/* dbx_tree: tree database driver for Miranda IM Copyright 2007-2010 Michael "Protogenes" Kunz, This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ #pragma once #include <vector> template <class TType> class CIterationHeap { public: enum TIterationType {ITForward, ITBackward}; CIterationHeap(TType & InitialItem, TIterationType ForBack, bool DeleteItems = true); ~CIterationHeap(); bool Insert(TType & Item); TType & Top(); void Pop(); protected: typedef struct THeapElement { TType * Elem; size_t Index; } THeapElement, * PHeapElement; std::vector <PHeapElement> m_Heap; TIterationType m_Type; bool m_DeleteItems; bool A_b4_B(PHeapElement a, PHeapElement b); private: }; template <class TType> inline bool CIterationHeap<TType>::A_b4_B(PHeapElement a, PHeapElement b) { if (m_Type == ITForward) { if ((**a->Elem) == (**b->Elem)) return a->Index < b->Index; return (**a->Elem) < (**b->Elem); } else { if ((**a->Elem) == (**b->Elem)) return a->Index > b->Index; return (**a->Elem) > (**b->Elem); } } template <class TType> CIterationHeap<TType>::CIterationHeap(TType & InitialItem, TIterationType MinMax, bool DeleteItems) : m_Heap() { m_Heap.resize(1); m_Heap.reserve(1 << 1); m_Type = MinMax; m_Heap[0] = new THeapElement; m_Heap[0]->Elem = &InitialItem; m_Heap[0]->Index = m_Heap.size(); m_DeleteItems = DeleteItems; } template <class TType> CIterationHeap<TType>::~CIterationHeap() { unsigned int i = 0; while ((i < m_Heap.size()) && (m_Heap[i])) { if (m_DeleteItems && m_Heap[i]->Elem) delete m_Heap[i]->Elem; delete m_Heap[i]; ++i; } } template <class TType> bool CIterationHeap<TType>::Insert(TType & Item) { if (!Item) return false; if (m_Heap.capacity() == m_Heap.size() + 1) m_Heap.reserve(m_Heap.capacity() << 1); m_Heap.push_back(NULL); size_t way = m_Heap.capacity() >> 2; size_t index = 0; PHeapElement ins = new THeapElement; ins->Elem = &Item; ins->Index = m_Heap.size(); PHeapElement next; while ((way > 0) && (index + 1 < m_Heap.size())) { next = m_Heap[index]; if ((!(*next->Elem)) || A_b4_B(ins, next)) { m_Heap[index] = ins; ins = next; } if (way & m_Heap.size()) //right { index = (index << 1) + 2; } else { // left index = (index << 1) + 1; } way = way >> 1; } m_Heap[index] = ins; return true; } template <class TType> TType & CIterationHeap<TType>::Top() { return *m_Heap[0]->Elem; } template <class TType> void CIterationHeap<TType>::Pop() { if (m_Type == ITForward) ++(*m_Heap[0]->Elem); else --(*m_Heap[0]->Elem); size_t index = 0; PHeapElement ins = m_Heap[0]; size_t big = 1; while ((big > 0) && (index < (m_Heap.size() >> 1))) { big = 0; if ((((index << 1) + 2) < m_Heap.size()) && (*m_Heap[(index << 1) + 2]->Elem)) { if (*ins->Elem) { if (A_b4_B(m_Heap[(index << 1) + 2], m_Heap[(index << 1) + 1])) big = (index << 1) + 2; else big = (index << 1) + 1; } else { m_Heap[index] = m_Heap[(index << 1) + 2]; index = (index << 1) + 2; m_Heap[index] = ins; } } else if ((((index << 1) + 1) < m_Heap.size()) && (*m_Heap[(index << 1) + 1]->Elem)) { if (*ins->Elem) { big = (index << 1) + 1; } else { m_Heap[index] = m_Heap[(index << 1) + 1]; index = (index << 1) + 1; m_Heap[index] = ins; } } if ((big > 0) && A_b4_B(m_Heap[big], ins)) { m_Heap[index] = m_Heap[big]; index = big; m_Heap[big] = ins; } else { big = 0; } } }