#include "skype.h" #include "skypeapi.h" #include "gchat.h" #include "contacts.h" #include "debug.h" #include "utf8.h" #include "pthread.h" #pragma warning (push) #pragma warning (disable: 4100) // unreferenced formal parameter #include "../../include/m_langpack.h" #include "../../include/m_userinfo.h" #include "../../include/m_history.h" #include "../../include/m_contacts.h" #pragma warning (pop) #ifndef DWLP_USER #define DWLP_USER DWL_USER #endif #ifdef _UNICODE #define STR "%S" #else #define STR "%s" #endif #pragma warning (disable: 4706) // assignment within conditional expression extern HANDLE hInitChat; extern HINSTANCE hInst; extern char protocol, g_szProtoName[]; extern DWORD mirandaVersion; static gchat_contacts *chats=NULL; static int chatcount=0; static CRITICAL_SECTION m_GCMutex; // TODO: Disable groupchat for Protocol verisons <5 /****************************************************************************/ /* Chat management helper functions */ /****************************************************************************/ /* Get the gchat_contacts entry for the chat with the id szChatId If the chat doesn't already exist in the list, it is added. Parameters: szChatId - String with the chat ID of the chat to be found Returns: Pointer to the gchat_contacts entry for the given id. NULL on failure (not enough memory) */ gchat_contacts *GetChat(TCHAR *szChatId) { int i; for (i=0;i<chatcount;i++) if (!_tcscmp(chats[i].szChatName, szChatId)) return &chats[i]; if (chats = (gchat_contacts *)realloc(chats, sizeof(gchat_contacts)*(++chatcount))) { memset(&chats[chatcount-1], 0, sizeof(gchat_contacts)); chats[chatcount-1].szChatName=_tcsdup(szChatId); return &chats[chatcount-1]; } return NULL; } /* Removes the gchat_contacts entry for the chat with the id szChatId, if it exists. Parameters: szChatId - String with the chat ID to be removed from list */ void RemChat(TCHAR *szChatId) { int i; for (i=0;i<chatcount;i++) if (!_tcscmp(chats[i].szChatName, szChatId)) { if (chats[i].szChatName) free(chats[i].szChatName); if (chats[i].mJoinedContacts) free(chats[i].mJoinedContacts); if (i<--chatcount) memmove(&chats[i], &chats[i+1], (chatcount-i)*sizeof(gchat_contacts)); chats = (gchat_contacts *)realloc(chats, sizeof(gchat_contacts)*chatcount); return; } } /* Checks, if the contact with the handle hContact exists in the groupchat given in gc Parameters: gc - gchat_contacts entry for the chat session to be searched who - Name of member Returns: -1 = Not found >=0 = Number of found item */ static int ExistsChatContact(gchat_contacts *gc, const TCHAR *who) { int i; for (i=0;i<gc->mJoinedCount;i++) if (_tcscmp(gc->mJoinedContacts[i].who, who)==0) return i; return -1; } gchat_contact *GetChatContact(gchat_contacts *gc, const TCHAR *who) { int i = ExistsChatContact (gc, who); if (i==-1) return NULL; return &gc->mJoinedContacts[i]; } /* Adds contact with the name who to the groupchat given in gc Parameters: gc - Returns: -1 = Contact not found -2 = On failure >=0 = Number of added item */ static int AddChatContact(gchat_contacts *gc, char *who, TCHAR *pszRole) { int i = -2; HANDLE hContact; GCDEST gcd = {0}; GCEVENT gce = {0}; CONTACTINFO ci = {0}; TCHAR *twho; LOG (("AddChatContact %s", who)); if (!