/* WinPopup Protocol plugin for Miranda IM. Copyright (C) 2004-2011 Nikolay Raspopov This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ #include "stdafx.h" netbios pluginNetBIOS; // Прием/отправка сообщений через NetBIOS // Макрос печати NetBIOS-имени #define NETBIOS_NAME_TRACE(bb,mm,nn) mir_snprintf((bb),(mm),"%s #%d %02x %c %s", \ (nn.GetANSIFullName()), (nn.name_num), (nn.name_flags), \ (((nn.name_flags & GROUP_NAME) == GROUP_NAME) ? 'G' : 'U'), \ (((nn.name_flags & (NAME_FLAGS_MASK & ~GROUP_NAME)) == REGISTERING) ? "REGISTERING" : \ (((nn.name_flags & (NAME_FLAGS_MASK & ~GROUP_NAME)) == REGISTERED) ? "REGISTERED" : \ (((nn.name_flags & (NAME_FLAGS_MASK & ~GROUP_NAME)) == DEREGISTERED) ? "DEREGISTERED" : \ (((nn.name_flags & (NAME_FLAGS_MASK & ~GROUP_NAME)) == DUPLICATE) ? "DUPLICATE" : \ (((nn.name_flags & (NAME_FLAGS_MASK & ~GROUP_NAME)) == DUPLICATE_DEREG) ? "DUPLICATE_DEREG" : \ "UNKNOWN")))))); // NetBIOS commands static const struct { UCHAR code; // NetBIOS command code LPCSTR name; // NetBIOS command description } NCBCommands[] = { { NCBCALL, "CALL" }, { NCBLISTEN, "LISTEN" }, { NCBHANGUP, "HANG UP" }, { NCBSEND, "SEND" }, { NCBRECV, "RECEIVE" }, { NCBRECVANY, "RECEIVE ANY" }, { NCBCHAINSEND, "CHAIN SEND" }, { NCBDGSEND, "SEND DATAGRAM" }, { NCBDGRECV, "RECEIVE DATAGRAM" }, { NCBDGSENDBC, "SEND BROADCAST DATAGRAM" }, { NCBDGRECVBC, "RECEIVE BROADCAST DATAGRAM" }, { NCBADDNAME, "ADD NAME" }, { NCBDELNAME, "DELETE NAME" }, { NCBRESET, "RESET" }, { NCBASTAT, "ADAPTER STATUS" }, { NCBSSTAT, "SESSION STATUS" }, { NCBCANCEL, "CANCEL" }, { NCBADDGRNAME, "ADD GROUP NAME" }, { NCBENUM, "ENUMERATE LANA NUMBERS" }, { NCBUNLINK, "UNLINK" }, { NCBSENDNA, "SEND NO ACK" }, { NCBCHAINSENDNA, "CHAIN SEND NO ACK" }, { NCBLANSTALERT, "LAN STATUS ALERT" }, { NCBACTION, "ACTION" }, { NCBFINDNAME, "FIND NAME" }, { NCBTRACE, "TRACE" }, { 0, NULL } }; // NetBIOS errors static const struct { UCHAR error; // NetBIOS error code LPCSTR message; // NetBIOS error message } NRCErrors [] = { { NRC_GOODRET, "The operation succeeded." }, { NRC_BUFLEN, "An illegal buffer length was supplied." }, { NRC_ILLCMD, "An illegal command was supplied." }, { NRC_CMDTMO, "The command was timed out." }, { NRC_INCOMP, "The message was incomplete. The application is to issue another command." }, { NRC_BADDR, "The buffer address was illegal." }, { NRC_SNUMOUT, "The session number was out of range." }, { NRC_NORES, "No resource was available." }, { NRC_SCLOSED, "The session was closed." }, { NRC_CMDCAN, "The command was canceled." }, { NRC_DUPNAME, "A duplicate name existed in the local name table." }, { NRC_NAMTFUL, "The name table was full." }, { NRC_ACTSES, "The command finished; the name has active sessions and is no longer registered." }, { NRC_LOCTFUL, "The local session table was full." }, { NRC_REMTFUL, "The remote session table was full. The request to open a session was rejected." }, { NRC_ILLNN, "An illegal name number was specified." }, { NRC_NOCALL, "The system did not find the name that was called." }, { NRC_NOWILD, "Wildcards are not permitted in the ncb_name member." }, { NRC_INUSE, "The name was already in use on the remote adapter." }, { NRC_NAMERR, "The name was deleted." }, { NRC_SABORT, "The session ended abnormally." }, { NRC_NAMCONF, "A name conflict was detected." }, { NRC_IFBUSY, "The interface was busy." }, { NRC_TOOMANY, "Too many commands were outstanding; the application can retry