/* Basic History plugin Copyright (C) 2011-2012 Krzysztof Kral This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation version 2 of the License. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ #include "StdAfx.h" #include "HistoryWindow.h" #include "resource.h" #include "Options.h" #include "HotkeyHelper.h" #include "ImageDataObject.h" #include "ExportManager.h" #define MODULE "BasicHistory" extern HINSTANCE hInst; extern HCURSOR hCurSplitNS, hCurSplitWE; extern int iconsNum; extern bool g_SmileyAddAvail; extern char* metaContactProto; extern IconItem iconList[]; #define DM_HREBUILD (WM_USER+11) #define DM_SPLITTERMOVED (WM_USER+15) #define MIN_PANELHEIGHT 40 void ResetCList(HWND hWnd); HistoryWindow::HistoryWindow(HANDLE _hContact) : isDestroyed(true), OldSplitterProc(0), splitterY(0), splitterOrgY(0), splitterX(0), splitterOrgX(0), plusIco(NULL), minusIco(NULL), findNextIco(NULL), findPrevIco(NULL), configIco(NULL), deleteIco(NULL), isContactList(false), isLoading(false), isGroupImages(false), allIconNumber(0), eventIcons(NULL), bkBrush(NULL), bkFindBrush(NULL), hSystem(NULL), splitterXhWnd(NULL), splitterYhWnd(NULL), isStartSelect(true) { searcher.SetContect(this); hContact = _hContact; selected = -1; searcher.SetMatchCase(Options::instance->searchMatchCase); searcher.SetMatchWholeWords(Options::instance->searchMatchWhole); searcher.SetOnlyIn(Options::instance->searchOnlyIn); searcher.SetOnlyOut(Options::instance->searchOnlyOut); searcher.SetOnlyGroup(Options::instance->searchOnlyGroup); searcher.SetAllUsers(Options::instance->searchAllContacts); searcher.SetSearchForInLG(Options::instance->searchForInList); searcher.SetSearchForInMes(Options::instance->searchForInMess); } HistoryWindow::~HistoryWindow() { if(eventIcons != NULL) { for(int i = 0; i < iconsNum; ++i) if(eventIcons[i] != NULL) Skin_ReleaseIcon(eventIcons[i]); delete[] eventIcons; } if(plusIco != NULL) Skin_ReleaseIcon(plusIco); if(minusIco != NULL) Skin_ReleaseIcon(minusIco); if(findNextIco != NULL) Skin_ReleaseIcon(findNextIco); if(findPrevIco != NULL) Skin_ReleaseIcon(findPrevIco); if(himlSmall != NULL) ImageList_Destroy(himlSmall); if(himlNone != NULL) ImageList_Destroy(himlNone); if(bkBrush != NULL) DeleteObject(bkBrush); if(bkFindBrush != NULL) DeleteObject(bkFindBrush); } std::map<HANDLE, HistoryWindow*> HistoryWindow::windows; std::vector<HistoryWindow*> HistoryWindow::freeWindows; void HistoryWindow::Deinit() { bool destroyed = true; std::vector<HANDLE> keys; for(std::map<HANDLE, HistoryWindow*>::iterator it = windows.begin(); it != windows.end(); ++it) { if(!it->second->isDestroyed) { keys.push_back(it->first); } } for(std::vector<HANDLE>::iterator it = keys.begin(); it != keys.end(); ++it) { std::map<HANDLE, HistoryWindow*>::iterator it1 = windows.find(*it); if(it1 != windows.end()) { DestroyWindow(it1->second->hWnd); it1 = windows.find(*it); destroyed &= it1 == windows.end(); } } std::vector<HistoryWindow*> keys1; for(std::vector<HistoryWindow*>::iterator it = freeWindows.begin(); it != freeWindows.end(); ++it) { if(!(*it)->isDestroyed) { keys1.push_back(*it); } } for(std::vector<HistoryWindow*>::iterator it = keys1.begin(); it != keys1.end(); ++it) { DestroyWindow((*it)->hWnd); } for(std::vector<HistoryWindow*>::iterator it = freeWindows.begin(); it != freeWindows.end(); ++it) { if(!