/* 'File Association Manager'-Plugin for Miranda IM Copyright (C) 2005-2007 H. Herkenrath This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program (AssocMgr-License.txt); if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ #include "stdafx.h" extern HINSTANCE hInst; #ifdef _DEBUG // Debug: Ensure all registry calls do succeed and have valid parameters. // Shows a details message box otherwise. static __inline LONG regchk(LONG res, const char *pszFunc, const void *pszInfo, BOOL fInfoUnicode, const char *pszFile, unsigned int nLine) { if (res != ERROR_SUCCESS && res != ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND && res != ERROR_NO_MORE_ITEMS) { wchar_t szMsg[1024], *pszInfo2; char *pszErr; pszErr = GetWinErrorDescription(res); pszInfo2 = s2t(pszInfo, fInfoUnicode, FALSE); // does NULL check mir_snwprintf(szMsg, TranslateT("Access failed:\n%.64hs(%.128s)\n%.250hs(%u)\n%.256hs (%u)"), pszFunc, pszInfo2, pszFile, nLine, pszErr, res); MessageBox(NULL, szMsg, TranslateT("Registry warning"), MB_OK | MB_ICONINFORMATION | MB_SETFOREGROUND | MB_TOPMOST | MB_TASKMODAL); if (pszErr != NULL) LocalFree(pszErr); mir_free(pszInfo2); // does NULL check } return res; } #undef RegCloseKey #define RegCloseKey(hKey) \ regchk(RegCloseKey(hKey),"RegCloseKey",NULL,FALSE,__FILE__,__LINE__) #undef RegOpenKeyExA #define RegOpenKeyExA(hKey,szSubkey,opt,rights,phKey) \ regchk(RegOpenKeyExA(hKey,szSubkey,opt,rights,phKey),"RegOpenKeyExA",szSubkey,FALSE,__FILE__,__LINE__) #undef RegCreateKeyExA #define RegCreateKeyExA(hKey,szSubkey,x,y,opt,rights,sec,phKey,pDisp) \ regchk(RegCreateKeyExA(hKey,szSubkey,x,y,opt,rights,sec,phKey,pDisp),"RegCreateKeyExA",szSubkey,FALSE,__FILE__,__LINE__) #undef RegDeleteKeyA #define RegDeleteKeyA(hKey,szName) \ regchk(RegDeleteKeyA(hKey,szName),"RegDeleteKeyA",szName,FALSE,__FILE__,__LINE__) #undef RegSetValueExA #define RegSetValueExA(hSubKey,szName,x,type,pVal,size) \ regchk(RegSetValueExA(hSubKey,szName,x,type,pVal,size),"RegSetValueExA",szName,FALSE,__FILE__,__LINE__) #undef RegQueryValueExA #define RegQueryValueExA(hKey,szName,x,pType,pVal,pSize) \ regchk(RegQueryValueExA(hKey,szName,x,pType,pVal,pSize),"RegQueryValueExA",szName,FALSE,__FILE__,__LINE__) #undef RegQueryInfoKeyA #define RegQueryInfoKeyA(hKey,x,y,z,pnKeys,pnKeyLen,a,pnVals,pnNames,pnValLen,sec,pTime) \ regchk(RegQueryInfoKeyA(hKey,x,y,z,pnKeys,pnKeyLen,a,pnVals,pnNames,pnValLen,sec,pTime),"RegQueryInfoKeyA",NULL,FALSE,__FILE__,__LINE__) #undef RegEnumKeyExA #define RegEnumKeyExA(hKey,idx,pName,pnName,x,y,z,pTime) \ regchk(RegEnumKeyExA(hKey,idx,pName,pnName,x,y,z,pTime),"RegEnumKeyExA",NULL,FALSE,__FILE__,__LINE__) #undef RegDeleteValueA #define RegDeleteValueA(hKey,szName) \ regchk(RegDeleteValueA(hKey,szName),"RegDeleteValueA",szName,FALSE,__FILE__,__LINE__) #undef RegOpenKeyExW #define RegOpenKeyExW(hKey,szSubkey,x,sam,phKey) \ regchk(RegOpenKeyExW(hKey,szSubkey,x,sam,phKey),"RegOpenKeyExW",szSubkey,TRUE,__FILE__,__LINE__) #undef RegCreateKeyExW #define RegCreateKeyExW(hKey,szSubkey,x,y,z,rights,p,phKey,q) \ regchk(RegCreateKeyExW(hKey,szSubkey,x,y,z,rights,p,phKey,q),"RegCreateKeyExW",szSubkey,TRUE,__FILE__,__LINE__) #undef RegDeleteKeyW #define RegDeleteKeyW(hKey,szName) \ regchk(RegDeleteKeyW(hKey,szName),"RegDeleteKeyW",szName,TRUE,__FILE__,__LINE__) #undef RegSetValueExW #define RegSetValueExW(hSubKey,szName,x,type,pVal,size) \ regchk(RegSetValueExW(hSubKey,szName,x,type,pVal,size),"RegSetValueExW",szName,TRUE,__FILE__,__LINE__) #undef RegQueryValueExW #define RegQueryValueExW(hKey,szName,x,pType,pVal,pSize) \ regchk(RegQueryValueExW(hKey,szName,x,pType,pVal,pSize),"RegQueryValueExW",szName,TRUE,__FILE__,__LINE__) #undef RegQueryInfoKeyW #define RegQueryInfoKeyW(hKey,x,y,z,pnKeys,pnKeyLen,a,pnVals,pnNames,pnValLen,sec,pTime) \ regchk(RegQueryInfoKeyW(hKey,x,y,z,pnKeys,pnKeyLen,a,pnVals,pnNames,pnValLen,sec,pTime),"RegQueryInfoKeyW",NULL,TRUE,__FILE__,__LINE__) #undef RegEnumKeyExW #define RegEnumKeyExW(hKey,idx,pName,pnName,x,y,z,pTime) \ regchk(RegEnumKeyExW(hKey,idx,pName,pnName,x,y,z,pTime),"RegEnumKeyExW",NULL,TRUE,__FILE__,__LINE__) #undef RegDeleteValueW #define RegDeleteValueW(hKey,szName) \ regchk(RegDeleteValueW(hKey,szName),"RegDeleteValueW",szName,TRUE,__FILE__,__LINE__) #endif // _DEBUG /************************* Strings ********************************/ // mir_free() the return value char* MakeFileClassName(const char *pszFileExt) { size_t cbLen = mir_strlen(pszFileExt) + 12; char *pszClass = (char*)mir_alloc(cbLen); if (pszClass != NULL) // using correctly formated PROGID mir_snprintf(pszClass, cbLen, "miranda%sfile", pszFileExt); // includes dot, buffer safe return pszClass; } // mir_free() the return value char* MakeUrlClassName(const char *pszUrl) { char *pszClass = mir_strdup(pszUrl); if (pszClass != NULL) // remove trailing : pszClass[mir_strlen(pszClass) - 1] = 0; return pszClass; } static BOOL IsFileClassName(char *pszClassName, char **ppszFileExt) { *ppszFileExt = strchr(pszClassName, '.'); return *ppszFileExt != NULL; } // mir_free() the return value wchar_t* MakeRunCommand(BOOL fMirExe, BOOL fFixedDbProfile) { wchar_t szDbFile[MAX_PATH], szExe[MAX_PATH], *pszFmt; if (fFixedDbProfile) { if (CallService(MS_DB_GETPROFILENAMEW, _countof(szDbFile), (LPARAM)szDbFile)) return NULL; wchar_t *p = wcsrchr(szDbFile, '.'); if (p) *p = 0; } else mir_wstrcpy(szDbFile, L"%1"); // buffer safe if (!GetModuleFileName(fMirExe ? NULL : hInst, szExe, _countof(szExe))) return NULL; if (fMirExe) // run command for miranda32.exe pszFmt = L"\"%s\" \"/profile:%s\""; else { // run command for rundll32.exe calling WaitForDDE pszFmt = L"rundll32.exe %s,WaitForDDE \"/profile:%s\""; // ensure the command line is not too long GetShortPathName(szExe, szExe, _countof(szExe)); // surround by quotes if failed size_t len = mir_wstrlen(szExe); if (wcschr(szExe, ' ') != NULL && (len + 2) < _countof(szExe)) { memmove(szExe, szExe + 1, (len + 1) * sizeof(wchar_t)); szExe[len + 2] = szExe[0] = '\"'; szExe[len + 3] = 0; } } wchar_t tszBuffer[1024]; mir_snwprintf(tszBuffer, pszFmt, szExe, szDbFile); return mir_wstrdup(tszBuffer); } static BOOL IsValidRunCommand(const wchar_t *pszRunCmd) { wchar_t *pexe, *pargs; wchar_t szFullExe[MAX_PATH], *pszFilePart; wchar_t *buf = mir_wstrcpy((wchar_t*)_alloca((mir_wstrlen(pszRunCmd) + 1) * sizeof(wchar_t)), pszRunCmd); // split into executable path and arguments if (buf[0] == '\"') { pargs = wcschr(&buf[1], '\"'); if (pargs != NULL) *(pargs++) = 0; pexe = &buf[1]; if (*pargs == ' ') ++pargs; } else { pargs = wcschr(buf, ' '); if (pargs != NULL) *pargs = 0; pexe = buf; } if (SearchPath(NULL, pexe, L".exe", _countof(szFullExe), szFullExe, &pszFilePart)) { if (pszFilePart != NULL) if (!mir_wstrcmpi(pszFilePart, L"rundll32.exe") || !mir_wstrcmpi(pszFilePart, L"rundll.exe")) { // split into dll path and arguments if (pargs[0] == '\"') { ++pargs; pexe = wcschr(&pargs[1], '\"'); if (pexe != NULL) *pexe = 0; } else { pexe = wcschr(pargs, ','); if (pexe != NULL) *pexe = 0; } return SearchPath(NULL, pargs, L".dll", 0, NULL, NULL) != 0; } return TRUE; } return FALSE; } // mir_free() the return value wchar_t* MakeIconLocation(HMODULE hModule, WORD nIconResID) { wchar_t szModule[MAX_PATH], *pszIconLoc = NULL; int cch; if ((cch = GetModuleFileName(hModule, szModule, _countof(szModule))) != 0) { pszIconLoc = (wchar_t*)mir_alloc((cch += 8) * sizeof(wchar_t)); if (pszIconLoc != NULL) mir_snwprintf(pszIconLoc, cch, L"%s,%i", szModule, -(int)nIconResID); // id may be 0, buffer safe } return pszIconLoc; } // mir_free() the return value wchar_t* MakeAppFileName(BOOL fMirExe) { wchar_t szExe[MAX_PATH], *psz; if (GetModuleFileName(fMirExe ? NULL : hInst, szExe, _countof(szExe))) { psz = wcsrchr(szExe, '\\'); if (psz != NULL) ++psz; else psz = szExe; return mir_wstrdup(psz); } return NULL; } /************************* Helpers ********************************/ static LONG DeleteRegSubTree(HKEY hKey, const wchar_t *pszSubKey) { LONG res; DWORD nMaxSubKeyLen, cchSubKey; wchar_t *pszSubKeyBuf; HKEY hSubKey; if ((res = RegOpenKeyEx(hKey, pszSubKey, 0, KEY_QUERY_VALUE | KEY_ENUMERATE_SUB_KEYS | DELETE, &hSubKey)) == ERROR_SUCCESS) { if ((res = RegQueryInfoKey(hSubKey, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, &nMaxSubKeyLen, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL)) == ERROR_SUCCESS) { pszSubKeyBuf = (wchar_t*)mir_alloc((nMaxSubKeyLen + 1) * sizeof(wchar_t)); if (pszSubKeyBuf == NULL) res = ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; while (!res) { cchSubKey = nMaxSubKeyLen + 1; if ((res = RegEnumKeyEx(hSubKey, 0, pszSubKeyBuf, &cchSubKey, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL)) == ERROR_SUCCESS) res = DeleteRegSubTree(hSubKey, pszSubKeyBuf); // recursion } mir_free(pszSubKeyBuf); // does NULL check if (res == ERROR_NO_MORE_ITEMS) res = ERROR_SUCCESS; } RegCloseKey(hSubKey); } if (!res) res = RegDeleteKey(hKey, pszSubKey); return res; } // hMainKey must have been opened with KEY_CREATE_SUB_KEY access right static LONG SetRegSubKeyStrDefValue(HKEY hMainKey, const wchar_t *pszSubKey, const wchar_t *pszVal) { HKEY hSubKey; LONG res = RegCreateKeyEx(hMainKey, pszSubKey, 0, NULL, 0, KEY_SET_VALUE | KEY_QUERY_VALUE, NULL, &hSubKey, NULL); if (!res) { res = RegSetValueEx(hSubKey, NULL, 0, REG_SZ, (BYTE*)pszVal, (int)(mir_wstrlen(pszVal) + 1) * sizeof(wchar_t)); RegCloseKey(hSubKey); } return res; } // hKey must have been opened with KEY_SET_VALUE access right static void SetRegStrPrefixValue(HKEY hKey, const wchar_t *pszValPrefix, const wchar_t *pszVal) { size_t dwSize = (mir_wstrlen(pszVal) + mir_wstrlen(pszValPrefix) + 1) * sizeof(wchar_t); wchar_t *pszStr = (wchar_t*)_alloca(dwSize); mir_wstrcat(mir_wstrcpy(pszStr, pszValPrefix), pszVal); // buffer safe RegSetValueEx(hKey, NULL, 0, REG_SZ, (BYTE*)pszStr, (int)dwSize); } // hKey must have been opened with KEY_QUERY_VALUE access right // mir_free() the return value static wchar_t* GetRegStrValue(HKEY hKey, const wchar_t *pszValName) { // get size DWORD dwSize, dwType; if (!RegQueryValueEx(hKey, pszValName, NULL, NULL, NULL, &dwSize) && dwSize > sizeof(wchar_t)) { wchar_t *pszVal = (wchar_t*)mir_alloc(dwSize + sizeof(wchar_t)); if (pszVal != NULL) { // get value if (!RegQueryValueEx(hKey, pszValName, NULL, &dwType, (BYTE*)pszVal, &dwSize)) { pszVal[dwSize / sizeof(wchar_t)] = 0; if (dwType == REG_EXPAND_SZ) { dwSize = MAX_PATH; wchar_t *pszVal2 = (wchar_t*)mir_alloc(dwSize * sizeof(wchar_t)); if (ExpandEnvironmentStrings(pszVal, pszVal2, dwSize)) { mir_free(pszVal); return pszVal2; } mir_free(pszVal2); } else if (dwType == REG_SZ) return pszVal; } mir_free(pszVal); } } return NULL; } // hKey must have been opened with KEY_QUERY_VALUE access right static BOOL IsRegStrValue(HKEY hKey, const wchar_t *pszValName, const wchar_t *pszCmpVal) { BOOL fSame = FALSE; wchar_t *pszVal = GetRegStrValue(hKey, pszValName); if (pszVal != NULL) { fSame = !mir_wstrcmp(pszVal, pszCmpVal); mir_free(pszVal); } return fSame; } // hKey must have been opened with KEY_QUERY_VALUE access right static BOOL IsRegStrValueA(HKEY hKey, const wchar_t *pszValName, const char *pszCmpVal) { BOOL fSame = FALSE; char *pszValA; wchar_t *pszVal = GetRegStrValue(hKey, pszValName); if (pszVal != NULL) { pszValA = t2a(pszVal); if (pszValA != NULL) fSame = !mir_strcmp(pszValA, pszCmpVal); mir_free(pszValA); // does NULL check mir_free(pszVal); } return fSame; } /************************* Backup to DB ***************************/ #define REGF_ANSI 0x80000000 // this bit is set in dwType for ANSI registry data // pData must always be Unicode data, registry supports Unicode even on Win95 static void WriteDbBackupData(const char *pszSetting, DWORD dwType, BYTE *pData, DWORD cbData) { size_t cbLen = cbData + sizeof(DWORD); PBYTE buf = (PBYTE)mir_alloc(cbLen); if (buf) { *(DWORD*)buf = dwType; memcpy(buf + sizeof(DWORD), pData, cbData); db_set_blob(NULL, "AssocMgr", pszSetting, buf, (unsigned)cbLen); mir_free(buf); } } // mir_free() the value returned in ppData static BOOL ReadDbBackupData(const char *pszSetting, DWORD *pdwType, BYTE **ppData, DWORD *pcbData) { DBVARIANT dbv; if (!db_get(0, "AssocMgr", pszSetting, &dbv)) { if (dbv.type == DBVT_BLOB && dbv.cpbVal >= sizeof(DWORD)) { *pdwType = *(DWORD*)dbv.pbVal; *ppData = dbv.pbVal; *pcbData = dbv.cpbVal - sizeof(DWORD); memmove(*ppData, *ppData + sizeof(DWORD), *pcbData); return TRUE; } db_free(&dbv); } return FALSE; } struct BackupRegTreeParam { char **ppszDbPrefix; DWORD *pdwDbPrefixSize; int level; }; static void BackupRegTree_Worker(HKEY hKey, const char *pszSubKey, struct BackupRegTreeParam *param) { LONG res; DWORD nMaxSubKeyLen, nMaxValNameLen, nMaxValSize; DWORD cchName, dwType, cbData; char *pszName; DWORD nDbPrefixLen; if ((res = RegOpenKeyExA(hKey, pszSubKey, 0, KEY_QUERY_VALUE | KEY_ENUMERATE_SUB_KEYS, &hKey)) == ERROR_SUCCESS) { if ((res = RegQueryInfoKey(hKey, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, &nMaxSubKeyLen, NULL, NULL, &nMaxValNameLen, &nMaxValSize, NULL, NULL)) == ERROR_SUCCESS) { if (nMaxSubKeyLen > nMaxValNameLen) nMaxValNameLen = nMaxSubKeyLen; // prepare buffer nDbPrefixLen = (DWORD)(mir_strlen(*param->ppszDbPrefix) + mir_strlen(pszSubKey) + 1); cchName = nDbPrefixLen + nMaxValNameLen + 3; if (cchName > *param->pdwDbPrefixSize) { pszName = (char*)mir_realloc(*param->ppszDbPrefix, cchName); if (pszName == NULL) return; *param->ppszDbPrefix = pszName; *param->pdwDbPrefixSize = cchName; } mir_strcat(mir_strcat(*param->ppszDbPrefix, pszSubKey), "\\"); // buffer safe // enum values pszName = (char*)mir_alloc(nMaxValNameLen + 1); if (nMaxValSize == 0) nMaxValSize = 1; BYTE *pData = (BYTE*)mir_alloc(nMaxValSize); if (pszName != NULL && pData != NULL) { DWORD index = 0; while (!res) { cchName = nMaxValNameLen + 1; cbData = nMaxValSize; if ((res = RegEnumValueA(hKey, index++, pszName, &cchName, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL)) == ERROR_SUCCESS) { (*param->ppszDbPrefix)[nDbPrefixLen] = 0; mir_strcat(*param->ppszDbPrefix, pszName); // buffer safe ptrW ptszName(a2t(pszName)); if (ptszName != NULL) if (!RegQueryValueEx(hKey, ptszName, NULL, &dwType, pData, &cbData)) WriteDbBackupData(*param->ppszDbPrefix, dwType, pData, cbData); } } if (res == ERROR_NO_MORE_ITEMS) res = ERROR_SUCCESS; } mir_free(pData); // does NULL check // enum subkeys if (param->level < 32 && pszName != NULL) { ++param->level; // can be max 32 levels deep (after prefix), restriction of RegCreateKeyEx() DWORD index = 0; while (!res) { cchName = nMaxSubKeyLen + 1; if ((res = RegEnumKeyExA(hKey, index++, pszName, &cchName, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL)) == ERROR_SUCCESS) { (*param->ppszDbPrefix)[nDbPrefixLen] = 0; BackupRegTree_Worker(hKey, pszName, param); // recursion } } } if (res == ERROR_NO_MORE_ITEMS) res = ERROR_SUCCESS; mir_free(pszName); // does NULL check } RegCloseKey(hKey); } } static void BackupRegTree(HKEY hKey, const char *pszSubKey, const char *pszDbPrefix) { char *prefix = mir_strdup(pszDbPrefix); struct BackupRegTreeParam param; DWORD dwDbPrefixSize; param.level = 0; param.pdwDbPrefixSize = &dwDbPrefixSize; param.ppszDbPrefix = (char**)&prefix; dwDbPrefixSize = (int)mir_strlen(prefix) + 1; BackupRegTree_Worker(hKey, pszSubKey, ¶m); mir_free(prefix); } static LONG RestoreRegTree(HKEY hKey, const char *pszSubKey, const char *pszDbPrefix) { int nDbPrefixLen = (int)mir_strlen(pszDbPrefix); int nPrefixWithSubKeyLen = nDbPrefixLen + (int)mir_strlen(pszSubKey) + 