; Avatar History
; Author: MattJ and Pescuma

[Avatar History]

; Menu

[View Avatar History]

; Custom folders


; Options


[ Logging options ]
[Store old avatars on disk]
[Also create per contact folders with shortcuts]
[Log avatar changes to history]

[ History templates ]
[Avatar change:]
[Track when contacts remove their avatars too]
[Avatar removal:]

[ Protocols ]
[Enable tracking for these protocols:]
[Keep all in same folder]

[Avatar Change]

[Show popup when a contact change his avatar]

[ Colours ]
[Background colour]
[Text colour]
[Use Windows colours]
[Use default colours]

[ Delay ]
[From popup plugin]

[ Actions ]
[On right click:]
[On left click:]
[Do nothing]
[Close popup]
[Show avatar history]
[Show contact history]


; Test popup

[Test Contact]
[Test description]

; First run dialog

[Avatar History: Select how to store history avatars]
[Please select how the avatar history should be stored. This setting can NOT be changed in future, because it would cause all previous history to be lost.]
[Store history in miranda history and all history avatars in same folder]
[History is stored inside miranda db. It can be seen by History++ or Avatar History internal viewer.]
[All avatars are stored as <Profile>\\Avatars History\\<Avatar Hash>]
[Store history in miranda history and history avatars in per protocol folders]
[All avatars are stored as <Profile>\\Avatars History\\<Protocol>\\<Avatar Hash>]
[Store history in miranda history and history avatars in per contact folders using shortcuts]
[All avatars are stored as <Profile>\\Avatars History\\<Protocol>\\<Avatar Hash> and have a shortcut per history entry in <Profile>\\Avatars History\\<Protocol>\\<Contact ID>\\<Timestamp>]
[Store history avatars in per contact folders using shortcut]
[History is stored only in disk. It can be seen by Avatar History internal viewer.]
[All avatars are stored as <Profile>\\Avatars History\\<Protocol>\\<Avatar Hash> and have a shortcut per history entry in <Profile>\\Avatars History\\<Protocol>\\<Contact ID>\\<Timestamp>]
[Store history avatars in per contact folders]
[All avatars are stored as <Profile>\\Avatars History\\<Protocol>\\<Contact ID>\\<Timestamp> (the same image can be stored lot of times)]

; Avatar dialog

[Open Folder]
[Store this user's old avatars in disk]
[Log this user's avatars changes to history]
[Show popups for this user]
[Save As...]
[Delete this entry]
[Delete this entry and the bitmap file]

; Others

[Please select an avatar from the list]
[No avatar selected]

[Delete avatar log?]
[Are you sure you wish to delete this history entry?\nOnly the entry in history will be deleted, bitmap file will be kept!]
[Are you sure you wish to delete this avatar shortcut?\nOnly shortcut will be deleted, bitmap file will be kept!]

[Delete avatar?]
[Are you sure you wish to delete this archived avatar?\nThis will delete the history entry and the bitmap file.\nWARNING:This can affect more than one entry in history!]
[Are you sure you wish to delete this archived avatar?\nThis will delete the shortcut and the bitmap file.\nWARNING:This can affect more than one shortcut!]

[Unknown Protocol]
[Unknown UIN]