(twho = make_nonutf_tchar_string((const unsigned char*)who))) return -2; if ((i=ExistsChatContact(gc, twho))>=0) return i; hContact=find_contact(who); gcd.pszModule = SKYPE_PROTONAME; gcd.ptszID = gc->szChatName; gcd.iType = GC_EVENT_JOIN; gce.cbSize = sizeof(GCEVENT); gce.pDest = &gcd; gce.ptszStatus = pszRole?pszRole:_T("USER"); gce.time = (DWORD)time(NULL); gce.dwFlags = GCEF_ADDTOLOG | GC_TCHAR; ci.cbSize = sizeof(ci); ci.szProto = SKYPE_PROTONAME; ci.dwFlag = CNF_DISPLAY | CNF_TCHAR; ci.hContact = hContact; if (hContact && !CallService(MS_CONTACT_GETCONTACTINFO,0,(LPARAM)&ci)) gce.ptszNick=ci.pszVal; else gce.ptszNick=twho; gce.ptszUID=twho; if (!CallService(MS_GC_EVENT, 0, (LPARAM)&gce)) { if ((gc->mJoinedContacts=realloc(gc->mJoinedContacts, (gc->mJoinedCount+1)*sizeof(gchat_contact)))) { gc->mJoinedContacts[i=gc->mJoinedCount].hContact=hContact; _tcscpy (gc->mJoinedContacts[i].szRole, gce.ptszStatus); _tcscpy (gc->mJoinedContacts[i].who, twho); gc->mJoinedCount++; } } if (ci.pszVal) miranda_sys_free (ci.pszVal); free_nonutf_tchar_string (twho); return i; } void RemChatContact(gchat_contacts *gc, const TCHAR *who) { int i; if (!gc) return; for (i=0;i<gc->mJoinedCount;i++) if (_tcscmp(gc->mJoinedContacts[i].who, who)==0) { if (i<--gc->mJoinedCount) memmove(&gc->mJoinedContacts[i], &gc->mJoinedContacts[i+1], (gc->mJoinedCount-i)*sizeof(gchat_contact)); if (gc->mJoinedCount) gc->mJoinedContacts = realloc(gc->mJoinedContacts, sizeof(gchat_contact)*gc->mJoinedCount); else {free (gc->mJoinedContacts); gc->mJoinedContacts = NULL; } return; } } HANDLE find_chat(TCHAR *chatname) { char *szProto; int tCompareResult; HANDLE hContact; DBVARIANT dbv; for (hContact=(HANDLE)CallService(MS_DB_CONTACT_FINDFIRST, 0, 0);hContact != NULL;hContact=(HANDLE)CallService( MS_DB_CONTACT_FINDNEXT, (WPARAM)hContact, 0)) { szProto = (char*)CallService( MS_PROTO_GETCONTACTBASEPROTO, (WPARAM)hContact, 0 ); if (szProto!=NULL && !strcmp(szProto, SKYPE_PROTONAME) && DBGetContactSettingByte(hContact, SKYPE_PROTONAME, "ChatRoom", 0)==1) { if (DBGetContactSettingTString(hContact, SKYPE_PROTONAME, "ChatRoomID", &dbv)) continue; tCompareResult = _tcscmp(dbv.ptszVal, chatname); DBFreeVariant(&dbv); if (tCompareResult) continue; return hContact; // already there, return handle } } return NULL; } #ifdef _UNICODE HANDLE find_chatA(char *chatname) { char *szProto; int tCompareResult; HANDLE hContact; DBVARIANT dbv; for (hContact=(HANDLE)CallService(MS_DB_CONTACT_FINDFIRST, 0, 0);hContact != NULL;hContact=(HANDLE)CallService( MS_DB_CONTACT_FINDNEXT, (WPARAM)hContact, 0)) { szProto = (char*)CallService( MS_PROTO_GETCONTACTBASEPROTO, (WPARAM)hContact, 0 ); if (szProto!=NULL && !strcmp(szProto, SKYPE_PROTONAME) && DBGetContactSettingByte(hContact, SKYPE_PROTONAME, "ChatRoom", 0)==1) { if (DBGetContactSettingString(hContact, SKYPE_PROTONAME, "ChatRoomID", &dbv)) continue; tCompareResult = strcmp(dbv.pszVal, chatname); DBFreeVariant(&dbv); if (tCompareResult) continue; return hContact; // already there, return handle } } return NULL; } #endif int __cdecl AddMembers(char *szSkypeMsg) { BYTE *contactmask=NULL; DBVARIANT dbv2; CONTACTINFO ci={0}; char *ptr, *who, *nextoken; TCHAR *szChatId; int i, iRet = 0; gchat_contacts *gc; LOG(("AddMembers STARTED")); if (!