#ifndef INTERNAL_JSONNODE_H #define INTERNAL_JSONNODE_H #include "JSONChildren.h" #include "JSONMemory.h" #ifdef JSON_DEBUG #include <climits> //to check int value #endif /* This class is the work horse of libJSON, it handles all of the functinality of JSONNode. This object is reference counted for speed and memory reasons. If JSON_REF_COUNT is not on, this internal structure still has an important purpose, as it can be passed around by JSONNoders that are flagged as temporary */ class JSONNode; //forward declaration #ifndef JSON_LIBRARY #define DECL_SET_INTEGER(type) void Set(type); void Set(unsigned type); #endif #ifdef JSON_MUTEX_CALLBACKS #define initializeMutex(x) ,mylock(x) #else #define initializeMutex(x) #endif #ifdef JSON_PREPARSE #define SetFetched(b) (void)0 #define Fetch() (void)0 #define initializeFetch(x) #else #define initializeFetch(x) ,fetched(x) #endif #ifdef JSON_REF_COUNT #define initializeRefCount(x) ,refcount(x) #else #define initializeRefCount(x) #endif #ifdef JSON_COMMENTS #define initializeComment(x) ,_comment(x) #else #define initializeComment(x) #endif #ifndef JSON_UNIT_TEST #define incAllocCount() (void)0 #define decAllocCount() (void)0 #define incinternalAllocCount() (void)0 #define decinternalAllocCount() (void)0 #endif #ifdef JSON_VALIDATE #define initializeValid(x) ,isValid(x) #else #define initializeValid(x) #endif class internalJSONNode { public: internalJSONNode(char mytype = JSON_NULL); internalJSONNode(const json_string & unparsed); internalJSONNode(const json_string & name_t, const json_string & value_t); internalJSONNode(const internalJSONNode & orig); internalJSONNode & operator = (const internalJSONNode &); ~internalJSONNode(void); static internalJSONNode * newInternal(char mytype = JSON_NULL); static internalJSONNode * newInternal(const json_string & unparsed); static internalJSONNode * newInternal(const json_string & name_t, const json_string & value_t); static internalJSONNode * newInternal(const internalJSONNode & orig); //not copyable, only by this class static void deleteInternal(internalJSONNode * ptr); json_index_t size(void) const; bool empty(void) const; unsigned char type(void) const; const json_char* name(void) const; void setname(const json_string & newname); #ifdef JSON_COMMENTS void setcomment(const json_string & comment); json_string getcomment(void) const; #endif json_string as_string(void) const; CMString as_mstring(void) const; long as_int(void) const; json_number as_float(void) const; bool as_bool(void) const; #ifndef JSON_PREPARSE void preparse(void); #endif #ifdef JSON_LIBRARY void push_back(JSONNode *node); #else void push_back(const JSONNode & node); #endif void reserve(json_index_t size); void push_front(const JSONNode & node); JSONNode * pop_back(json_index_t pos); JSONNode * pop_back(const json_string & name_t); #ifdef JSON_CASE_INSENSITIVE_FUNCTIONS JSONNode * pop_back_nocase(const json_string & name_t); #endif JSONNode * at(json_index_t pos); //These return ** because pop_back needs them JSONNode ** at(const json_string & name_t); #ifdef JSON_CASE_INSENSITIVE_FUNCTIONS JSONNode ** at_nocase(const json_string & name_t); #endif void Set(const json_string & val); #ifdef JSON_LIBRARY void Set(json_number val); void Set(long val); #else DECL_SET_INTEGER(char) DECL_SET_INTEGER(short) DECL_SET_INTEGER(int) DECL_SET_INTEGER(long) #ifndef JSON_ISO_STRICT DECL_SET_INTEGER(long long) #endif void Set(float val); void Set(double val); #endif void Set(bool val); bool IsEqualTo(const json_string & val)const ; bool IsEqualTo(bool val) const; bool IsEqualTo(const internalJSONNode * val) const; template<typename T> bool IsEqualToNum(T val) const; internalJSONNode * incRef(void); #ifdef JSON_REF_COUNT void decRef(void); bool