../MapIntrospector.h" #include "../Metadata/FreeImageTag.h" /** Constants for the BITMAPINFOHEADER::biCompression field BI_RGB: The bitmap is in uncompressed red green blue (RGB) format that is not compressed and does not use color masks. BI_BITFIELDS: The bitmap is not compressed and the color table consists of three DWORD color masks that specify the red, green, and blue components, respectively, of each pixel. This is valid when used with 16 and 32-bits per pixel bitmaps. */ #ifndef _WINGDI_ #define BI_RGB 0L #define BI_BITFIELDS 3L #endif // _WINGDI_ // ---------------------------------------------------------- // Metadata definitions // ---------------------------------------------------------- /** helper for map where value is a pointer to a FreeImage tag */ typedef std::map TAGMAP; /** helper for map */ typedef std::map METADATAMAP; /** helper for metadata iterator */ FI_STRUCT (METADATAHEADER) { long pos; //! current position when iterating the map TAGMAP *tagmap; //! pointer to the tag map }; // ---------------------------------------------------------- // FIBITMAP definition // ---------------------------------------------------------- /** FreeImage header structure */ FI_STRUCT (FREEIMAGEHEADER) { /** data type - bitmap, array of long, double, complex, etc */ FREE_IMAGE_TYPE type; /** background color used for RGB transparency */ RGBQUAD bkgnd_color; /**@name transparency management */ //@{ /** why another table ? for easy transparency table retrieval ! transparency could be stored in the palette, which is better overall, but it requires quite some changes and it will render FreeImage_GetTransparencyTable obsolete in its current form; */ BYTE transparent_table[256]; /** number of transparent colors */ int transparency_count; /** TRUE if the image is transparent */ BOOL transparent; //@} /** space to hold ICC profile */ FIICCPROFILE iccProfile; /** contains a list of metadata models attached to the bitmap */ METADATAMAP *metadata; /** FALSE if the FIBITMAP only contains the header and no pixel data */ BOOL has_pixels; /** optionally contains a thumbnail attached to the bitmap */ FIBITMAP *thumbnail; /**@name external pixel buffer management */ //@{ /** pointer to user provided pixels, NULL otherwise */ BYTE *external_bits; /** user provided pitch, 0 otherwise */ unsigned external_pitch; //@} //BYTE filler[1]; // fill to 32-bit alignment }; // ---------------------------------------------------------- // FREEIMAGERGBMASKS definition // ---------------------------------------------------------- /** RGB mask structure - mainly used for 16-bit RGB555 / RGB 565 FIBITMAP */ FI_STRUCT (FREEIMAGERGBMASKS) { unsigned red_mask; //! bit layout of the red components unsigned green_mask; //! bit layout of the green components unsigned blue_mask; //! bit layout of the blue components }; // ---------------------------------------------------------- // Memory allocation on a specified alignment boundary // ---------------------------------------------------------- #if (defined(_WIN32) || defined(_WIN64)) && !defined(__MINGW32__) void* FreeImage_Aligned_Malloc(size_t amount, size_t alignment) { assert(alignment == FIBITMAP_ALIGNMENT); return _aligned_malloc(amount, alignment); } void FreeImage_Aligned_Free(void* mem) { _aligned_free(mem); } #elif defined (__MINGW32__) void* FreeImage_Aligned_Malloc(size_t amount, size_t alignment) { assert(alignment == FIBITMAP_ALIGNMENT); return __mingw_aligned_malloc (amount, alignment); } void FreeImage_Aligned_Free(void* mem) { __mingw_aligned_free (mem); } #else void* FreeImage_Aligned_Malloc(size_t amount, size_t alignment) { assert(alignment == FIBITMAP_ALIGNMENT); /* In some rare situations, the malloc routines can return misaligned memory. The routine FreeImage_Aligned_Malloc allocates a bit more memory to do aligned writes. Normally, it *should* allocate "alignment" extra memory and then writes one dword back the true pointer. But if the memory manager returns a misaligned block that is less than a dword from the next alignment, then the writing back one dword will corrupt memory. For example, suppose that alignment is 16 and malloc returns the address 0xFFFF. 16 - 0xFFFF % 16 + 0xFFFF = 16 - 15 + 0xFFFF = 0x10000. Now, you subtract one dword from that and write and that will corrupt memory. That's why the code below allocates *two* alignments instead of one. */ void* mem_real = malloc(amount + 2 * alignment); if(!mem_real) return NULL; char* mem_align = (char*)((unsigned long)(2 * alignment - (unsigned long)mem_real % (unsigned long)alignment) + (unsigned long)mem_real); *((long*)mem_align - 1) = (long)mem_real; return mem_align; } void FreeImage_Aligned_Free(void* mem) { free((void*)*((long*)mem - 1)); } #endif // _WIN32 || _WIN64 // ---------------------------------------------------------- // FIBITMAP memory management // ---------------------------------------------------------- /** Calculate the size of a FreeImage image. Align the palette and the pixels on a FIBITMAP_ALIGNMENT bytes alignment boundary. This function includes a protection against malicious images, based on a KISS integer overflow detection mechanism. @param header_only If TRUE, calculate a 'header