the command later." }, { NRC_BRIDGE, "The ncb_lana_num member did not specify a valid network number." }, { NRC_CANOCCR, "The command finished while a cancel operation was occurring." }, { NRC_CANCEL, "The NCBCANCEL command was not valid; the command was not canceled." }, { NRC_DUPENV, "The name was defined by another local process." }, { NRC_ENVNOTDEF, "The environment was not defined." }, { NRC_OSRESNOTAV, "Operating system resources were exhausted. The application can retry the command later." }, { NRC_MAXAPPS, "The maximum number of applications was exceeded." }, { NRC_NOSAPS, "No service access points (SAPs) were available for NetBIOS." }, { NRC_NORESOURCES, "The requested resources were not available." }, { NRC_INVADDRESS, "The NCB address was not valid." }, { NRC_INVDDID, "The NCB DDID was invalid." }, { NRC_LOCKFAIL, "The attempt to lock the user area failed." }, { NRC_OPENERR, "An error occurred during an open operation being performed by the device driver." }, { NRC_SYSTEM, "A system error occurred." }, { NRC_PENDING, "An asynchronous operation is not yet finished." }, { 0, NULL } }; LPCSTR GetNetbiosCommand(UCHAR command) { command &= 0x7f; // strip ASYNCH bit for ( int i = 0; NCBCommands[ i ].name; ++i ) if ( NCBCommands[ i ].code == command ) return NCBCommands[ i ].name; return "UNKNOWN"; } LPCSTR GetNetbiosError(UCHAR err) { for ( int i = 0; NRCErrors [ i ].message; ++i ) if ( NRCErrors [ i ].error == err ) return NRCErrors [ i ].message; return "Unknown error."; } UCHAR NetbiosEx(NCB* pNCB) { UCHAR command = pNCB->ncb_command; UCHAR ret = Netbios( pNCB ); //if ( ret != NRC_GOODRET ) if ( ret == pNCB->ncb_retcode ) { LOG( "NetBIOS call 0x%02x \"%s\" result: 0x%02x \"%s\"", command, GetNetbiosCommand( command ), ret, GetNetbiosError( ret ) ); } else { LOG( "NetBIOS call 0x%02x \"%s\" result: 0x%02x \"%s\", return: 0x%02x \"%s\"", command, GetNetbiosCommand( command ), ret, GetNetbiosError( ret ), pNCB->ncb_retcode, GetNetbiosError( pNCB->ncb_retcode ) ); } return ret; } // Определение NCB не на стеке // KB317437: "NetBIOS Listen May Return a Damaged NCB Structure" // The _NCB structure that is returned when a NetBIOS Listen call completes may have a changed server name offset. class CNCB { public: CNCB() : m_buf( VirtualAlloc( NULL, 4096, MEM_COMMIT, PAGE_READWRITE ) ) { } ~CNCB() { if ( m_buf ) { VirtualFree( m_buf, 0, MEM_RELEASE ); } } inline operator bool() const { return ( m_buf != NULL ); } inline operator NCB*() const { return (NCB*)m_buf; } inline NCB* operator->() const { return (NCB*)m_buf; } protected: void* m_buf; }; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Class netbios netbios::netbios () : m_initialized( false ) { ZeroMemory (&m_le, sizeof (m_le)); } netbios::~netbios () { Destroy (); } bool netbios::Create (BOOL registration) { CLock oLock( m_csData ); if ( ! m_initialized ) { // Перечисление адаптеров if ( EnumLanas( m_le ) == NRC_GOODRET ) { // Сброс адаптеров for ( UCHAR i = 0; i < m_le.length; i++ ) { ResetLana( m_le.lana [i] ); } // Регистрация имён, если нужна if ( registration ) { Register (); } } m_initialized = true; } return m_initialized; } void netbios::AskForDestroy() { CLock oLock( m_csData ); // Запрос на дерегистрацию имён for ( size_t i = 0; i < m_names.GetCount (); ++i ) m_names [i]->AskForDestroy(); } void netbios::Destroy () { CLock oLock( m_csData ); if ( m_initialized ) { Deregister(); m_initialized = false; } } unsigned