/* 'File Association Manager'-Plugin for Miranda IM Copyright (C) 2005-2007 H. Herkenrath This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program (AssocMgr-License.txt); if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ #include "stdafx.h" /************************* Assoc List *****************************/ static OBJLIST<ASSOCDATA> arAssocList(10, PtrKeySortT); static mir_cs csAssocList; /************************* Assoc Enabled **************************/ static BOOL IsAssocEnabled(const ASSOCDATA *assoc) { char szSetting[MAXMODULELABELLENGTH]; mir_snprintf(szSetting, "enabled_%s", assoc->pszClassName); return g_plugin.getByte(szSetting, (uint8_t)!(assoc->flags&FTDF_DEFAULTDISABLED)) != 0; } static void SetAssocEnabled(const ASSOCDATA *assoc, BOOL fEnabled) { char szSetting[MAXMODULELABELLENGTH]; wchar_t szDLL[MAX_PATH], szBuf[MAX_PATH]; mir_snprintf(szSetting, "enabled_%s", assoc->pszClassName); g_plugin.setByte(szSetting, (uint8_t)fEnabled); // dll name for uninstall if (assoc->hInstance != nullptr && assoc->hInstance != g_plugin.getInst() && assoc->hInstance != GetModuleHandle(nullptr)) if (GetModuleFileName(assoc->hInstance, szBuf, _countof(szBuf))) if (PathToRelativeW(szBuf, szDLL)) { mir_snprintf(szSetting, "module_%s", assoc->pszClassName); g_plugin.setWString(szSetting, szDLL); } } static void DeleteAssocEnabledSetting(const ASSOCDATA *assoc) { char szSetting[MAXMODULELABELLENGTH]; mir_snprintf(szSetting, "enabled_%s", assoc->pszClassName); g_plugin.delSetting(szSetting); // dll name for uninstall mir_snprintf(szSetting, "module_%s", assoc->pszClassName); g_plugin.delSetting(szSetting); } void CleanupAssocEnabledSettings(void) { // delete old enabled_* settings if associated plugin no longer present int nSettingsCount; char **ppszSettings; if (EnumDbPrefixSettings(MODULENAME, "enabled_", &ppszSettings, &nSettingsCount)) { mir_cslock lck(csAssocList); for (int i = 0; i < nSettingsCount; ++i) { char *pszSuffix = &ppszSettings[i][8]; char szSetting[MAXMODULELABELLENGTH]; mir_snprintf(szSetting, "module_%s", pszSuffix); ptrW wszPath(g_plugin.getWStringA(szSetting)); if (wszPath != nullptr) { wchar_t szDLL[MAX_PATH]; if (PathToAbsoluteW(wszPath, szDLL)) { // file still exists? HANDLE hFile = CreateFile(szDLL, 0, FILE_SHARE_READ, nullptr, OPEN_EXISTING, 0, nullptr); if (hFile == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { g_plugin.delSetting(ppszSettings[i]); g_plugin.delSetting(szSetting); } else CloseHandle(hFile); } } mir_free(ppszSettings[i]); } mir_free(ppszSettings); } } /************************* Mime Reg *******************************/ static __inline void RememberMimeTypeAdded(const char *pszMimeType, const char *pszFileExt, uint8_t fAdded) { char szSetting[MAXMODULELABELLENGTH]; mir_snprintf(szSetting, "mime_%s", pszMimeType); if (fAdded) g_plugin.setString(szSetting, pszFileExt); else g_plugin.delSetting(szSetting); } static __inline BOOL WasMimeTypeAdded(const char *pszMimeType) { char szSetting[MAXMODULELABELLENGTH]; DBVARIANT dbv; BOOL fAdded = FALSE; mir_snprintf(szSetting, "mime_%s", pszMimeType); if (!db_get(0, MODULENAME, szSetting, &dbv)) fAdded = TRUE; else db_free(&dbv); return fAdded; } void CleanupMimeTypeAddedSettings(void) { // delete old mime_* settings and unregister the associated mime type int nSettingsCount; char **ppszSettings; if (EnumDbPrefixSettings(MODULENAME, "mime_", &ppszSettings, &nSettingsCount)) { mir_cslock lck(csAssocList); for (int i = 0; i < nSettingsCount; ++i) { char *pszSuffix = &ppszSettings[i][5]; ASSOCDATA *p = nullptr; for (auto &it : arAssocList) if (!mir_strcmp(pszSuffix, it->pszMimeType)) { p = it; break; // mime type in current list } if (p == nullptr) { // mime type not in current list DBVARIANT dbv; if (!g_plugin.getString(ppszSettings[i], &dbv)) { RemoveRegMimeType(pszSuffix, dbv.pszVal); db_free(&dbv); } g_plugin.delSetting(ppszSettings[i]); } mir_free(ppszSettings[i]); } mir_free(ppszSettings); } } /************************* Shell Notify ***************************/ #define SHELLNOTIFY_DELAY 3000 // time for which assoc changes are buffered static UINT nNotifyTimerID; // protected by csNotifyTimer static mir_cs csNotifyTimer; static void CALLBACK NotifyTimerProc(HWND hwnd, UINT, UINT_PTR nTimerID, DWORD) { mir_cslock lck(csNotifyTimer); KillTimer(hwnd, nTimerID); if (nNotifyTimerID == nTimerID) // might be stopped previously SHChangeNotify(SHCNE_ASSOCCHANGED, SHCNF_IDLIST | SHCNF_FLUSHNOWAIT, nullptr, nullptr); nNotifyTimerID = 0; } static void NotifyAssocChange(BOOL fNow) { mir_cslock lck(csNotifyTimer); if (fNow) { nNotifyTimerID = 0; // stop previous timer SHChangeNotify(SHCNE_ASSOCCHANGED, SHCNF_IDLIST | SHCNF_FLUSH, nullptr, nullptr); } else nNotifyTimerID = SetTimer(nullptr, nNotifyTimerID, SHELLNOTIFY_DELAY, NotifyTimerProc); } /************************* Assoc List Utils ***********************/ // this function assumes it has got the csAssocList mutex static ASSOCDATA* FindAssocItem(const char *pszClassName) { for (auto &it : arAssocList) if (!mir_strcmp(pszClassName, it->pszClassName)) return it; return nullptr; } BOOL IsRegisteredAssocItem(const char *pszClassName) { mir_cslock lck(csAssocList); return FindAssocItem(pszClassName) != nullptr; } // this function assumes it has got the csAssocList mutex // this function assumes CoInitialize() has been called before static int ReplaceImageListAssocIcon(HIMAGELIST himl, ASSOCDATA *assoc, int iPrevIndex) { if (himl == nullptr) return -1; // load icon HICON hIcon = LoadRegClassSmallIcon(assoc); if (hIcon == nullptr) { SHFILEINFOA sfi; if (SHGetFileInfoA((assoc->pszFileExt != nullptr) ? assoc->pszFileExt : "", FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, &sfi, sizeof(sfi), SHGFI_ICON | SHGFI_SMALLICON | SHGFI_USEFILEATTRIBUTES)) hIcon = sfi.hIcon; // WinXP: this icon is not updated until the process exits } // add icon if (hIcon == nullptr) return -1; int index = ImageList_ReplaceIcon(himl, iPrevIndex, hIcon); DestroyIcon(hIcon); return index; } // the return value does not need to be freed // this function assumes it has got the csAssocList mutex static wchar_t* GetAssocTypeDesc(const ASSOCDATA *assoc) { static wchar_t szDesc[32]; if (assoc->pszFileExt == nullptr) mir_snwprintf(szDesc, L"%hs:", assoc->pszClassName); else mir_snwprintf(szDesc, TranslateT("%hs files"), assoc->pszFileExt); return szDesc; } // this function assumes it has got the csAssocList mutex static BOOL IsAssocRegistered(const ASSOCDATA *assoc) { BOOL fIsUrl = (assoc->pszFileExt == nullptr); BOOL fUseMainCmdLine = (assoc->pszService == nullptr); // class BOOL fSuccess = FALSE; wchar_t *pszRunCmd = MakeRunCommand(fUseMainCmdLine, !fUseMainCmdLine); if (pszRunCmd != nullptr) fSuccess = IsRegClass(assoc->pszClassName, pszRunCmd); mir_free(pszRunCmd); // does NULL check // file ext if (!fIsUrl) fSuccess = IsRegFileExt(assoc->pszFileExt, assoc->pszClassName); return fSuccess; } // this function assumes it has got the csAssocList mutex // call GetLastError() on error to get more error details static BOOL EnsureAssocRegistered(const