(*it)->isDestroyed) { destroyed = false; break; } } if(destroyed) { for(std::map<HANDLE, HistoryWindow*>::iterator it = windows.begin(); it != windows.end(); ++it) { delete it->second; } windows.clear(); for(std::vector<HistoryWindow*>::iterator it = freeWindows.begin(); it != freeWindows.end(); ++it) { delete *it; } freeWindows.clear(); } } void HistoryWindow::Open(HANDLE hContact) { if(hContact == NULL) { HistoryWindow *hw = new HistoryWindow(hContact); freeWindows.push_back(hw); hw->Show(); } else { std::map<HANDLE, HistoryWindow*>::iterator it = windows.find(hContact); if(it != windows.end()) { it->second->Focus(); } else { windows[hContact] = new HistoryWindow(hContact); windows[hContact]->Show(); } } } void HistoryWindow::Close(HANDLE hContact) { std::map<HANDLE, HistoryWindow*>::iterator it = windows.find(hContact); if(it != windows.end()) { if(it->second->isDestroyed) { delete it->second; windows.erase(it); } else { DestroyWindow(it->second->hWnd); } } } void HistoryWindow::Close(HistoryWindow* historyWindow) { if(!historyWindow->isDestroyed) { DestroyWindow(historyWindow->hWnd); return; } std::map<HANDLE, HistoryWindow*>::iterator it = windows.find(historyWindow->hContact); if(it != windows.end() && it->second == historyWindow) { delete it->second; windows.erase(it); } else { for(std::vector<HistoryWindow*>::iterator it = freeWindows.begin(); it != freeWindows.end(); ++it) { if(*it == historyWindow) { freeWindows.erase(it); delete historyWindow; return; } } } } void HistoryWindow::RebuildEvents(HANDLE hContact) { if(hContact != NULL) { std::map<HANDLE, HistoryWindow*>::iterator it = windows.find(hContact); if(it != windows.end() && !it->second->isDestroyed) { SendMessage(it->second->hWnd,DM_HREBUILD,0,0); } } for(std::vector<HistoryWindow*>::iterator it = freeWindows.begin(); it != freeWindows.end(); ++it) { if((*it)->hContact == hContact && !(*it)->isDestroyed) { SendMessage((*it)->hWnd,DM_HREBUILD,0,0); } } } void HistoryWindow::ChangeToFreeWindow(HistoryWindow* historyWindow) { std::map<HANDLE, HistoryWindow*>::iterator it = windows.find(historyWindow->hContact); if(it != windows.end() && it->second == historyWindow) { windows.erase(it); freeWindows.push_back(historyWindow); } } void HistoryWindow::Show() { CreateDialogParam(hInst,MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDD_HISTORY),NULL,HistoryWindow::DlgProcHistory,(LPARAM)this); } void HistoryWindow::Focus() { if(IsIconic(hWnd)) { ShowWindow(hWnd, SW_RESTORE); } else { SetForegroundWindow(hWnd); SetFocus(hWnd); } SendMessage(hWnd,DM_HREBUILD,0,0); } int HistoryWindow::FontsChanged(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { for(std::map<HANDLE, HistoryWindow*>::iterator it = windows.begin(); it != windows.end(); ++it) { if(!it->second->isDestroyed) { it->second->FontsChanged(); } } for(std::vector<HistoryWindow*>::iterator it = freeWindows.begin(); it != freeWindows.end(); ++it) { if(!(*it)->isDestroyed) { (*it)->FontsChanged(); } } return 0; } void HistoryWindow::FontsChanged() { if(bkBrush != NULL) { DeleteObject(bkBrush); } if(bkFindBrush != NULL) { DeleteObject(bkFindBrush); } bkBrush = CreateSolidBrush(Options::instance->GetColor(Options::WindowBackground)); bkFindBrush = CreateSolidBrush(Options::instance->GetColor(Options::FindBackground)); ResetCList(hWnd); COLORREF bkColor = Options::instance->GetColor(Options::GroupListBackground); ListView_SetBkColor(listWindow, bkColor); ListView_SetTextBkColor(listWindow, bkColor); LOGFONT font; ListView_SetTextColor(listWindow, Options::instance->GetFont(Options::GroupList, &font)); InvalidateRect(listWindow, NULL, TRUE); InvalidateRect(hWnd, NULL, TRUE); SelectEventGroup(selected); } void OptionsGroupChanged() { HistoryWindow::OptionsGroupChanged(); } void HistoryWindow::OptionsGroupChanged() { for(std::map<HANDLE, HistoryWindow*>::iterator it = windows.begin(); it != windows.end(); ++it) { if(!it->second->isDestroyed) { it->second->GroupImagesChanged(); SendMessage(it->second->hWnd,DM_HREBUILD,0,0); } } for(std::vector<HistoryWindow*>::iterator it = freeWindows.begin(); it != freeWindows.end(); ++it) { if(!