//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // All code below is exclusively owned by author of Chess4Net - Pavel Perminov // (packpaul@mail.ru, packpaul1@gmail.com). // Any changes, modifications, borrowing and adaptation are a subject for // explicit permition from the owner. unit PromotionUnit; interface uses Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, Dialogs, ExtCtrls, // Chess4net ChessRulesEngine, ChessBoardHeaderUnit, BitmapResUnit; type TPromotionForm = class(TForm) PromFigImage: TImage; procedure FormShow(Sender: TObject); procedure PromFigImageMouseUp(Sender: TObject; Button: TMouseButton; Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer); procedure FormKeyPress(Sender: TObject; var Key: Char); private m_iSquareSize: integer; m_BitmapRes: TBitmapRes; m_bmFigure: array[TFigure] of TBitmap; m_fig_color: TFigureColor; m_fig: TFigureName; procedure FLoadFigures; public function ShowPromotion(color: TFigureColor): TFigureName; constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent; BitmapRes: TBitmapRes); reintroduce; destructor Destroy; override; end; implementation {$R *.dfm} const INDENT_SIZE = 2; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // TPromotionForm procedure TPromotionForm.FormShow(Sender: TObject); procedure NCorrectIfOutOfScreen(var iLeft, iTop: integer); var R: TRect; M: TMonitor; frmOwner: TForm; begin if (Assigned(Owner)) then frmOwner := (Owner as TForm) else frmOwner := nil; if (Assigned(frmOwner)) then begin M := Screen.MonitorFromRect(frmOwner.BoundsRect); R := M.WorkareaRect; end else R := Screen.WorkAreaRect; if ((iLeft + self.Width) > R.Right) then iLeft := R.Right - self.Width; if (iLeft < R.Left) then iLeft := R.Left; if ((iTop + self.Height) > R.Bottom) then iTop := R.Bottom - self.Height; if (iTop < R.Top) then iTop := R.Top; end; var k: byte; iLeft, iTop: integer; begin // TPromotionForm.FormShow if (m_iSquareSize <> m_BitmapRes.SquareSize) then FLoadFigures; // ���������� ���� � �������� ������� iLeft := Mouse.CursorPos.X - m_iSquareSize div 2; iTop := Mouse.CursorPos.Y - m_iSquareSize div 2; NCorrectIfOutOfScreen(iLeft, iTop); Left := iLeft; Top := iTop; with PromFigImage.Canvas do begin Brush.Color:= Color; FillRect(Rect(0,0, Width, PromFigImage.Height)); Brush.Color:= clWhite; for k := 0 to 3 do FillRect(Rect((m_iSquareSize + INDENT_SIZE) * k, 0, (m_iSquareSize + INDENT_SIZE) * k + m_iSquareSize - 1, m_iSquareSize - 1)); case m_fig_color of fcWhite: begin Draw(0, 0, m_bmFigure[WQ]); Draw(m_iSquareSize + 2, 0, m_bmFigure[WR]); Draw(2 * (m_iSquareSize + INDENT_SIZE), 0, m_bmFigure[WB]); Draw(3 * (m_iSquareSize + INDENT_SIZE), 0, m_bmFigure[WN]); end; fcBlack: begin Draw(0, 0, m_bmFigure[BQ]); Draw(m_iSquareSize + INDENT_SIZE, 0, m_bmFigure[BR]); Draw(2 * (m_iSquareSize + INDENT_SIZE), 0, m_bmFigure[BB]); Draw(3 * (m_iSquareSize + INDENT_SIZE), 0, m_bmFigure[BN]); end; end; end; end; function TPromotionForm.ShowPromotion(color: TFigureColor): TFigureName; begin m_fig := Q; m_fig_color := color; ShowModal; Result := m_fig; end; procedure TPromotionForm.PromFigImageMouseUp(Sender: TObject; Button: TMouseButton; Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer); begin case X div (m_BitmapRes.SquareSize + 1) of 1: m_fig := R; 2: m_fig := B; 3: m_fig := N; else m_fig := Q; end; Close; end; procedure TPromotionForm.FormKeyPress(Sender: TObject; var Key: Char); begin Key:= UpCase(Key); case Key of 'Q', '1', ' ', #13: m_fig:= Q; 'R', '2': m_fig:= R; 'B', '3': m_fig:= B; 'N', '4': m_fig:= N; else exit; end; Close; end; constructor TPromotionForm.Create(AOwner: TComponent; BitmapRes: TBitmapRes); begin self.FormStyle := (AOwner as TForm).FormStyle; inherited Create(AOwner); m_BitmapRes := BitmapRes; FLoadFigures; end; destructor TPromotionForm.Destroy; var fig: TFigure; begin for fig := Low(m_bmFigure) to High(m_bmFigure) do m_bmFigure[fig].Free; inherited; end; procedure TPromotionForm.FLoadFigures; var fig: TFigure; begin for fig := Low(m_bmFigure) to High(m_bmFigure) do begin FreeAndNil(m_bmFigure[fig]); m_BitmapRes.CreateFigureBitmap(fig, m_bmFigure[fig]); end; m_iSquareSize := m_BitmapRes.SquareSize; // Adjust size of the form PromFigImage.Width := 4 * m_iSquareSize + 3 * INDENT_SIZE; PromFigImage.Height := m_iSquareSize; end; end.