ASSOCDATA *assoc) { BOOL fSuccess = FALSE, fIsUrl, fUseMainCmdLine; wchar_t *pszIconLoc, *pszRunCmd, *pszDdeCmd, *pszAppFileName; fIsUrl = (assoc->pszFileExt == nullptr); fUseMainCmdLine = (assoc->pszService == nullptr); pszRunCmd = MakeRunCommand(fUseMainCmdLine, !fUseMainCmdLine); if (pszRunCmd != nullptr) { fSuccess = TRUE; // tentatively // do not overwrite user customized settings if (!IsRegClass(assoc->pszClassName, pszRunCmd)) { // class icon if (!assoc->nIconResID && fIsUrl) pszIconLoc = MakeIconLocation(nullptr, 0); // miranda logo else if (!assoc->nIconResID) pszIconLoc = MakeIconLocation(g_plugin.getInst(), IDI_MIRANDAFILE); // generic file else pszIconLoc = MakeIconLocation(assoc->hInstance, assoc->nIconResID); // register class if (fUseMainCmdLine) pszDdeCmd = nullptr; else pszDdeCmd = fIsUrl ? DDEURLCMD : DDEFILECMD; fSuccess = AddRegClass(assoc->pszClassName, assoc->pszDescription, pszIconLoc, _A2W(MIRANDANAME), pszRunCmd, pszDdeCmd, DDEAPP, DDETOPIC, assoc->pszVerbDesc, assoc->flags&FTDF_BROWSERAUTOOPEN, fIsUrl, assoc->flags&FTDF_ISSHORTCUT); mir_free(pszIconLoc); // does NULL check // file type if (fSuccess && !fIsUrl) { // register mime type if (assoc->pszMimeType != nullptr) if (AddRegMimeType(assoc->pszMimeType, assoc->pszFileExt)) RememberMimeTypeAdded(assoc->pszMimeType, assoc->pszFileExt, TRUE); // register file ext fSuccess = AddRegFileExt(assoc->pszFileExt, assoc->pszClassName, assoc->pszMimeType, assoc->flags&FTDF_ISTEXT); // register open-with pszAppFileName = MakeAppFileName(fUseMainCmdLine); if (pszAppFileName != nullptr) AddRegOpenWithExtEntry(pszAppFileName, assoc->pszFileExt, assoc->pszDescription); mir_free(pszAppFileName); // does NULL check } } mir_free(pszRunCmd); } else SetLastError(ERROR_OUTOFMEMORY); return fSuccess; } // this function assumes it has got the csAssocList mutex // call GetLastError() on error to get more error details static BOOL UnregisterAssoc(const ASSOCDATA *assoc) { BOOL fIsUrl = (assoc->pszFileExt == nullptr); BOOL fUseMainCmdLine = (assoc->pszService == nullptr); // class might have been registered by another instance wchar_t *pszRunCmd = MakeRunCommand(fUseMainCmdLine, !fUseMainCmdLine); if (pszRunCmd != nullptr && !IsRegClass(assoc->pszClassName, pszRunCmd)) { mir_free(pszRunCmd); return TRUE; // succeed anyway } mir_free(pszRunCmd); // does NULL check // file type if (!fIsUrl) { // file extension RemoveRegFileExt(assoc->pszFileExt, assoc->pszClassName); // mime type if (assoc->pszMimeType != nullptr) if (WasMimeTypeAdded(assoc->pszMimeType)) { RemoveRegMimeType(assoc->pszMimeType, assoc->pszFileExt); RememberMimeTypeAdded(assoc->pszMimeType, assoc->pszFileExt, FALSE); } // open-with entry wchar_t *pszAppFileName = MakeAppFileName(fUseMainCmdLine); if (pszAppFileName != nullptr) RemoveRegOpenWithExtEntry(pszAppFileName, assoc->pszFileExt); mir_free(pszAppFileName); // does NULL check } return RemoveRegClass(assoc->pszClassName); } /************************* Assoc List Workers *********************/ // this structure represents the head of both // * FILETYPEDESC and URLTYPEDESC structures. // * the head is identical for both structures. struct TYPEDESCHEAD { int cbSize; // either sizeof(FILETYPEDESC) or sizeof(URLTYPEDESC) const void *pszDescription; HINSTANCE hInstance; UINT nIconResID; const char *pszService; uint32_t flags; }; // ownership of pszClassName, pszFileExt, pszVerbDesc and pszMimeType is transfered // to the storage list on success static bool AddNewAssocItem_Worker(char *pszClassName, const