only' FIBITMAP size, otherwise calculate a full FIBITMAP size @param width Image width @param height Image height @param bpp Number of bits-per-pixel @param need_masks We only store the masks (and allocate memory for them) for 16-bit images of type FIT_BITMAP @return Returns a size in BYTE units @see FreeImage_AllocateBitmap */ static size_t FreeImage_GetInternalImageSize(BOOL header_only, unsigned width, unsigned height, unsigned bpp, BOOL need_masks) { size_t dib_size = sizeof(FREEIMAGEHEADER); dib_size += (dib_size % FIBITMAP_ALIGNMENT ? FIBITMAP_ALIGNMENT - dib_size % FIBITMAP_ALIGNMENT : 0); dib_size += FIBITMAP_ALIGNMENT - sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER) % FIBITMAP_ALIGNMENT; dib_size += sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER); // palette is aligned on a 16 bytes boundary dib_size += sizeof(RGBQUAD) * CalculateUsedPaletteEntries(bpp); // we both add palette size and masks size if need_masks is true, since CalculateUsedPaletteEntries // always returns 0 if need_masks is true (which is only true for 16 bit images). dib_size += need_masks ? sizeof(DWORD) * 3 : 0; dib_size += (dib_size % FIBITMAP_ALIGNMENT ? FIBITMAP_ALIGNMENT - dib_size % FIBITMAP_ALIGNMENT : 0); if(!header_only) { const size_t header_size = dib_size; // pixels are aligned on a 16 bytes boundary dib_size += (size_t)CalculatePitch(CalculateLine(width, bpp)) * (size_t)height; // check for possible malloc overflow using a KISS integer overflow detection mechanism { const double dPitch = floor( ((double)bpp * width + 31.0) / 32.0 ) * 4.0; const double dImageSize = (double)header_size + dPitch * height; if(dImageSize != (double)dib_size) { // here, we are sure to encounter a malloc overflow: try to avoid it ... return 0; } /* The following constant take into account the additionnal memory used by aligned malloc functions as well as debug malloc functions. It is supposed here that using a (8 * FIBITMAP_ALIGNMENT) risk margin will be enough for the target compiler. */ const double FIBITMAP_MAX_MEMORY = (double)((size_t)-1) - 8 * FIBITMAP_ALIGNMENT; if(dImageSize > FIBITMAP_MAX_MEMORY) { // avoid possible overflow inside C allocation functions return 0; } } } return dib_size; } /** Helper for 16-bit FIT_BITMAP Returns a pointer to the bitmap's red-, green- and blue masks. @param dib The bitmap to obtain masks from. @return Returns a pointer to the bitmap's red-, green- and blue masks or NULL, if no masks are present (e.g. for 24 bit images). */ static FREEIMAGERGBMASKS * FreeImage_GetRGBMasks(FIBITMAP *dib) { return FreeImage_HasRGBMasks(dib) ? (FREEIMAGERGBMASKS *)(((BYTE *)FreeImage_GetInfoHeader(dib)) + sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER)) : NULL; } /** Internal FIBITMAP allocation. This function accepts (ext_bits, ext_pitch) arguments. If these are provided the FIBITMAP will be allocated as "header only", but bits and pitch will be stored within the FREEIMAGEHEADER and the resulting FIBITMAP will have pixels, i.e. HasPixels() will return TRUE. - GetBits() and GetPitch return the correct values - either offsets or the stored values (user-provided bits and pitch). - Clone() creates a new FIBITMAP with copy of the user pixel data. - Unload's implementation does not need to change - it just release a "header only" dib. Note that when using external data, the data does not need to have the same alignment as the default 4-byte alignment. This enables the possibility to access buffers with, for instance, stricter alignment, like the ones used in low-level APIs like OpenCL or intrinsics. @param header_only If TRUE, allocate a 'header only' FIBITMAP, otherwise allocate a full FIBITMAP @param ext_bits Pointer to external user's pixel buffer if using wrapped buffer, NULL otherwise @param ext_pitch Pointer to external user's pixel buffer pitch if using wrapped buffer, 0 otherwise @param type Image type @param width Image width @param height Image height @param bpp Number of bits per pixel @param red_mask Image red mask @param green_mask Image green mask @param blue_mask Image blue mask @return Returns the allocated FIBITMAP if successful, returns NULL otherwise */ static FIBITMAP * FreeImage_AllocateBitmap(BOOL header_only, BYTE *ext_bits, unsigned ext_pitch, FREE_IMAGE_TYPE type, int width, int height, int bpp, unsigned red_mask, unsigned green_mask, unsigned blue_mask) { // check input variables width = abs(width); height = abs(height); if(!