1; char *pszPrefixWithSubKey = (char*)mir_alloc(nPrefixWithSubKeyLen + 1); if (pszPrefixWithSubKey == NULL) return ERROR_OUTOFMEMORY; mir_strcat(mir_strcat(mir_strcpy(pszPrefixWithSubKey, pszDbPrefix), pszSubKey), "\\"); // buffer safe LONG res = ERROR_NO_MORE_ITEMS; if (pszPrefixWithSubKey != NULL) { int nSettingsCount; char **ppszSettings; if (EnumDbPrefixSettings("AssocMgr", pszPrefixWithSubKey, &ppszSettings, &nSettingsCount)) { for (int i = 0; i < nSettingsCount; ++i) { char *pszSuffix = &ppszSettings[i][nDbPrefixLen]; // key hierachy char *pkeys = mir_strcpy((char*)_alloca(mir_strlen(pszSuffix) + 1), pszSuffix); char *pnext = pkeys, *pslash = NULL; while ((pnext = strchr(pnext + 1, '\\')) != NULL) pslash = pnext; if (pslash != NULL) { // create subkey *(pslash++) = 0; HKEY hSubKey = hKey; if (pslash != pkeys + 1) if ((res = RegCreateKeyExA(hKey, pkeys, 0, NULL, 0, KEY_SET_VALUE, NULL, &hSubKey, NULL)) != ERROR_SUCCESS) break; char *pszValName = pslash; // read data BYTE *pData; DWORD dwType, cbData; if (ReadDbBackupData(ppszSettings[i], &dwType, &pData, &cbData)) { // set value if (!(dwType & REGF_ANSI)) { WCHAR *pwszValName = a2u(pszValName, FALSE); if (pwszValName != NULL) res = RegSetValueExW(hSubKey, pwszValName, 0, dwType, pData, cbData); else res = ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; mir_free(pwszValName); // does NULL check } else res = RegSetValueExA(hSubKey, pszValName, 0, dwType&~REGF_ANSI, pData, cbData); mir_free(pData); } else res = ERROR_INVALID_DATA; if (res) break; db_unset(NULL, "AssocMgr", ppszSettings[i]); if (hSubKey != hKey) RegCloseKey(hSubKey); } mir_free(ppszSettings[i]); } mir_free(ppszSettings); } mir_free(pszPrefixWithSubKey); } return res; } static void DeleteRegTreeBackup(const char *pszSubKey, const char *pszDbPrefix) { char **ppszSettings; int nSettingsCount, i; char *pszPrefixWithSubKey = (char*)mir_alloc(mir_strlen(pszDbPrefix) + mir_strlen(pszSubKey) + 2); if (pszPrefixWithSubKey == NULL) return; mir_strcat(mir_strcat(mir_strcpy(pszPrefixWithSubKey, pszDbPrefix), pszSubKey), "\\"); // buffer safe if (pszPrefixWithSubKey != NULL) { if (EnumDbPrefixSettings("AssocMgr", pszPrefixWithSubKey, &ppszSettings, &nSettingsCount)) { for (i = 0; i < nSettingsCount; ++i) { db_unset(NULL, "AssocMgr", ppszSettings[i]); mir_free(ppszSettings[i]); } mir_free(ppszSettings); } mir_free(pszPrefixWithSubKey); } } void CleanupRegTreeBackupSettings(void) { // delete old bak_* settings and try to restore backups int nSettingsCount; char **ppszSettings; if (!EnumDbPrefixSettings("AssocMgr", "bak_", &ppszSettings, &nSettingsCount)) return; for (int i = 0; i < nSettingsCount; ++i) { char *pszClassName = &ppszSettings[i][4]; char *pszBuf = strchr(pszClassName, '\\'); if (pszBuf != NULL) { *pszBuf = '\0'; // remove others in list with same class name if (i < nSettingsCount - 1) { for (int j = i + 1; j < nSettingsCount; ++j) { pszBuf = strchr(&ppszSettings[j][4], '\\'); if (pszBuf != NULL) *pszBuf = '\0'; if (mir_strcmp(pszClassName, &ppszSettings[j][4])) { if (pszBuf != NULL) *pszBuf = '\\'; continue; } mir_free(ppszSettings[j]); memmove(&ppszSettings[j], &ppszSettings[j + 1], ((--nSettingsCount) - j) * sizeof(char*)); --j; // reiterate current index } } // no longer registered? if (!IsRegisteredAssocItem(pszClassName)) { char *pszFileExt; if (IsFileClassName(pszClassName, &pszFileExt)) RemoveRegFileExt(pszFileExt, pszClassName); else RemoveRegClass(pszClassName); } } mir_free(ppszSettings[i]); } mir_free(ppszSettings); } /************************* Class **********************************/ /* * Add a new file class to the class list. * This either represents a superclass for several file extensions or * the the url object. * Urls just need a class named after their prefix e.g. "http". * File extensions should follow the rule "appname.extension". */ // pszIconLoc, pszVerbDesc and pszDdeCmd are allowed to be NULL // call GetLastError() on error to get more error details BOOL AddRegClass(const char *pszClassName, const wchar_t *pszTypeDescription, const wchar_t *pszIconLoc, const wchar_t *pszAppName, const wchar_t *pszRunCmd, const wchar_t *pszDdeCmd, const wchar_t *pszDdeApp, const wchar_t *pszDdeTopic, const wchar_t *pszVerbDesc, BOOL fBrowserAutoOpen, BOOL fUrlProto, BOOL fIsShortcut) { LONG res; HKEY hRootKey, hClassKey, hShellKey, hVerbKey, hDdeKey; // some error checking for disallowed values (to avoid errors in registry) if (strchr(pszClassName, '\\') != NULL || strchr(pszClassName, ' ') != NULL) { SetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER); return FALSE; } // try to open interactive user's classes key if (RegOpenKeyEx(HKEY_CURRENT_USER, L"Software\\Classes", 0, KEY_CREATE_SUB_KEY, &hRootKey)) hRootKey = HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT; // might be write protected by security settings // class if ((res = RegCreateKeyExA(hRootKey, pszClassName, 0, NULL, 0, KEY_SET_VALUE | KEY_CREATE_SUB_KEY | DELETE | KEY_QUERY_VALUE, NULL, &hClassKey, NULL)) == ERROR_SUCCESS) { // backup class if shared if (fUrlProto) BackupRegTree(hRootKey, pszClassName, "bak_"); // type description if (fUrlProto) SetRegStrPrefixValue(hClassKey, L"URL:", pszTypeDescription); else RegSetValueEx(hClassKey, NULL, 0, REG_SZ, (BYTE*)pszTypeDescription, (int)(mir_wstrlen(pszTypeDescription) + 1) * sizeof(wchar_t)); // default icon if (pszIconLoc != NULL) SetRegSubKeyStrDefValue(hClassKey, L"DefaultIcon", pszIconLoc); // url protocol if (!fUrlProto) RegDeleteValue(hClassKey, L"URL Protocol"); else RegSetValueEx(hClassKey, L"URL Protocol", 0, REG_SZ, NULL, 0); // moniker clsid RegDeleteKey(hClassKey, L"CLSID"); // edit flags { DWORD dwFlags = 0, dwSize = sizeof(dwFlags); RegQueryValueEx(hClassKey, L"EditFlags", NULL, NULL, (BYTE*)&dwFlags, &dwSize); if (fBrowserAutoOpen) dwFlags = (dwFlags&~FTA_AlwaysUnsafe) | FTA_OpenIsSafe; if (!fUrlProto) dwFlags |= FTA_HasExtension; else dwFlags = (dwFlags&~FTA_HasExtension) | FTA_Show; // show classes without extension RegSetValueEx(hClassKey, L"EditFlags", 0, REG_DWORD, (BYTE*)&dwFlags, sizeof(dwFlags)); } if (fIsShortcut) { RegSetValueExA(hClassKey, "IsShortcut", 0, REG_SZ, NULL, 0); RegSetValueExA(hClassKey, "NeverShowExt", 0, REG_SZ, NULL, 0); } // shell if ((res = RegCreateKeyEx(hClassKey, L"shell", 0, NULL, 0, KEY_SET_VALUE | KEY_CREATE_SUB_KEY, NULL, &hShellKey, NULL)) == ERROR_SUCCESS) { // default verb (when empty "open" is used) RegSetValueEx(hShellKey, NULL, 0, REG_SZ, (BYTE*)L"open", 5 * sizeof(wchar_t)); // verb if ((res = RegCreateKeyEx(hShellKey, L"open", 0, NULL, 0, KEY_SET_VALUE | KEY_CREATE_SUB_KEY | DELETE, NULL, &hVerbKey, NULL)) == ERROR_SUCCESS) { // verb description if (pszVerbDesc == NULL) RegDeleteValue(hVerbKey, NULL); else RegSetValueEx(hVerbKey, NULL, 0, REG_SZ, (BYTE*)pszVerbDesc, (int)(mir_wstrlen(pszVerbDesc) + 1) * sizeof(wchar_t)); // friendly appname (mui string) RegSetValueEx(hVerbKey, L"FriendlyAppName", 0, REG_SZ, (BYTE*)pszAppName, (int)(mir_wstrlen(pszAppName) + 1) * sizeof(wchar_t)); // command SetRegSubKeyStrDefValue(hVerbKey, L"command", pszRunCmd); // ddeexec if (pszDdeCmd != NULL) { if (!RegCreateKeyEx(hVerbKey, L"ddeexec", 0, NULL, 0, KEY_SET_VALUE | KEY_CREATE_SUB_KEY | DELETE, NULL, &hDdeKey, NULL)) { // command RegSetValueEx(hDdeKey, NULL, 0, REG_SZ, (BYTE*)pszDdeCmd, (int)(mir_wstrlen(pszDdeCmd) + 1) * sizeof(wchar_t)); // application SetRegSubKeyStrDefValue(hDdeKey, L"application", pszDdeApp); // topic SetRegSubKeyStrDefValue(hDdeKey, L"topic", pszDdeTopic); // ifexec RegDeleteKey(hDdeKey, L"ifexec"); RegCloseKey(hDdeKey); } } else { if (!RegOpenKeyEx(hVerbKey, L"ddeexec", 0, DELETE, &hDdeKey)) { // application RegDeleteKey(hDdeKey, L"application"); // topic RegDeleteKey(hDdeKey, L"topic"); // ifexec RegDeleteKey(hDdeKey, L"ifexec"); RegCloseKey(hDdeKey); } RegDeleteKey(hVerbKey, L"ddeexec"); } // drop target (WinXP+) RegDeleteKey(hVerbKey, L"DropTarget"); RegCloseKey(hVerbKey); } RegCloseKey(hShellKey); } RegCloseKey(hClassKey); } if (hRootKey != HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT) RegCloseKey(hRootKey); if (res) SetLastError(res); return !res; } BOOL RemoveRegClass(const char *pszClassName) { LONG res; HKEY hRootKey, hClassKey, hShellKey, hVerbKey; wchar_t *ptszClassName, *ptszPrevRunCmd; // try to open interactive user's classes key if (RegOpenKeyEx(HKEY_CURRENT_USER, L"Software\\Classes", 0, DELETE, &hRootKey)) hRootKey = HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT; // class name ptszClassName = a2t(pszClassName); if (ptszClassName != NULL) res = DeleteRegSubTree(hRootKey, ptszClassName); else res = ERROR_OUTOFMEMORY; mir_free(ptszClassName); // does NULL check // backup only saved/restored for fUrlProto if (!res) { if ((res = RestoreRegTree(hRootKey, pszClassName, "bak_")) == ERROR_SUCCESS) // class if (!RegOpenKeyExA(hRootKey, pszClassName, 0, KEY_QUERY_VALUE, &hClassKey)) { // shell if (!RegOpenKeyEx(hClassKey, L"shell", 0, KEY_QUERY_VALUE, &hShellKey)) { // verb if (!RegOpenKeyEx(hShellKey, L"open", 0, KEY_QUERY_VALUE, &hVerbKey)) { // command ptszPrevRunCmd = GetRegStrValue(hVerbKey, L"command"); if (ptszPrevRunCmd != NULL && !IsValidRunCommand(ptszPrevRunCmd)) res = DeleteRegSubTree(hRootKey, ptszClassName); // backup outdated, remove all mir_free(ptszPrevRunCmd); // does NULL check RegCloseKey(hVerbKey); } RegCloseKey(hShellKey); } RegCloseKey(hClassKey); } } else DeleteRegTreeBackup(pszClassName, "bak_"); if (hRootKey != HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT) RegCloseKey(hRootKey); if (res == ERROR_SUCCESS || res == ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND || res == ERROR_NO_MORE_ITEMS) return TRUE; SetLastError(res); return FALSE; } /* * Test if a given class belongs to the current process * specified via its run command. * This is especially needed for Urls where the same class name "http" can be * registered and thus be overwritten by multiple applications. */ BOOL IsRegClass(const char *pszClassName, const wchar_t *pszRunCmd) { BOOL fSuccess = FALSE; HKEY hClassKey, hShellKey, hVerbKey, hCmdKey; // using the merged view classes key for reading // class if (!RegOpenKeyExA(HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, pszClassName, 0, KEY_QUERY_VALUE, &hClassKey)) { // shell if (!RegOpenKeyEx(hClassKey, L"shell", 