char* netbios::SetSMBHeaderCommand (unsigned char* szHeader, BYTE iCommandCode, size_t iBufferLen) { ZeroMemory (szHeader, iBufferLen); *(DWORD*)szHeader = SMB_MAGIC; szHeader [4] = iCommandCode; return (szHeader + SMB_HEADER_SIZE); } netbios::operator bool() const { return m_initialized; } bool netbios::SendNetBIOSMessage(HANDLE hContact, LPCTSTR msg, DWORD& err) { // Created by Ilja Razinkov (also known as IPv6), 2002, IPv6Intendo@yandex.ru // Keep this comment if you redistribute this file //Схема отправки большого NB-сообщения: //1) Шлется D5. Текст сообщения: //- 00, длина остатка A (1 байт), 00 (3 байта) //- остаток A. 04, строка КТО, 00, 04, строка КОМУ, 00 //в ответ приходит КОД СООБЩЕНИЯ (2 байта) и 00,00,00 (всего 5 байт), с D5 в заголовке // //2) Шлется D7. Текст сообщения: //- КОД СООБЩЕНИЯ (2 байта), 00, длина остатка (A+B) (1 байт), 00 (всего 5 байт) //- остаток A. 01, длина остатка B, 00 (3 байта) //- остаток B. очередной кусок посланного СООБЩЕНИЯ //в ответ приходит пустое сообщение (с 3мя 0-лями), с D7 в заголовке // //3) Пункт 2 повторяется пока не будет отослано все СООБЩЕНИЕ // //4) Шлется D6.Текст сообщения: //- КОД СООБЩЕНИЯ (2 байта), 00, 00, 00 (всего 5 байт) //в ответ приходит пустое сообщение (с 3мя 0-лями), с D6 в заголовке // Получение адресата CString sTo = GetNick( hContact ); if ( sTo.IsEmpty() ) { err = (DWORD)MAKE_HRESULT( 0, FACILITY_NETBIOS, NRC_NOCALL ); return false; } // Получение своего имени CString sFrom = GetNick( NULL ); if ( sFrom.IsEmpty() ) { err = (DWORD)MAKE_HRESULT( 0, FACILITY_NETBIOS, NRC_NOCALL ); return false; } bool bGroup = IsGroup( hContact ); // Подготовка данных CStringA sMessage( msg ); sMessage.AnsiToOem(); sMessage.Replace( "\r\n", "\x14" ); // -> <14> sMessage.Replace( "\r", "\x14" ); // -> <14> sMessage.Replace( "\n", "\x14" ); // -> <14> netbios_name nname_To( sTo, 3, bGroup ); netbios_name nname_From( sFrom, 3 ); // Поиск адаптера UCHAR lana = 0; if ( ! FindNameLana( nname_To, lana ) ) { LOG ("SendNetBIOSMessage : Unknown name"); err = (DWORD)MAKE_HRESULT( 0, FACILITY_NETBIOS, NRC_NOCALL ); return false; } // Коннект к клиенту UCHAR lsn = 0; err = Call (lana, nname_From, nname_To, lsn); if (err != NRC_GOODRET) { LOG ("SendNetBIOSMessage : Cannot connect" ); err = (DWORD)MAKE_HRESULT( 0, FACILITY_NETBIOS, err ); return false; } UCHAR SMBBlock [168] = { 0 }; UCHAR* szSMBData = NULL; UCHAR iFromLen = (UCHAR)nname_From.GetLength (); UCHAR iToLen = (UCHAR)nname_To.GetLength (); UCHAR iHiMsgCode = 0, iLoMsgCode = 0; // 1. Шлем заголовок LOG ( "SendNetBIOSMessage : Send start of multi-block message" ); szSMBData = SetSMBHeaderCommand (SMBBlock, SMBsendstrt, sizeof (SMBBlock)); UCHAR dwD5ALength = (UCHAR)( 1 + iFromLen + 2 + iToLen + 1 ); szSMBData[1] = dwD5ALength; szSMBData[3] = 4; szSMBData[4+iFromLen+1] = 4; CopyMemory ( szSMBData + 4, nname_From.netbiosed.name, iFromLen ); CopyMemory ( szSMBData + 4 + iFromLen + 2, nname_To.netbiosed.name, iToLen ); UCHAR dwD5Length = (UCHAR)( 3 + dwD5ALength ); err = Send (lana, lsn, SMBBlock, (WORD) (SMB_HEADER_SIZE + dwD5Length)); if (err != NRC_GOODRET) { LOG ( "SendNetBIOSMessage : Can`t start session" ); Hangup (lana, lsn); err = (DWORD)MAKE_HRESULT( 0, FACILITY_NETBIOS, err ); return false; } // Ждем подтверждения WORD length = sizeof (SMBBlock); err = Recv (lana, lsn, SMBBlock, length); if (err != NRC_GOODRET) { LOG ( "SendNetBIOSMessage : No reply (start session)" ); Hangup (lana, lsn); err = (DWORD)MAKE_HRESULT( 0, FACILITY_NETBIOS, err ); return false; } iHiMsgCode=SMBBlock[SMB_HEADER_SIZE]; iLoMsgCode=SMBBlock[SMB_HEADER_SIZE+1]; // 2. Шлем сообщение (кусочками) UCHAR dwD7BLength = 0; for (int iSendedBytes = 0; iSendedBytes < sMessage.GetLength (); iSendedBytes += dwD7BLength) { dwD7BLength = sizeof (SMBBlock) - (5 + 3 + SMB_HEADER_SIZE); szSMBData = SetSMBHeaderCommand (SMBBlock, SMBsendtxt, sizeof (SMBBlock)); if (iSendedBytes + dwD7BLength > sMessage.GetLength ()) dwD7BLength = (UCHAR)( sMessage.GetLength () - iSendedBytes ); szSMBData[0]=iHiMsgCode; szSMBData[1]=iLoMsgCode; szSMBData[3]=(UCHAR)( dwD7BLength + 3 ); szSMBData[5]=1; szSMBData[6]=dwD7BLength; CopyMemory (szSMBData + 5 + 3, (LPCSTR) sMessage + iSendedBytes, dwD7BLength); LOG( "SendNetBIOSMessage : Send text (%u-%u bytes) of multi-block message" , iSendedBytes, iSendedBytes + dwD7BLength - 1); err = Send (lana, lsn, SMBBlock, (WORD) (SMB_HEADER_SIZE + 5 + 3 + dwD7BLength)); if (err != NRC_GOODRET) { LOG ( "SendNetBIOSMessage : Can`t use session" ); Hangup (lana, lsn); err = (DWORD)MAKE_HRESULT( 0, FACILITY_NETBIOS, err ); return false; } // Ждем подтверждения length = sizeof (SMBBlock); err = Recv (lana, lsn, SMBBlock, length); if (err != NRC_GOODRET) { LOG ( "SendNetBIOSMessage : No reply (use session)" ); Hangup (lana, lsn); err = (DWORD)MAKE_HRESULT( 0, FACILITY_NETBIOS, err ); return false; } } // 3. Шлем извещение что все отослано LOG ( "SendNetBIOSMessage : Send and of multi-block message" ); szSMBData = SetSMBHeaderCommand (SMBBlock, SMBsendend, sizeof (SMBBlock)); DWORD dwD6Length=5; szSMBData[0]=iHiMsgCode; szSMBData[1]=iLoMsgCode; err = Send (lana, lsn, SMBBlock, (WORD) (SMB_HEADER_SIZE + dwD6Length)); if (err != NRC_GOODRET) { LOG ( "SendNetBIOSMessage : Can`t close session" ); Hangup (lana, lsn); err = (DWORD)MAKE_HRESULT( 0, FACILITY_NETBIOS, err ); return false; } // Ждем подтверждения length = sizeof (SMBBlock); err = Recv (lana, lsn, SMBBlock, length); if (err != NRC_GOODRET) { LOG ( "SendNetBIOSMessage : No reply (close session)" ); Hangup (lana, lsn); err = (DWORD)MAKE_HRESULT( 0, FACILITY_NETBIOS, err ); return false; } // Закрываем сессию Hangup (lana, lsn); err = (DWORD)MAKE_HRESULT( 1, FACILITY_NETBIOS, NRC_GOODRET ); return true; } ip netbios::FindNameIP (LPCTSTR szName, UCHAR type) { // Поиск имени netbios_name nname( szName, type ); ip addr = INADDR_NONE; FIND_NAME_BLOCK fn = { 0 }; for (UCHAR i = 0; i < m_le.length; i++) { UINT uReturn = FindName (nname, m_le.lana [i], fn); if (uReturn == NRC_GOODRET) { LOG( "Found %s at %u boxes. LAN #%u IP: %u.%u.%u.%u", nname.GetANSIFullName(), fn.fnb_header.node_count, m_le.lana [i], fn.fnb_Names [0].source_addr[2], fn.fnb_Names [0].source_addr[3], fn.fnb_Names [0].source_addr[4], fn.fnb_Names [0].source_addr[5]); addr = ((ip)fn.fnb_Names [0].source_addr[5]) | ((ip)fn.fnb_Names [0].source_addr[4] << 8) | ((ip)fn.fnb_Names [0].source_addr[3] << 16) | ((ip)fn.fnb_Names [0].source_addr[2] << 24); break; } } return addr; } void netbios::GetRegisteredNames (netbios_name_list& names) { CLock oLock( m_csData ); for (size_t i = 0; i < m_names.GetCount (); ++i) names.AddTail (*m_names [i]); } bool netbios::GetNames(netbios_name_list& names, LPCTSTR name, bool bGroup) { // Получение имен ADAPTER_STATUS_BLOCK astat = { 0 }; netbios_name nname( name, 0, bGroup ); UINT uReturn = NRC_GOODRET; for (UCHAR i = 0; i < m_le.length; i++) { uReturn = GetAdapterStatus (nname, m_le.lana [i], astat); if (uReturn == NRC_GOODRET) { for (int j = 0; j < astat.asb_header.name_count; ++j) { names.AddTail (netbios_name (astat.asb_Names [j], m_le.lana [i])); } } } return (uReturn == NRC_GOODRET); } netbios_name* netbios::GetName (const netbios_name& nname) { CLock oLock( m_csData ); netbios_name* ret = NULL; for (size_t i = 0; i < m_names.GetCount (); ++i) { if ( nname == *(m_names [i]) ) { // Похожее имя обнаружено ret = m_names [i]; break; } } return ret; } bool netbios::FindNameLana(const netbios_name& nname, UCHAR& lana) { // Получение имен ADAPTER_STATUS_BLOCK astat = {}; for (UCHAR i = 0; i < m_le.length; i++) { UINT uReturn = GetAdapterStatus (nname, m_le.lana [i], astat); if ( uReturn == NRC_GOODRET ) { for ( int j = 0; j < astat.asb_header.name_count; ++j ) { if (nname == astat.asb_Names [j]) { // Имя обнаружено LOG ( "FindNameLana : Name \"%s\" found at #%d", nname.GetANSIFullName(), m_le.lana [i]); lana = m_le.lana [i]; return true; } } } LOG( "FindNameLana : Name \"%s\" not found", nname.GetANSIFullName()); } return false; } bool netbios::GetMAC (UCHAR lana, CString& mac) { ADAPTER_STATUS_BLOCK astat = { 0 }; netbios_name nname; UINT uReturn = GetAdapterStatus (nname, lana, astat); if (uReturn == NRC_GOODRET) { mac.Format (_T("%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x"), astat.asb_header.adapter_address[0], astat.asb_header.adapter_address[1], astat.asb_header.adapter_address[2], astat.asb_header.adapter_address[3], astat.asb_header.adapter_address[4], astat.asb_header.adapter_address[5]); } else mac.Empty (); return true; } UCHAR netbios::FindName (const netbios_name& nname, UCHAR lana, FIND_NAME_BLOCK& fn) { ZeroMemory (&fn, sizeof (FIND_NAME_BLOCK)); CNCB ncb; if ( ! ncb ) return NRC_SYSTEM; ncb->ncb_command = NCBFINDNAME; ncb->ncb_lana_num = lana; CopyMemory( ncb->ncb_callname, nname.netbiosed.name, NCBNAMSZ ); ncb->ncb_buffer = reinterpret_cast (&fn); ncb->ncb_length = sizeof (FIND_NAME_BLOCK); NetbiosEx (ncb); return ncb->ncb_retcode; } UCHAR netbios::GetAdapterStatus (const netbios_name& nname, UCHAR lana, ADAPTER_STATUS_BLOCK& astat) { ZeroMemory (&astat, sizeof (ADAPTER_STATUS_BLOCK)); CNCB ncb; if ( ! ncb ) return NRC_SYSTEM; ncb->ncb_command = NCBASTAT; ncb->ncb_lana_num = lana; CopyMemory( ncb->ncb_callname, nname.netbiosed.name, NCBNAMSZ ); ncb->ncb_buffer = reinterpret_cast (&astat); ncb->ncb_length = sizeof (ADAPTER_STATUS_BLOCK); NetbiosEx (ncb); return ncb->ncb_retcode; } UCHAR netbios::EnumLanas (LANA_ENUM& le) { // Перечисление адаптеров ZeroMemory (&le, sizeof (LANA_ENUM)); CNCB ncb; if ( ! ncb ) return NRC_SYSTEM; ncb->ncb_command = NCBENUM; ncb->ncb_buffer = (PUCHAR) ≤ ncb->ncb_length = sizeof (LANA_ENUM); NetbiosEx (ncb); return ncb->ncb_retcode; } UCHAR netbios::ResetLana (UCHAR lana) { // Сброс адаптера CNCB ncb; if ( ! ncb ) return NRC_SYSTEM; ncb->ncb_command = NCBRESET; ncb->ncb_lana_num = lana; ncb->ncb_callname [0] = 20; // maximum sessions ncb->ncb_callname [2] = 30; // maximum names NetbiosEx (ncb); return ncb->ncb_retcode; } UCHAR netbios::Hangup (UCHAR lana, UCHAR lsn) { CNCB ncb; if ( ! ncb ) return NRC_SYSTEM; ncb->ncb_command = NCBHANGUP; ncb->ncb_lana_num = lana; ncb->ncb_lsn = lsn; NetbiosEx (ncb); return ncb->ncb_retcode; } UCHAR netbios::Send (UCHAR lana, UCHAR lsn, unsigned char* data, WORD length) { CNCB ncb; if ( ! ncb ) return