((width > 0) && (height > 0))) { return NULL; } if(ext_bits) { if(ext_pitch == 0) { return NULL; } assert(header_only == FALSE); } // we only store the masks (and allocate memory for them) for 16-bit images of type FIT_BITMAP BOOL need_masks = FALSE; // check pixel bit depth switch(type) { case FIT_BITMAP: switch(bpp) { case 1: case 4: case 8: break; case 16: need_masks = TRUE; break; case 24: case 32: break; default: bpp = 8; break; } break; case FIT_UINT16: bpp = 8 * sizeof(unsigned short); break; case FIT_INT16: bpp = 8 * sizeof(short); break; case FIT_UINT32: bpp = 8 * sizeof(DWORD); break; case FIT_INT32: bpp = 8 * sizeof(LONG); break; case FIT_FLOAT: bpp = 8 * sizeof(float); break; case FIT_DOUBLE: bpp = 8 * sizeof(double); break; case FIT_COMPLEX: bpp = 8 * sizeof(FICOMPLEX); break; case FIT_RGB16: bpp = 8 * sizeof(FIRGB16); break; case FIT_RGBA16: bpp = 8 * sizeof(FIRGBA16); break; case FIT_RGBF: bpp = 8 * sizeof(FIRGBF); break; case FIT_RGBAF: bpp = 8 * sizeof(FIRGBAF); break; default: return NULL; } FIBITMAP *bitmap = (FIBITMAP *)malloc(sizeof(FIBITMAP)); if (bitmap != NULL) { // calculate the size of a FreeImage image // align the palette and the pixels on a FIBITMAP_ALIGNMENT bytes alignment boundary // palette is aligned on a 16 bytes boundary // pixels are aligned on a 16 bytes boundary // when using a user provided pixel buffer, force a 'header only' allocation size_t dib_size = FreeImage_GetInternalImageSize(header_only || ext_bits, width, height, bpp, need_masks); if(dib_size == 0) { // memory allocation will fail (probably a malloc overflow) free(bitmap); return NULL; } bitmap->data = (BYTE *)FreeImage_Aligned_Malloc(dib_size * sizeof(BYTE), FIBITMAP_ALIGNMENT); if (bitmap->data != NULL) { memset(bitmap->data, 0, dib_size); // write out the FREEIMAGEHEADER FREEIMAGEHEADER *fih = (FREEIMAGEHEADER *)bitmap->data; fih->type = type; memset(&fih->bkgnd_color, 0, sizeof(RGBQUAD)); fih->transparent = FALSE; fih->transparency_count = 0; memset(fih->transparent_table, 0xff, 256); fih->has_pixels = header_only ? FALSE : TRUE; // initialize FIICCPROFILE link FIICCPROFILE *iccProfile = FreeImage_GetICCProfile(bitmap); iccProfile->size = 0; iccProfile->data = 0; iccProfile->flags = 0; // initialize metadata models list fih->metadata = new(std::nothrow) METADATAMAP; // initialize attached thumbnail fih->thumbnail = NULL; // store a pointer to user provided pixel buffer (if any) fih->external_bits = ext_bits; fih->external_pitch = ext_pitch; // write out the BITMAPINFOHEADER BITMAPINFOHEADER *bih = FreeImage_GetInfoHeader(bitmap); bih->biSize = sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER); bih->biWidth = width; bih->biHeight = height; bih->biPlanes = 1; bih->biCompression = need_masks ? BI_BITFIELDS : BI_RGB; bih->biBitCount = (WORD)bpp; bih->biClrUsed = CalculateUsedPaletteEntries(bpp); bih->biClrImportant = bih->biClrUsed; bih->biXPelsPerMeter = 2835; // 72 dpi bih->biYPelsPerMeter = 2835; // 72 dpi if(bpp == 8) { // build a default greyscale palette (very useful for image processing) RGBQUAD *pal = FreeImage_GetPalette(bitmap); for(int i = 0; i < 256; i++) { pal[i].rgbRed = (BYTE)i; pal[i].rgbGreen = (BYTE)i; pal[i].rgbBlue = (BYTE)i; } } // just setting the masks (only if needed) just like the palette. if (need_masks) { FREEIMAGERGBMASKS *masks = FreeImage_GetRGBMasks(bitmap); masks->red_mask = red_mask; masks->green_mask = green_mask; masks->blue_mask = blue_mask; } return bitmap; } free(bitmap); } return NULL; } FIBITMAP * DLL_CALLCONV FreeImage_AllocateHeaderForBits(BYTE *ext_bits, unsigned ext_pitch, FREE_IMAGE_TYPE type, int width, int height, int bpp, unsigned red_mask, unsigned green_mask, unsigned blue_mask) { return FreeImage_AllocateBitmap(FALSE, ext_bits, ext_pitch, type, width, height, bpp, red_mask, green_mask, blue_mask); } FIBITMAP * DLL_CALLCONV FreeImage_AllocateHeaderT(BOOL header_only, FREE_IMAGE_TYPE type, int width, int height, int bpp, unsigned red_mask, unsigned green_mask, unsigned blue_mask) { return FreeImage_AllocateBitmap(header_only, NULL, 0, type, width, height, bpp, red_mask, green_mask, blue_mask); } FIBITMAP * DLL_CALLCONV FreeImage_AllocateHeader(BOOL header_only, int width, int height, int bpp, unsigned red_mask, unsigned green_mask, unsigned blue_mask) { return FreeImage_AllocateBitmap(header_only, NULL, 0, FIT_BITMAP, width, height, bpp, red_mask, green_mask, blue_mask); } FIBITMAP * DLL_CALLCONV FreeImage_Allocate(int width, int height, int bpp, unsigned red_mask, unsigned green_mask, unsigned blue_mask) { return FreeImage_AllocateBitmap(FALSE, NULL, 0, FIT_BITMAP, width, height, bpp, red_mask, green_mask, blue_mask); } FIBITMAP * DLL_CALLCONV FreeImage_AllocateT(FREE_IMAGE_TYPE type, int width, int height, int bpp, unsigned red_mask, unsigned green_mask, unsigned blue_mask) { return FreeImage_AllocateBitmap(FALSE, NULL, 0, type, width, height, bpp, red_mask, green_mask, blue_mask); } void DLL_CALLCONV FreeImage_Unload(FIBITMAP *dib) { if (NULL != dib) { if (NULL != dib->data) { // delete possible icc profile ... if (FreeImage_GetICCProfile(dib)->data) { free(FreeImage_GetICCProfile(dib)->data); } // delete metadata models METADATAMAP *metadata = ((FREEIMAGEHEADER *)dib->data)->metadata; for(METADATAMAP::iterator i = (*metadata).begin(); i != (*metadata).end(); i++) { TAGMAP *tagmap = (*i).second; if(tagmap) { for(TAGMAP::iterator j = tagmap->begin(); j != tagmap->end(); j++) { FITAG *tag = (*j).second; FreeImage_DeleteTag(tag); } delete tagmap; } } delete metadata; // delete embedded thumbnail FreeImage_Unload(FreeImage_GetThumbnail(dib)); // delete bitmap ... FreeImage_Aligned_Free(dib->data); } free(dib); // ... and the wrapper } } // ---------------------------------------------------------- FIBITMAP * DLL_CALLCONV FreeImage_Clone(FIBITMAP *dib) { if(!dib) { return NULL; } FREE_IMAGE_TYPE type = FreeImage_GetImageType(dib); unsigned width = FreeImage_GetWidth(dib); unsigned height = FreeImage_GetHeight(dib); unsigned bpp = FreeImage_GetBPP(dib); const BYTE *ext_bits = ((FREEIMAGEHEADER *)dib->data)->external_bits; // check for pixel availability ... BOOL header_only = FreeImage_HasPixels(dib) ? FALSE : TRUE; // check whether this image has masks defined ... BOOL need_masks = (bpp == 16 && type == FIT_BITMAP) ? TRUE : FALSE; // allocate a new dib FIBITMAP *new_dib = FreeImage_AllocateHeaderT(header_only, type, width, height, bpp, FreeImage_GetRedMask(dib), FreeImage_GetGreenMask(dib), FreeImage_GetBlueMask(dib)); if (new_dib) { // save ICC profile links FIICCPROFILE *src_iccProfile = FreeImage_GetICCProfile(dib); FIICCPROFILE *dst_iccProfile = FreeImage_GetICCProfile(new_dib); // save metadata links METADATAMAP *src_metadata = ((FREEIMAGEHEADER *)dib->data)->metadata; METADATAMAP *dst_metadata = ((FREEIMAGEHEADER *)new_dib->data)->metadata; // calculate the size of the src image // align the palette and the pixels on a FIBITMAP_ALIGNMENT bytes alignment boundary // palette is aligned on a 16 bytes boundary // pixels are aligned on a 16 bytes boundary // when using a user provided pixel buffer, force a 'header only' calculation size_t dib_size = FreeImage_GetInternalImageSize(header_only || ext_bits, width, height, bpp, need_masks); // copy the bitmap + internal pointers (remember to restore new_dib internal pointers later) memcpy(new_dib->data, dib->data, dib_size); // reset ICC profile link for new_dib memset(dst_iccProfile, 0, sizeof(FIICCPROFILE)); // restore metadata link for new_dib ((FREEIMAGEHEADER *)new_dib->data)->metadata = dst_metadata; // reset thumbnail link for new_dib ((FREEIMAGEHEADER *)new_dib->data)->thumbnail = NULL; // copy possible ICC profile FreeImage_CreateICCProfile(new_dib, src_iccProfile->data, src_iccProfile->size); dst_iccProfile->flags = src_iccProfile->flags; // copy metadata models for(METADATAMAP::iterator i = (*src_metadata).begin(); i != (*src_metadata).end(); i++) { int model = (*i).first; TAGMAP *src_tagmap = (*i).second; if(src_tagmap) { // create a metadata model TAGMAP *dst_tagmap = new(std::nothrow) TAGMAP(); if(dst_tagmap) { // fill the model for(TAGMAP::iterator j = src_tagmap->begin(); j != src_tagmap->end(); j++) { std::string dst_key = (*j).first; FITAG *dst_tag = FreeImage_CloneTag( (*j).second ); // assign key and tag value (*dst_tagmap)[dst_key] = dst_tag; } // assign model and tagmap (*dst_metadata)[model] = dst_tagmap; } } } // copy the thumbnail FreeImage_SetThumbnail(new_dib, FreeImage_GetThumbnail(dib)); // copy user provided pixel buffer (if any) if(ext_bits) { const unsigned pitch = FreeImage_GetPitch(dib); const unsigned linesize = FreeImage_GetLine(dib); for(unsigned y = 0; y < height; y++) { memcpy(FreeImage_GetScanLine(new_dib, y), ext_bits, linesize); ext_bits += pitch; } } return new_dib; } return NULL; } // ---------------------------------------------------------- BYTE * DLL_CALLCONV FreeImage_GetBits(FIBITMAP *dib) { if(!FreeImage_HasPixels(dib)) { return NULL; } if(((FREEIMAGEHEADER *)dib->data)->external_bits) { return ((FREEIMAGEHEADER *)dib->data)->external_bits; } // returns the pixels aligned on a FIBITMAP_ALIGNMENT bytes alignment boundary size_t lp = (size_t)FreeImage_GetInfoHeader(dib); lp += sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER) + sizeof(RGBQUAD) * FreeImage_GetColorsUsed(dib); lp += FreeImage_HasRGBMasks(dib) ? sizeof(DWORD) * 3 : 0; lp += (lp % FIBITMAP_ALIGNMENT ? FIBITMAP_ALIGNMENT - lp % FIBITMAP_ALIGNMENT : 0); return (BYTE *)lp; } // ---------------------------------------------------------- // DIB information functions // ---------------------------------------------------------- FIBITMAP* DLL_CALLCONV FreeImage_GetThumbnail(FIBITMAP *dib) { return (dib != NULL) ? ((FREEIMAGEHEADER *)dib->data)->thumbnail : NULL; } BOOL DLL_CALLCONV FreeImage_SetThumbnail(FIBITMAP *dib, FIBITMAP *thumbnail) { if(dib == NULL) { return FALSE; } FIBITMAP *currentThumbnail = ((FREEIMAGEHEADER *)dib->data)->thumbnail; if(currentThumbnail == thumbnail) { return TRUE; } FreeImage_Unload(currentThumbnail); ((FREEIMAGEHEADER *)dib->data)->thumbnail = FreeImage_HasPixels(thumbnail) ? FreeImage_Clone(thumbnail) : NULL; return TRUE; } // ---------------------------------------------------------- FREE_IMAGE_COLOR_TYPE DLL_CALLCONV FreeImage_GetColorType(FIBITMAP *dib) { RGBQUAD *rgb; const FREE_IMAGE_TYPE image_type = FreeImage_GetImageType(dib); // special bitmap type if(image_type != FIT_BITMAP) { switch(image_type) { case FIT_UINT16: { // 16-bit greyscale TIF can be either FIC_MINISBLACK (the most common case) or FIC_MINISWHITE // you can check this using EXIF_MAIN metadata FITAG *photometricTag = NULL; if(FreeImage_GetMetadata(FIMD_EXIF_MAIN, dib, "PhotometricInterpretation", &photometricTag)) { const short *value = (short*)FreeImage_GetTagValue(photometricTag); // PHOTOMETRIC_MINISWHITE = 0 => min value is white // PHOTOMETRIC_MINISBLACK = 1 => min value is black return (*value == 0) ? FIC_MINISWHITE : FIC_MINISBLACK; } return FIC_MINISBLACK; } break; case FIT_RGB16: case FIT_RGBF: return FIC_RGB; case FIT_RGBA16: case FIT_RGBAF: return FIC_RGBALPHA; } return FIC_MINISBLACK; } // standard image type switch (FreeImage_GetBPP(dib)) { case 