0, KEY_QUERY_VALUE, &hShellKey)) { // verb if (!RegOpenKeyEx(hShellKey, L"open", 0, KEY_QUERY_VALUE, &hVerbKey)) { // command if (!RegOpenKeyEx(hVerbKey, L"command", 0, KEY_QUERY_VALUE, &hCmdKey)) { // it is enough to check if the command is right fSuccess = IsRegStrValue(hCmdKey, NULL, pszRunCmd); RegCloseKey(hCmdKey); } RegCloseKey(hVerbKey); } RegCloseKey(hShellKey); } RegCloseKey(hClassKey); } return fSuccess; } /* * Extract the icon name of the class from the registry and load it. * For uses especially with url classes. */ // DestroyIcon() the return value HICON LoadRegClassSmallIcon(const char *pszClassName) { HICON hIcon = NULL; HKEY hClassKey, hIconKey; wchar_t *pszIconLoc, *p; // using the merged view classes key for reading // class if (!RegOpenKeyExA(HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, pszClassName, 0, KEY_QUERY_VALUE, &hClassKey)) { // default icon if (!RegOpenKeyEx(hClassKey, L"DefaultIcon", 0, KEY_QUERY_VALUE, &hIconKey)) { // extract icon pszIconLoc = GetRegStrValue(hIconKey, NULL); if (pszIconLoc != NULL) { p = wcsrchr(pszIconLoc, ','); if (p != NULL) { *(p++) = 0; ExtractIconEx(pszIconLoc, _wtoi(p), NULL, &hIcon, 1); } mir_free(pszIconLoc); } RegCloseKey(hIconKey); } RegCloseKey(hClassKey); } return hIcon; } /************************* Extension ******************************/ /* * Add a new file extension to the class list. * The file extension needs to be associated with a class * that has been registered previously. * Multiple file extensions can be assigned to the same class. * The class contains most settings as the run command etc. */ // pszMimeType is allowed to be NULL BOOL AddRegFileExt(const char *pszFileExt, const char *pszClassName, const char *pszMimeType, BOOL fIsText) { BOOL fSuccess = FALSE; HKEY hRootKey, hExtKey, hOpenWithKey; // some error checking for disallowed values (to avoid errors in registry) if (strchr(pszFileExt, '\\') != NULL || strchr(pszFileExt, ' ') != NULL) return FALSE; // try to open interactive user's classes key if (RegOpenKeyEx(HKEY_CURRENT_USER, L"Software\\Classes", 0, KEY_CREATE_SUB_KEY, &hRootKey)) hRootKey = HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT; // file ext if (!RegCreateKeyExA(hRootKey, pszFileExt, 0, NULL, 0, KEY_SET_VALUE | KEY_QUERY_VALUE | KEY_CREATE_SUB_KEY, NULL, &hExtKey, NULL)) { // backup previous app BackupRegTree(hRootKey, pszFileExt, "bak_"); // remove any no-open flag RegDeleteValue(hExtKey, L"NoOpen"); // open with progids wchar_t *pszPrevClass = GetRegStrValue(hExtKey, NULL); if (pszPrevClass != NULL && !IsRegStrValueA(hExtKey, NULL, pszClassName)) if (!RegCreateKeyEx(hExtKey, L"OpenWithProgids", 0, NULL, 0, KEY_SET_VALUE, NULL, &hOpenWithKey, NULL)) { // previous class (backup) RegSetValueEx(hOpenWithKey, pszPrevClass, 0, REG_NONE, NULL, 0); RegCloseKey(hOpenWithKey); } mir_free(pszPrevClass); // does NULL check // class name fSuccess = !RegSetValueExA(hExtKey, NULL, 0, REG_SZ, (BYTE*)pszClassName, (int)mir_strlen(pszClassName) + 1); // mime type e.g. "application/x-icq" if (pszMimeType != NULL) RegSetValueExA(hExtKey, "Content Type", 0, REG_SZ, (BYTE*)pszMimeType, (int)mir_strlen(pszMimeType) + 1); // perceived type e.g. text (WinXP+) if (fIsText) RegSetValueEx(hExtKey, L"PerceivedType", 0, REG_SZ, (BYTE*)L"text", 5 * sizeof(wchar_t)); RegCloseKey(hExtKey); } if (hRootKey != HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT) RegCloseKey(hRootKey); return fSuccess; } void RemoveRegFileExt(const char *pszFileExt, const char *pszClassName) { HKEY hRootKey, hExtKey, hSubKey; DWORD nOpenWithCount; wchar_t *pszPrevClassName = NULL; BOOL fRestored = FALSE; // try to open interactive user's classes key if (RegOpenKeyEx(HKEY_CURRENT_USER, L"Software\\Classes", 0, DELETE, &hRootKey)) hRootKey = HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT; // file ext if (!RegOpenKeyExA(hRootKey, pszFileExt, 0, KEY_QUERY_VALUE | KEY_SET_VALUE | DELETE, &hExtKey)) { // class name (the important part) if (!RestoreRegTree(hRootKey, pszFileExt, "bak_")) { pszPrevClassName = GetRegStrValue(hExtKey, NULL); if (pszPrevClassName != NULL) { // previous class name still exists? // using the merged view classes key for reading if (!RegOpenKeyEx(HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, pszPrevClassName, 0, KEY_QUERY_VALUE, &hSubKey)) { fRestored = TRUE; RegCloseKey(hSubKey); } else RegDeleteValue(hExtKey, NULL); mir_free(pszPrevClassName); } } if (pszPrevClassName == NULL) RegDeleteValue(hExtKey, NULL); // open with progids (remove if empty) nOpenWithCount = 0; if (!RegOpenKeyEx(hExtKey, L"OpenWithProgids", 0, KEY_SET_VALUE | KEY_QUERY_VALUE, &hSubKey)) { // remove current class (if set by another app) RegDeleteValueA(hSubKey, pszClassName); RegQueryInfoKey(hSubKey, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, &nOpenWithCount, NULL, NULL, NULL); RegCloseKey(hSubKey); } if (!nOpenWithCount) RegDeleteKey(hExtKey, L"OpenWithProgids"); // delete if no values RegCloseKey(hExtKey); } else DeleteRegTreeBackup(pszFileExt, "bak_"); if (!fRestored) RegDeleteKeyA(hRootKey, pszFileExt); // try to remove it all if (hRootKey != HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT) RegCloseKey(hRootKey); } /* * Test if a given file extension belongs to the given class name. * If it does not belong to the class name, it got reassigned and thus * overwritten by another application. */ BOOL IsRegFileExt(const char *pszFileExt, const char *pszClassName) { BOOL fSuccess = FALSE; HKEY hExtKey; // using the merged view classes key for reading // file ext if (!RegOpenKeyExA(HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, pszFileExt, 0, KEY_QUERY_VALUE, &hExtKey)) { // class name // it is enough to check if the class is right fSuccess = IsRegStrValueA(hExtKey, NULL, pszClassName); RegCloseKey(hExtKey); } return fSuccess; } /************************* Mime Type ******************************/ /* * Add a given mime type to the global mime database. */ // returns TRUE if the mime type was not yet registered on the system, // it needs to be removed when the file extension gets removed BOOL AddRegMimeType(const char *pszMimeType, const char *pszFileExt) { BOOL fSuccess = FALSE; HKEY hRootKey, hDbKey, hTypeKey; // some error checking for disallowed values (to avoid errors in registry) if (strchr(pszMimeType, '\\') != NULL || strchr(pszMimeType, ' ') != NULL) return FALSE; // try to open interactive user's classes key if (RegOpenKeyEx(HKEY_CURRENT_USER, L"Software\\Classes", 0, KEY_QUERY_VALUE, &hRootKey)) hRootKey = HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT; // database if (!RegOpenKeyEx(hRootKey, L"MIME\\Database\\Content Type", 0, KEY_CREATE_SUB_KEY, &hDbKey)) { // mime type if (!RegCreateKeyExA(hDbKey, pszMimeType, 0, NULL, 0, KEY_QUERY_VALUE | KEY_SET_VALUE, NULL, &hTypeKey, NULL)) { // file ext if (RegQueryValueExA(hTypeKey, "Extension", NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL)) // only set if not present fSuccess = !RegSetValueExA(hTypeKey, "Extension", 0, REG_SZ, (BYTE*)pszFileExt, (int)mir_strlen(pszFileExt) + 1); RegCloseKey(hTypeKey); } RegCloseKey(hDbKey); } if (hRootKey != HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT) RegCloseKey(hRootKey); return fSuccess; } void RemoveRegMimeType(const char *pszMimeType, const char *pszFileExt) { HKEY hRootKey, hDbKey, hTypeKey; BOOL fDelete = TRUE; // try to open interactive user's classes key if (RegOpenKeyEx(HKEY_CURRENT_USER, L"Software\\Classes", 0, KEY_QUERY_VALUE, &hRootKey)) hRootKey = HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT; // database if (!RegOpenKeyEx(hRootKey, L"MIME\\Database\\Content Type", 0, DELETE, &hDbKey)) { // mime type if (!RegOpenKeyExA(hDbKey, pszMimeType, 0, KEY_QUERY_VALUE, &hTypeKey)) { // file ext fDelete = IsRegStrValueA(hTypeKey, L"Extension", pszFileExt); RegCloseKey(hTypeKey); } if (fDelete) RegDeleteKeyA(hDbKey, pszMimeType); RegCloseKey(hDbKey); } if (hRootKey != HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT) RegCloseKey(hRootKey); } /************************* Open-With App **************************/ /* * Add Miranda as an option to the advanced "Open With..." dialog. */ // pszDdeCmd is allowed to be NULL void AddRegOpenWith(const wchar_t *pszAppFileName, BOOL fAllowOpenWith, const wchar_t *pszAppName, const wchar_t *pszIconLoc, const wchar_t *pszRunCmd, const wchar_t *pszDdeCmd, const wchar_t *pszDdeApp, const wchar_t *pszDdeTopic) { HKEY hRootKey, hAppsKey, hExeKey, hShellKey, hVerbKey, hDdeKey; // try to open interactive user's classes key if (RegOpenKeyEx(HKEY_CURRENT_USER, L"Software\\Classes", 0, KEY_QUERY_VALUE, &hRootKey)) hRootKey = HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT; // database if (!RegCreateKeyEx(hRootKey, L"Applications", 0, NULL, 0, KEY_CREATE_SUB_KEY, NULL, &hAppsKey, NULL)) { // filename if (!RegCreateKeyEx(hAppsKey, pszAppFileName, 0, NULL, 0, KEY_SET_VALUE | KEY_CREATE_SUB_KEY, NULL, &hExeKey, NULL)) { // appname RegSetValueEx(hExeKey, NULL, 0, REG_SZ, (BYTE*)pszAppName, (int)(mir_wstrlen(pszAppName) + 1) * sizeof(wchar_t)); // no open-with flag if (fAllowOpenWith) RegDeleteValue(hExeKey, L"NoOpenWith"); else RegSetValueEx(hExeKey, L"NoOpenWith", 0, REG_SZ, NULL, 0); // default icon if (pszIconLoc != NULL) SetRegSubKeyStrDefValue(hExeKey, L"DefaultIcon", pszIconLoc); // shell if (!RegCreateKeyEx(hExeKey, L"shell", 0, NULL, 0, KEY_SET_VALUE | KEY_CREATE_SUB_KEY, NULL, &hShellKey, NULL)) { // default verb (when empty "open" is used) RegSetValueEx(hShellKey, NULL, 0, REG_SZ, (BYTE*)L"open", 5 * sizeof(wchar_t)); // verb if (!RegCreateKeyEx(hShellKey, L"open", 0, NULL, 0, KEY_SET_VALUE | KEY_CREATE_SUB_KEY, NULL, &hVerbKey, NULL)) { // friendly appname (mui string) RegSetValueEx(hVerbKey, L"FriendlyAppName", 0, REG_SZ, (BYTE*)pszAppName, (int)(mir_wstrlen(pszAppName) + 1) * sizeof(wchar_t)); // command SetRegSubKeyStrDefValue(hVerbKey, L"command", pszRunCmd); // ddeexec if (pszDdeCmd != NULL) if (!RegCreateKeyEx(hVerbKey, L"ddeexec", 0, NULL, 0, KEY_SET_VALUE | KEY_CREATE_SUB_KEY, NULL, &hDdeKey, NULL)) { // command RegSetValueEx(hDdeKey, NULL, 0, REG_SZ, (BYTE*)pszDdeCmd, (int)(mir_wstrlen(pszDdeCmd) + 1) * sizeof(wchar_t)); // application SetRegSubKeyStrDefValue(hDdeKey, L"application", pszDdeApp); // topic