// ========================================================== // Tone mapping operator (Reinhard, 2005) // // Design and implementation by // - Herv� Drolon (drolon@infonie.fr) // - Mihail Naydenov (mnaydenov@users.sourceforge.net) // // This file is part of FreeImage 3 // // COVERED CODE IS PROVIDED UNDER THIS LICENSE ON AN "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTY // OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, WARRANTIES // THAT THE COVERED CODE IS FREE OF DEFECTS, MERCHANTABLE, FIT FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE // OR NON-INFRINGING. THE ENTIRE RISK AS TO THE QUALITY AND PERFORMANCE OF THE COVERED // CODE IS WITH YOU. SHOULD ANY COVERED CODE PROVE DEFECTIVE IN ANY RESPECT, YOU (NOT // THE INITIAL DEVELOPER OR ANY OTHER CONTRIBUTOR) ASSUME THE COST OF ANY NECESSARY // SERVICING, REPAIR OR CORRECTION. THIS DISCLAIMER OF WARRANTY CONSTITUTES AN ESSENTIAL // PART OF THIS LICENSE. NO USE OF ANY COVERED CODE IS AUTHORIZED HEREUNDER EXCEPT UNDER // THIS DISCLAIMER. // // Use at your own risk! // ========================================================== #include "FreeImage.h" #include "Utilities.h" #include "ToneMapping.h" // ---------------------------------------------------------- // Global and/or local tone mapping operator // References: // [1] Erik Reinhard and Kate Devlin, 'Dynamic Range Reduction Inspired by Photoreceptor Physiology', // IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, 11(1), Jan/Feb 2005. // [2] Erik Reinhard, 'Parameter estimation for photographic tone reproduction', // Journal of Graphics Tools, vol. 7, no. 1, pp. 45�51, 2003. // ---------------------------------------------------------- /** Tone mapping operator @param dib Input / Output RGBF image @param Y Input luminance image version of dib @param f Overall intensity in range [-8:8] : default to 0 @param m Contrast in range [0.3:1) : default to 0 @param a Adaptation in range [0:1] : default to 1 @param c Color correction in range [0:1] : default to 0 @return Returns TRUE if successful, returns FALSE otherwise @see LuminanceFromY */ static BOOL ToneMappingReinhard05(FIBITMAP *dib, FIBITMAP *Y, float f, float m, float a, float c) { float Cav[3]; // channel average float Lav = 0; // average luminance float Llav = 0; // log average luminance float minLum = 1; // min luminance float maxLum = 1; // max luminance float L; // pixel luminance float I_g, I_l; // global and local light adaptation float I_a; // interpolated pixel light adaptation float k; // key (low-key means overall dark image, high-key means overall light image) // check input parameters if((FreeImage_GetImageType(dib) != FIT_RGBF) || (FreeImage_GetImageType(Y) != FIT_FLOAT)) { return FALSE; } if(f < -8) f = -8; if(f > 8) f = 8; if(m < 0) m = 0; if(m > 1) m = 1; if(a < 0) a = 0; if(a > 1) a = 1; if(c < 0) c = 0; if(c > 1) c = 1; const unsigned width = FreeImage_GetWidth(dib); const unsigned height = FreeImage_GetHeight(dib); const unsigned dib_pitch = FreeImage_GetPitch(dib); const unsigned y_pitch = FreeImage_GetPitch(Y); int i; unsigned x, y; BYTE *bits = NULL, *Ybits = NULL; // get statistics about the data (but only if its really needed) f = exp(-f); if((m == 0) || (a != 1) && (c != 1)) { // avoid these calculations if its not needed after ... LuminanceFromY(Y, &maxLum, &minLum, &Lav, &Llav); k = (log(maxLum) - Llav) / (log(maxLum) - log(minLum)); if(k < 0) { // pow(k, 1.4F) is undefined ... // there's an ambiguity about the calculation of Llav between Reinhard papers and the various implementations ... // try another world adaptation luminance formula using instead 'worldLum = log(Llav)' k = (log(maxLum) - log(Llav)) / (log(maxLum) - log(minLum)); if(k < 0) m = 0.3F; } } m = (m > 0) ? m : (float)(0.3 + 0.7 * pow(k, 1.4F)); float max_color = -1e6F; float min_color = +1e6F; // tone map image bits = (BYTE*)FreeImage_GetBits(dib); Ybits = (BYTE*)FreeImage_GetBits(Y); if((a == 1) && (c == 0)) { // when using default values, use a fastest code for(y = 0; y < height; y++) { float *Y = (float*)Ybits; float *color = (float*)bits; for(x = 0; x < width; x++) { I_a = Y[x]; // luminance(x, y) for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) { *color /= ( *color + pow(f * I_a, m) ); max_color = (*color > max_color) ? *color : max_color; min_color = (*color < min_color) ? *color : min_color; color++; } } // next line bits += dib_pitch; Ybits += y_pitch; } } else { // complete algorithm // channel averages Cav[0] = Cav[1] = Cav[2] = 0; if((a != 1) && (c != 0)) { // channel averages are not needed when (a == 1) or (c == 0) bits = (BYTE*)FreeImage_GetBits(dib); for(y = 0; y < height; y++) { float *color = (float*)bits; for(x = 0; x < width; x++) { for(i = 0; i < 3; i++) { Cav[i] += *color; color++; } } // next line bits += dib_pitch; } const float image_size = (float)width * height; for(i = 0; i < 3; i++) { Cav[i] /= image_size; } } // perform tone mapping bits = (BYTE*)FreeImage_GetBits(dib); for(y = 0; y < height; y++) { const float *Y = (float*)Ybits; float *color = (float*)bits; for(x = 0; x < width; x++) { L = Y[x]; // luminance(x, y) for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) { I_l = c * *color + (1-c) * L; I_g = c * Cav[i] + (1-c) * Lav; I_a = a * I_l + (1-a) * I_g; *color /= ( *color + pow(f * I_a, m) ); max_color = (*color > max_color) ? *color : max_color; min_color = (*color < min_color) ? *color : min_color; color++; } } // next line bits += dib_pitch; Ybits += y_pitch; } } // normalize intensities if(max_color != min_color) { bits = (BYTE*)FreeImage_GetBits(dib); const float range = max_color - min_color; for(y = 0; y < height; y++) { float *color = (float*)bits; for(x = 0; x < width; x++) { for(i = 0; i < 3; i++) { *color = (*color - min_color) / range; color++; } } // next line bits += dib_pitch; } } return TRUE; } // ---------------------------------------------------------- // Main algorithm // ---------------------------------------------------------- /** Apply the global/local tone mapping operator to a RGBF image and convert to 24-bit RGB<br> User parameters control intensity, contrast, and level of adaptation @param src Input RGBF image @param intensity Overall intensity in range [-8:8] : default to 0 @param contrast Contrast in range [0.3:1) : default to 0 @param adaptation Adaptation in range [0:1] : default to 1 @param color_correction Color correction in range [0:1] : default to 0 @return Returns a 24-bit RGB image if successful, returns NULL otherwise */ FIBITMAP* DLL_CALLCONV FreeImage_TmoReinhard05Ex(FIBITMAP *src, double intensity, double contrast, double adaptation, double color_correction) { if(!FreeImage_HasPixels(src)) return NULL; // working RGBF variable FIBITMAP *dib = NULL, *Y = NULL; dib = FreeImage_ConvertToRGBF(src); if(!dib) return NULL; // get the Luminance channel Y = ConvertRGBFToY(dib); if(!Y) { FreeImage_Unload(dib); return NULL; } // perform the tone mapping ToneMappingReinhard05(dib, Y, (float)intensity, (float)contrast, (float)adaptation, (float)color_correction); // not needed anymore FreeImage_Unload(Y); // clamp image highest values to display white, then convert to 24-bit RGB FIBITMAP *dst = ClampConvertRGBFTo24(dib); // clean-up and return FreeImage_Unload(dib); // copy metadata from src to dst FreeImage_CloneMetadata(dst, src); return dst; } /** Apply the global tone mapping operator to a RGBF image and convert to 24-bit RGB<br> User parameters control intensity and contrast @param src Input RGBF image @param intensity Overall intensity in range [-8:8] : default to 0 @param contrast Contrast in range [0.3:1) : default to 0 @return Returns a 24-bit RGB image if successful, returns NULL otherwise */ FIBITMAP* DLL_CALLCONV FreeImage_TmoReinhard05(FIBITMAP *src, double intensity, double contrast) { return FreeImage_TmoReinhard05Ex(src, intensity, contrast, 1, 0); }