(ptr=strstr(szSkypeMsg, " MEMBERS"))) return -1; EnterCriticalSection(&m_GCMutex); ptr[0]=0; szChatId = make_nonutf_tchar_string((const unsigned char*)szSkypeMsg+5); ptr+=9; if (find_chat(szChatId) && (gc=GetChat(szChatId)) && !DBGetContactSettingString(NULL, SKYPE_PROTONAME, SKYPE_NAME, &dbv2)) { char *pszMemObjs, *token; if (protocol>=7 && (pszMemObjs = SkypeGet ("CHAT", szSkypeMsg+5, "MEMBEROBJECTS"))) { // Add new contacts (protocol 7+ with memberobjects, supports roles) for (token=strtok_r(pszMemObjs, ", ", &nextoken); token; token=strtok_r(NULL, ", ", &nextoken)) { if (!(who = SkypeGet ("CHATMEMBER", token, "IDENTITY"))) continue; if (strcmp(who, dbv2.pszVal)) { char *pszRole; TCHAR *ptszRole = NULL; if (pszRole = SkypeGet ("CHATMEMBER", token, "ROLE")) ptszRole = make_nonutf_tchar_string((const unsigned char*)pszRole); i=AddChatContact(gc, who, ptszRole); free_nonutf_tchar_string (ptszRole); if (pszRole) free (pszRole); if (i>=0 && !contactmask && !(contactmask = (unsigned char*)calloc(gc->mJoinedCount, 1))) i=-2; if (!(contactmask= (unsigned char *) realloc(contactmask, gc->mJoinedCount))) { iRet = -1; free (who); break; } contactmask[i]=TRUE; } free (who); } free (pszMemObjs); } else { // Add new contacts (normal) for (who=strtok_r(ptr, " ", &nextoken); who; who=strtok_r(NULL, " ", &nextoken)) { if (strcmp(who, dbv2.pszVal)) { i=AddChatContact(gc, who, NULL); if (i>=0 && !contactmask && !(contactmask = (unsigned char*)calloc(gc->mJoinedCount, 1))) i=-2; if (i<0 || !(contactmask= (unsigned char *) realloc(contactmask, gc->mJoinedCount))) { iRet = -1; break; } contactmask[i]=TRUE; } } } // Quit contacts which are no longer there if (iRet == 0 && contactmask) { GCDEST gcd = {0}; GCEVENT gce = {0}; gcd.pszModule = SKYPE_PROTONAME; gcd.ptszID = szChatId; gcd.iType = GC_EVENT_QUIT; gce.cbSize = sizeof(GCEVENT); gce.pDest = &gcd; gce.time = (DWORD)time(NULL); gce.dwFlags = GCEF_ADDTOLOG | GC_TCHAR; ci.cbSize = sizeof(ci); ci.szProto = SKYPE_PROTONAME; ci.dwFlag = CNF_DISPLAY; for (i=0;i<gc->mJoinedCount;i++) if (!contactmask[i]) { ci.hContact = gc->mJoinedContacts[i].hContact; ci.dwFlag = CNF_TCHAR; if (ci.hContact && !CallService(MS_CONTACT_GETCONTACTINFO,0,(LPARAM)&ci)) gce.ptszNick=ci.pszVal; else gce.ptszNick=gc->mJoinedContacts[i].who; RemChatContact(gc, gc->mJoinedContacts[i].who); gce.ptszUID = gc->mJoinedContacts[i].who; CallService(MS_GC_EVENT, 0, (LPARAM)&gce); if (ci.pszVal) { miranda_sys_free (ci.pszVal); ci.pszVal=NULL; } } // We don't do this, because the dialog group-chat may have been started intentionally /* if (gc->mJoinedCount == 1) { // switch back to normal session KillChatSession(&gcd); } */ } if (contactmask) free(contactmask); DBFreeVariant(&dbv2); } else iRet = -1; free_nonutf_tchar_string (szChatId); LeaveCriticalSection(&m_GCMutex); LOG(("AddMembers DONE")); return iRet; } void AddMembersThread(char *szSkypeMsg) { AddMembers (szSkypeMsg); free (szSkypeMsg); } /****************************************************************************/ /* Window procedures */ /****************************************************************************/ BOOL CALLBACK InputBoxDlgProc(HWND hwndDlg, UINT msg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { switch (msg) { case WM_INITDIALOG: { TranslateDialogDefault(hwndDlg); SetWindowLong (hwndDlg, DWLP_USER, lParam); SetDlgItemText (hwndDlg, IDC_TEXT, (TCHAR*)lParam); return TRUE; } case WM_COMMAND: switch ( LOWORD( wParam )) { case IDOK: { GetDlgItemText(hwndDlg, IDC_TEXT, (TCHAR*)GetWindowLong(hwndDlg, DWLP_USER), MAX_BUF-1*sizeof(TCHAR)); EndDialog(hwndDlg, 1); break; } case IDCANCEL: EndDialog(hwndDlg, 0); break; } } return FALSE; } /****************************************************************************/ /* Core Chat management functions */ /****************************************************************************/ /* We have a new Groupchat This hook is called when a new chat is initialised. Parameters: wParam = (char *)Name of new chat session [Has to be ASCIIZ/UTF8] lParam = 1 - Create groupchat, but don't open it 0 - Default - open groupchat after init */ int __cdecl ChatInit(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { GCSESSION gcw = {0}; GCEVENT gce = {0}; GCDEST gcd = {0}; DBVARIANT dbv, dbv2; char *szChatName; int iRet = -1; UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(lParam); if (!wParam) return -1; gcw.cbSize = sizeof(GCSESSION); gcw.iType = GCW_CHATROOM; gcw.pszModule = SKYPE_PROTONAME; gcw.dwFlags = GC_TCHAR; if (!(szChatName = SkypeGet ("CHAT", (char *)wParam, "FRIENDLYNAME")) || !*szChatName) gcw.ptszName=TranslateT("Unknown"); else { #ifdef _UNICODE gcw.ptszName=make_unicode_string((const unsigned char*)szChatName); free (szChatName); szChatName = (char*)gcw.ptszName; #else gcw.ptszName=szChatName; #endif } gcw.ptszID = make_nonutf_tchar_string((const unsigned char*)wParam); gcw.pszStatusbarText = NULL; EnterCriticalSection(&m_GCMutex); if (!CallService(MS_GC_NEWSESSION, 0, (LPARAM)&gcw)) { char *szChatRole; gce.cbSize = sizeof(GCEVENT); gcd.pszModule = SKYPE_PROTONAME; gcd.ptszID = (TCHAR*)gcw.ptszID; gcd.iType = GC_EVENT_ADDGROUP; gce.pDest = &gcd; gce.ptszStatus = _T("CREATOR"); gce.dwFlags = GC_TCHAR; // BUG: Groupchat returns nonzero on success here in earlier versions, so we don't check // it here CallService(MS_GC_EVENT, 0, (LPARAM)&gce); gce.ptszStatus = _T("MASTER"); CallService(MS_GC_EVENT, 0, (LPARAM)&gce); gce.ptszStatus = _T("HELPER"); CallService(MS_GC_EVENT, 0, (LPARAM)&gce); gce.ptszStatus = _T("USER"); CallService(MS_GC_EVENT, 0, (LPARAM)&gce); gce.ptszStatus = _T("LISTENER"); CallService(MS_GC_EVENT, 0, (LPARAM)&gce); gce.ptszStatus = _T("APPLICANT"); CallService(MS_GC_EVENT, 0, (LPARAM)&gce); gcd.iType = GC_EVENT_JOIN; gce.ptszStatus = NULL; if (protocol >=7 && (szChatRole = SkypeGet ("CHAT", (char *)wParam, "MYROLE"))) { if (strncmp(szChatRole, "ERROR", 5)) { #ifdef _UNICODE gce.ptszStatus = make_unicode_string((const unsigned char*)szChatRole); free (szChatRole); #else gce.ptszStatus = szChatRole; #endif } } if (!gce.ptszStatus) gce.ptszStatus=_tcsdup(_T("CREATOR")); if (!DBGetContactSettingTString(NULL, SKYPE_PROTONAME, "Nick", &dbv)) { if (!DBGetContactSettingTString(NULL, SKYPE_PROTONAME, SKYPE_NAME, &dbv2)) { gce.ptszNick = dbv.ptszVal; gce.ptszUID = dbv2.ptszVal; gce.time = 0; gce.bIsMe = TRUE; gce.dwFlags |= GCEF_ADDTOLOG; if (!CallServiceSync(MS_GC_EVENT, 0, (LPARAM)&gce)) { gce.cbSize = sizeof(GCEVENT); gcd.iType = GC_EVENT_CONTROL; gce.pDest = &gcd; if (!lParam) CallService(MS_GC_EVENT, SESSION_INITDONE, (LPARAM)&gce); CallService(MS_GC_EVENT, SESSION_ONLINE, (LPARAM)&gce); CallService(MS_GC_EVENT, lParam?WINDOW_HIDDEN:WINDOW_VISIBLE, (LPARAM)&gce); SkypeSend ("GET CHAT %s MEMBERS", (char *)wParam); iRet = 0; } else {LOG (("ChatInit: Joining 'me' failed."));} } DBFreeVariant(&dbv2); } free ((void*)gce.ptszStatus); DBFreeVariant(&dbv); } free (szChatName); free_nonutf_tchar_string ((void*)gcw.ptszID); LeaveCriticalSection(&m_GCMutex); return iRet; } /* Open new Groupchat Parameters: szChatId = (char *)Name of new chat session */ int __cdecl ChatStart(char *szChatId, BOOL bJustCreate) { LOG(("ChatStart: New groupchat started")); if (!szChatId || NotifyEventHooks(hInitChat, (WPARAM)szChatId, bJustCreate)) return -1; return 0; } void KillChatSession(GCDEST *gcd) { GCEVENT gce = {0}; EnterCriticalSection(&m_GCMutex); LOG(("KillChatSession: Groupchatsession terminated.")); gce.cbSize = sizeof(GCEVENT); gce.dwFlags = GC_TCHAR; gce.pDest = gcd; gcd->iType = GC_EVENT_CONTROL; if (SkypeSend ("ALTER CHAT "STR" LEAVE", gcd->ptszID) == 0) { CallService(MS_GC_EVENT, SESSION_OFFLINE, (LPARAM)&gce); CallService(MS_GC_EVENT, SESSION_TERMINATE, (LPARAM)&gce); } LeaveCriticalSection(&m_GCMutex); } void InviteUser(TCHAR *szChatId) { HMENU tMenu = CreatePopupMenu(); HANDLE hContact = (HANDLE)CallService(MS_DB_CONTACT_FINDFIRST, 0, 0), hInvitedUser; DBVARIANT dbv; HWND tWindow; POINT pt; gchat_contacts *gc; int j; if (!szChatId || !(gc=GetChat(szChatId))) return; // add the heading AppendMenu(tMenu, MF_STRING|MF_GRAYED|MF_DISABLED, (UINT_PTR)0, TranslateT("&Invite user...")); AppendMenu(tMenu, MF_SEPARATOR, (UINT_PTR)1, NULL); // generate a list of contact while (hContact) { char *szProto = (char*)CallService(MS_PROTO_GETCONTACTBASEPROTO, (WPARAM)hContact,0 ); if (szProto && !strcmp(SKYPE_PROTONAME, szProto) && !DBGetContactSettingByte(hContact, SKYPE_PROTONAME, "ChatRoom", 0) && DBGetContactSettingWord(hContact, SKYPE_PROTONAME, "Status", ID_STATUS_OFFLINE)!=ID_STATUS_OFFLINE) { BOOL alreadyInSession = FALSE; for (j=0; j<gc->mJoinedCount; j++) { if (gc->mJoinedContacts[j].hContact==hContact) { alreadyInSession = TRUE; break; } } if (!alreadyInSession) AppendMenu(tMenu, MF_STRING, (UINT_PTR)hContact, (TCHAR*)CallService(MS_CLIST_GETCONTACTDISPLAYNAME, (WPARAM)hContact, GCDNF_TCHAR)); } hContact = (HANDLE)CallService( MS_DB_CONTACT_FINDNEXT,(WPARAM)hContact, 0); } tWindow = CreateWindow(_T("EDIT"),_T(""),0,1,1,1,1,NULL,NULL,hInst,NULL); GetCursorPos (&pt); hInvitedUser = (HANDLE)TrackPopupMenu(tMenu, TPM_NONOTIFY | TPM_LEFTALIGN | TPM_TOPALIGN | TPM_RETURNCMD, pt.x, pt.y, 0, tWindow, NULL); DestroyMenu(tMenu); DestroyWindow(tWindow); if (!hInvitedUser || DBGetContactSettingString(hInvitedUser, SKYPE_PROTONAME, SKYPE_NAME, &dbv)) return; SkypeSend ("ALTER CHAT "STR" ADDMEMBERS %s", szChatId, dbv.pszVal); DBFreeVariant(&dbv); } static void KickUser (HANDLE hContact, GCHOOK *gch) { char *ptr; EnterCriticalSection(&m_GCMutex); if (SkypeSend ("ALTER CHAT "STR" KICK "STR, gch->pDest->ptszID, gch->ptszUID)!