TYPEDESCHEAD *tdh, char *pszFileExt, wchar_t *pszVerbDesc, char *pszMimeType) { // is already in list? mir_cslock lck(csAssocList); if (FindAssocItem(pszClassName) != nullptr) return false; // init new item ASSOCDATA *assoc = new ASSOCDATA(); assoc->pszClassName = pszClassName; // no dup here assoc->pszDescription = s2t(tdh->pszDescription, tdh->flags & FTDF_UNICODE, TRUE); // does NULL check assoc->hInstance = tdh->hInstance; // hInstance is allowed to be NULL for miranda32.exe assoc->nIconResID = (uint16_t)tdh->nIconResID; // default icon selected later on assoc->pszService = mir_strdup(tdh->pszService); // does NULL check assoc->flags = (uint16_t)tdh->flags; assoc->pszFileExt = pszFileExt; assoc->pszMimeType = pszMimeType; assoc->pszVerbDesc = pszVerbDesc; // error check if (assoc->pszDescription == nullptr || (assoc->pszService == nullptr && tdh->pszService != nullptr)) { delete assoc; return false; } // add registry keys if (IsAssocEnabled(assoc)) EnsureAssocRegistered(assoc); arAssocList.insert(assoc); NotifyAssocChange(false); return true; } // ownership of pszClassName is *not* transferd to storage list static bool RemoveAssocItem_Worker(const char *pszClassName) { // find index mir_cslock lck(csAssocList); ASSOCDATA *assoc = FindAssocItem(pszClassName); if (assoc == nullptr) return false; // delete registry keys and db setting UnregisterAssoc(assoc); if (assoc->pszMimeType != nullptr) RememberMimeTypeAdded(assoc->pszMimeType, assoc->pszFileExt, FALSE); DeleteAssocEnabledSetting(assoc); // resize storage array arAssocList.remove(assoc); NotifyAssocChange(FALSE); return TRUE; } /************************* Services *******************************/ static INT_PTR ServiceAddNewFileType(WPARAM, LPARAM lParam) { const FILETYPEDESC *ftd = (FILETYPEDESC*)lParam; if (ftd->cbSize < sizeof(FILETYPEDESC)) return 1; if (ftd->pszFileExt == nullptr || ftd->pszFileExt[0] != '.') return 2; char *pszFileExt = mir_strdup(ftd->pszFileExt); char *pszClassName = MakeFileClassName(ftd->pszFileExt); if (pszFileExt != nullptr && pszClassName != nullptr) { wchar_t *pszVerbDesc = s2t(ftd->pwszVerbDesc, ftd->flags & FTDF_UNICODE, TRUE); // does NULL check char *pszMimeType = mir_strdup(ftd->pszMimeType); // does NULL check if (AddNewAssocItem_Worker(pszClassName, (TYPEDESCHEAD*)ftd, pszFileExt, pszVerbDesc, pszMimeType)) // no need to free pszClassName, pszFileExt, pszVerbDesc and pszMimeType, // as their ownership got transfered to storage list return 0; } mir_free(pszClassName); // does NULL check mir_free(pszFileExt); // does NULL check return 3; } static INT_PTR ServiceRemoveFileType(WPARAM, LPARAM lParam) { if ((char*)lParam == nullptr) return 2; char *pszClassName = MakeFileClassName((char*)lParam); if (pszClassName != nullptr) if (RemoveAssocItem_Worker(pszClassName)) { mir_free(pszClassName); return 0; } mir_free(pszClassName); // does NULL check return 3; } static INT_PTR ServiceAddNewUrlType(WPARAM, LPARAM lParam) { const URLTYPEDESC *utd = (URLTYPEDESC*)lParam; if (utd->cbSize < sizeof(URLTYPEDESC)) return 1; if (utd->pszService == nullptr) return 2; if (utd->pszProtoPrefix == nullptr || utd->pszProtoPrefix[mir_strlen(utd->pszProtoPrefix) - 1] != ':') return 2; char *pszClassName = MakeUrlClassName(utd->pszProtoPrefix); if (pszClassName != nullptr) if (AddNewAssocItem_Worker(pszClassName, (TYPEDESCHEAD*)utd, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr)) // no need to free pszClassName, as its ownership got transferred to storage list return 0; mir_free(pszClassName); // does