NRC_SYSTEM; ncb->ncb_lana_num = lana; ncb->ncb_command = NCBSEND; ncb->ncb_lsn = lsn; ncb->ncb_length = length; ncb->ncb_buffer = data; ncb->ncb_rto = ncb->ncb_sto = (UCHAR) 10; // 10 * 500 ms = 5 s NetbiosEx (ncb); return ncb->ncb_retcode; } UCHAR netbios::Recv (UCHAR lana, UCHAR lsn, unsigned char* data, WORD& length) { CNCB ncb; if ( ! ncb ) return NRC_SYSTEM; ncb->ncb_command = NCBRECV; ncb->ncb_lana_num = lana; ncb->ncb_lsn = lsn; ncb->ncb_length = length; ncb->ncb_buffer = data; ncb->ncb_rto = ncb->ncb_sto = (UCHAR) 10; // 10 * 500 ms = 5 s NetbiosEx (ncb); length = ncb->ncb_length; return ncb->ncb_retcode; } UCHAR netbios::Stat (const netbios_name& nname, SESSION_INFO_BLOCK* psibSession) { CNCB ncb; if ( ! ncb ) return NRC_SYSTEM; ncb->ncb_command = NCBSSTAT; ncb->ncb_lana_num = nname.GetLana(); ncb->ncb_buffer = (unsigned char*)psibSession; ncb->ncb_length = sizeof (SESSION_INFO_BLOCK); CopyMemory (ncb->ncb_name, nname.netbiosed.name, NCBNAMSZ); NetbiosEx (ncb); return ncb->ncb_retcode; } UCHAR netbios::Listen (const netbios_name& nname, UCHAR& lsn) { CNCB ncb; if ( ! ncb ) return NRC_SYSTEM; CopyMemory (ncb->ncb_name, nname.netbiosed.name, NCBNAMSZ); CopyMemory (ncb->ncb_callname, SMB_ANY_NAME, NCBNAMSZ); ncb->ncb_command = NCBLISTEN; ncb->ncb_num = nname.netbiosed.name_num; ncb->ncb_lana_num = nname.GetLana(); ncb->ncb_rto = ncb->ncb_sto = (UCHAR) 2; // 2 * 500 ms = 1 s NetbiosEx (ncb); lsn = ncb->ncb_lsn; return ncb->ncb_retcode; } UCHAR netbios::AddName (netbios_name& nname) { CNCB ncb; if ( ! ncb ) return NRC_SYSTEM; ncb->ncb_command = (UCHAR)( nname.IsGroupName() ? NCBADDGRNAME : NCBADDNAME ); ncb->ncb_lana_num = nname.GetLana(); CopyMemory (ncb->ncb_name, nname.netbiosed.name, NCBNAMSZ); NetbiosEx (ncb); nname.netbiosed.name_num = ncb->ncb_num; return ncb->ncb_retcode; } UCHAR netbios::DeleteName (const netbios_name& nname) { CNCB ncb; if ( ! ncb ) return NRC_SYSTEM; ncb->ncb_command = NCBDELNAME; ncb->ncb_lana_num = nname.GetLana(); ncb->ncb_num = nname.netbiosed.name_num; CopyMemory (ncb->ncb_name, nname.netbiosed.name, NCBNAMSZ); NetbiosEx (ncb); return ncb->ncb_retcode; } UCHAR netbios::SendDatagram (const netbios_name& nname_from, const netbios_name& nname_to, unsigned char* data, WORD length) { CNCB ncb; if ( ! ncb ) return NRC_SYSTEM; CopyMemory( ncb->ncb_name, nname_from.netbiosed.name, NCBNAMSZ ); CopyMemory( ncb->ncb_callname, nname_to.netbiosed.name, NCBNAMSZ ); ncb->ncb_command = NCBDGSEND; ncb->ncb_num = nname_from.netbiosed.name_num; ncb->ncb_lana_num = nname_from.GetLana(); ncb->ncb_buffer = data; ncb->ncb_length = length; CLock oLock( m_csNetBIOS ); Sleep( 100 ); NetbiosEx (ncb); return ncb->ncb_retcode; } UCHAR netbios::RecvDatagram (netbios_name& nname_from, const netbios_name& nname_to, unsigned char* data, WORD& length) { CNCB ncb; if ( ! ncb ) return NRC_SYSTEM; CopyMemory (ncb->ncb_name, nname_to.netbiosed.name, NCBNAMSZ); ncb->ncb_command = NCBDGRECV; ncb->ncb_num = nname_to.netbiosed.name_num; ncb->ncb_lana_num = nname_to.GetLana(); ncb->ncb_buffer = data; ncb->ncb_length = length; NetbiosEx (ncb); nname_from = ncb->ncb_callname; length = ncb->ncb_length; return ncb->ncb_retcode; } UCHAR netbios::Call (UCHAR lana, const netbios_name& nname_from, const netbios_name& nname_to, UCHAR& lsn) { CNCB ncb; if ( ! ncb ) return NRC_SYSTEM; CopyMemory( ncb->ncb_name, nname_from.netbiosed.name, NCBNAMSZ ); CopyMemory( ncb->ncb_callname, nname_to.netbiosed.name, NCBNAMSZ ); ncb->ncb_lana_num = lana; ncb->ncb_rto = ncb->ncb_sto = 10; // 5 секунд ncb->ncb_command = NCBCALL; NetbiosEx (ncb); lsn = ncb->ncb_lsn; return ncb->ncb_retcode; } bool netbios::AskAway(const netbios_name& nname_to) { bool ret = false; if ( m_initialized ) { // Сборка пакета const WORD packet_size = sizeof( WORD ) + 1; if ( UCHAR* packet = (UCHAR*)mir_alloc( packet_size ) ) { *(WORD*)packet = SM_MAGIC; packet[ 2 ] = SM_GETAWAYMESSAGE; for (UCHAR i = 0; i < m_le.length; i++) { if ( netbios_name* nname = GetName( netbios_name( pluginMachineName, 0x03, false, m_le.lana [i] ) ) ) { LOG( "Send \"Ask Away\" request to \"%s\"", nname_to.GetANSIFullName() ); if ( SendDatagram( *nname, nname_to, packet, packet_size ) == NRC_GOODRET ) { ret = true; } } } mir_free( packet ); } } return ret; } bool netbios::SendAway(netbios_name& nname_from, const netbios_name& nname_to) { bool ret = false; if ( m_initialized ) { CString sAwayT; pluginStatusMessage.Lookup( pluginCurrentStatus, sAwayT ); CT2A sAwayA( sAwayT ); WORD len = (WORD)min( lstrlenA( sAwayA ), 250 ); // Сборка пакета WORD packet_size = (WORD)( 2 + 1 + 4 + len ); if ( UCHAR* packet = (UCHAR*)mir_alloc( packet_size ) ) { *(WORD*)packet = SM_MAGIC; packet [ 2 ] = SM_SENDAWAYMESSAGE; *(__int32*)( packet + 2 + 1 ) = 0; CopyMemory( packet + 2 + 1 + 4, sAwayA, len ); LOG( "Send \"Away\" answer from \"%s\" to \"%s\" : \"%s\"", nname_from.GetANSIFullName(), nname_to.GetANSIFullName(), (LPCSTR)sAwayA ); ret = ( SendDatagram( nname_from, nname_to, packet, packet_size ) == NRC_GOODRET ); mir_free( packet ); } } return ret; } bool netbios::AskStatus(const netbios_name& nname_to) { bool ret = false; if ( m_initialized ) { // Сборка пакета const WORD packet_size = 2 + 1; if ( UCHAR* packet = (UCHAR*)mir_alloc( packet_size ) ) { *(WORD*)packet = SM_MAGIC; packet[ 2 ] = SM_GETSTATUS; for (UCHAR i = 0; i < m_le.length; i++) { if ( netbios_name* nname = GetName( netbios_name( pluginMachineName, 0x03, false, m_le.lana [i] ) ) ) { LOG( "Send \"Ask Status\" request to \"%s\"", nname_to.GetANSIFullName() ); if ( SendDatagram( *nname, nname_to, packet, packet_size ) == NRC_GOODRET ) { ret = true; } } } mir_free( packet ); } } return ret; } bool netbios::SendStatus(netbios_name& nname_from, const netbios_name& nname_to) { bool ret = false; if ( m_initialized ) { // Сборка пакета const WORD packet_size = 2 + 1 + 4; if ( UCHAR* packet = (UCHAR*)mir_alloc( packet_size ) ) { *(WORD*)packet = SM_MAGIC; packet [ 2 ] = SM_SENDSTATUS; *(__int32*)( packet + 2 + 1 ) = (__int32)pluginCurrentStatus; LOG( "Send \"Status\" answer from \"%s\" to \"%s\" : \"%s\"", nname_from.GetANSIFullName(), nname_to.GetANSIFullName(), STATUS2TEXT(pluginCurrentStatus) ); ret = ( SendDatagram( nname_from, nname_to, packet, packet_size ) == NRC_GOODRET ); mir_free( packet ); } } return ret; } bool netbios::BroadcastStatus() { bool ret = false; if ( m_initialized ) { for (UCHAR i = 0; i < m_le.length; i++) { netbios_name nname_to( MNS_STATUS, 0xab, true, m_le.lana [i] ); netbios_name* nname = GetName( netbios_name ( pluginMachineName, 0x03, false, m_le.lana [i] ) ); if ( nname ) ret = SendStatus( *nname, nname_to ) || ret; } } return ret; } bool netbios::AskAvatar(const netbios_name& nname_to) { bool ret = false; if ( m_initialized ) { // Сборка пакета const WORD packet_size = 2 + 1; if ( UCHAR* packet = (UCHAR*)mir_alloc( packet_size ) ) { *(WORD*)packet = SM_MAGIC; packet[ 2 ] = SM_GETAVATAR; for (UCHAR i = 0; i < m_le.length; i++) { if ( netbios_name* nname = GetName( netbios_name( pluginMachineName, 0x03, false, m_le.lana [i] ) ) ) { LOG( "Send \"Ask Avatar\" request to \"%s\"", nname_to.GetANSIFullName() ); if ( SendDatagram( *nname, nname_to, packet, packet_size ) == NRC_GOODRET ) { ret = true; } } } mir_free( packet ); } } return ret; } bool netbios::SendAvatar(netbios_name& nname_from, const netbios_name& nname_to) { if ( ! m_initialized ) return false; if ( ! ServiceExists( MS_AV_GETMYAVATAR ) ) // Нет аватарского плагина return false; // Запрос аватара протокола AVATARCACHEENTRY* pAvatar = (AVATARCACHEENTRY*)CallService( MS_AV_GETMYAVATAR, 0, (LPARAM)modname ); if ( ! pAvatar ) // Запрос общего аватара pAvatar = (AVATARCACHEENTRY*)CallService( MS_AV_GETMYAVATAR, 0, (LPARAM)"" ); if ( ! pAvatar || pAvatar->cbSize < sizeof( AVATARCACHEENTRY ) ) // Нет аватара return false; CString sFilename = pAvatar->szFilename; CAtlFile oAvatarFile; if ( FAILED( oAvatarFile.Create( sFilename, GENERIC_READ, FILE_SHARE_READ, OPEN_EXISTING ) ) ) // Файл не найден return false; ULONGLONG avatar_size = 0; if ( FAILED( oAvatarFile.GetSize( avatar_size ) ) || avatar_size < 16 || avatar_size > MAX_AVATAR_SIZE ) // Слишком маленький или слишком большой файл return false; bool ret = false; // Сборка статусного пакета WORD packet_size = (WORD)( 2 + 1 + avatar_size ); if ( UCHAR* packet = (UCHAR*)mir_alloc( packet_size ) ) { *(WORD*)packet = SM_MAGIC; packet[ 2 ] = SM_SENDAVATAR; // Чтение аватара из файла if ( SUCCEEDED( oAvatarFile.Read( packet + 2 + 1, avatar_size ) ) ) { LOG( "Send \"Avatar\" answer from \"%s\" to \"%s\"", nname_from.GetANSIFullName(), nname_to.GetANSIFullName() ); ret = ( SendDatagram( nname_from, nname_to, packet, packet_size ) == NRC_GOODRET ); } mir_free( packet ); } return ret; } bool netbios::Register () { CLock oLock( m_csData ); bool ret = false; // Удаление имён, если они есть for (size_t i = 0; i < m_names.GetCount (); ++i) delete m_names [i]; m_names.RemoveAll (); // Добавление имен на каждом адаптере for (UCHAR i = 0; i < m_le.length; i++) { // COMPUTER <01> U netbios_name *pnn1 = db_get_b (NULL, modname, "RegisterNick", TRUE) ? new netbios_name ( pluginMachineName, 0x01, false, m_le.lana [i]) : NULL; if (pnn1) m_names.Add (pnn1); // COMPUTER <03> U netbios_name *pnn2 = db_get_b (NULL, modname, "RegisterNick", TRUE) ? new netbios_name ( pluginMachineName, 0x03, false, m_le.lana [i]) : NULL; if (pnn2) m_names.Add (pnn2); // USER <03> U netbios_name *pnn3 = db_get_b (NULL, modname, "RegisterUser", TRUE) ? new netbios_name ( pluginUserName, 0x03, false, m_le.lana [i]) : NULL; if (pnn3) { // Проверка на совпадение имени пользователя и имени компьютера if (pnn2 && *pnn3 == *pnn2) // Имена совпадают delete pnn3; else m_names.Add (pnn3); } // MNS_STATUS G netbios_name *pnn4 = db_get_b (NULL, modname, "RegisterStatus", TRUE) ? new netbios_name (MNS_STATUS, 0xab, true, m_le.lana [i]) : NULL; if ( pnn4 ) m_names.Add( pnn4 ); } // Регистрация имен for ( size_t i = 0; i < m_names.GetCount (); ++i ) { if ( m_names [i]->Register() ) { ret = true; } } return ret; } // Дерегистрация NetBIOS-имен void netbios::Deregister () { CLock oLock( m_csData ); // Дерегистрация имён for (size_t i = 0; i < m_names.GetCount (); ++i) m_names [i]->Destroy(); // Удаление имён for (size_t i = 0; i < m_names.GetCount (); ++i) delete m_names [i]; m_names.RemoveAll (); }