/* Basic History plugin Copyright (C) 2011-2012 Krzysztof Kral This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation version 2 of the License. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ #pragma once #include "IImport.h" #define MAXSELECTSTR 8184 class ComparatorInterface { public: virtual bool Compare(const bool isMe, const std::wstring& message, TCHAR *strFind) = 0; }; class EventList { public: struct EventData { bool isMe; WORD eventType; DWORD timestamp; }; struct EventIndex { union { HANDLE hEvent; int exIdx; }; bool isExternal; }; private: std::map<int, bool> filterMap; bool onlyInFilter; bool onlyOutFilter; int defFilter; std::wstring filterName; std::vector<IImport::ExternalMessage> importedMessages; DWORD goldBlobSize; static CRITICAL_SECTION criticalSection; struct EventTempIndex { union { HANDLE hEvent; int exIdx; }; bool isExternal; DWORD timestamp; }; struct ImportDiscData { IImport::ImportType type; std::wstring file; }; static std::map<HANDLE, ImportDiscData> contactFileMap; static std::wstring contactFileDir; bool CanShowHistory(DBEVENTINFO* dbei); bool CanShowHistory(const IImport::ExternalMessage& message); void InitFilters(); void InitNames(); void AddGroup(const EventIndex& ev); void GetTempList(std::list<EventTempIndex>& tempList, bool noFilter, bool noExt, HANDLE _hContact); void ImportMessages(const std::vector<IImport::ExternalMessage>& messages); protected: TCHAR contactName[256]; TCHAR myName[256]; bool isWnd; int deltaTime; DWORD now; bool isFlat; DBEVENTINFO gdbei; virtual void AddGroup(bool isMe, const std::wstring &time, const std::wstring &user, const std::wstring &eventText, int ico) = 0; bool GetEventIcon(bool isMe, int eventType, int &id); void DeleteEvent(const EventIndex& ev) { if (!ev.isExternal) db_event_delete(hContact, ev.hEvent); } void RebuildGroup(int selected); public: EventList(); EventList(HANDLE _hContact, int filter); ~EventList(); HWND hWnd; HANDLE hContact; std::vector<std::deque<EventIndex> > eventList; bool useImportedMessages; static void Init(); static void Deinit(); void SetDefFilter(int filter); int GetFilterNr(); std::wstring GetFilterName(); void RefreshEventList(); bool SearchInContact(HANDLE hContact, TCHAR *strFind, ComparatorInterface* compFun); std::wstring GetContactName(); std::wstring GetMyName(); std::wstring GetProtocolName(); std::wstring GetMyId(); std::wstring GetContactId(); std::string GetBaseProtocol(); void MargeMessages(const std::vector<IImport::ExternalMessage>& messages); static void AddImporter(HANDLE hContact, IImport::ImportType type, const std::wstring& file); static int GetContactMessageNumber(HANDLE hContact); static bool IsImportedHistory(HANDLE hContact); static void DeleteImporter(HANDLE hContact); static void GetObjectDescription( DBEVENTINFO *dbei, TCHAR* str, int cbStr ); bool GetEventData(const EventIndex& ev, EventData& data); void GetExtEventDBei(const EventIndex& ev); HICON GetEventCoreIcon(const EventIndex& ev); void GetEventMessage(const EventIndex& ev, TCHAR* message) // must be allocated with MAXSELECTSTR len { if (!ev.isExternal) GetObjectDescription(&gdbei, message, MAXSELECTSTR); else _tcscpy_s(message, MAXSELECTSTR, importedMessages[ev.exIdx].message.c_str()); } void GetEventMessage(const EventIndex& ev, TCHAR* message, int strLen) { if (!ev.isExternal) GetObjectDescription(&gdbei, message, strLen); else { std::wstring& meg = importedMessages[ev.exIdx].message; if ((int)meg.size() >= strLen) { memcpy_s(message, strLen * sizeof(TCHAR), meg.c_str(), (strLen - 1) * sizeof(TCHAR)); message[strLen - 1] = 0; } else { _tcscpy_s(message, strLen, meg.c_str()); } } } };