#ifndef JSONNODE_H
#define JSONNODE_H

#include "JSONDefs.h"   //for string type
#include "JSONDebug.h"

	#include "JSON_Base64.h"

	#define makeUniqueInternal() (void)0

#define JSON_CHECK_INTERNAL() JSON_ASSERT(internal, JSON_TEXT("no internal"))

	#define JSON_MUTEX_COPY_DECL ,void * parentMutex
	#define JSON_MUTEX_COPY_DECL2 ,void * parentMutex = 0

	#define JSON_PTR_LIB *
	#define JSON_NEW(x) JSONNode::newJSONNode_Shallow(x)
	#define DECLARE_FOR_ALL_TYPES(foo)\
		foo(const json_string &);
		foo(long) const;\
		foo(double) const;\
		foo(bool) const;\
		foo(const json_string &) const;\
		foo(const JSONNode &) const;

	#define JSON_PTR_LIB
	#define JSON_NEW(x) x
	#define DECLARE_FOR_ALL_TYPES(foo)\
		foo(char); foo(unsigned char);\
		foo(short); foo(unsigned short);\
		foo(int); foo(unsigned int);\
		foo(long); foo(unsigned long);\
		foo(float); foo(double);\
		foo(const json_string &);\
		foo(const json_char *);
		foo(char) const; foo(unsigned char) const;\
		foo(short) const; foo(unsigned short) const;\
		foo(int) const; foo(unsigned int) const;\
		foo(long) const; foo(unsigned long) const;\
		foo(float) const; foo(double) const;\
		foo(bool) const;\
		foo(const json_string &) const;\
		foo(const JSONNode &) const;\
		foo(const json_char *) const;
		foo(char) foo(unsigned char)\
		foo(short) foo(unsigned short)\
		foo(int) foo(unsigned int)\
		foo(long) foo(unsigned long)\
		foo(float) foo(double)
	foo(const json_string &)\
	This class is mostly just a wrapper class around internalJSONNode, this class keeps
	the reference count and handles copy on write and such.  This class is also responsible
	for argument checking and throwing exceptions if needed.

	friend class JSONWorker;
	friend class internalJSONNode;

	explicit JSONNode(char mytype = JSON_NODE);
	#define DECLARE_CTOR(type) JSONNode(const json_string & name_t, type value_t)

	JSONNode(const JSONNode & orig);

	static JSONNode parse(const json_char *str);

	json_index_t size(void) const;
	bool empty(void) const;
	bool isnull(void) const;
	void clear(void);
	unsigned char type(void) const;

	const json_char* name(void) const;
	void set_name(const json_string & newname);
		void set_comment(const json_string & comment);
		json_string get_comment(void) const;
		void preparse(void);
		#ifndef JSON_SAFE
			#error JSON_VALIDATE also requires JSON_SAFE
		bool validate(void);

	json_string as_string(void) const;
#if defined(M_STRING_H__)
	CMStringW as_mstring(void) const;
	long as_int(void) const;
	double as_float(void) const;
	bool as_bool(void) const;
	JSONNode as_node(void) const;
	JSONNode as_array(void) const;

		std::string as_binary(void) const;
		void set_binary(const unsigned char * bin, json_index_t bytes);

	JSONNode & at(json_index_t pos);
	const JSONNode & at(json_index_t pos) const;
	JSONNode & operator[](json_index_t pos);
	const JSONNode & operator[](json_index_t pos) const;

	JSONNode & at(const json_char *name_t);
	const JSONNode & at(const json_char *name_t) const;
		JSONNode & at_nocase(const json_string & name_t);
		const JSONNode & at_nocase(const json_string & name_t) const;
	operator bool() const;
	JSONNode & operator[](const json_char *name_t);
	const JSONNode & operator[](const json_char *name_t) const;
		void push_back(JSONNode *node);
		void push_back(const JSONNode & node);
	JSONNode& operator<<(const JSONNode & node);
	void reserve(json_index_t size);
	JSONNode* JSON_PTR_LIB pop_back(json_index_t pos);
	JSONNode* JSON_PTR_LIB pop_back(const json_string & name_t);
		JSONNode JSON_PTR_LIB pop_back_nocase(const json_string & name_t);