1: { rgb = FreeImage_GetPalette(dib); if ((rgb->rgbRed == 0) && (rgb->rgbGreen == 0) && (rgb->rgbBlue == 0)) { rgb++; if ((rgb->rgbRed == 255) && (rgb->rgbGreen == 255) && (rgb->rgbBlue == 255)) { return FIC_MINISBLACK; } } if ((rgb->rgbRed == 255) && (rgb->rgbGreen == 255) && (rgb->rgbBlue == 255)) { rgb++; if ((rgb->rgbRed == 0) && (rgb->rgbGreen == 0) && (rgb->rgbBlue == 0)) { return FIC_MINISWHITE; } } return FIC_PALETTE; } case 4: case 8: // Check if the DIB has a color or a greyscale palette { int ncolors = FreeImage_GetColorsUsed(dib); int minisblack = 1; rgb = FreeImage_GetPalette(dib); for (int i = 0; i < ncolors; i++) { if ((rgb->rgbRed != rgb->rgbGreen) || (rgb->rgbRed != rgb->rgbBlue)) { return FIC_PALETTE; } // The DIB has a color palette if the greyscale isn't a linear ramp // Take care of reversed grey images if (rgb->rgbRed != i) { if ((ncolors-i-1) != rgb->rgbRed) { return FIC_PALETTE; } else { minisblack = 0; } } rgb++; } return minisblack ? FIC_MINISBLACK : FIC_MINISWHITE; } case 16: case 24: return FIC_RGB; case 32: { if (FreeImage_GetICCProfile(dib)->flags & FIICC_COLOR_IS_CMYK) { return FIC_CMYK; } if( FreeImage_HasPixels(dib) ) { // check for fully opaque alpha layer for (unsigned y = 0; y < FreeImage_GetHeight(dib); y++) { rgb = (RGBQUAD *)FreeImage_GetScanLine(dib, y); for (unsigned x = 0; x < FreeImage_GetWidth(dib); x++) { if (rgb[x].rgbReserved != 0xFF) { return FIC_RGBALPHA; } } } return FIC_RGB; } return FIC_RGBALPHA; } default : return FIC_MINISBLACK; } } // ---------------------------------------------------------- FREE_IMAGE_TYPE DLL_CALLCONV FreeImage_GetImageType(FIBITMAP *dib) { return (dib != NULL) ? ((FREEIMAGEHEADER *)dib->data)->type : FIT_UNKNOWN; } // ---------------------------------------------------------- BOOL DLL_CALLCONV FreeImage_HasPixels(FIBITMAP *dib) { return (dib != NULL) ? ((FREEIMAGEHEADER *)dib->data)->has_pixels : FALSE; } // ---------------------------------------------------------- BOOL DLL_CALLCONV FreeImage_HasRGBMasks(FIBITMAP *dib) { return dib && FreeImage_GetInfoHeader(dib)->biCompression == BI_BITFIELDS; } unsigned DLL_CALLCONV FreeImage_GetRedMask(FIBITMAP *dib) { FREEIMAGERGBMASKS *masks = NULL; FREE_IMAGE_TYPE image_type = FreeImage_GetImageType(dib); switch(image_type) { case FIT_BITMAP: // check for 16-bit RGB (565 or 555) masks = FreeImage_GetRGBMasks(dib); if (masks) { return masks->red_mask; } return FreeImage_GetBPP(dib) >= 24 ? FI_RGBA_RED_MASK : 0; default: return 0; } } unsigned DLL_CALLCONV FreeImage_GetGreenMask(FIBITMAP *dib) { FREEIMAGERGBMASKS *masks = NULL; FREE_IMAGE_TYPE image_type = FreeImage_GetImageType(dib); switch(image_type) { case FIT_BITMAP: // check for 16-bit RGB (565 or 555) masks = FreeImage_GetRGBMasks(dib); if (masks) { return masks->green_mask; } return FreeImage_GetBPP(dib) >= 24 ? FI_RGBA_GREEN_MASK : 0; default: return 0; } } unsigned DLL_CALLCONV FreeImage_GetBlueMask(FIBITMAP *dib) { FREEIMAGERGBMASKS *masks = NULL; FREE_IMAGE_TYPE image_type = FreeImage_GetImageType(dib); switch(image_type) { case FIT_BITMAP: // check for 16-bit RGB (565 or 555) masks = FreeImage_GetRGBMasks(dib); if (masks) { return masks->blue_mask; } return FreeImage_GetBPP(dib) >= 24 ? FI_RGBA_BLUE_MASK : 0; default: return 0; } } // ---------------------------------------------------------- BOOL DLL_CALLCONV FreeImage_HasBackgroundColor(FIBITMAP *dib) { if(dib) { RGBQUAD *bkgnd_color = &((FREEIMAGEHEADER *)dib->data)->bkgnd_color; return (bkgnd_color->rgbReserved != 0) ? TRUE : FALSE; } return FALSE; } BOOL DLL_CALLCONV FreeImage_GetBackgroundColor(FIBITMAP *dib, RGBQUAD *bkcolor) { if(dib && bkcolor) { if(FreeImage_HasBackgroundColor(dib)) { // get the background color RGBQUAD *bkgnd_color = &((FREEIMAGEHEADER *)dib->data)->bkgnd_color; memcpy(bkcolor, bkgnd_color, sizeof(RGBQUAD)); // get the background index if(FreeImage_GetBPP(dib) == 8) { RGBQUAD *pal = FreeImage_GetPalette(dib); for(unsigned i = 0; i < FreeImage_GetColorsUsed(dib); i++) { if(bkgnd_color->rgbRed == pal[i].rgbRed) { if(bkgnd_color->rgbGreen == pal[i].rgbGreen) { if(bkgnd_color->rgbBlue == pal[i].rgbBlue) { bkcolor->rgbReserved = (BYTE)i; return TRUE; } } } } } bkcolor->rgbReserved = 0; return TRUE; } } return FALSE; } BOOL DLL_CALLCONV FreeImage_SetBackgroundColor(FIBITMAP *dib, RGBQUAD *bkcolor) { if(dib) { RGBQUAD *bkgnd_color = &((FREEIMAGEHEADER *)dib->data)->bkgnd_color; if(bkcolor) { // set the background color memcpy(bkgnd_color, bkcolor, sizeof(RGBQUAD)); // enable the file background color bkgnd_color->rgbReserved = 1; } else { // clear and disable the file background color memset(bkgnd_color, 0, sizeof(RGBQUAD)); } return TRUE; } return FALSE; } // ---------------------------------------------------------- BOOL DLL_CALLCONV FreeImage_IsTransparent(FIBITMAP *dib) { if(dib) { FREE_IMAGE_TYPE image_type = FreeImage_GetImageType(dib); switch(image_type) { case FIT_BITMAP: if(FreeImage_GetBPP(dib) == 32) { if(FreeImage_GetColorType(dib) == FIC_RGBALPHA) { return TRUE; } } else { return ((FREEIMAGEHEADER *)dib->data)->transparent ? TRUE : FALSE; } break; case FIT_RGBA16: case FIT_RGBAF: return TRUE; default: break; } } return FALSE; } BYTE * DLL_CALLCONV