NULL check return 3; } static INT_PTR ServiceRemoveUrlType(WPARAM, LPARAM lParam) { if ((char*)lParam == nullptr) return 2; char *pszClassName = MakeUrlClassName((char*)lParam); if (pszClassName != nullptr) if (RemoveAssocItem_Worker(pszClassName)) { mir_free(pszClassName); return 0; } mir_free(pszClassName); // does NULL check return 3; } /************************* Open Handler ***************************/ static BOOL InvokeHandler_Worker(const char *pszClassName, const wchar_t *pszParam, INT_PTR *res) { // find it in list mir_cslock lck(csAssocList); ASSOCDATA *assoc = FindAssocItem(pszClassName); if (assoc == nullptr) return false; // no service specified? correct registry to use main commandline if (assoc->pszService == nullptr) { EnsureAssocRegistered(assoc); NotifyAssocChange(FALSE); // try main command line if ((INT_PTR)ShellExecute(nullptr, nullptr, pszParam, nullptr, nullptr, SW_SHOWNORMAL) >= 32) *res = 0; // success return TRUE; } // get params char *pszService = mir_strdup(assoc->pszService); void *pvParam = t2s(pszParam, assoc->flags & FTDF_UNICODE, FALSE); // call service if (pszService != nullptr && pvParam != nullptr) *res = CallService(pszService, 0, (LPARAM)pvParam); mir_free(pszService); // does NULL check mir_free(pvParam); // does NULL check return TRUE; } INT_PTR InvokeFileHandler(const wchar_t *pszFileName) { INT_PTR res = CALLSERVICE_NOTFOUND; // find extension wchar_t *p = (wchar_t*)wcsrchr(pszFileName, '.'); if (p != nullptr) { char *pszFileExt = mir_u2a(p); if (pszFileExt != nullptr) { // class name char *pszClassName = MakeFileClassName(pszFileExt); if (pszClassName != nullptr) if (!InvokeHandler_Worker(pszClassName, pszFileName, &res)) { // correct registry on error (no longer in list) RemoveRegFileExt(pszFileExt, pszClassName); RemoveRegClass(pszClassName); } mir_free(pszClassName); // does NULL check mir_free(pszFileExt); } } return res; } INT_PTR InvokeUrlHandler(const wchar_t *pszUrl) { INT_PTR res = CALLSERVICE_NOTFOUND; // find prefix char *pszProtoPrefix = mir_u2a(pszUrl); if (pszProtoPrefix != nullptr) { char *p = strchr(pszProtoPrefix, ':'); if (p != nullptr) { *(++p) = 0; // remove trailing : // class name char *pszClassName = MakeUrlClassName(pszProtoPrefix); if (pszClassName != nullptr) if (!InvokeHandler_Worker(pszClassName, pszUrl, &res)) // correct registry on error (no longer in list) RemoveRegClass(pszClassName); mir_free(pszClassName); // does NULL check } mir_free(pszProtoPrefix); } return res; } /************************* Options ********************************/ static int CALLBACK ListViewSortDesc(LPARAM lParam1, LPARAM lParam2, LPARAM lParamSort) { int cmp; if (((ASSOCDATA*)lParam1)->pszFileExt != nullptr && ((ASSOCDATA*)lParam2)->pszFileExt != nullptr) cmp = CompareStringA((LCID)lParamSort, 0, ((ASSOCDATA*)lParam1)->pszFileExt, -1, ((ASSOCDATA*)lParam2)->pszFileExt, -1); else if (((ASSOCDATA*)lParam1)->pszFileExt.get() == ((ASSOCDATA*)lParam2)->pszFileExt.get()) // both NULL cmp = CompareStringA((LCID)lParamSort, 0, ((ASSOCDATA*)lParam1)->pszClassName, -1, ((ASSOCDATA*)lParam2)->pszClassName, -1); else // different types, incomparable cmp = (((ASSOCDATA*)lParam1)->pszFileExt == nullptr) ? CSTR_LESS_THAN : CSTR_GREATER_THAN; if (cmp == CSTR_EQUAL) cmp = CompareString((LCID)lParamSort, 0, ((ASSOCDATA*)lParam1)->pszDescription, -1, ((ASSOCDATA*)lParam2)->pszDescription, -1); if (cmp != 0) cmp -= 2; // maintain CRT conventions return cmp; } class COptionsDialog : public CDlgBase { CCtrlListView