{ ############################################################################ } { # # } { # MirandaNG HistoryToDB Plugin v2.5 # } { # # } { # License: GPLv3 # } { # # } { # Author: Grigorev Michael (icq: 161867489, email: sleuthhound@gmail.com) # } { # # } { ############################################################################ } //*****************************************************************// // // // TMapStream // // Copyright� BrandsPatch LLC // // http://www.explainth.at // // // // All Rights Reserved // // // // Permission is granted to use, modify and redistribute // // the code in this Delphi unit on the condition that this // // notice is retained unchanged. // // // // BrandsPatch declines all responsibility for any losses, // // direct or indirect, that may arise as a result of using // // this code. // // // //*****************************************************************// unit MapStream; interface uses Windows, SysUtils, Classes, SyncObjs; const MAXINTMINUS = MAXINT - 1; type TMapBytes = array[0..MAXINTMINUS] of Byte; PMapBytes = ^TMapBytes; type TMapStream = class(TObject) private FHandle: THandle; FPosition: Integer; FSize: Integer; FTimeOut: Integer; procedure SetPosition(Value: Integer); function CountGood(Count: Integer):Boolean; function GrabEvent: Boolean; procedure ReleaseEvent; protected FEvent: TEvent; FMemory: PMapBytes; public property Position: Integer read FPosition write SetPosition; constructor CreateEx(const AName: String; ASize,ATimeOut: Integer); destructor Destroy; override; function Clear: Boolean; function CopyFrom(AStream: TStream;Count: Integer): Boolean; function ReadBuffer(P: Pointer; Count: Integer): Boolean; function WriteBuffer(P: Pointer; Count: Integer): Boolean; end; type ENoMapping = class(Exception); implementation // MapStream Create & Destroy constructor TMapStream.CreateEx(const AName:String;ASize,ATimeOut:Integer); begin inherited Create; FSize := ASize; FTimeOut := ATimeOut; if (FSize < 1) or (FSize > MAXINTMINUS) then FSize:=MAXWORD; if (FTimeOut < 1) or (FTimeOut > 5000) then FTimeOut:=2000; //2000ms timeout for safety FHandle:=CreateFileMapping($FFFFFFFF,nil,PAGE_READWRITE,0,FSize,PChar(AName)); //See the Windows Kernel32 CreateFileMapping function for information if (FHandle = 0) then ENoMapping.Create(Format('%s file mapping failed.',[AName])) else begin FMemory:=MapViewOfFile(FHandle,FILE_MAP_ALL_ACCESS,0,0,0); FEvent:=TEvent.Create(nil,True,True,Format('ExplainThat_%s_MAP',[AName])); {1. map a view of the file mapping into the address space of the parent application 2. create an event to prevent simultaneous access to the map by different apps. We try to make the event name unique so we don't end up with a handle to an unrelated event that already exists } end; end; destructor TMapStream.Destroy; begin UnMapViewOfFile(FMemory); CloseHandle(FHandle); FEvent.Free; inherited; end; function TMapStream.CountGood(Count:Integer):Boolean; begin Result:=(FPosition + Count < FSize); end; function TMapStream.GrabEvent:Boolean; begin Result:=True; with FEvent do begin case WaitFor(FTimeOut) of wrSignaled:ReSetEvent; {locks the event for exclusive use by this app. Funny name, ReSetEvent, not our choice!} else Result:=False; end; end; end; procedure TMapStream.ReleaseEvent; begin FEvent.SetEvent; //unlock the event so other apps can use it end; // MapStream Manipulation function TMapStream.Clear:Boolean; begin if GrabEvent then try FillChar(FMemory^[0],FSize,0); FPosition:=0; Result:=True; finally ReleaseEvent end else Result:=False; end; function TMapStream.CopyFrom(AStream:TStream;Count:Integer):Boolean; function SizeGood:Boolean; var i,ASize:Integer; begin ASize:=AStream.Size; if (Count = 0) or (Count > ASize) then begin Count:=ASize; AStream.Position:=0; end; Result:=(FPosition + Count < FSize); {make sure the copy block is not too big. Incidentally, also make Count = 0 as in Delphi.TStream} end; begin if SizeGood and GrabEvent then try AStream.ReadBuffer(Byte(FMemory^[FPosition]),Count); Result:=True; finally ReleaseEvent end else Result:=False; end; function TMapStream.ReadBuffer(P:Pointer;Count:Integer):Boolean; begin if CountGood(Count) and GrabEvent then try Move(FMemory^[FPosition],P^,Count); inc(FPosition,Count); Result:=True; finally ReleaseEvent end else Result:=False; end; function TMapStream.WriteBuffer(P:Pointer;Count:Integer):Boolean; begin if CountGood(Count) and GrabEvent then try Move(P^,FMemory^[FPosition],Count); inc(FPosition,Count); Result:=True; finally ReleaseEvent end else Result:=False; end; procedure TMapStream.SetPosition(Value:Integer); begin if (Value < FSize) and (Value >= 0) then FPosition:=Value; end; end.