[GlobalSettings] ; Set protocol status to offline before any other action ; true or false ; default=true SetProtocolsOffline=true ; Remove all folders that have protocol names inside miranda folder ; true or false ; default=true RemoveProtocolFolders=true ; Remove all miranda users ; true or false ; default=true RemoveAllUsers=true ; Remove some default settings for all enabled protocols ; The name of the module has to be the same name as the name of the protocol ; These are the ones under ProtocolSettings ; true or false ; default=true RemoveProtocolSettings=true ; Remove all settings inside the protocol module ; (and not only the ones at ProtocolSettings) ; true or false ; default=false RemoveWholeProtocolModule=false [DisabledProtocols] ; Names of protocols that are disabled, but have to has its settings deleted ; The case must be correct! YAHOO YAHOO1 YAHOO2 YAHOO3 YAHOO4 MSN MSN1 MSN2 MSN3 MSN4 ICQ ICQ1 ICQ2 ICQ3 ICQ4 GG GG1 GG2 GG3 GG4 JABBER JABBER1 JABBER2 JABBER3 JABBER4 JGMAIL JGMAIL1 JGMAIL2 JGMAIL3 JGMAIL4 MEEBO MEEBO1 MEEBO2 MEEBO3 MEEBO4 AIM AIM1 AIM2 AIM3 AIM4 SKYPE MYSPACE [ProtocolSettings] ; Settings that will be erased for all enabled protocols if RemoveProtocolSettings == true ; Names with spaces or strange chars must be surrounded by " Password "Nick" LoginName DisplayName PNick SN Name FirstName LastName Username UserName User UID Timezone e-mail Email email UIN IdleTS InfoTS LogonTS MemberTS LastSyncTime PictObject YourHost AvatarFile AvatarFilename AvatarHash AvatarSaved ImageURL BirthDay BirthMonth BirthYear MaritalStatus Gender Age CompanyOccupation Country OriginCountry Location InfoCP PublishPrimaryEmail SrvAvatarID SrvDefGroupId SrvLastUpdate SrvRecordCount SrvVisibility SrvVisibilityID XStatusMsg XStatusMessage AlernativeNick Status ServerComboSelection UserID Resource FirstRun WebAvare FullName LoginName "First Name" "Last Name" jid Profile NLProxyPort NLProxyServer City Language1 Language2 Language3 Past0 IP RealIP State QuitMessage UserInfo GenderString GoogleToken Override yahoo_id AvatarURL AvatarInv [ProtocolModuleSufixes] ; Strings here will be appended to each protocol name and the module with this name ; will be deleted (the whole module) ; Names with spaces or strange chars must be surrounded by " Groups SrvGroups P2P :HotmailNotify [RemoveSettings] ; Settings that should be removed ; Only from hContact == NULL ; To remove a module, use ModuleName ; To remove a setting, use ModuleName/SettingName ; To remove all settings that start with a name, use * as last char ; Ex: Test/Test* ; To remove all settings that end with a name, use * as first key char ; Ex: Test/*Test ; Settings are case sensitive ; Names with spaces or strange chars must be surrounded by " "Gmail Notifier/name" "Gmail Notifier/pass" POP3 pattern Options ContactPhoto/File MIMImport */Password */password FTPFile/password FTPFile/user FTPFile/url FTPFile/server SMSPlugin SRFile/MruDir* SRFile/RecvFilesDirAdv UserOnline WebSMS-Plugin/LastNumber* WebSMS-Plugin/LastPrefix* "WinPopup Protocol/Nick" "WinPopup Protocol/User" "WinPopup Protocol/Workgroup" NET_SEND/loging_name Alarm/ActionFlags* Alarm/Desc* Alarm/Hidden* Alarm/Occ* Alarm/NoStartup* Alarm/Snoozer* Alarm/SoundNum* Alarm/STDay* Alarm/STHour* Alarm/STMinute* Alarm/STMonth* Alarm/STSecond* Alarm/STYear* Alarm/Suspended* Alarm/Title* */NLProxyPort */NLProxyServer QuickContacts/LastSentTo VersionInfo/UploadPassword VersionInfo/UploadUser [ExecuteServices] ; Always calls passing 0 as wParam and lParam ; Names with spaces or strange chars must be surrounded by " DB3XS/RemovePassword [RemoveFilesOrFolders] ; This should be names inside miranda folder ; Names with spaces or strange chars must be surrounded by " ; * and ? can be used Avatars "Avatars History" Logs "Received Files" tabSRMM Updates UpdateData UpdateBackups yamn-accounts.pop3.*.book [DisablePlugins] ; Plugins dlls to be disabled ; Names with spaces or strange chars must be surrounded by " RemovePersonalSettings.dll