	JSONNode & operator=(const JSONNode &);
	DECLARE_FOR_ALL_TYPES_CONST(bool operator ==)
	DECLARE_FOR_ALL_TYPES_CONST(bool operator !=)

	void nullify(void);
	void swap(JSONNode & other);
	void merge(JSONNode & other);
	void merge(unsigned int num, ...);
	JSONNode duplicate(void) const;
	void cast(char newtype);

		#ifndef JSON_LIBRARY
			#define json_iterator_ptr(iter) iter.it
			#define ptr_to_json_iterator(iter) json_iterator(iter)
			struct iterator {
				inline iterator& operator ++(void){ ++it; return *this; }
				inline iterator& operator --(void){ --it; return *this; }
				inline iterator& operator +=(long i){ it += i; return *this; }
				inline iterator& operator -=(long i){ it -= i; return *this; }
				inline iterator operator ++(int){
					iterator result(*this);
					return result;
				inline iterator operator --(int){
					iterator result(*this);
					return result;
				inline iterator operator +(long i) const {
					iterator result(*this);
					result.it += i;
					return result;
				inline iterator operator -(long i) const {
					iterator result(*this);
					result.it -= i;
					return result;
				inline JSONNode& operator [](size_t pos) const { return *it[pos]; };
				inline JSONNode& operator *(void) const { return *(*it); }
				inline bool operator == (const iterator & other) const { return it == other.it; }
				inline bool operator != (const iterator & other) const { return it != other.it; }
				inline bool operator > (const iterator & other) const { return it > other.it; }
				inline bool operator >= (const iterator & other) const { return it >= other.it; }
				inline bool operator < (const iterator & other) const { return it < other.it; }
				inline bool operator <= (const iterator & other) const { return it <= other.it; }
				inline iterator & operator=(const iterator & orig){ it = orig.it; return *this; }
				iterator (const iterator & orig) : it(orig.it) {}
				JSONNode ** it;
				iterator(JSONNode ** starter) : it(starter) {}
				friend class JSONNode;
			typedef iterator json_iterator;

			struct const_iterator {
				inline const_iterator& operator ++(void){ ++it; return *this; }
				inline const_iterator& operator --(void){ --it; return *this; }
				inline const_iterator& operator +=(size_t i) { it += i; return *this; }
				inline const_iterator& operator -=(size_t i) { it -= i; return *this; }
				inline const_iterator operator ++(int){
					const_iterator result(*this);
					return result;
				inline const_iterator operator --(int){
					const_iterator result(*this);
					return result;
				inline const_iterator operator +(size_t i) const {
					const_iterator result(*this);
					result.it += i;
					return result;
				inline const_iterator operator -(size_t i) const {
					const_iterator result(*this);
					result.it -= i;
					return result;
				inline const JSONNode& operator [](size_t pos) const { return const_cast<const JSONNode&>(*it[pos]); };
				inline const JSONNode& operator *(void) const { return const_cast<const JSONNode&>(*(*it)); }
				inline bool operator == (const const_iterator & other) const { return it == other.it; }
				inline bool operator != (const const_iterator & other) const { return it != other.it; }
				inline bool operator > (const const_iterator & other) const { return it > other.it; }
				inline bool operator >= (const const_iterator & other) const { return it >= other.it; }
				inline bool operator < (const const_iterator & other) const { return it < other.it; }
				inline bool operator <= (const const_iterator & other) const { return it <= other.it; }
				inline const_iterator & operator=(const const_iterator & orig){ it = orig.it; return *this; }
				const_iterator (const const_iterator & orig) : it(orig.it) {}
				JSONNode ** it;
				const_iterator(JSONNode ** starter) : it(starter) {}
				friend class JSONNode;
			const_iterator begin(void) const;
			const_iterator end(void) const;

