//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // All code below is exclusively owned by author of Chess4Net - Pavel Perminov // (packpaul@mail.ru, packpaul1@gmail.com). // Any changes, modifications, borrowing and adaptation are a subject for // explicit permition from the owner. unit LocalizerUnit; interface uses SysUtils, TntSysUtils, Classes, TntClasses; type // A singletone that is used to localize interface ILocalizable = interface procedure Localize; end; ELocalizer = class(Exception); TLocalizer = class private m_IniFileName: TFileName; m_iLangugesCount: integer; m_wstrarLanguageNames: array of WideString; m_wstrlLabels, m_wstrlMessages: TTntStringList; m_iActiveLanguage: integer; m_Subscribers: TList; constructor Create; procedure FReadLanguages; function FGetLangaugeName(iIndex: integer): WideString; procedure FSetActiveLanguage(iIndex: integer); function FReadLanguageData(iIndex: integer): boolean; procedure FNotifySubscribers; public destructor Destroy; override; class function Instance: TLocalizer; class procedure FreeInstance; reintroduce; property LanguagesCount: integer read m_iLangugesCount; // Returns a language name depending on its index function GetLabel(iIndex: integer): WideString; function GetMessage(iIndex: integer): WideString; overload; function GetMessage(iIndex: integer; wstrarParams: array of const): WideString; overload; procedure AddSubscriber(const Subscriber: ILocalizable); procedure DeleteSubscriber(const Subscriber: ILocalizable); property LanguageName[iIndex: integer]: WideString read FGetLangaugeName; property ActiveLanguage: integer read m_iActiveLanguage write FSetActiveLanguage; end; implementation uses StrUtils, Forms, TntIniFiles, // GlobalsUnit; const LOCALIZER_INI_FILE = 'Lang.ini'; // Labels are used to name interface controls s.a. TLabel and the like DEFAULT_LABELS: array[0..69] of WideString = ('Look & Feel Options', {0} 'Animate Move:', 'No', 'Slowly', 'Quickly', 'Highlight Last Move', 'Flash on incoming move', 'Show Coordinates', 'Stay Always on Top', 'Extra Exit on ESC', 'GUI Language:', {10} '&OK', '&Cancel', 'White ', 'White ', 'W ', 'Black ', 'Black ', 'B ', 'Connecting...', 'Wait until the connection is completed.', {20} '&Abort', 'Press button to continue the game.', '&Continue', 'Game Options', 'Time Control', 'Equal time for both players', 'Your time', 'Opponent''s time', 'Unlimited', 'Minutes per game:', {30} 'Increment in seconds:', 'Training Mode', 'Enabled', 'External base:', 'Use user base', 'Game can be paused', 'Game can be adjourned', 'Allow takebacks to your partner', 'Auto Flag', 'Yes', {40} 'No', 'OK', 'Cancel', 'Abort', 'Retry', 'Ignore', 'All', 'NoToAll', 'YesToAll', 'Help', {50} 'Start Adjourned Game', 'Start Standart Game', 'Start PP Random Game', 'Change Color', 'Game Options...', 'Look && Feel Options...', 'About...', 'Abort', 'Draw', 'Resign', {60} 'Adjourn', 'Pause', 'Takeback', 'If you liked plying Chess4Net give your credits at', '&Close', 'Don''t show again', 'Transmit Game', 'Select Skype contact', 'Broadcast...' ); // Messages are used in message boxes DEFAULT_MESSAGES: array[0..37] of WideString = ('White is checkmated. You win.', {0} 'White is checkmated. You loose.', 'Black is checkmated. You win.', 'Black is checkmated. You loose.', 'It''s stalemate. No one wins.', 'Your opponent leaves.', 'Your opponent leaves. The game is aborted.', 'An error during connection occured.', 'Your opponent is using an older version of Chess4Net.' + sLineBreak + 'Most of functionality will be not available.' + sLineBreak + 'Please, ask him/her to update the client.', 'The current version of Chess4Net is incompatible with the one of your partner.' + sLineBreak + 'Please check the versions.', 'Draw?', {10} 'Can we abort the game?', 'I resign. You win this game. Congratulations!', 'The game is aborted.', 'Sorry, but we have to finish this game.', 'The game is drawn.', 'No draw, sorry.', 'You forfeited on time.', 'Your opponent forfeited on time.', 'Can we pause the game?', 'No pause, sorry.', {20} 'May I take back last move?', 'Can we adjourn this game?', 'No adjourns, sorry.', 'Sorry, no takebacks!', 'Do you really want to resign?', 'Do you want to exit?', 'The game is adjourned.', 'You are currently playing some games. Do you want to start broadcasting?', 'Black forfeits on time.', 'White forfeits on time.', {30} 'White resigns.', 'Black resigns.', 'Game transmition is not supported by this client!', 'Broadcaster leaves. Transmition will be closed.', 'Stalemate.', 'White is checkmated.', 'Black is checkmated.' ); var LocalizerInstance: TLocalizer = nil; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // TLocalizer