(* Miranda IM: the free IM client for Microsoft* Windows* Copyright 2000-2003 Miranda ICQ/IM project, all portions of this codebase are copyrighted to the people listed in contributors.txt. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. *) {$IFNDEF M_ICQ} {$DEFINE M_ICQ} const // extra database event type ICQEVENTTYPE_WEBPAGER = 2003; // extra flags for PSS_MESSAGE PIMF_ROUTE_DEFAULT = 0; PIMF_ROUTE_DIRECT = $10000; PIMF_ROUTE_THRUSERVER = $20000; PIMF_ROUTE_BESTWAY = $30000; PIMF_ROUTE_MASK = $30000; // for SMS ICQACKTYPE_SMS = 1001; ICQEVENTTYPE_SMS = 2001; // database event type // for e-mail express { BLOB: text: ASCIIZ usually in the form "Subject: %s\r\n%s" from-name: ASCIIZ from-e-mail: ASCIIZ } ICQEVENTTYPE_EMAILEXPRESS = 2002; // for server side lists, used internally only // hProcess=dwSequence, lParam=server's error code, 0 for success ICQACKTYPE_SERVERCLIST = 1003; {$ifndef m_protosvc} {$include m_protosvc.inc} {$endif} type PICQSEARCHRESULT = ^TICQSEARCHRESULT; TICQSEARCHRESULT = record hdr: TPROTOSEARCHRESULT; uin: DWORD; auth: Byte; end; PICQDETAILSSEARCH = ^TICQDETAILSSEARCH; TICQDETAILSSEARCH = record nick: PChar; firstName: PChar; lastNamee: PChar; end; const { wParam : 0 lParam : null terminated string containing e-mail to search affects: Start a search for all ICQ users by e-mail -- see notes returns: Returnss a handle to the search on success, NULL(0) on failure notes : uses the same scheme as PSS_BASICSEARCH, *DEPRECATED* in favour of PS_SEARCHBYEMAIL } MS_ICQ_SEARCHBYEMAIL = 'ICQ/SearchByEmail'; { wParam : 0 lParam : POinter to a TICQDETAILSSEARCH structure Affect : Start a search of all ICQ users by details, see notes Returns: A handle to the search on success, NULL(0) on failure Notes : Results are returned in the same scheme as in PSS_BASICSEARCH, Not recommended, use PS_SEARCHBYNAME } MS_ICQ_SEARCHBYDETAILS = 'ICQ/SearchByDetails'; { wParam : Pointer to a null terminated string containing phone number lParam : Pointer to a null terminated string containing the message Affect : Send an SMS via the ICQ network, See notes Returns: Handle to the send on success, NULL(0) on failure Notes : the phone number should be the full number with internation code and prefixed by + e.g. +44<numba> } MS_ICQ_SENDSMS = 'ICQ/SendSMS'; { wParam : level lParam : null terminated string containing logging message Affect : a logging message was sent from ICQLib } ME_ICQ_LOG = 'ICQ/Log'; {$ENDIF} {$ifdef __} //Changing user info: //See documentation of PS_CHANGEINFO //The changing user info stuff built into the protocol is purposely extremely //thin, to the extent that your data is passed as-is to the server without //verification. Don't mess up. //Everything is byte-aligned //WORD: 2 bytes, little-endian (that's x86 order) //DWORD: 4 bytes, little-endian //LNTS: a WORD containing the length of the string, followed by the string // itself. No zero terminator. #define ICQCHANGEINFO_MAIN 0xEA03 /* pInfoData points to: WORD datalen LNTS nick LNTS first LNTS last LNTS email LNTS city LNTS state LNTS phone LNTS fax LNTS street LNTS cellular (if SMS-able string contains an ending ' SMS') LNTS zip WORD country BYTE gmt BYTE unknown, usually 0 */ #define ICQCHANGEINFO_MORE 0xFD03 /* pInfoData points to: WORD datalen BYTE age BYTE 0 BYTE sex LNTS homepage WORD birth-year BYTE birth-month BYTE birth-day BYTE lang1 BYTE lang2 BYTE lang3 */ #define ICQCHANGEINFO_ABOUT 0x0604 /* pInfoData points to: WORD datalen LNTS about */ #define ICQCHANGEINFO_WORK 0xF303 /* pInfoData points to: WORD datalen LNTS city LNTS state DWORD 0 LNTS street LNTS zip WORD country LNTS company-name LNTS company-dept LNTS company-position WORD 0 LNTS company-web */ #define ICQCHANGEINFO_PASSWORD 0x2E04 /* pInfoData points to: WORD datalen LNTS newpassword */ {$endif}