//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // All code below is exclusively owned by author of Chess4Net - Pavel Perminov // (packpaul@mail.ru, packpaul1@gmail.com). // Any changes, modifications, borrowing and adaptation are a subject for // explicit permition from the owner. unit ControlUnit; interface uses Graphics, SysUtils, //Classes, m_globaldefs, m_api, ConnectorUnit; type IMirandaPlugin = interface(IConnectorable) // Implementatation class must be non-referenced ['{CE794050-DBA2-4D2E-867E-59A873DF7304}'] procedure Start; procedure Stop; end; const PLUGIN_NAME: string = 'MirandaPlugin'; PLUGIN_MENU_NAME: string = 'Miranda&Plugin'; var _PluginInfo: PPLUGININFO = @PLUGININFO; guidPlugin, miidPlugin: TGUID; MirandaPluginsPath, MirandaPluginPath: string; MirandaPluginIcon: TIcon = nil; MirandaPluginMenuPosition: integer = $7FFFFFFF; // gShowPluginOptions: TProcedure = nil; // gShowWrongSDKVersion: TProcedure = nil; gCreatePluginInstance: function(Connector: TConnector): IMirandaPlugin = nil; gInitializeControls: TProcedure = nil; gDeinitializeControls: TProcedure = nil; // gStartOnWrongMsgProtocol: function: boolean = nil; gErrorDuringPluginStart: TProcedure = nil; function MirandaPluginInfo(mirandaVersion: DWORD): PPLUGININFO; cdecl; function MirandaPluginInfoEx(mirandaVersion: DWORD): PPLUGININFO; cdecl; function MirandaPluginInterfaces: PGUID; cdecl; function Load(link: PPLUGINLINK): int; cdecl; function Unload: int; cdecl; function MakeMirandaPluginVersion(a, b, c, d: byte): int; exports MirandaPluginInfo, MirandaPluginInfoEx, MirandaPluginInterfaces, Load, Unload; implementation uses Dialogs, Controls, Forms, PluginCommonUnit; var PluginInterfaces: array[0..1] of TGUID; g_hMenuCommand: THandle; function MirandaPluginInfo(mirandaVersion: DWORD): PPLUGININFO; cdecl; begin PLUGININFO.cbSize := sizeof(TPLUGININFO); PLUGININFO.isTransient := 0; PLUGININFO.replacesDefaultModule := 0; Result := @PLUGININFO; end; function MirandaPluginInfoEx(mirandaVersion: DWORD): PPLUGININFO; cdecl; begin MirandaPluginInfo(mirandaVersion); // Initialize PLUGININFO Move(PLUGININFO, PLUGININFOEX, sizeof(TPLUGININFO)); PLUGININFOEX.cbSize := sizeof(TPLUGININFOEX); PLUGININFOEX.uuid := guidPlugin; Result := @PLUGININFOEX; end; function MirandaPluginInterfaces: PGUID; cdecl; begin PluginInterfaces[0] := miidPlugin; PluginInterfaces[1] := MIID_LAST; Result := @PluginInterfaces; end; function Start(wParam: WPARAM; lParam_: LPARAM): Integer; cdecl; var Connector: TConnector; pluginInstance: IMirandaPlugin; begin Connector := nil; Pointer(pluginInstance) := nil; try Connector := TConnector.Create(wParam); pluginInstance := gCreatePluginInstance(Connector); Connector.SetPlugin(pluginInstance); pluginInstance.Start; Pointer(pluginInstance) := nil; Result := 0; except if (Assigned(gErrorDuringPluginStart)) then gErrorDuringPluginStart; if (Assigned(Connector)) then Connector.SetPlugin(nil); if (Assigned(pluginInstance)) then begin pluginInstance.Stop; Pointer(pluginInstance) := nil; end; Result := -1; end; end; function Load(link: PPLUGINLINK): int; cdecl; var mi: TCListMenuItem; prt: TPROTOCOLDESCRIPTOR; begin if Assigned(gInitializeControls) then gInitializeControls; PLUGINLINK := Pointer(link); g_hMenuCommand := pluginLink^.CreateServiceFunction(PChar(PLUGIN_NAME + '/MenuCommand'), @Start); FillChar(mi, sizeof(mi), 0); mi.cbSize := sizeof(mi); mi.position := MirandaPluginMenuPosition; mi.flags := 0; // ? // mi.hIcon := LoadSkinnedIcon(SKINICON_OTHER_MIRANDA); // �������� ������ ������ // mi.hIcon := LoadIcon(hInstance, 'MAINICON'); // �������� ������ �� ������� if Assigned(MirandaPluginIcon) then mi.hIcon := MirandaPluginIcon.Handle; mi.pszName := PChar(PLUGIN_MENU_NAME); mi.pszService := PChar(PLUGIN_NAME + '/MenuCommand'); CallService(MS_CLIST_ADDCONTACTMENUITEM, 0, LPARAM(@mi)); // ����������� ������� ��������� prt.cbSize := sizeof(prt); prt.szName := PChar(PLUGIN_NAME); prt.type_ := PROTOTYPE_FILTER; CallService(MS_PROTO_REGISTERMODULE, 0, LPARAM(@prt)); Result := 0; end; function Unload: int; cdecl; begin if Assigned(gDeinitializeControls) then gDeinitializeControls; pluginLink^.DestroyServiceFunction(g_hMenuCommand); g_hMenuCommand := 0; Result := 0; end; function MakeMirandaPluginVersion(a, b, c, d: byte): int; begin Result := PLUGIN_MAKE_VERSION(a,b,c,d); end; initialization MirandaPluginsPath := ExtractFileDir(Application.ExeName) + '\Plugins\'; end.