hasNoReferences(void); #endif internalJSONNode * makeUnique(void); JSONNode ** begin(void) const; JSONNode ** end(void) const; #ifdef JSON_REF_COUNT size_t refcount BITS(20); #endif bool Fetched(void) const; #ifdef JSON_MUTEX_CALLBACKS void * mylock; void _set_mutex(void * mutex, bool unset = true); void _unset_mutex(void); #endif #ifdef JSON_UNIT_TEST static void incinternalAllocCount(void); static void decinternalAllocCount(void); #endif #ifdef JSON_WRITER json_string WriteName(bool formatted, bool arrayChild) const; json_string WriteChildren(unsigned int indent); json_string WriteComment(unsigned int indent) const; json_string Write(unsigned int indent, bool arrayChild); #endif #ifdef JSON_DEBUG #ifndef JSON_LIBRARY JSONNode Dump(size_t & totalmemory) const; JSONNode DumpMutex(void) const; #endif #endif //json parts mutable unsigned char _type BITS(3); mutable bool _name_encoded BITS(1); //must be above name due to initialization list order json_string _name; mutable json_string _string; //these are both mutable because the string can change when it's fetched mutable bool _string_encoded BITS(1); //the value of the json union value_union_t { bool _bool; json_number _number; }; mutable value_union_t _value; //internal structure changes depending on type jsonChildren Children; //container that holds all of my children #ifdef JSON_VALIDATE mutable bool isValid BITS(1); //this does not need to be initialized, it's only used if it's null void Nullify(bool validation = true) const; bool validate(void); #else void Nullify(void) const; #endif //Fetching and such #ifndef JSON_PREPARSE mutable bool fetched BITS(1); void SetFetched(bool val) const; void Fetch(void) const; //it's const because it doesn't change the VALUE of the function #endif #ifdef JSON_COMMENTS json_string _comment; #endif void FetchString(void) const; void FetchNode(void) const; void FetchArray(void) const; void FetchNumber(void) const; #ifdef JSON_CASE_INSENSITIVE_FUNCTIONS static bool AreEqualNoCase(const json_char * ch_one, const json_char * ch_two); #endif }; inline internalJSONNode::internalJSONNode(char mytype) : _type(mytype), Children(), _name(), _name_encoded(), _string(), _string_encoded(), _value() initializeMutex(0) initializeRefCount(1) initializeFetch(true) initializeComment(0) initializeValid(true){ incinternalAllocCount(); } inline internalJSONNode * internalJSONNode::incRef(void){ #ifdef JSON_REF_COUNT ++refcount; return this; #else return makeUnique(); #endif } inline json_index_t internalJSONNode::size(void) const { Fetch(); return Children.size(); } inline bool internalJSONNode::empty(void) const { if (type() != JSON_NODE && type() != JSON_ARRAY) return true; Fetch(); return Children.empty(); } inline unsigned char internalJSONNode::type(void) const { #ifdef JSON_LESS_MEMORY return _type & 0xF; #else return _type; #endif } inline const json_char* internalJSONNode::name(void) const { return _name.c_str(); } inline void internalJSONNode::setname(const json_string & newname){ _name = newname; #ifdef JSON_LESS_MEMORY _type |= 0x10; #else _name_encoded = true; #endif } #ifdef JSON_COMMENTS inline void internalJSONNode::setcomment(const json_string & comment){ _comment = comment; } inline json_string internalJSONNode::getcomment(void) const { return _comment; } #endif inline json_string internalJSONNode::as_string(void) const { Fetch(); return _string; } inline CMString internalJSONNode::as_mstring(void) const { Fetch(); return CMString(ptrT(mir_utf8decodeT(_string.c_str()))); } inline long internalJSONNode::as_int(void) const { Fetch(); switch(type()) { case JSON_NULL: return 0; case JSON_BOOL: return _value._bool ? 