(*it)->isDestroyed) { (*it)->GroupImagesChanged(); SendMessage((*it)->hWnd,DM_HREBUILD,0,0); } } } void OptionsMainChanged() { HistoryWindow::OptionsMainChanged(); } void HistoryWindow::OptionsMainChanged() { for(std::map<HANDLE, HistoryWindow*>::iterator it = windows.begin(); it != windows.end(); ++it) { if(!it->second->isDestroyed) { it->second->ReloadMainOptions(); } } for(std::vector<HistoryWindow*>::iterator it = freeWindows.begin(); it != freeWindows.end(); ++it) { if(!(*it)->isDestroyed) { (*it)->ReloadMainOptions(); } } } void HistoryWindow::ReloadMainOptions() { SendDlgItemMessage(hWnd, IDC_LIST_CONTACTS, CLM_SETUSEGROUPS, Options::instance->showContactGroups, 0); SendMessage(hWnd,DM_HREBUILD,0,0); } void OptionsMessageChanged() { HistoryWindow::FontsChanged(0, 0); } void OptionsSearchingChanged() { HistoryWindow::OptionsSearchingChanged(); } void HistoryWindow::OptionsSearchingChanged() { for(std::map<HANDLE, HistoryWindow*>::iterator it = windows.begin(); it != windows.end(); ++it) { if(!it->second->isDestroyed) { it->second->searcher.SetSearchForInLG(Options::instance->searchForInList); it->second->searcher.SetSearchForInMes(Options::instance->searchForInMess); } } for(std::vector<HistoryWindow*>::iterator it = freeWindows.begin(); it != freeWindows.end(); ++it) { if(!(*it)->isDestroyed) { (*it)->searcher.SetSearchForInLG(Options::instance->searchForInList); (*it)->searcher.SetSearchForInMes(Options::instance->searchForInMess); } } } INT_PTR HistoryWindow::DeleteAllUserHistory(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { HANDLE hContact = (HANDLE)wParam; HWND hWnd = NULL; int start = 0; int end = 0; int count = EventList::GetContactMessageNumber(hContact); if(!count) return FALSE; for(std::map<HANDLE, HistoryWindow*>::iterator it = windows.begin(); it != windows.end(); ++it) { if(!it->second->isDestroyed) { if(it->second->hContact == hContact) { if(hWnd == NULL) { hWnd = it->second->hWnd; } else if(GetForegroundWindow() == it->second->hWnd) { hWnd = it->second->hWnd; } } } } for(std::vector<HistoryWindow*>::iterator it = freeWindows.begin(); it != freeWindows.end(); ++it) { if(!(*it)->isDestroyed) { if((*it)->hContact == hContact) { if(hWnd == NULL) { hWnd = (*it)->hWnd; } else if(GetForegroundWindow() == (*it)->hWnd) { hWnd = (*it)->hWnd; } } } } TCHAR *message = TranslateT("This operation will PERMANENTLY REMOVE all history for this contact.\nAre you sure you want to do this?"); if(MessageBox(hWnd, message, TranslateT("Are You sure?"), MB_OKCANCEL | MB_ICONERROR) != IDOK) return FALSE; std::deque<HANDLE> toRemove; HANDLE hDbEvent=(HANDLE)CallService(MS_DB_EVENT_FINDFIRST,(WPARAM)hContact,0); while ( hDbEvent != NULL ) { toRemove.push_back(hDbEvent); hDbEvent=(HANDLE)CallService(MS_DB_EVENT_FINDNEXT,(WPARAM)hDbEvent,0); } for(std::deque<HANDLE>::iterator it = toRemove.begin(); it != toRemove.end(); ++it) { CallService(MS_DB_EVENT_DELETE,(WPARAM)hContact,(LPARAM)(HANDLE)*it); } if(EventList::IsImportedHistory(hContact)) { TCHAR *message = TranslateT("Do you want delete all imported messages for this contact?\nNote that next scheduler task import this messages again."); if(MessageBox(hWnd, message, TranslateT("Are You sure?"), MB_YESNO | MB_ICONERROR) == IDYES) { EventList::DeleteImporter(hContact); } } RebuildEvents(hContact); return TRUE; } bool HistoryWindow::IsInList(HWND hWnd) { for(std::map<HANDLE, HistoryWindow*>::iterator it = windows.begin(); it != windows.end(); ++it) { if(!it->second->isDestroyed) { if(it->second->hWnd == hWnd) { return true; } } } for(std::vector<HistoryWindow*>::iterator it = freeWindows.begin(); it != freeWindows.end(); ++it) { if(!