FreeImage_GetTransparencyTable(FIBITMAP *dib) { return dib ? ((FREEIMAGEHEADER *)dib->data)->transparent_table : NULL; } void DLL_CALLCONV FreeImage_SetTransparent(FIBITMAP *dib, BOOL enabled) { if (dib) { if ((FreeImage_GetBPP(dib) <= 8) || (FreeImage_GetBPP(dib) == 32)) { ((FREEIMAGEHEADER *)dib->data)->transparent = enabled; } else { ((FREEIMAGEHEADER *)dib->data)->transparent = FALSE; } } } unsigned DLL_CALLCONV FreeImage_GetTransparencyCount(FIBITMAP *dib) { return dib ? ((FREEIMAGEHEADER *)dib->data)->transparency_count : 0; } void DLL_CALLCONV FreeImage_SetTransparencyTable(FIBITMAP *dib, BYTE *table, int count) { if (dib) { count = MAX(0, MIN(count, 256)); if (FreeImage_GetBPP(dib) <= 8) { ((FREEIMAGEHEADER *)dib->data)->transparent = (count > 0) ? TRUE : FALSE; ((FREEIMAGEHEADER *)dib->data)->transparency_count = count; if (table) { memcpy(((FREEIMAGEHEADER *)dib->data)->transparent_table, table, count); } else { memset(((FREEIMAGEHEADER *)dib->data)->transparent_table, 0xff, count); } } } } /** @brief Sets the index of the palette entry to be used as transparent color for the image specified. Does nothing on high color images. This method sets the index of the palette entry to be used as single transparent color for the image specified. This works on palletised images only and does nothing for high color images. Although it is possible for palletised images to have more than one transparent color, this method sets the palette entry specified as the single transparent color for the image. All other colors will be set to be non-transparent by this method. As with FreeImage_SetTransparencyTable(), this method also sets the image's transparency property to TRUE (as it is set and obtained by FreeImage_SetTransparent() and FreeImage_IsTransparent() respectively) for palletised images. @param dib Input image, whose transparent color is to be set. @param index The index of the palette entry to be set as transparent color. */ void DLL_CALLCONV FreeImage_SetTransparentIndex(FIBITMAP *dib, int index) { if (dib) { int count = FreeImage_GetColorsUsed(dib); if (count) { BYTE *new_tt = (BYTE *)malloc(count * sizeof(BYTE)); memset(new_tt, 0xFF, count); if ((index >= 0) && (index < count)) { new_tt[index] = 0x00; } FreeImage_SetTransparencyTable(dib, new_tt, count); free(new_tt); } } } /** @brief Returns the palette entry used as transparent color for the image specified. Works for palletised images only and returns -1 for high color images or if the image has no color set to be transparent. Although it is possible for palletised images to have more than one transparent color, this function always returns the index of the first palette entry, set to be transparent. @param dib Input image, whose transparent color is to be returned. @return Returns the index of the palette entry used as transparent color for the image specified or -1 if there is no transparent color found (e.g. the image is a high color image). */ int DLL_CALLCONV FreeImage_GetTransparentIndex(FIBITMAP *dib) { int count = FreeImage_GetTransparencyCount(dib); BYTE *tt = FreeImage_GetTransparencyTable(dib); for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { if (tt[i] == 0) { return i; } } return -1; } // ---------------------------------------------------------- FIICCPROFILE * DLL_CALLCONV FreeImage_GetICCProfile(FIBITMAP *dib) { FIICCPROFILE *profile = (dib) ? (FIICCPROFILE *)&((FREEIMAGEHEADER *)dib->data)->iccProfile : NULL; return profile; } FIICCPROFILE * DLL_CALLCONV FreeImage_CreateICCProfile(FIBITMAP *dib, void *data, long size) { // clear the profile but preserve profile->flags FreeImage_DestroyICCProfile(dib); // create the new profile FIICCPROFILE *profile = FreeImage_GetICCProfile(dib); if(size && profile) { profile->data = malloc(size); if(profile->data) { memcpy(profile->data, data, profile->size = size); } } return profile; } void DLL_CALLCONV FreeImage_DestroyICCProfile(FIBITMAP *dib) { FIICCPROFILE *profile = FreeImage_GetICCProfile(dib); if(profile) { if (profile->data) { free (profile->data); } // clear the profile but preserve profile->flags profile->data = NULL; profile->size = 0; } } // ---------------------------------------------------------- unsigned DLL_CALLCONV FreeImage_GetWidth(FIBITMAP *dib) { return dib ? FreeImage_GetInfoHeader(dib)->biWidth : 0; } unsigned DLL_CALLCONV FreeImage_GetHeight(FIBITMAP *dib) { return (dib) ? FreeImage_GetInfoHeader(dib)->biHeight : 0; } unsigned DLL_CALLCONV FreeImage_GetBPP(FIBITMAP *dib) { return dib ? FreeImage_GetInfoHeader(dib)->biBitCount : 0; } unsigned DLL_CALLCONV FreeImage_GetLine(FIBITMAP *dib) { return dib ? ((FreeImage_GetWidth(dib) * FreeImage_GetBPP(dib)) + 7) / 8 : 0; } unsigned DLL_CALLCONV FreeImage_GetPitch(FIBITMAP *dib) { if(dib) { FREEIMAGEHEADER *fih = (FREEIMAGEHEADER *)dib->data; return fih->external_bits ? fih->external_pitch : (FreeImage_GetLine(dib) + 3 & ~3); } return 0; } unsigned DLL_CALLCONV FreeImage_GetColorsUsed(FIBITMAP *dib) { return dib ? FreeImage_GetInfoHeader(dib)->biClrUsed : 0; } unsigned DLL_CALLCONV FreeImage_GetDIBSize(FIBITMAP *dib) { return (dib) ? sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER) + (FreeImage_GetColorsUsed(dib) * sizeof(RGBQUAD)) + (FreeImage_GetPitch(dib) * FreeImage_GetHeight(dib)) : 