/* Copyright (C) 2006 Ricardo Pescuma Domenecci, Nightwish This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License along with this file; see the file license.txt. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ #include "stdafx.h" CacheNode::CacheNode() { } CacheNode::~CacheNode() { if (hbmPic != nullptr) DeleteObject(hbmPic); } void CacheNode::wipeInfo() { MCONTACT saveContact = hContact; if (hbmPic) DeleteObject(hbmPic); memset(this, 0, sizeof(CacheNode)); hContact = saveContact; } static int CompareNodes(const CacheNode *p1, const CacheNode *p2) { return INT_PTR(p1->hContact) - INT_PTR(p2->hContact); } static OBJLIST arCache(100, CompareNodes); static LIST arQueue(10); static mir_cs alloccs, cachecs; // allocate a cache block and add it to the list of blocks // does not link the new block with the old block(s) - caller needs to do this void UnloadCache(void) { arCache.destroy(); } void PushAvatarRequest(CacheNode *cc) { mir_cslock lck(alloccs); int idx = arQueue.getCount(); if (idx > 0) idx--; arQueue.insert(cc, idx); } // link a new cache block with the already existing chain of blocks CacheNode* FindAvatarInCache(MCONTACT hContact, bool add, bool findAny) { if (g_shutDown) return nullptr; char *szProto = Proto_GetBaseAccountName(hContact); if (szProto == nullptr || !g_plugin.getByte(szProto, 1)) return nullptr; CacheNode *cc; { mir_cslock lck(cachecs); cc = arCache.find((CacheNode*)&hContact); if (cc) { cc->t_lastAccess = time(0); return (cc->bLoaded || findAny) ? cc : nullptr; } // not found if (!add) return nullptr; cc = new CacheNode(); cc->hContact = hContact; arCache.insert(cc); } switch (CreateAvatarInCache(hContact, cc, nullptr)) { case -2: // no avatar data in settings, retrieve PushAvatarRequest(cc); SetEvent(hLoaderEvent); // wake him up break; case 1: // loaded, everything is ok if (cc->hbmPic != nullptr) cc->bLoaded = true; break; default: cc->bLoaded = false; break; } return cc; } // output a notification message. // may accept a hContact to include the contacts nickname in the notification message... // the actual message is using printf() rules for formatting and passing the arguments... // // can display the message either as systray notification (baloon popup) or using the // popup plugin. void NotifyMetaAware(MCONTACT hContact, CacheNode *node, AVATARCACHEENTRY *ace) { if (g_shutDown) return; if (ace == (AVATARCACHEENTRY*)-1) ace = node; NotifyEventHooks(hEventChanged, hContact, (LPARAM)ace); MCONTACT hMasterContact = db_mc_getMeta(hContact); if (hMasterContact && db_mc_getMostOnline(hMasterContact) == hContact && !db_get_b(hMasterContact, "ContactPhoto", "Locked", 0)) NotifyEventHooks(hEventChanged, (WPARAM)hMasterContact, (LPARAM)ace); if (node->bNotify) { // Fire the event for avatar history node->bNotify = false; if (node->szFilename[0] != '\0') { CONTACTAVATARCHANGEDNOTIFICATION cacn = {}; cacn.hContact = hContact; cacn.format = node->pa_format; wcsncpy_s(cacn.filename, node->szFilename, _TRUNCATE); // Get hash char *szProto = Proto_GetBaseAccountName(hContact); if (szProto != nullptr) { DBVARIANT dbv = { 0 }; if (!db_get_s(hContact, szProto, "AvatarHash", &dbv)) { if (dbv.type == DBVT_WCHAR) wcsncpy_s(cacn.hash, dbv.pwszVal, _TRUNCATE); else if (dbv.type == DBVT_ASCIIZ) wcsncpy_s(cacn.hash, _A2T(dbv.pszVal), _TRUNCATE); else if (dbv.type == DBVT_BLOB) { ptrA