=-1) { if (ptr=SkypeRcv("ALTER CHAT KICK", 2000)) { if (strncmp(ptr, "ERROR", 5)) { GCDEST gcd = {0}; GCEVENT gce = {0}; CONTACTINFO ci = {0}; DBVARIANT dbv; gcd.pszModule = SKYPE_PROTONAME; gcd.ptszID = (TCHAR*)gch->pDest->ptszID; gcd.iType = GC_EVENT_KICK; gce.cbSize = sizeof(GCEVENT); gce.pDest = &gcd; gce.time = (DWORD)time(NULL); gce.dwFlags = GCEF_ADDTOLOG | GC_TCHAR; gce.ptszUID= gch->ptszUID; ci.cbSize = sizeof(ci); ci.szProto = SKYPE_PROTONAME; ci.dwFlag = CNF_DISPLAY | CNF_TCHAR; ci.hContact = hContact; if (hContact && !CallService(MS_CONTACT_GETCONTACTINFO,0,(LPARAM)&ci)) gce.ptszNick=ci.pszVal; else gce.ptszNick=gce.ptszUID; if (!DBGetContactSettingTString(NULL, SKYPE_PROTONAME, "Nick", &dbv)) { gce.ptszStatus = dbv.ptszVal; CallServiceSync(MS_GC_EVENT, 0, (LPARAM)&gce); RemChatContact (GetChat(gcd.ptszID), gch->ptszUID); DBFreeVariant(&dbv); } if (ci.pszVal) miranda_sys_free (ci.pszVal); } free (ptr); } } LeaveCriticalSection(&m_GCMutex); } void SetChatTopic (TCHAR *szChatId, TCHAR *szTopic, BOOL bSet) { GCDEST gcd = {0}; GCEVENT gce = {0}; HANDLE hContact = find_chat (szChatId); char *szUTFTopic; gce.cbSize = sizeof(GCEVENT); gcd.pszModule = SKYPE_PROTONAME; gcd.ptszID = szChatId; gcd.iType = GC_EVENT_TOPIC; gce.pDest = &gcd; gce.ptszText = szTopic; gce.dwFlags = GCEF_ADDTOLOG | GC_TCHAR; gce.time = (DWORD)time (NULL); gce.dwFlags = GC_TCHAR; CallService(MS_GC_EVENT, 0, (LPARAM)&gce); gcd.iType = GC_EVENT_SETSBTEXT; CallService(MS_GC_EVENT, 0, (LPARAM)&gce); if (bSet) { #ifdef _UNICODE szUTFTopic=(char*)make_utf8_string(szTopic); #else if (utf8_encode(szTopic, &szUTFTopic)==-1) szUTFTopic = NULL; #endif if (szUTFTopic) { SkypeSend ("ALTER CHAT "STR" SETTOPIC %s", szChatId, szUTFTopic); free (szUTFTopic); } testfor ("ALTER CHAT SETTOPIC", INFINITE); } if (hContact) DBWriteContactSettingTString(hContact, SKYPE_PROTONAME, "Nick", szTopic); } int GCEventHook(WPARAM wParam,LPARAM lParam) { GCHOOK *gch = (GCHOOK*) lParam; gchat_contacts *gc = GetChat(gch->pDest->ptszID); UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(wParam); if(gch) { if (!_stricmp(gch->pDest->pszModule, SKYPE_PROTONAME)) { switch (gch->pDest->iType) { case GC_SESSION_TERMINATE: { HANDLE hContact; if (gc->mJoinedCount == 1) { // switch back to normal session // I don't know if this behaviour isn't a bit annoying, therefore, we // don't do this now, until a user requests this feature :) // open up srmm dialog when quit while 1 person left // CallService(MS_MSG_SENDMESSAGE, (WPARAM)gc->mJoinedContacts[0].hContact, 0); RemChatContact(gc, gc->mJoinedContacts[0].who); } // Delete Chatroom from Contact list, as we don't need it anymore...? if (hContact = find_chat(gc->szChatName)) CallService(MS_DB_CONTACT_DELETE, (WPARAM)hContact, 0); RemChat(gc->szChatName); break; } case GC_USER_MESSAGE: if(gch && gch->ptszText && _tcslen(gch->ptszText) > 0) { DBVARIANT dbv, dbv2; CCSDATA ccs = {0}; GCDEST gcd = {0}; GCEVENT gce = {0}; TCHAR *pEnd; // remove the ending linebreak for (pEnd = &gch->ptszText[_tcslen(gch->ptszText) - 