/* Basic History plugin Copyright (C) 2011-2012 Krzysztof Kral This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation version 2 of the License. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ #include "StdAfx.h" #include "ExportManager.h" #include "TxtExport.h" #include "PlainHtmlExport.h" #include "RichHtmlExport.h" #include "BinaryExport.h" #include "DatExport.h" #include "Options.h" #include "codecvt_CodePage.h" ExportManager::ExportManager(HWND hwnd, MCONTACT hContact, int filter) : HistoryEventList(hContact, filter), m_hwnd(hwnd), m_oldOnTop(false) { } std::wstring GetFile(const TCHAR* ext, HWND hwnd, bool open) { TCHAR filter[512]; std::locale loc; TCHAR extUpper[32]; _tcscpy_s(extUpper, ext); extUpper[0] = std::toupper(ext[0], loc); mir_sntprintf(filter, TranslateT("%s Files (*.%s)"), extUpper, ext); size_t len = mir_tstrlen(filter) + 1; mir_sntprintf(filter + len, _countof(filter) - len, _T("*.%s"), ext); len += mir_tstrlen(filter + len); filter[++len] = 0; TCHAR stzFilePath[1024]; _tcscpy_s(stzFilePath, TranslateT("History")); _tcscat_s(stzFilePath, _T(".")); _tcscat_s(stzFilePath, ext); len = mir_tstrlen(stzFilePath) + 1; stzFilePath[len] = 0; OPENFILENAME ofn = {0}; ofn.lStructSize = sizeof(ofn); ofn.hwndOwner = hwnd; ofn.lpstrFilter = filter; ofn.nFilterIndex = 1; ofn.lpstrFile = stzFilePath; ofn.lpstrTitle = open ? TranslateT("Import") : TranslateT("Export"); ofn.nMaxFile = _countof(stzFilePath); ofn.lpstrDefExt = ext; if (open) { ofn.Flags = OFN_PATHMUSTEXIST | OFN_EXPLORER | OFN_NOCHANGEDIR | OFN_FILEMUSTEXIST | OFN_HIDEREADONLY; if (GetOpenFileName(&ofn)) return stzFilePath; } else { ofn.Flags = OFN_NOREADONLYRETURN | OFN_PATHMUSTEXIST | OFN_EXPLORER | OFN_OVERWRITEPROMPT | OFN_NOCHANGEDIR; if (GetSaveFileName(&ofn)) return stzFilePath; } return L""; } std::wstring ReplaceExt(const std::wstring& file, const TCHAR* ext) { size_t pos = file.find(_T("<ext>")); if (pos < file.length()) { std::wstring fileName = file.substr(0, pos); fileName += ext; fileName += file.substr(pos + 5); return fileName; } return file; } bool ExportManager::Export(IExport::ExportType type) { m_exp = NULL; UINT cp; std::wstring encoding; bool isBin = false; switch(type) { case IExport::Txt: m_exp = new TxtExport(); cp = Options::instance->codepageTxt; encoding = Options::instance->encodingTxt; m_isFlat = true; break; case IExport::PlainHtml: m_exp = new PlainHtmlExport(); cp = Options::instance->codepageHtml1; encoding = Options::instance->encodingHtml1; break; case IExport::RichHtml: m_exp = new RichHtmlExport(); cp = Options::instance->codepageHtml2; encoding = Options::instance->encodingHtml2; break; case IExport::Binary: m_exp = new BinaryExport(); cp = CP_UTF8; encoding = L"UTF8"; m_isFlat = true; m_oldOnTop = true; isBin = true; break; case IExport::Dat: m_exp = new DatExport(); cp = CP_UTF8; encoding = L"UTF8"; m_isFlat = true; m_oldOnTop = true; isBin = true; break; default: return false; } std::wstring fileName; if (m_file.empty()) fileName = GetFile(m_exp->GetExt(), m_hwnd, false); else fileName = ReplaceExt(m_file, m_exp->GetExt()); if (fileName.empty()) return false; std::wofstream* stream; if (!isBin) { stream = new std::wofstream (fileName.c_str()); if (!stream->is_open()) return false; std::locale filelocale(std::locale(), new codecvt_CodePage<wchar_t>(cp)); stream->imbue(filelocale); m_exp->SetStream(stream); } else { std::ofstream* cstream = new std::ofstream (fileName.c_str(), std::ios_base::binary); if (!cstream->is_open()) return false; stream = (std::wofstream*)cstream; m_exp->SetStream(stream); } m_exp->WriteHeader(fileName, GetFilterName(), GetMyName(), GetMyId(), GetContactName(), GetProtocolName(), GetContactId(), GetBaseProtocol(), encoding); RefreshEventList(); m_exp->WriteFooter(); if (!isBin) { stream->close(); delete stream; } else { std::ofstream* cstream = (std::ofstream*)stream; cstream->close(); delete cstream; } delete m_exp; return true; } const TCHAR* ExportManager::GetExt(IImport::ImportType type) { IImport *imp = NULL; switch(type) { case IImport::Binary: imp = new BinaryExport(); break; case IImport::Dat: imp = new DatExport(); break; default: return L""; } const TCHAR *ext = imp->GetExt(); delete imp; return ext; } int ExportManager::Import(IImport::ImportType type, const std::vector<MCONTACT>& contacts) { IImport *imp = NULL; switch(type) { case IImport::Binary: imp = new BinaryExport(); break; case IImport::Dat: imp = new DatExport(); break; default: return -2; } if (m_file.empty()) return -2; std::wstring fileName = ReplaceExt(m_file, imp->GetExt()); if (fileName.empty()) return -2; std::ifstream* stream = new std::ifstream (fileName.c_str(), std::ios_base::binary); if (!stream->is_open()) return -2; imp->SetStream(stream); int t = imp->IsContactInFile(contacts); stream->close(); delete stream; delete imp; return t; } bool ExportManager::Import(IImport::ImportType type, std::vector<IImport::ExternalMessage>& eventList, std::wstring* err, bool* differentContact, std::vector<MCONTACT>* contacts) { IImport *imp = NULL; switch(type) { case IImport::Binary: imp = new BinaryExport(); break; case IImport::Dat: imp = new DatExport(); break; default: return false; } std::wstring fileName; if (m_file.empty()) m_file = fileName = GetFile(imp->GetExt(), m_hwnd, true); else fileName = ReplaceExt(m_file, imp->GetExt()); std::ifstream *stream = new std::ifstream (fileName.c_str(), std::ios_base::binary); if (!stream->is_open()) return false; imp->SetStream(stream); std::vector<MCONTACT> v; v.push_back(m_hContact); bool ret = true; int contInFile = imp->IsContactInFile(v); if (contInFile == -1) { ret = false; if (err != NULL) *err = TranslateT("File does not contain selected contact"); if (contacts != NULL && differentContact != NULL) { contInFile = imp->IsContactInFile(*contacts); if (contInFile >= 0) { *differentContact = true; m_hContact = (*contacts)[contInFile]; } } } else if (contInFile == 0 || contInFile == -3) { ret = imp->GetEventList(eventList); if (!ret && err != NULL) *err = TranslateT("File is corrupted"); } else { ret = false; if (err != NULL) *err = TranslateT("File is corrupted"); } stream->close(); delete stream; delete imp; return ret; } void ExportManager::AddGroup(bool isMe, const std::wstring &time, const std::wstring &user, const std::wstring &eventText, int) { if (m_exp == NULL) return; m_exp->WriteGroup(isMe, time, user, eventText); TCHAR str[MAXSELECTSTR + 8]; // for safety reason str[0] = 0; bool isFirst = true; bool lastMe = false; EventData data; std::deque<EventIndex> revDeq; std::deque<EventIndex> &deq = m_eventList.back(); if (!m_oldOnTop && Options::instance->messagesNewOnTop) { revDeq.insert(revDeq.begin(), deq.rbegin(), deq.rend()); deq = revDeq; } struct tm lastTime = { 0 }; for (std::deque<EventIndex>::iterator it = deq.begin(); it != deq.end(); ++it) { EventIndex hDbEvent = *it; if (GetEventData(hDbEvent, data)) { lastMe = data.isMe; TCHAR* formatDate = Options::instance->messagesShowSec ? _T("d s") : _T("d t"); TCHAR* longFormatDate = Options::instance->messagesShowSec ? _T("d s") : _T("d t"); if (!Options::instance->messagesShowDate) { if (isFirst) { isFirst = false; formatDate = Options::instance->messagesShowSec ? _T("s") : _T("t"); time_t tt = data.timestamp; localtime_s(&lastTime, &tt); } else { time_t tt = data.timestamp; tm t; localtime_s(&t, &tt); if (lastTime.tm_yday == t.tm_yday && lastTime.tm_year == t.tm_year) formatDate = Options::instance->messagesShowSec ? _T("s") : _T("t"); } } TimeZone_PrintTimeStamp(NULL, data.timestamp, longFormatDate, str , MAXSELECTSTR, 0); std::wstring longDate = str; TimeZone_PrintTimeStamp(NULL, data.timestamp, formatDate, str , MAXSELECTSTR, 0); std::wstring shortDate = str; std::wstring wszUser; if (lastMe) wszUser = m_myName; else wszUser = m_contactName; GetEventMessage(hDbEvent, str); std::wstring strMessage = str; if (strMessage.length() + 1 >= MAXSELECTSTR) continue; if (hDbEvent.isExternal) GetExtEventDBei(hDbEvent); m_exp->WriteMessage(lastMe, longDate, shortDate, wszUser, strMessage, m_dbei); } } } void ExportManager::DeleteExportedEvents() { for (size_t j = 0; j < m_eventList.size(); ++j) for (size_t i = 0; i < m_eventList[j].size(); ++i) DeleteEvent(m_eventList[j][i]); } void ExportManager::SetDeleteWithoutExportEvents(int deltaTime, DWORD now) { m_exp = NULL; m_deltaTime = deltaTime; m_now = now; RefreshEventList(); }