0; } RGBQUAD * DLL_CALLCONV FreeImage_GetPalette(FIBITMAP *dib) { return (dib && FreeImage_GetBPP(dib) < 16) ? (RGBQUAD *)(((BYTE *)FreeImage_GetInfoHeader(dib)) + sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER)) : NULL; } unsigned DLL_CALLCONV FreeImage_GetDotsPerMeterX(FIBITMAP *dib) { return (dib) ? FreeImage_GetInfoHeader(dib)->biXPelsPerMeter : 0; } unsigned DLL_CALLCONV FreeImage_GetDotsPerMeterY(FIBITMAP *dib) { return (dib) ? FreeImage_GetInfoHeader(dib)->biYPelsPerMeter : 0; } void DLL_CALLCONV FreeImage_SetDotsPerMeterX(FIBITMAP *dib, unsigned res) { if(dib) { FreeImage_GetInfoHeader(dib)->biXPelsPerMeter = res; } } void DLL_CALLCONV FreeImage_SetDotsPerMeterY(FIBITMAP *dib, unsigned res) { if(dib) { FreeImage_GetInfoHeader(dib)->biYPelsPerMeter = res; } } BITMAPINFOHEADER * DLL_CALLCONV FreeImage_GetInfoHeader(FIBITMAP *dib) { if(!dib) { return NULL; } size_t lp = (size_t)dib->data + sizeof(FREEIMAGEHEADER); lp += (lp % FIBITMAP_ALIGNMENT ? FIBITMAP_ALIGNMENT - lp % FIBITMAP_ALIGNMENT : 0); lp += FIBITMAP_ALIGNMENT - sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER) % FIBITMAP_ALIGNMENT; return (BITMAPINFOHEADER *)lp; } BITMAPINFO * DLL_CALLCONV FreeImage_GetInfo(FIBITMAP *dib) { return (BITMAPINFO *)FreeImage_GetInfoHeader(dib); } // ---------------------------------------------------------- // Metadata routines // ---------------------------------------------------------- FIMETADATA * DLL_CALLCONV FreeImage_FindFirstMetadata(FREE_IMAGE_MDMODEL model, FIBITMAP *dib, FITAG **tag) { if(!dib) { return NULL; } // get the metadata model METADATAMAP *metadata = ((FREEIMAGEHEADER *)dib->data)->metadata; TAGMAP *tagmap = NULL; if( (*metadata).find(model) != (*metadata).end() ) { tagmap = (*metadata)[model]; } if(tagmap) { // allocate a handle FIMETADATA *handle = (FIMETADATA *)malloc(sizeof(FIMETADATA)); if(handle) { // calculate the size of a METADATAHEADER int header_size = sizeof(METADATAHEADER); handle->data = (BYTE *)malloc(header_size * sizeof(BYTE)); if(handle->data) { memset(handle->data, 0, header_size * sizeof(BYTE)); // write out the METADATAHEADER METADATAHEADER *mdh = (METADATAHEADER *)handle->data; mdh->pos = 1; mdh->tagmap = tagmap; // get the first element TAGMAP::iterator i = tagmap->begin(); *tag = (*i).second; return handle; } free(handle); } } return NULL; } BOOL DLL_CALLCONV FreeImage_FindNextMetadata(FIMETADATA *mdhandle, FITAG **tag) { if(!mdhandle) { return FALSE; } METADATAHEADER *mdh = (METADATAHEADER *)mdhandle->data; TAGMAP *tagmap = mdh->tagmap; int current_pos = mdh->pos; int mapsize = (int)tagmap->size(); if(current_pos < mapsize) { // get the tag element at position pos int count = 0; for(TAGMAP::iterator i = tagmap->begin(); i != tagmap->end(); i++) { if(count == current_pos) { *tag = (*i).second; mdh->pos++; break; } count++; } return TRUE; } return FALSE; } void DLL_CALLCONV FreeImage_FindCloseMetadata(FIMETADATA *mdhandle) { if (NULL != mdhandle) { // delete the handle if (NULL != mdhandle->data) { free(mdhandle->data); } free(mdhandle); // ... and the wrapper } } // ---------------------------------------------------------- BOOL DLL_CALLCONV FreeImage_CloneMetadata(FIBITMAP *dst, FIBITMAP *src) { if(!src || !dst) { return FALSE; } // get metadata links METADATAMAP *src_metadata = ((FREEIMAGEHEADER *)src->data)->metadata; METADATAMAP *dst_metadata = ((FREEIMAGEHEADER *)dst->data)->metadata; // copy metadata models, *except* the FIMD_ANIMATION model for(METADATAMAP::iterator i = (*src_metadata).begin(); i != (*src_metadata).end(); i++) { int model = (*i).first; if(model == (int)FIMD_ANIMATION) { continue; } TAGMAP *src_tagmap = (*i).second; if(src_tagmap) { if( dst_metadata->find(model) != dst_metadata->end() ) { // destroy dst model FreeImage_SetMetadata((FREE_IMAGE_MDMODEL)model, dst, NULL, NULL); } // create a metadata model TAGMAP *dst_tagmap = new(std::nothrow) TAGMAP(); if(dst_tagmap) { // fill the model for(TAGMAP::iterator j = src_tagmap->begin(); j != src_tagmap->end(); j++) { std::string dst_key = (*j).first; FITAG *dst_tag = FreeImage_CloneTag( (*j).second ); // assign key and tag value (*dst_tagmap)[dst_key] = dst_tag; } // assign model and tagmap (*dst_metadata)[model] = dst_tagmap; } } } // clone resolution FreeImage_SetDotsPerMeterX(dst, FreeImage_GetDotsPerMeterX(src)); FreeImage_SetDotsPerMeterY(dst, FreeImage_GetDotsPerMeterY(src)); return TRUE; } // ---------------------------------------------------------- BOOL DLL_CALLCONV FreeImage_SetMetadata(FREE_IMAGE_MDMODEL model, FIBITMAP *dib, const char *key, FITAG *tag) { if(!dib) { return FALSE; } TAGMAP *tagmap = NULL; // get the metadata model METADATAMAP *metadata = ((FREEIMAGEHEADER *)dib->data)->metadata; METADATAMAP::iterator model_iterator = metadata->find(model); if (model_iterator != metadata->end()) { tagmap = model_iterator->second; } if(key != NULL) { if(!tagmap) { // this model, doesn't exist: create it tagmap = new(std::nothrow) TAGMAP(); (*metadata)[model] = tagmap; } if(tag) { // first check the tag if(FreeImage_GetTagKey(tag) == NULL) { FreeImage_SetTagKey(tag, key); } else