			struct reverse_iterator {
				inline reverse_iterator& operator ++(void){ --it; return *this; }
				inline reverse_iterator& operator --(void){ ++it; return *this; }
				inline reverse_iterator& operator +=(size_t i){ it -= i; return *this; }
				inline reverse_iterator& operator -=(size_t i) { it += i; return *this; }
				inline reverse_iterator operator ++(int){
					reverse_iterator result(*this);
					return result;
				inline reverse_iterator operator --(int){
					reverse_iterator result(*this);
					return result;
				inline reverse_iterator operator +(size_t i) const {
					reverse_iterator result(*this);
					result.it -= i;
					return result;
				inline reverse_iterator operator -(size_t i) const {
					reverse_iterator result(*this);
					result.it += i;
					return result;
				inline JSONNode& operator [](size_t pos) const { return *it[pos]; };
				inline JSONNode& operator *(void) const { return *(*it); }
				inline bool operator == (const reverse_iterator & other) const { return it == other.it; }
				inline bool operator != (const reverse_iterator & other) const { return it != other.it; }
				inline bool operator < (const reverse_iterator & other) const { return it > other.it; }
				inline bool operator <= (const reverse_iterator & other) const { return it >= other.it; }
				inline bool operator > (const reverse_iterator & other) const { return it < other.it; }
				inline bool operator >= (const reverse_iterator & other) const { return it <= other.it; }
				inline reverse_iterator & operator=(const reverse_iterator & orig){ it = orig.it; return *this; }
				reverse_iterator (const reverse_iterator & orig) : it(orig.it) {}
				JSONNode ** it;
				reverse_iterator(JSONNode ** starter) : it(starter) {}
				friend class JSONNode;
			reverse_iterator rbegin(void);
			reverse_iterator rend(void);

			struct reverse_const_iterator {
				inline reverse_const_iterator& operator ++(void){ --it; return *this; }
				inline reverse_const_iterator& operator --(void){ ++it; return *this; }
				inline reverse_const_iterator& operator +=(size_t i){ it -= i; return *this; }
				inline reverse_const_iterator& operator -=(size_t i){ it += i; return *this; }
				inline reverse_const_iterator operator ++(int){
					reverse_const_iterator result(*this);
					return result;
				inline reverse_const_iterator operator --(int){
					reverse_const_iterator result(*this);
					return result;
				inline reverse_const_iterator operator +(size_t i) const {
					reverse_const_iterator result(*this);
					result.it -= i;
					return result;
				inline reverse_const_iterator operator -(size_t i) const {
					reverse_const_iterator result(*this);
					result.it += i;
					return result;
				inline const JSONNode& operator [](size_t pos) const { return const_cast<const JSONNode&>(*it[pos]); };
				inline const JSONNode& operator *(void) const { return const_cast<const JSONNode&>(*(*it)); }
				inline bool operator == (const reverse_const_iterator & other) const { return it == other.it; }
				inline bool operator != (const reverse_const_iterator & other) const { return it != other.it; }
				inline bool operator < (const reverse_const_iterator & other) const { return it > other.it; }
				inline bool operator <= (const reverse_const_iterator & other) const { return it >= other.it; }
				inline bool operator > (const reverse_const_iterator & other) const { return it < other.it; }
				inline bool operator >= (const reverse_const_iterator & other) const { return it <= other.it; }
				inline reverse_const_iterator & operator=(const reverse_const_iterator & orig){ it = orig.it; return *this; }
				reverse_const_iterator (const reverse_const_iterator & orig) : it(orig.it) {}
				JSONNode ** it;
				reverse_const_iterator(JSONNode ** starter) : it(starter) {}
				friend class JSONNode;
			reverse_const_iterator rbegin(void) const;
			reverse_const_iterator rend(void) const;

			const_iterator find(const json_string & name_t) const;
				const_iterator find_nocase(const json_string & name_t) const;

			reverse_iterator erase(reverse_iterator pos);
			reverse_iterator erase(reverse_iterator start, const reverse_iterator & end);