m_lvAssocList; CCtrlCheck m_chkAutoStart; CCtrlCheck m_chkOnlyRun; public: COptionsDialog() : CDlgBase(g_plugin, IDD_OPT_ASSOCLIST), m_lvAssocList(this, IDC_ASSOCLIST), m_chkAutoStart(this, IDC_AUTOSTART), m_chkOnlyRun(this, IDC_ONLYWHILERUNNING) { // only while running CreateLink(m_chkOnlyRun, "OnlyWhileRunning", DBVT_BYTE, SETTING_ONLYWHILERUNNING_DEFAULT); // autostart wchar_t *pszRunCmd = MakeRunCommand(TRUE, TRUE); if (pszRunCmd != nullptr) { m_chkAutoStart.SetState(IsRegRunEntry(L"MirandaNG", pszRunCmd)); mir_free(pszRunCmd); } m_lvAssocList.OnDeleteItem = Callback(this, &COptionsDialog::OnAssocListItemDeleted); m_lvAssocList.OnItemChanged = Callback(this, &COptionsDialog::OnAssocListItemChanged); m_lvAssocList.OnKeyDown = Callback(this, &COptionsDialog::OnAssocListKeyDown); } bool OnInitDialog() override { CDlgBase::OnInitDialog(); m_lvAssocList.SetUnicodeFormat(true); m_lvAssocList.SetExtendedListViewStyle(LVS_EX_CHECKBOXES | LVS_EX_FULLROWSELECT | LVS_EX_LABELTIP); // columns LVCOLUMN lvc; lvc.mask = LVCF_TEXT | LVCF_WIDTH | LVCF_SUBITEM; lvc.pszText = TranslateT("Type"); lvc.cx = 170; m_lvAssocList.InsertColumn(lvc.iSubItem = 0, &lvc); lvc.pszText = TranslateT("Description"); m_lvAssocList.InsertColumn(lvc.iSubItem = 1, &lvc); // create image storage HIMAGELIST himl; mir_cslock lck(csAssocList); { HDC hdc = GetDC(m_lvAssocList.GetHwnd()); if (hdc != nullptr) { // BITSPIXEL is compatible with ILC_COLOR flags himl = ImageList_Create(GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXSMICON), GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYSMICON), GetDeviceCaps(hdc, BITSPIXEL) | ILC_MASK, arAssocList.getCount(), 0); ReleaseDC(m_lvAssocList.GetHwnd(), hdc); } else himl = nullptr; } m_lvAssocList.SetImageList(himl, LVSIL_SMALL); // enum assoc list LVITEM lvi; lvi.iSubItem = 0; lvi.mask = LVIF_TEXT | LVIF_PARAM | LVIF_IMAGE; for (auto &it : arAssocList) { lvi.iItem = 0; lvi.lParam = (LPARAM)new ASSOCDATA(*it); lvi.pszText = GetAssocTypeDesc(it); lvi.iImage = ReplaceImageListAssocIcon(himl, it, -1); lvi.iItem = m_lvAssocList.InsertItem(&lvi); if (lvi.iItem != -1) { m_lvAssocList.SetItemText(lvi.iItem, 1, it->pszDescription); m_lvAssocList.SetCheckState(lvi.iItem, IsAssocEnabled(it) && IsAssocRegistered(it)); } } // sort items (before moving to groups) m_lvAssocList.SortItems(ListViewSortDesc, Langpack_GetDefaultLocale()); // groups if (m_lvAssocList.EnableGroupView(TRUE) == 1) { // returns 0 on pre WinXP or if commctls6 are disabled LVGROUP lvg; int iItem; // dummy item for group lvi.iItem = m_lvAssocList.GetItemCount() - 1; lvi.iSubItem = 0; lvi.mask = LVIF_PARAM | LVIF_IMAGE; lvi.iImage = -1; lvi.lParam = 0; // insert groups lvg.cbSize = sizeof(lvg); lvg.mask = LVGF_HEADER | LVGF_GROUPID; lvg.iGroupId = 2; lvg.pszHeader = TranslateT("URLs on websites"); lvi.iItem = m_lvAssocList.InsertItem(&lvi); if (lvi.iItem != -1) { m_lvAssocList.InsertGroup(lvi.iItem, &lvg); lvg.iGroupId = 1; lvg.pszHeader = TranslateT("File types"); iItem = lvi.iItem = m_lvAssocList.InsertItem(&lvi); if (lvi.iItem != -1) m_lvAssocList.InsertGroup(lvi.iItem, &lvg); else m_lvAssocList.DeleteItem(iItem); } // move to group lvi.iSubItem = 0; lvi.mask = LVIF_PARAM | LVIF_GROUPID; for (lvi.iItem = 0; m_lvAssocList.GetItem(&lvi); ++lvi.iItem) { ASSOCDATA *assoc = (ASSOCDATA*)lvi.lParam; if (assoc == nullptr) continue; // groups lvi.iGroupId = (assoc->pszFileExt == nullptr) + 1; m_lvAssocList.SetItem(&lvi); } } lvi.iItem = m_lvAssocList.GetTopIndex(); m_lvAssocList.SetItemState(lvi.iItem, LVIS_SELECTED | LVIS_FOCUSED, LVIS_SELECTED | LVIS_FOCUSED); m_lvAssocList.SetColumnWidth(1, LVSCW_AUTOSIZE_USEHEADER); // size to fit window return true; } void OnDestroy() override { LVITEM lvi; lvi.iSubItem = 0; lvi.mask = LVIF_PARAM; mir_cslock lck(csAssocList); for (lvi.iItem = 0; m_lvAssocList.GetItem(&lvi); ++lvi.iItem) { ASSOCDATA *assoc = (ASSOCDATA*)lvi.lParam; delete assoc; } } void RefreshIcons() { HIMAGELIST himl = ListView_GetImageList(m_lvAssocList.GetHwnd(), LVSIL_SMALL); // enum items LVITEM lvi; lvi.iSubItem = 0; lvi.mask = LVIF_PARAM | LVIF_IMAGE; for (lvi.iItem = 0; m_lvAssocList.GetItem(&lvi); ++lvi.iItem) { ASSOCDATA *assoc = (ASSOCDATA*)lvi.lParam; if (assoc == nullptr) continue; // groups lvi.iImage = ReplaceImageListAssocIcon(himl, assoc, lvi.iImage); m_lvAssocList.SetItem(&lvi); } if (lvi.iItem) { // ListView_Update() blinks m_lvAssocList.RedrawItems(0, lvi.iItem - 1); UpdateWindow(m_lvAssocList.GetHwnd()); } } void OnAssocListItemDeleted(CCtrlListView::TEventInfo *evt) { LVITEM lvi; lvi.mask = LVIF_PARAM; lvi.iSubItem = 0; lvi.iItem = evt->nmlv->iItem; // free memory if (m_lvAssocList.GetItem(&lvi)) mir_free((ASSOCDATA*)lvi.lParam); // does NULL check } void OnAssocListItemChanged(CCtrlListView::TEventInfo *) { // enable apply (not while loading) if (IsWindowVisible(m_lvAssocList.GetHwnd())) NotifyChange(); } void OnAssocListKeyDown(CCtrlListView::TEventInfo *evt) { // workaround for WinXP (ListView with groups): // eat keyboard navigation that goes beyond the first item in list // as it would scroll out of scope in this case // bug should not be present using WinVista and higher switch (evt->nmlvkey->wVKey) { LVITEM lvi; case VK_UP: lvi.iSubItem = 0; lvi.mask = LVIF_PARAM; lvi.iItem = m_lvAssocList.GetNextItem(-1, LVNI_FOCUSED); lvi.iItem = m_lvAssocList.GetNextItem(lvi.iItem, LVNI_ABOVE); if (lvi.iItem != -1) if (m_lvAssocList.GetItem(&lvi)) if ((ASSOCDATA*)lvi.lParam == nullptr) // groups lvi.iItem = -1; /*if (lvi.iItem == -1) { SetWindowLongPtr(hwndDlg, DWLP_MSGRESULT, TRUE); // eat it return TRUE; }*/ break; case VK_PRIOR: lvi.iSubItem = 0; lvi.mask = LVIF_PARAM; lvi.iItem = m_lvAssocList.GetNextItem(-1, LVNI_FOCUSED); lvi.iItem -= m_lvAssocList.GetCountPerPage(); if (lvi.iItem >= 0) if (m_lvAssocList.GetItem(&lvi)) if ((ASSOCDATA*)lvi.lParam == nullptr) // groups lvi.iItem = -1; if (lvi.iItem < 0) { m_lvAssocList.SetItemState(0, LVIS_SELECTED | LVIS_FOCUSED, LVIS_SELECTED | LVIS_FOCUSED); //SetWindowLongPtr(hwndDlg, DWLP_MSGRESULT, TRUE); // eat it return; } break; } } bool OnApply() override { BOOL fEnabled, fRegFailed = FALSE; // only while running g_plugin.setByte("OnlyWhileRunning", m_chkOnlyRun.GetState() != 0); // save enabled assoc items LVITEM lvi; lvi.iSubItem = 0; lvi.mask = LVIF_PARAM; mir_cslock lck(csAssocList); for (lvi.iItem = 0; m_lvAssocList.GetItem(&lvi); ++lvi.iItem) { ASSOCDATA *assoc = (ASSOCDATA*)lvi.lParam; if (assoc == nullptr) continue; // groups fEnabled = m_lvAssocList.GetCheckState(lvi.iItem); SetAssocEnabled(assoc, fEnabled); // re-register registery keys if (fEnabled ? !EnsureAssocRegistered(assoc) : !UnregisterAssoc(assoc)) { char *pszErr = GetWinErrorDescription(GetLastError()); ShowInfoMessage(NIIF_ERROR, Translate("File association error"), Translate("There was an error writing to the registry to modify the file/url associations.