constructor TLocalizer.Create; begin m_IniFileName := Chess4NetPath + LOCALIZER_INI_FILE; m_wstrlLabels := TTntStringList.Create; m_wstrlMessages := TTntStringList.Create; m_Subscribers := TList.Create; m_iActiveLanguage := -1; FReadLanguages; FReadLanguageData(-1); end; destructor TLocalizer.Destroy; begin Finalize(m_wstrarLanguageNames); m_Subscribers.Free; m_wstrlMessages.Free; m_wstrlLabels.Free; inherited; end; class function TLocalizer.Instance: TLocalizer; begin if (not Assigned(LocalizerInstance)) then LocalizerInstance := TLocalizer.Create; Result := LocalizerInstance; end; class procedure TLocalizer.FreeInstance; begin FreeAndNil(LocalizerInstance); end; procedure TLocalizer.FReadLanguages; var IniFile: TTntIniFile; i: integer; wstrSection: WideString; begin if (not FileExists(m_IniFileName)) then exit; IniFile := TTntIniFile.Create(m_IniFileName); try // Count available languages Finalize(m_wstrarLanguageNames); i := 0; repeat wstrSection := 'Language' + IntToStr(i + 1); if (not IniFile.SectionExists(wstrSection)) then break; SetLength(m_wstrarLanguageNames, length(m_wstrarLanguageNames) + 1); m_wstrarLanguageNames[i] := IniFile.ReadString(wstrSection, 'Name', '<unknown>'); inc(i); until FALSE; m_iLangugesCount := i; finally IniFile.Free; end; end; function TLocalizer.FGetLangaugeName(iIndex: integer): WideString; begin Result := m_wstrarLanguageNames[iIndex]; end; procedure TLocalizer.FSetActiveLanguage(iIndex: integer); begin if (iIndex <> m_iActiveLanguage) then begin if (FReadLanguageData(iIndex)) then begin m_iActiveLanguage := iIndex; FNotifySubscribers; end else m_iActiveLanguage := -1; end; end; function TLocalizer.FReadLanguageData(iIndex: integer): boolean; function NInsertLineFeeds(const wstrSource: WideString): WideString; var iPos, iOffset: integer; begin Result := ''; iOffset := 1; repeat iPos := PosEx('/n', wstrSource, iOffset); if (iPos = 0) then break; if ((iPos = 1) or (wstrSource[iPos - 1] <> '/')) then Result := Result + Copy(wstrSource, iOffset, iPos - iOffset) + sLineBreak else Result := Result + Copy(wstrSource, iOffset, iPos - iOffset) + 'n'; // '//n' -> '/n' iOffset := iPos + 2; until FALSE; Result := Result + Copy(wstrSource, iOffset, MaxInt); end; var IniFile: TTntIniFile; i: integer; wstrSection: WideString; wstrlValues: TTntStringList; wstrValue: WideString; begin Result := FALSE; // Copy default values m_wstrlLabels.Clear; for i := Low(DEFAULT_LABELS) to High(DEFAULT_LABELS) do m_wstrlLabels.Add(DEFAULT_LABELS[i]); m_wstrlMessages.Clear; for i := Low(DEFAULT_MESSAGES) to High(DEFAULT_MESSAGES) do m_wstrlMessages.Add(DEFAULT_MESSAGES[i]); if (not FileExists(m_IniFileName)) then exit; wstrlValues := nil; IniFile := TTntIniFile.Create(m_IniFileName); try wstrSection := 'Language' + IntToStr(iIndex + 1); if (not IniFile.SectionExists(wstrSection)) then exit; wstrlValues := TTntStringList.Create; IniFile.ReadSectionValues(wstrSection, wstrlValues); for i := 0 to m_wstrlLabels.Count - 1 do begin wstrValue := wstrlValues.Values['Label' + IntToStr(i)]; if (wstrValue <> '') then begin if (wstrValue[length(wstrValue)] = '|') then // labels with a width wstrValue := Copy(wstrValue, 1, length(wstrValue) - 1); m_wstrlLabels[i] := wstrValue; end; end; for i := 0 to m_wstrlMessages.Count - 1 do begin wstrValue := wstrlValues.Values['Msg' + IntToStr(i)]; if (wstrValue <> '') then m_wstrlMessages[i] := NInsertLineFeeds(wstrValue); end; finally wstrlValues.Free; IniFile.Free; end; Result := TRUE; end; function TLocalizer.GetLabel(iIndex: integer): WideString; begin if (iIndex in [0..m_wstrlLabels.Count - 1]) then Result := m_wstrlLabels[iIndex] else ELocalizer.Create('Wrong label index!'); end; function TLocalizer.GetMessage(iIndex: integer): WideString; begin if (iIndex in [0..m_wstrlMessages.Count - 1]) then Result := m_wstrlMessages[iIndex] else ELocalizer.Create('Wrong message index!'); end; function TLocalizer.GetMessage(iIndex: integer; wstrarParams: array of const): WideString; begin Result := WideFormat(GetMessage(iIndex), wstrarParams) end; procedure TLocalizer.AddSubscriber(const Subscriber: ILocalizable); begin if (m_Subscribers.IndexOf(Pointer(Subscriber)) < 0) then m_Subscribers.Add(Pointer(Subscriber)); end; procedure TLocalizer.DeleteSubscriber(const Subscriber: ILocalizable); var iIndex: integer; begin iIndex := m_Subscribers.IndexOf(Pointer(Subscriber)); if (iIndex >= 0) then m_Subscribers.Delete(iIndex); end; procedure TLocalizer.FNotifySubscribers; var i: integer; begin for i := 0 to m_Subscribers.Count - 1 do ILocalizable(m_Subscribers[i]).Localize; end; initialization finalization TLocalizer.FreeInstance; end.