1 : 0; } JSON_ASSERT(type() == JSON_NUMBER, JSON_TEXT("as_int returning undefined results")); JSON_ASSERT(_value._number > LONG_MIN, _string + JSON_TEXT(" is outside the lower range of long")); JSON_ASSERT(_value._number < LONG_MAX, _string + JSON_TEXT(" is outside the upper range of long")); JSON_ASSERT(_value._number == (json_number)((int)_value._number), json_string(JSON_TEXT("as_int will truncate ")) + _string); return (int)_value._number; } inline json_number internalJSONNode::as_float(void) const { Fetch(); switch(type()) { case JSON_NULL: return (json_number)0.0; case JSON_BOOL: return (json_number)(_value._bool ? 1.0 : 0.0); } JSON_ASSERT(type() == JSON_NUMBER, JSON_TEXT("as_float returning undefined results")); return _value._number; } inline bool internalJSONNode::as_bool(void) const { Fetch(); switch(type()) { case JSON_NUMBER: return _value._number != 0.0f; case JSON_NULL: return false; } JSON_ASSERT(type() == JSON_BOOL, JSON_TEXT("as_bool returning undefined results")); return _value._bool; } inline bool internalJSONNode::IsEqualTo(const json_string & val) const { if (type() != JSON_STRING) return false; Fetch(); return val == _string; } inline bool internalJSONNode::IsEqualTo(bool val) const { if (type() != JSON_BOOL) return false; Fetch(); return val == _value._bool; } template<typename T> inline bool internalJSONNode::IsEqualToNum(T val) const { if (type() != JSON_NUMBER) return false; Fetch(); return (json_number)val == _value._number; } #ifdef JSON_REF_COUNT inline void internalJSONNode::decRef(void){ JSON_ASSERT(refcount != 0, JSON_TEXT("decRef on a 0 refcount internal")); --refcount; } inline bool internalJSONNode::hasNoReferences(void){ return refcount == 0; } #endif inline internalJSONNode * internalJSONNode::makeUnique(void){ #ifdef JSON_REF_COUNT if (refcount > 1){ decRef(); return newInternal(*this); } JSON_ASSERT(refcount == 1, JSON_TEXT("makeUnique on a 0 refcount internal")); return this; #else return newInternal(*this); #endif } #ifndef JSON_PREPARSE inline void internalJSONNode::SetFetched(bool val) const { fetched = val; } #endif inline bool internalJSONNode::Fetched(void) const { #ifndef JSON_PREPARSE return fetched; #else return true; #endif } inline JSONNode ** internalJSONNode::begin(void) const { Fetch(); return Children.begin(); } inline JSONNode ** internalJSONNode::end(void) const { Fetch(); return Children.end(); } inline JSONNode * internalJSONNode::at(json_index_t pos){ Fetch(); return Children[pos]; } inline void internalJSONNode::reserve(json_index_t size){ Fetch(); Children.reserve2(size); } /* These functions are to allow allocation to be completely controlled by the callbacks */ inline void internalJSONNode::deleteInternal(internalJSONNode * ptr){ #ifdef JSON_MEMORY_CALLBACKS ptr -> ~internalJSONNode(); libjson_free<internalJSONNode>(ptr); #else delete ptr; #endif } inline internalJSONNode * internalJSONNode::newInternal(char mytype){ #ifdef JSON_MEMORY_CALLBACKS return new(json_malloc<internalJSONNode>(1)) internalJSONNode(mytype); #else return new internalJSONNode(mytype); #endif } inline internalJSONNode * internalJSONNode::newInternal(const json_string & unparsed){ #ifdef JSON_MEMORY_CALLBACKS return new(json_malloc<internalJSONNode>(1)) internalJSONNode(unparsed); #else return new internalJSONNode(unparsed); #endif } inline internalJSONNode * internalJSONNode::newInternal(const json_string & name_t, const json_string & value_t){ #ifdef JSON_MEMORY_CALLBACKS return new(json_malloc<internalJSONNode>(1)) internalJSONNode(name_t, value_t); #else return new internalJSONNode(name_t, value_t); #endif } inline internalJSONNode * internalJSONNode::newInternal(const internalJSONNode & orig){ #ifdef JSON_MEMORY_CALLBACKS return new(json_malloc<internalJSONNode>(1)) internalJSONNode(orig); #else return new internalJSONNode(orig); #endif } #endif