			iterator insert(iterator pos, const JSONNode & x);
			reverse_iterator insert(reverse_iterator pos, const JSONNode & x);
			iterator insert(iterator pos, const reverse_iterator & _start, const reverse_iterator & _end);
			reverse_iterator insert(reverse_iterator pos, const iterator & _start, const iterator & _end);
			reverse_iterator insert(reverse_iterator pos, const reverse_iterator & _start, const reverse_iterator & _end);

			json_iterator insert(json_iterator pos, const const_iterator & _start, const const_iterator & _end);
			reverse_iterator insert(reverse_iterator pos, const const_iterator & _start, const const_iterator & _end);
			json_iterator insert(json_iterator pos, const reverse_const_iterator & _start, const reverse_const_iterator & _end);
			reverse_iterator insert(reverse_iterator pos, const reverse_const_iterator & _start, const reverse_const_iterator & _end);
			typedef JSONNode** json_iterator;
			#define json_iterator_ptr(iter) iter
			#define ptr_to_json_iterator(iter) iter
			json_iterator insert(json_iterator pos, JSONNode * x);

		json_iterator begin(void);
		json_iterator end(void);

		json_iterator find(const json_string & name_t);
			json_iterator find_nocase(const json_string & name_t);
		json_iterator erase(json_iterator pos);
		json_iterator erase(json_iterator start, const json_iterator & end);
		json_iterator insert(json_iterator pos, const json_iterator & _start, const json_iterator & _end);

		static void register_mutex_callbacks(json_mutex_callback_t lock, json_mutex_callback_t unlock, void * manager_lock);
			static void register_mutex_destructor(json_mutex_callback_t destroy);
		static void set_global_mutex(void * mutex);
		void set_mutex(void * mutex);
		void lock(int thread);
		void unlock(int thread);
		struct auto_lock {
				auto_lock(JSONNode & node, int thread) : mynode(&node), mythread(thread){
					mynode -> lock(mythread);
				auto_lock(JSONNode *node, int thread) : mynode(node), mythread(thread){
					mynode -> lock(mythread);
					mynode -> unlock(mythread);
				auto_lock & operator=(const auto_lock &);
				auto_lock(const auto_lock &);
				JSONNode * mynode;
				int mythread;
		static void * getThisLock(JSONNode * pthis);

		static int getNodeAllocationCount(void);
		static int getNodeDeallocationCount(void);
		static int getInternalAllocationCount(void);
		static int getInternalDeallocationCount(void);
		static void incAllocCount(void);
		static void decAllocCount(void);
		static void incinternalAllocCount(void);
		static void decinternalAllocCount(void);

		json_string write(void) const;
		json_string write_formatted(void) const;

	#ifdef JSON_DEBUG
		#ifndef JSON_LIBRARY
			JSONNode dump(void) const;
	static void deleteJSONNode(JSONNode * ptr);
	static JSONNode * newJSONNode_Shallow(const JSONNode & orig);
	static JSONNode * newJSONNode(const JSONNode & orig		JSON_MUTEX_COPY_DECL2);
	static JSONNode * newJSONNode(internalJSONNode * internal_t);
	//used by JSONWorker
	JSONNode(const json_string & unparsed);
	JSONNode(internalJSONNode * internal_t);
	JSONNode(bool, JSONNode & orig);

	void decRef(void);  //decrements internal's counter, deletes it if needed
		void makeUniqueInternal(void); //makes internal it's own
		void merge(JSONNode * other);

	#ifdef JSON_DEBUG
		#ifndef JSON_LIBRARY
			JSONNode dump(size_t & totalmemory);

		#ifndef JSON_LIBRARY
			json_iterator insertFRR(json_iterator pos, JSONNode ** const _start, JSONNode ** const _end);
			reverse_iterator insertRRR(reverse_iterator pos, JSONNode ** const _start, JSONNode ** const _end);
			reverse_iterator insertRFF(reverse_iterator pos, JSONNode ** const _start, JSONNode ** const _end);
		json_iterator insertFFF(json_iterator pos, JSONNode ** const _start, JSONNode ** const _end);

	mutable internalJSONNode * internal;
