NULL contact: "Nick" (asciiz) - user nickname (default) "Uuid" (asciiz) - asciiz representation of user's uuid (not used on quickchat) "Port" (word) - port to connect to "ProtoConn" (byte) - connection type: 0: UDP/IP; 1: IPX; "ProtoOpt" (dword) - custom protocol options (from `enum vqp_proto_opt`) "BroadcastMasks" (multiple dword blob) - with all specified network masks; "Multicast" (dword) - multicast address "MulticastScope" (byte) - multicast scope "UserlistTimeout"(byte) - userlist timeout value (in seconds) "Chanlist" (asciiz) - user's list of channels (in chanlist format - see chanlist.c) "Codepage" (byte) - UTF-8, if 1; locale, if 0 "Gender" (byte) - gender 'M'/'F'/'?' "MsgOnAlertBeep" (byte) - whether to emit message '*** ALERT BEEP ***' on alert beep; "NicknameOnTopic" (byte) - whether to append user's nickname when topic is set; "ContactsPreferMsg" (byte) - value new contacts will have "PreferMsg" set to "Broadcast#0" (dword) - network broadcast #0 (DEPRECIATED) "Broadcast#1" (dword) - network broadcast #1 (DEPRECIATED) "Broadcast#2" (dword) - network broadcast #2 (DEPRECIATED) Buddy contact: -- standard ones -- "Nick" (assciz) - buddy nickname "Status" (word) - buddy status "Gender" (byte) - gender 'M'/'F'/'?' -- non standard settings -- "Computer" (utf8 asciiz)- computer name "ComputerUser" (utf8 asciiz) - computer user name "Workgroup" (utf8 asciiz) - computer workgroup "Platform" (utf8 asciiz)- platform name "Software" (utf8 asciiz)- software name "QueuedMsgs" (blob) - see contacts.c:contacts_add_queued_message() "PreferMsg" (byte) - whether user prefers to get private message, instead of using private chats. "LockNick" (byte) - whether to not let the nickname of the contact change automatically when user renames.