1]; *pEnd==_T('\r') || *pEnd==_T('\n'); pEnd--) *pEnd=0; // Send message to the chat-contact if (ccs.hContact = find_chat(gch->pDest->ptszID)) { #ifdef _UNICODE // If PREF_UTF is supported, just convert it to UTF8 and pass the buffer to PSS_MESSAGE if (mirandaVersion >= 0x070000) { ccs.lParam = (LPARAM)make_utf8_string(gch->ptszText); ccs.wParam = PREF_UTF; CallProtoService (SKYPE_PROTONAME, PSS_MESSAGE, 0, (LPARAM)&ccs); free ((void*)ccs.lParam); } else { // Otherwise create this strange dual miranda-format ccs.lParam = (LPARAM)calloc(3, _tcslen(gch->ptszText)+1); wcstombs ((char*)ccs.lParam, gch->ptszText, _tcslen(gch->ptszText)+1); _tcscpy ((TCHAR*)((char*)ccs.lParam+strlen((char*)ccs.lParam)+1), gch->ptszText); ccs.wParam = PREF_UNICODE; CallProtoService (SKYPE_PROTONAME, PSS_MESSAGE, 0, (LPARAM)&ccs); free ((void*)ccs.lParam); } #else ccs.lParam = (LPARAM)gch->ptszText; ccs.wParam = PREF_TCHAR; CallProtoService (SKYPE_PROTONAME, PSS_MESSAGE, 0, (LPARAM)&ccs); #endif } // Add our line to the chatlog gcd.pszModule = gch->pDest->pszModule; gcd.ptszID = gch->pDest->ptszID; if ( _tcsncmp(gch->ptszText, _T("/me "), 4)==0 && _tcslen(gch->ptszText)>4) { gce.ptszText = gch->ptszText+4; gcd.iType = GC_EVENT_ACTION; } else { gce.ptszText = gch->ptszText; gcd.iType = GC_EVENT_MESSAGE; } gce.cbSize = sizeof(GCEVENT); gce.pDest = &gcd; if (DBGetContactSettingTString(NULL, SKYPE_PROTONAME, "Nick", &dbv)) gce.ptszNick=TranslateT("Me"); else gce.ptszNick = dbv.ptszVal; DBGetContactSettingTString(NULL, SKYPE_PROTONAME, SKYPE_NAME, &dbv2); gce.ptszUID = dbv2.ptszVal; gce.time = (DWORD)time(NULL); gce.dwFlags = GCEF_ADDTOLOG | GC_TCHAR; gce.bIsMe = TRUE; CallService(MS_GC_EVENT, 0, (LPARAM)&gce); if (dbv.pszVal) DBFreeVariant(&dbv); if (dbv2.pszVal) DBFreeVariant(&dbv2); } break; case GC_USER_CHANMGR: InviteUser(gch->pDest->ptszID); break; case GC_USER_PRIVMESS: { HANDLE hContact = find_contactT(gch->ptszUID); if (hContact) CallService(MS_MSG_SENDMESSAGE, (WPARAM)hContact, 0); break; } case GC_USER_LOGMENU: switch(gch->dwData) { case 10: InviteUser(gch->pDest->ptszID); break; case 20: KillChatSession(gch->pDest); break; case 30: { TCHAR *ptr, buf[MAX_BUF]; ptr = SkypeGetT ("CHAT", gch->pDest->ptszID, "TOPIC"); _tcscpy(buf, ptr); free(ptr); if (DialogBoxParam(hInst, MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDD_INPUTBOX), NULL, InputBoxDlgProc, (LPARAM)&buf)) SetChatTopic (gch->pDest->ptszID, buf, TRUE); break; } } break; case GC_USER_NICKLISTMENU: { HANDLE hContact = find_contactT(gch->ptszUID); switch(gch->dwData) { case 10:CallService(MS_USERINFO_SHOWDIALOG, (WPARAM)hContact, 0); break; case 20:CallService(MS_HISTORY_SHOWCONTACTHISTORY, (WPARAM)hContact, 0); break; case 30: KickUser(hContact, gch); break; case 110: KillChatSession(gch->pDest); break; } break; } default: break; } } } return 0; } int __cdecl GCMenuHook(WPARAM wParam,LPARAM lParam) { GCMENUITEMS *gcmi= (GCMENUITEMS*) lParam; DBVARIANT dbv; TCHAR* szInvite = TranslateT("&Invite user..."); TCHAR* szLeave = TranslateT("&Leave chat session"); TCHAR* szTopic = TranslateT("Set &Topic..."); TCHAR* szDetails = TranslateT("User &details"); TCHAR* szHistory = TranslateT("User &history"); TCHAR* szKick = TranslateT("&Kick user"); static struct gc_item Item_log[] = { {NULL, 10, MENU_ITEM, FALSE}, {NULL, 30, MENU_ITEM, FALSE}, {NULL, 20, MENU_ITEM, FALSE} }; static struct gc_item Item_nicklist_me[] = { {NULL, 20, MENU_ITEM, FALSE}, {_T(""), 100, MENU_SEPARATOR, FALSE}, {NULL, 110, MENU_ITEM, FALSE} }; static struct gc_item Item_nicklist[] = { {NULL, 10, MENU_ITEM, FALSE}, {NULL, 20, MENU_ITEM, FALSE}, {NULL, 30, MENU_ITEM, FALSE} }; UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(wParam); Item_log[0].pszDesc = szInvite; Item_log[1].pszDesc = szTopic; Item_log[2].pszDesc = szLeave; Item_nicklist_me[0].pszDesc = szHistory; Item_nicklist_me[2].pszDesc = szLeave; Item_nicklist[0].pszDesc = szDetails; Item_nicklist[1].pszDesc = szHistory; Item_nicklist[2].pszDesc = szKick; LOG (("GCMenuHook started.")); if(gcmi) { if (!_stricmp(gcmi->pszModule, SKYPE_PROTONAME)) { switch (gcmi->Type) { case MENU_ON_LOG: gcmi->nItems = sizeof(Item_log)/sizeof(Item_log[0]); gcmi->Item = &Item_log[0]; LOG (("GCMenuHook: Items in log window: %d", gcmi->nItems)); break; case MENU_ON_NICKLIST: if (DBGetContactSettingTString(NULL, SKYPE_PROTONAME, SKYPE_NAME, &dbv)) return -1; if (!lstrcmp(dbv.ptszVal, gcmi->pszUID)) { gcmi->nItems = sizeof(Item_nicklist_me)/sizeof(Item_nicklist_me[0]); gcmi->Item = &Item_nicklist_me[0]; } else { gchat_contacts *gcs = GetChat(gcmi->pszID); gchat_contact *gc = gcs?GetChatContact(gcs, gcmi->pszUID):NULL; gcmi->nItems = sizeof(Item_nicklist)/sizeof(Item_nicklist[0]); Item_nicklist[2].bDisabled = FALSE; if (gc && !gc->hContact) { gcmi->nItems -= 2; gcmi->Item = &Item_nicklist[2]; } else gcmi->Item = &Item_nicklist[0]; /* if (protocol<7) Item_nicklist[2].bDisabled = TRUE; else { TCHAR *szChatRole; if (szChatRole = SkypeGetT ("CHAT", gcmi->pszID, "MYROLE")) { if (_tcscmp(szChatRole, _T("MASTER")) && _tcscmp(szChatRole, _T("CREATOR"))) Item_nicklist[2].bDisabled = TRUE; free (szChatRole); } }*/ } DBFreeVariant(&dbv); break; } } else {LOG (("GCMenuHook: ERROR: Not our protocol."));} } else {LOG (("GCMenuHook: ERROR: No gcmi"));} LOG (("GCMenuHook: terminated.")); return 0; } INT_PTR GCOnLeaveChat(WPARAM wParam,LPARAM lParam) { HANDLE hContact = (HANDLE)wParam; DBVARIANT dbv; UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(lParam); if (DBGetContactSettingTString(hContact, SKYPE_PROTONAME, "ChatRoomID", &dbv) == 0) { GCDEST gcd = {0}; gcd.pszModule = SKYPE_PROTONAME; gcd.iType = GC_EVENT_CONTROL; gcd.ptszID = dbv.ptszVal; KillChatSession(&gcd); DBFreeVariant(&dbv); } return 0; } INT_PTR GCOnJoinChat(WPARAM wParam,LPARAM lParam) { HANDLE hContact = (HANDLE)wParam; DBVARIANT dbv; UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(lParam); if (DBGetContactSettingString(hContact, SKYPE_PROTONAME, "ChatRoomID", &dbv) == 0) { ChatStart (dbv.pszVal, FALSE); DBFreeVariant(&dbv); } return 0; } void GCInit(void) { InitializeCriticalSection (&m_GCMutex); } void GCExit(void) { int i; DeleteCriticalSection (&m_GCMutex); for (i=0;i<chatcount;i++) { if (chats[i].szChatName) free(chats[i].szChatName); if (chats[i].mJoinedContacts) free(chats[i].mJoinedContacts); } if (chats) free (chats); chats = NULL; chatcount = 0; }