szHash(mir_base64_encode(dbv.pbVal, dbv.cpbVal)); wcsncpy_s(cacn.hash, _A2T(szHash), _TRUNCATE); } db_free(&dbv); } } // Default value if (cacn.hash[0] == '\0') mir_snwprintf(cacn.hash, L"AVS-HASH-%x", GetFileHash(cacn.filename)); NotifyEventHooks(hEventContactAvatarChanged, hContact, (LPARAM)&cacn); } else NotifyEventHooks(hEventContactAvatarChanged, hContact, NULL); } } // Just delete an avatar from cache // An cache entry is never deleted. What is deleted is the image handle inside it // This is done this way to keep track of which avatars avs have to keep track void DeleteAvatarFromCache(MCONTACT hContact, bool bForever) { if (g_shutDown) return; MCONTACT tmp = GetContactThatHaveTheAvatar(hContact); mir_cslock lck(cachecs); int idx = arCache.getIndex((CacheNode*)&tmp); if (idx == -1) { CacheNode temp_node; memset(&temp_node, 0, sizeof(temp_node)); NotifyMetaAware(hContact, &temp_node, (AVATARCACHEENTRY*)GetProtoDefaultAvatar(hContact)); } else { NotifyMetaAware(hContact, &arCache[idx], (AVATARCACHEENTRY*)GetProtoDefaultAvatar(hContact)); if (!bForever) arCache[idx].wipeInfo(); else arCache.remove(idx); } } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// int SetAvatarAttribute(MCONTACT hContact, DWORD attrib, int mode) { if (g_shutDown) return 0; mir_cslock lck(cachecs); CacheNode *cc = arCache.find((CacheNode*)&hContact); if (cc != nullptr) { DWORD dwFlags = cc->dwFlags; cc->dwFlags = mode ? (cc->dwFlags | attrib) : (cc->dwFlags & ~attrib); if (cc->dwFlags != dwFlags) NotifyMetaAware(hContact, cc); } return 0; } // this thread scans the cache and handles nodes which have mustLoad set to > 0 (must be loaded/reloaded) or // nodes where mustLoad is < 0 (must be deleted). // its waken up by the event and tries to lock the cache only when absolutely necessary. void PicLoader(LPVOID) { Thread_SetName("AVS: PicLoader"); DWORD dwDelay = g_plugin.getDword("picloader_sleeptime", 80); if (dwDelay < 30) dwDelay = 30; else if (dwDelay > 100) dwDelay = 100; while (!g_shutDown) { while (!g_shutDown) { CacheNode *node; { mir_cslock all(alloccs); node = arQueue[0]; if (node) arQueue.remove(0); } if (node == nullptr) break; if (db_get_b(node->hContact, "ContactPhoto", "NeedUpdate", 0)) QueueAdd(node->hContact); AVATARCACHEENTRY ace_temp; memcpy(&ace_temp, node, sizeof(AVATARCACHEENTRY)); ace_temp.hbmPic = nullptr; int result = CreateAvatarInCache(node->hContact, &ace_temp, nullptr); if (result == -2) { char *szProto = Proto_GetBaseAccountName(node->hContact); if (szProto == nullptr || Proto_NeedDelaysForAvatars(szProto)) QueueAdd(node->hContact); else if (FetchAvatarFor(node->hContact, szProto) == GAIR_SUCCESS) // Try to create again result = CreateAvatarInCache(node->hContact, &ace_temp, nullptr); } if (result == 1 && ace_temp.hbmPic != nullptr) { // Loaded HBITMAP oldPic = node->hbmPic; { mir_cslock l(cachecs); memcpy(node, &ace_temp, sizeof(AVATARCACHEENTRY)); node->bLoaded = true; } if (oldPic) DeleteObject(oldPic); NotifyMetaAware(node->hContact, node); } else if (result == 0 || result == -3) { // Has no avatar HBITMAP oldPic = node->hbmPic; { mir_cslock l(cachecs); memcpy(node, &ace_temp, sizeof(AVATARCACHEENTRY)); node->bLoaded = false; } if (oldPic) DeleteObject(oldPic); NotifyMetaAware(node->hContact, node); } mir_sleep(dwDelay); } WaitForSingleObject(hLoaderEvent, INFINITE); ResetEvent(hLoaderEvent); } }