#include "html.h" #include "render_table.h" #include "document.h" #include "iterators.h" litehtml::render_item_table::render_item_table(std::shared_ptr _src_el) : render_item(std::move(_src_el)), m_border_spacing_x(0), m_border_spacing_y(0) { } int litehtml::render_item_table::_render(int x, int y, const containing_block_context &containing_block_size, formatting_context* fmt_ctx, bool /*second_pass*/) { if (!m_grid) return 0; containing_block_context self_size = calculate_containing_block_context(containing_block_size); // Calculate table spacing int table_width_spacing = 0; if (src_el()->css().get_border_collapse() == border_collapse_separate) { table_width_spacing = m_border_spacing_x * (m_grid->cols_count() + 1); } else { table_width_spacing = 0; if (m_grid->cols_count()) { table_width_spacing -= std::min(border_left(), m_grid->column(0).border_left); table_width_spacing -= std::min(border_right(), m_grid->column(m_grid->cols_count() - 1).border_right); } for (int col = 1; col < m_grid->cols_count(); col++) { table_width_spacing -= std::min(m_grid->column(col).border_left, m_grid->column(col - 1).border_right); } } // Calculate the minimum content width (MCW) of each cell: the formatted content may span any number of lines but may not overflow the cell box. // If the specified 'width' (W) of the cell is greater than MCW, W is the minimum cell width. A value of 'auto' means that MCW is the minimum // cell width. // // Also, calculate the "maximum" cell width of each cell: formatting the content without breaking lines other than where explicit line breaks occur. if (m_grid->cols_count() == 1 && self_size.width.type != containing_block_context::cbc_value_type_auto) { for (int row = 0; row < m_grid->rows_count(); row++) { table_cell* cell = m_grid->cell(0, row); if (cell && cell->el) { cell->min_width = cell->max_width = cell->el->render(0, 0, self_size.new_width(self_size.render_width - table_width_spacing), fmt_ctx); cell->el->pos().width = cell->min_width - cell->el->content_offset_left() - cell->el->content_offset_right(); } } } else { for (int row = 0; row < m_grid->rows_count(); row++) { for (int col = 0; col < m_grid->cols_count(); col++) { table_cell* cell = m_grid->cell(col, row); if (cell && cell->el) { if (!m_grid->column(col).css_width.is_predefined() && m_grid->column(col).css_width.units() != css_units_percentage) { int css_w = m_grid->column(col).css_width.calc_percent(self_size.width); int el_w = cell->el->render(0, 0, self_size.new_width(css_w),fmt_ctx); cell->min_width = cell->max_width = std::max(css_w, el_w); cell->el->pos().width = cell->min_width - cell->el->content_offset_left() - cell->el->content_offset_right(); } else { // calculate minimum content width cell->min_width = cell->el->render(0, 0, self_size.new_width(cell->el->content_offset_width()), fmt_ctx); // calculate maximum content width cell->max_width = cell->el->render(0, 0, self_size.new_width(self_size.render_width - table_width_spacing), fmt_ctx); } } } } } // For each column, determine a maximum and minimum column width from the cells that span only that column. // The minimum is that required by the cell with the largest minimum cell width (or the column 'width', whichever is larger). // The maximum is that required by the cell with the largest maximum cell width (or the column 'width', whichever is larger). for (int col = 0; col < m_grid->cols_count(); col++) { m_grid->column(col).max_width = 0; m_grid->column(col).min_width = 0; for (int row = 0; row < m_grid->rows_count(); row++) { if (m_grid->cell(col, row)->colspan <= 1) { m_grid->column(col).max_width = std::max(m_grid->column(col).max_width, m_grid->cell(col, row)->max_width); m_grid->column(col).min_width = std::max(m_grid->column(col).min_width, m_grid->cell(col, row)->min_width); } } } // For each cell that spans more than one column, increase the minimum widths of the columns it spans so that together, // they are at least as wide as the cell. Do the same for the maximum widths. // If possible, widen all spanned columns by approximately the same amount. for (int col = 0; col < m_grid->cols_count(); col++) { for (int row = 0; row < m_grid->rows_count(); row++) { if (m_grid->cell(col, row)->colspan > 1) { int max_total_width = m_grid->column(col).max_width; int min_total_width = m_grid->column(col).min_width; for (int col2 = col + 1; col2 < col + m_grid->cell(col, row)->colspan; col2++) { max_total_width += m_grid->column(col2).max_width; min_total_width += m_grid->column(col2).min_width; } if (min_total_width < m_grid->cell(col, row)->min_width) { m_grid->distribute_min_width(m_grid->cell(col, row)->min_width - min_total_width, col, col + m_grid->cell(col, row)->colspan - 1); } if (max_total_width < m_grid->cell(col, row)->max_width) { m_grid->distribute_max_width(m_grid->cell(col, row)->max_width - max_total_width, col, col + m_grid->cell(col, row)->colspan - 1); } } } } // If the 'table' or 'inline-table' element's 'width' property has a computed value (W) other than 'auto', the used width is the // greater of W, CAPMIN, and the minimum width required by all the columns plus cell spacing or borders (MIN). // If the used width is greater than MIN, the extra width should be distributed over the columns. // // If the 'table' or 'inline-table' element has 'width: auto', the used width is the greater of the table's containing block width, // CAPMIN, and MIN. However, if either CAPMIN or the maximum width required by the columns plus cell spacing or borders (MAX) is // less than that of the containing block, use max(MAX, CAPMIN). int table_width = 0; int min_table_width = 0; int max_table_width = 0; if (self_size.width.type == containing_block_context::cbc_value_type_absolute) { table_width = m_grid->calc_table_width(self_size.render_width - table_width_spacing, false, min_table_width, max_table_width); } else { table_width = m_grid->calc_table_width(self_size.render_width - table_width_spacing, self_size.width.type == containing_block_context::cbc_value_type_auto, min_table_width, max_table_width); } min_table_width += table_width_spacing; max_table_width += table_width_spacing; table_width += table_width_spacing; m_grid->calc_horizontal_positions(m_borders, src_el()->css().get_border_collapse(), m_border_spacing_x); bool row_span_found = false; // render cells with computed width for (int row = 0; row < m_grid->rows_count(); row++) { m_grid->row(row).height = 0; for (int col = 0; col < m_grid->cols_count(); col++) { table_cell* cell = m_grid->cell(col, row); if (cell->el) { int span_col = col + cell->colspan - 1; if (span_col >= m_grid->cols_count()) { span_col = m_grid->cols_count() - 1; } int cell_width = m_grid->column(span_col).right - m_grid->column(col).left; //if (cell->el->pos().width != cell_width - cell->el->content_offset_left() - // cell->el->content_offset_right()) { cell->el->render(m_grid->column(col).left, 0, self_size.new_width(cell_width), fmt_ctx, true); cell->el->pos().width = cell_width - cell->el->content_offset_left() - cell->el->content_offset_right(); } /*else { cell->el->pos().x = m_grid->column(col).left + cell->el->content_offset_left(); }*/ if (cell->rowspan <= 1) { m_grid->row(row).height = std::max(m_grid->row(row).height, cell->el->height()); } else { row_span_found = true; } } } } if (row_span_found) { for (int col = 0; col < m_grid->cols_count(); col++) { for (int row = 0; row < m_grid->rows_count(); row++) { table_cell* cell = m_grid->cell(col, row); if (cell->el) { int span_row = row + cell->rowspan - 1; if (span_row >= m_grid->rows_count()) { span_row = m_grid->rows_count() - 1; } if (span_row != row) { int h = 0; for (int i = row; i <= span_row; i++) { h += m_grid->row(i).height; } if (h < cell->el->height()) { m_grid->row(span_row).height += cell->el->height() - h; } } } } } } // Calculate vertical table spacing int table_height_spacing = 0; if (src_el()->css().get_border_collapse() == border_collapse_separate) { table_height_spacing = m_border_spacing_y * (m_grid->rows_count() + 1); } else { table_height_spacing = 0; if (m_grid->rows_count()) { table_height_spacing -= std::min(border_top(), m_grid->row(0).border_top); table_height_spacing -= std::min(border_bottom(), m_grid->row(m_grid->rows_count() - 1).border_bottom); } for (int row = 1; row < m_grid->rows_count(); row++) { table_height_spacing -= std::min(m_grid->row(row).border_top, m_grid->row(row - 1).border_bottom); } } // calculate block height int block_height = 0; if(self_size.height.type != containing_block_context::cbc_value_type_auto && self_size.height > 0) { block_height = self_size.height - (m_padding.height() + m_borders.height()); } // calculate minimum height from m_css.get_min_height() int min_height = 0; if (!src_el()->css().get_min_height().is_predefined() && src_el()->css().get_min_height().units() == css_units_percentage) { min_height = src_el()->css().get_min_height().calc_percent(containing_block_size.height); } else { min_height = (int)src_el()->css().get_min_height().val(); } int minimum_table_height = std::max(block_height, min_height); m_grid->calc_rows_height(minimum_table_height - table_height_spacing, m_border_spacing_y); m_grid->calc_vertical_positions(m_borders, src_el()->css().get_border_collapse(), m_border_spacing_y); int table_height = 0; // place cells vertically for (int col = 0; col < m_grid->cols_count(); col++) { for (int row = 0; row < m_grid->rows_count(); row++) { table_cell* cell = m_grid->cell(col, row); if (cell->el) { int span_row = row + cell->rowspan - 1; if (span_row >= m_grid->rows_count()) { span_row = m_grid->rows_count() - 1; } cell->el->pos().y = m_grid->row(row).top + cell->el->content_offset_top(); cell->el->pos().height = m_grid->row(span_row).bottom - m_grid->row(row).top - cell->el->content_offset_top() - cell->el->content_offset_bottom(); table_height = std::max(table_height, m_grid->row(span_row).bottom); cell->el->apply_vertical_align(); } } } if (src_el()->css().get_border_collapse() == border_collapse_collapse) { if (m_grid->rows_count()) { table_height -= std::min(border_bottom(), m_grid->row(m_grid->rows_count() - 1).border_bottom); } } else { table_height += m_border_spacing_y; } // Render table captions // Table border doesn't round the caption, so we have to start caption in the border position int top_captions = -border_top(); for (auto& caption : m_grid->captions()) { if(caption->css().get_caption_side() == caption_side_top) { caption->render(-border_left(), top_captions, self_size.new_width(table_width + border_left() + border_right()), fmt_ctx); top_captions += caption->height(); } } if (top_captions) { // Add border height to get the top of cells top_captions += border_top(); // Save caption height for draw_background m_grid->top_captions_height(top_captions); // Move table cells to the bottom side for (int row = 0; row < m_grid->rows_count(); row++) { m_grid->row(row).el_row->pos().y += top_captions; for (int col = 0; col < m_grid->cols_count(); col++) { table_cell* cell = m_grid->cell(col, row); if (cell->el) { cell->el->pos().y += top_captions; } } } } int bottom_captions = 0; for (auto& caption : m_grid->captions()) { if(caption->css().get_caption_side() == caption_side_bottom) { caption->render(-border_left(), table_height + top_captions + bottom_captions, self_size.new_width(table_width + border_left() + border_right()), fmt_ctx); bottom_captions += caption->height(); } } m_pos.move_to(x + content_offset_left(), y + content_offset_top()); m_pos.width = table_width; m_pos.height = table_height + top_captions + bottom_captions; if(self_size.width.type != containing_block_context::cbc_value_type_absolute) { return std::min(table_width, max_table_width) + content_offset_width(); } return table_width + content_offset_width(); } std::shared_ptr litehtml::render_item_table::init() { // Initialize Grid m_grid = std::unique_ptr(new table_grid()); go_inside_table table_selector; table_rows_selector row_selector; table_cells_selector cell_selector; elements_iterator row_iter(false, &table_selector, &row_selector); row_iter.process(shared_from_this(), [&](std::shared_ptr& el, iterator_item_type /*item_type*/) { m_grid->begin_row(el); elements_iterator cell_iter(true, &table_selector, &cell_selector); cell_iter.process(el, [&](std::shared_ptr& el, iterator_item_type item_type) { if(item_type != iterator_item_type_end_parent) { el = el->init(); m_grid->add_cell(el); } }); }); for (auto& el : m_children) { if (el->src_el()->css().get_display() == display_table_caption) { el = el->init(); m_grid->captions().push_back(el); } } m_grid->finish(); if(src_el()->css().get_border_collapse() == border_collapse_separate) { int font_size = src_el()->css().get_font_size(); document::ptr doc = src_el()->get_document(); m_border_spacing_x = doc->to_pixels(src_el()->css().get_border_spacing_x(), font_size); m_border_spacing_y = doc->to_pixels(src_el()->css().get_border_spacing_y(), font_size); } else { m_border_spacing_x = 0; m_border_spacing_y = 0; } src_el()->add_render(shared_from_this()); return shared_from_this(); } void litehtml::render_item_table::draw_children(uint_ptr hdc, int x, int y, const position* clip, draw_flag flag, int zindex) { if (!m_grid) return; position pos = m_pos; pos.x += x; pos.y += y; for (auto& caption : m_grid->captions()) { if (flag == draw_block) { caption->src_el()->draw(hdc, pos.x, pos.y, clip, caption); } caption->draw_children(hdc, pos.x, pos.y, clip, flag, zindex); } for (int row = 0; row < m_grid->rows_count(); row++) { if (flag == draw_block) { m_grid->row(row).el_row->src_el()->draw_background(hdc, pos.x, pos.y, clip, m_grid->row(row).el_row); } for (int col = 0; col < m_grid->cols_count(); col++) { table_cell* cell = m_grid->cell(col, row); if (cell->el) { if (flag == draw_block) { cell->el->src_el()->draw(hdc, pos.x, pos.y, clip, cell->el); } cell->el->draw_children(hdc, pos.x, pos.y, clip, flag, zindex); } } } } int litehtml::render_item_table::get_draw_vertical_offset() { if(m_grid) { return m_grid->top_captions_height(); } return 0; } void litehtml::render_item_table_row::get_inline_boxes( position::vector& boxes ) const { position pos; for(auto& el : m_children) { if(el->src_el()->css().get_display() == display_table_cell) { pos.x = el->left() + el->margin_left(); pos.y = el->top() - m_padding.top - m_borders.top; pos.width = el->right() - pos.x - el->margin_right() - el->margin_left(); pos.height = el->height() + m_padding.top + m_padding.bottom + m_borders.top + m_borders.bottom; boxes.push_back(pos); } } }