SetRegSubKeyStrDefValue(hDdeKey, L"topic", pszDdeTopic); RegCloseKey(hDdeKey); } RegCloseKey(hVerbKey); } RegCloseKey(hShellKey); } RegCloseKey(hExeKey); } RegCloseKey(hAppsKey); } if (hRootKey != HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT) RegCloseKey(hRootKey); } void RemoveRegOpenWith(const wchar_t *pszAppFileName) { HKEY hRootKey, hAppsKey, hExeKey, hShellKey, hVerbKey, hDdeKey; // try to open interactive user's classes key if (RegOpenKeyEx(HKEY_CURRENT_USER, L"Software\\Classes", 0, KEY_QUERY_VALUE, &hRootKey)) hRootKey = HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT; // applications if (!RegOpenKeyEx(hRootKey, L"Applications", 0, DELETE, &hAppsKey)) { // filename if (!RegOpenKeyEx(hAppsKey, pszAppFileName, 0, DELETE, &hExeKey)) { // default icon RegDeleteKey(hExeKey, L"DefaultIcon"); // shell if (!RegOpenKeyEx(hExeKey, L"shell", 0, DELETE, &hShellKey)) { // verb if (!RegOpenKeyEx(hShellKey, L"open", 0, DELETE, &hVerbKey)) { // command RegDeleteKey(hVerbKey, L"command"); // ddeexec if (!RegOpenKeyEx(hVerbKey, L"ddeexec", 0, DELETE, &hDdeKey)) { // application RegDeleteKey(hDdeKey, L"application"); // topic RegDeleteKey(hDdeKey, L"topic"); RegCloseKey(hDdeKey); } RegDeleteKey(hVerbKey, L"ddeexec"); RegCloseKey(hVerbKey); } RegDeleteKey(hShellKey, L"open"); RegCloseKey(hShellKey); } RegDeleteKey(hExeKey, L"shell"); // supported types RegDeleteKey(hExeKey, L"SupportedTypes"); RegCloseKey(hExeKey); } RegDeleteKey(hAppsKey, pszAppFileName); RegCloseKey(hAppsKey); } if (hRootKey != HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT) RegCloseKey(hRootKey); } /* * Tell the "Open With..." dialog we support a given file extension. */ void AddRegOpenWithExtEntry(const wchar_t *pszAppFileName, const char *pszFileExt, const wchar_t *pszFileDesc) { HKEY hRootKey, hAppsKey, hExeKey, hTypesKey; // try to open interactive user's classes key if (RegOpenKeyEx(HKEY_CURRENT_USER, L"Software\\Classes", 0, KEY_QUERY_VALUE, &hRootKey)) hRootKey = HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT; // applications if (!RegOpenKeyEx(hRootKey, L"Applications", 0, KEY_QUERY_VALUE | KEY_ENUMERATE_SUB_KEYS, &hAppsKey)) { // filename if (!RegOpenKeyEx(hAppsKey, pszAppFileName, 0, KEY_CREATE_SUB_KEY, &hExeKey)) { // supported types if (!RegCreateKeyEx(hExeKey, L"SupportedTypes", 0, NULL, 0, KEY_SET_VALUE, NULL, &hTypesKey, NULL)) { wchar_t *ptszFileExt; ptszFileExt = a2t(pszFileExt); if (ptszFileExt != NULL) RegSetValueEx(hTypesKey, ptszFileExt, 0, REG_SZ, (BYTE*)pszFileDesc, (int)(mir_wstrlen(pszFileDesc) + 1) * sizeof(wchar_t)); mir_free(ptszFileExt); // does NULL check RegCloseKey(hTypesKey); } RegCloseKey(hExeKey); } RegCloseKey(hAppsKey); } if (hRootKey != HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT) RegCloseKey(hRootKey); } void RemoveRegOpenWithExtEntry(const wchar_t *pszAppFileName, const char *pszFileExt) { HKEY hRootKey, hAppsKey, hExeKey, hTypesKey; // try to open interactive user's classes key if (RegOpenKeyEx(HKEY_CURRENT_USER, L"Software\\Classes", 0, KEY_QUERY_VALUE, &hRootKey)) hRootKey = HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT; // applications if (!RegOpenKeyEx(hRootKey, L"Applications", 0, KEY_QUERY_VALUE, &hAppsKey)) { // filename if (!RegOpenKeyEx(hAppsKey, pszAppFileName, 0, KEY_QUERY_VALUE, &hExeKey)) { // supported types if (!RegOpenKeyEx(hExeKey, L"SupportedTypes", 0, KEY_SET_VALUE, &hTypesKey)) { RegDeleteValueA(hTypesKey, pszFileExt); RegCloseKey(hTypesKey); } RegCloseKey(hExeKey); } RegCloseKey(hAppsKey); } if (hRootKey != HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT) RegCloseKey(hRootKey); } /************************* Autostart ******************************/ /* * Add Miranda to the autostart list in the registry. */ BOOL AddRegRunEntry(const wchar_t *pszAppName, const wchar_t *pszRunCmd) { BOOL fSuccess = FALSE; HKEY hRunKey; // run if (!RegCreateKeyEx(HKEY_CURRENT_USER, L"Software\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Run", 0, NULL, 0, KEY_SET_VALUE, NULL, &hRunKey, NULL)) { // appname fSuccess = !RegSetValueEx(hRunKey, pszAppName, 0, REG_SZ, (BYTE*)pszRunCmd, (int)(mir_wstrlen(pszRunCmd) + 1) * sizeof(wchar_t)); RegCloseKey(hRunKey); } return fSuccess; } BOOL RemoveRegRunEntry(const wchar_t *pszAppName, const wchar_t *pszRunCmd) { HKEY hRunKey; // run LONG res = RegOpenKeyEx(HKEY_CURRENT_USER, L"Software\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Run", 0, KEY_QUERY_VALUE | KEY_SET_VALUE, &hRunKey); if (!res) { // appname if (IsRegStrValue(hRunKey, pszAppName, pszRunCmd)) res = RegDeleteValue(hRunKey, pszAppName); // only remove if current RegCloseKey(hRunKey); } return res == ERROR_SUCCESS || res == ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND; } /* * Check if the autostart item belongs to the current instance of Miranda. */ BOOL IsRegRunEntry(const wchar_t *pszAppName, const wchar_t *pszRunCmd) { BOOL fState = FALSE; HKEY hRunKey; // Run if (!RegOpenKeyEx(HKEY_CURRENT_USER, L"Software\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Run", 0, KEY_QUERY_VALUE, &hRunKey)) { // appname fState = IsRegStrValue(hRunKey, pszAppName, pszRunCmd); RegCloseKey(hRunKey); } return fState; }