\nReason: %s"), (pszErr != nullptr) ? pszErr : Translate("Unknown")); mir_free(pszErr); // does NULL check fRegFailed = TRUE; // just show one time } } NotifyAssocChange(TRUE); RefreshIcons(); // autostart wchar_t *pszRunCmd = MakeRunCommand(TRUE, TRUE); fRegFailed = FALSE; if (pszRunCmd != nullptr) { fEnabled = m_chkAutoStart.GetState(); if (fEnabled ? !AddRegRunEntry(L"MirandaNG", pszRunCmd) : !RemoveRegRunEntry(L"MirandaNG", pszRunCmd)) { char *pszErr; pszErr = GetWinErrorDescription(GetLastError()); ShowInfoMessage(NIIF_ERROR, Translate("Autostart error"), Translate("There was an error writing to the registry to modify the autostart list.\n\nReason: %s"), (pszErr != nullptr) ? pszErr : Translate("Unknown")); mir_free(pszErr); // does NULL check fRegFailed = TRUE; // just show one time } mir_free(pszRunCmd); } return true; } }; static int AssocListOptInit(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM) { OPTIONSDIALOGPAGE odp = {}; odp.szGroup.a = LPGEN("Services"); // autotranslated odp.szTitle.a = LPGEN("Associations"); // autotranslated odp.flags = ODPF_BOLDGROUPS; odp.pDialog = new COptionsDialog; g_plugin.addOptions(wParam, &odp); return 0; } /************************* Misc ***********************************/ void InitAssocList(void) { // Options INITCOMMONCONTROLSEX icc; icc.dwSize = sizeof(icc); icc.dwICC = ICC_LISTVIEW_CLASSES; InitCommonControlsEx(&icc); HookEvent(ME_OPT_INITIALISE, AssocListOptInit); // Services CreateServiceFunction(MS_ASSOCMGR_ADDNEWFILETYPE, ServiceAddNewFileType); CreateServiceFunction(MS_ASSOCMGR_REMOVEFILETYPE, ServiceRemoveFileType); CreateServiceFunction(MS_ASSOCMGR_ADDNEWURLTYPE, ServiceAddNewUrlType); CreateServiceFunction(MS_ASSOCMGR_REMOVEURLTYPE, ServiceRemoveUrlType); // Notify Shell nNotifyTimerID = 0; // register open-with app { wchar_t *pszAppFileName, *pszIconLoc, *pszRunCmd; pszIconLoc = MakeIconLocation(nullptr, 0); // miranda32.exe pszAppFileName = MakeAppFileName(TRUE); pszRunCmd = MakeRunCommand(TRUE, FALSE); if (pszAppFileName != nullptr && pszRunCmd != nullptr) AddRegOpenWith(pszAppFileName, FALSE, _A2W(MIRANDANAME), pszIconLoc, pszRunCmd, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr); mir_free(pszRunCmd); // does NULL check mir_free(pszAppFileName); // does NULL check // assocmgr.dll pszAppFileName = MakeAppFileName(FALSE); pszRunCmd = MakeRunCommand(FALSE, TRUE); if (pszAppFileName != nullptr && pszRunCmd != nullptr) AddRegOpenWith(pszAppFileName, TRUE, _A2W(MIRANDANAME), pszIconLoc, pszRunCmd, DDEFILECMD, DDEAPP, DDETOPIC); mir_free(pszRunCmd); // does NULL check mir_free(pszAppFileName); // does NULL check mir_free(pszIconLoc); // does NULL check } // default items { FILETYPEDESC ftd; ftd.cbSize = sizeof(FILETYPEDESC); ftd.pszFileExt = ".dat"; ftd.pszMimeType = nullptr; ftd.pwszDescription = TranslateT("Miranda NG database"); ftd.hInstance = g_plugin.getInst(); ftd.nIconResID = IDI_MIRANDAFILE; ftd.pwszVerbDesc = nullptr; ftd.pszService = nullptr; ftd.flags = FTDF_DEFAULTDISABLED | FTDF_UNICODE; ServiceAddNewFileType(0, (LPARAM)&ftd); } } void UninitAssocList(void) { // Assoc List uint8_t fOnlyWhileRunning = g_plugin.getByte("OnlyWhileRunning", SETTING_ONLYWHILERUNNING_DEFAULT); for (auto &it : arAssocList) if (fOnlyWhileRunning) UnregisterAssoc(it); // remove registry keys // Notify Shell if (fOnlyWhileRunning && arAssocList.getCount()) NotifyAssocChange(TRUE); arAssocList.destroy(); // unregister open-with app if (fOnlyWhileRunning) { // miranda32.exe ptrW pszAppFileName(MakeAppFileName(TRUE)); if (pszAppFileName != NULL) RemoveRegOpenWith(pszAppFileName); // assocmgr.dll pszAppFileName = MakeAppFileName(FALSE); if (pszAppFileName != NULL) RemoveRegOpenWith(pszAppFileName); } }