if(strcmp(key, FreeImage_GetTagKey(tag)) != 0) { // set the tag key FreeImage_SetTagKey(tag, key); } if(FreeImage_GetTagCount(tag) * FreeImage_TagDataWidth(FreeImage_GetTagType(tag)) != FreeImage_GetTagLength(tag)) { FreeImage_OutputMessageProc(FIF_UNKNOWN, "Invalid data count for tag '%s'", key); return FALSE; } // fill the tag ID if possible and if it's needed TagLib& tag_lib = TagLib::instance(); switch(model) { case FIMD_IPTC: { int id = tag_lib.getTagID(TagLib::IPTC, key); /* if(id == -1) { FreeImage_OutputMessageProc(FIF_UNKNOWN, "IPTC: Invalid key '%s'", key); } */ FreeImage_SetTagID(tag, (WORD)id); } break; default: break; } // delete existing tag FITAG *old_tag = (*tagmap)[key]; if(old_tag) { FreeImage_DeleteTag(old_tag); } // create a new tag (*tagmap)[key] = FreeImage_CloneTag(tag); } else { // delete existing tag TAGMAP::iterator i = tagmap->find(key); if(i != tagmap->end()) { FITAG *old_tag = (*i).second; FreeImage_DeleteTag(old_tag); tagmap->erase(key); } } } else { // destroy the metadata model if(tagmap) { for(TAGMAP::iterator i = tagmap->begin(); i != tagmap->end(); i++) { FITAG *tag = (*i).second; FreeImage_DeleteTag(tag); } delete tagmap; metadata->erase(model_iterator); } } return TRUE; } BOOL DLL_CALLCONV FreeImage_GetMetadata(FREE_IMAGE_MDMODEL model, FIBITMAP *dib, const char *key, FITAG **tag) { if(!dib || !key || !tag) { return FALSE; } TAGMAP *tagmap = NULL; *tag = NULL; // get the metadata model METADATAMAP *metadata = ((FREEIMAGEHEADER *)dib->data)->metadata; if(!(*metadata).empty()) { METADATAMAP::iterator model_iterator = metadata->find(model); if (model_iterator != metadata->end() ) { // this model exists : try to get the requested tag tagmap = model_iterator->second; TAGMAP::iterator tag_iterator = tagmap->find(key); if (tag_iterator != tagmap->end() ) { // get the requested tag *tag = tag_iterator->second; } } } return (*tag != NULL) ? TRUE : FALSE; } /** Build and set a FITAG whose type is FIDT_ASCII. @param model Metadata model to be filled @param dib Image to be filled @param key Tag key @param value Tag value as a ASCII string @return Returns TRUE if successful, returns FALSE otherwise */ BOOL DLL_CALLCONV FreeImage_SetMetadataKeyValue(FREE_IMAGE_MDMODEL model, FIBITMAP *dib, const char *key, const char *value) { if(!dib || !key || !value) { return FALSE; } // create a tag FITAG *tag = FreeImage_CreateTag(); if(tag) { BOOL bSuccess = TRUE; // fill the tag DWORD tag_length = (DWORD)(strlen(value) + 1); bSuccess &= FreeImage_SetTagKey(tag, key); bSuccess &= FreeImage_SetTagLength(tag, tag_length); bSuccess &= FreeImage_SetTagCount(tag, tag_length); bSuccess &= FreeImage_SetTagType(tag, FIDT_ASCII); bSuccess &= FreeImage_SetTagValue(tag, value); if(bSuccess) { // set the tag bSuccess &= FreeImage_SetMetadata(model, dib, FreeImage_GetTagKey(tag), tag); } // delete the tag FreeImage_DeleteTag(tag); return bSuccess; } return FALSE; } // ---------------------------------------------------------- unsigned DLL_CALLCONV FreeImage_GetMetadataCount(FREE_IMAGE_MDMODEL model, FIBITMAP *dib) { if(!dib) { return FALSE; } TAGMAP *tagmap = NULL; // get the metadata model METADATAMAP *metadata = ((FREEIMAGEHEADER *)dib->data)->metadata; if( (*metadata).find(model) != (*metadata).end() ) { tagmap = (*metadata)[model]; } if(!tagmap) { // this model, doesn't exist: return return 0; } // get the tag count return (unsigned)tagmap->size(); } // ---------------------------------------------------------- unsigned DLL_CALLCONV FreeImage_GetMemorySize(FIBITMAP *dib) { if (!dib) { return 0; } FREEIMAGEHEADER *header = (FREEIMAGEHEADER *)dib->data; BITMAPINFOHEADER *bih = FreeImage_GetInfoHeader(dib); BOOL header_only = !header->has_pixels || header->external_bits != NULL; BOOL need_masks = bih->biCompression == BI_BITFIELDS; unsigned width = bih->biWidth; unsigned height = bih->biHeight; unsigned bpp = bih->biBitCount; // start off with the size of the FIBITMAP structure size_t size = sizeof(FIBITMAP); // add sizes of FREEIMAGEHEADER, BITMAPINFOHEADER, palette and DIB data size += FreeImage_GetInternalImageSize(header_only, width, height, bpp, need_masks); // add ICC profile size size += header->iccProfile.size; // add thumbnail image size if (header->thumbnail) { // we assume a thumbnail not having a thumbnail as well, // so this recursive call should not create an infinite loop size += FreeImage_GetMemorySize(header->thumbnail); } // add metadata size METADATAMAP *md = header->metadata; if (!md) { return (unsigned)size; } // add size of METADATAMAP size += sizeof(METADATAMAP); const size_t models = md->size(); if (models == 0) { return (unsigned)size; } unsigned tags = 0; for (METADATAMAP::iterator i = md->begin(); i != md->end(); i++) { TAGMAP *tm = i->second; if (tm) { for (TAGMAP::iterator j = tm->begin(); j != tm->end(); j++) { ++tags; const std::string & key = j->first; size += key.capacity(); size += FreeImage_GetTagMemorySize(j->second); } } } // add size of all TAGMAP instances size += models * sizeof(TAGMAP); // add size of tree nodes in METADATAMAP size += MapIntrospector::GetNodesMemorySize(models); // add size of tree nodes in TAGMAP size += MapIntrospector::GetNodesMemorySize(tags); return (unsigned)size; }