(*it)->isDestroyed) { if((*it)->hWnd == hWnd) { return true; } } } return false; } void ClickLink(HWND hwnd, ENLINK *penLink) { TCHAR buf[1024]; if(penLink->msg != WM_LBUTTONUP) return; if(penLink->chrg.cpMin >= 0 && penLink->chrg.cpMax > penLink->chrg.cpMin) { // selection int len = penLink->chrg.cpMax - penLink->chrg.cpMin; if(len < 1023) { TEXTRANGE tr; CHARRANGE sel; SendMessage(hwnd, EM_EXGETSEL, 0, (LPARAM) & sel); if (sel.cpMin != sel.cpMax) return; tr.chrg = penLink->chrg; tr.lpstrText = buf; SendMessage(hwnd, EM_GETTEXTRANGE, 0, (LPARAM) & tr); CallService(MS_UTILS_OPENURL, (penLink->nmhdr.code == IDM_OPENNEW ? OUF_NEWWINDOW : 0) | OUF_TCHAR, (LPARAM) tr.lpstrText); } } } void ConvertSize(HWND hwndSrc, HWND hwndDest, RECT& rc) { POINT pt; pt.x = rc.left; pt.y = rc.top; ClientToScreen(hwndSrc, &pt); ScreenToClient(hwndDest, &pt); rc.left = pt.x; rc.top = pt.y; pt.x = rc.right; pt.y = rc.bottom; ClientToScreen(hwndSrc, &pt); ScreenToClient(hwndDest, &pt); rc.right = pt.x; rc.bottom = pt.y; } void OpenOptions(char* group, char* page, char* tab = NULL) { OPENOPTIONSDIALOG op; op.cbSize = sizeof(OPENOPTIONSDIALOG); op.pszGroup = group; op.pszPage = page; op.pszTab = tab; Options_Open(&op); } #define DlgReturn(ret){\ SetWindowLongPtr(hwndDlg, DWLP_MSGRESULT, (ret));\ return (ret);\ } class ShowMessageData { public: ShowMessageData(HANDLE _hContact) :hContact(_hContact) { } ShowMessageData(HANDLE _hContact, const std::wstring &_str) :hContact(_hContact), str(_str) { } HANDLE hContact; std::wstring str; }; void __stdcall ShowMessageWindow(void* arg) { ShowMessageData* dt = (ShowMessageData*)arg; if(dt->str.empty()) CallService(MS_MSG_SENDMESSAGE, (WPARAM)dt->hContact, 0); else CallService(MS_MSG_SENDMESSAGET, (WPARAM)dt->hContact, (LPARAM)dt->str.c_str()); delete dt; } INT_PTR CALLBACK HistoryWindow::DlgProcHistory(HWND hwndDlg, UINT msg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { switch (msg) { case WM_GETMINMAXINFO: ((MINMAXINFO*)lParam)->ptMinTrackSize.x=500; ((MINMAXINFO*)lParam)->ptMinTrackSize.y=380; case WM_SIZE: { UTILRESIZEDIALOG urd={0}; urd.cbSize=sizeof(urd); urd.hwndDlg=hwndDlg; urd.hInstance=hInst; urd.lpTemplate=MAKEINTRESOURCEA(IDD_HISTORY); urd.lParam=0; urd.pfnResizer=HistoryWindow::HistoryDlgResizer; CallService(MS_UTILS_RESIZEDIALOG,0,(LPARAM)&urd); ListView_SetColumnWidth(GetDlgItem(hwndDlg,IDC_LIST), 0, LVSCW_AUTOSIZE_USEHEADER); DlgReturn(TRUE); } case WM_COMMAND: switch ( LOWORD( wParam )) { case IDOK: case IDCANCEL: DestroyWindow(hwndDlg); DlgReturn(TRUE); case IDM_FIND: { HistoryWindow* historyWindow =(HistoryWindow*)GetWindowLongPtr(hwndDlg,GWLP_USERDATA); historyWindow->searcher.Find(); DlgReturn(TRUE); } case IDM_CONFIG: { OPENOPTIONSDIALOG opd = {0}; opd.cbSize = sizeof(OPENOPTIONSDIALOG); opd.pszPage = LPGEN("History"); Options_Open(&opd); DlgReturn(TRUE); } case IDM_DELETE: { HistoryWindow* historyWindow =(HistoryWindow*)GetWindowLongPtr(hwndDlg,GWLP_USERDATA); historyWindow->Delete(0); DlgReturn(TRUE); } case IDC_FIND_TEXT: if(HIWORD(wParam) == EN_CHANGE) { HistoryWindow* historyWindow =(HistoryWindow*)GetWindowLongPtr(hwndDlg,GWLP_USERDATA); historyWindow->searcher.ClearFind(); } DlgReturn(TRUE); case IDC_SHOWHIDE: { if(HIWORD( wParam ) == BN_CLICKED) { HistoryWindow* historyWindow =(HistoryWindow*)GetWindowLongPtr(hwndDlg,GWLP_USERDATA); if(Button_GetCheck(GetDlgItem(hwndDlg,IDC_SHOWHIDE)) & BST_CHECKED) { SendDlgItemMessage( hwndDlg, IDC_SHOWHIDE, BM_SETIMAGE, IMAGE_ICON, (LPARAM)historyWindow->minusIco); SendDlgItemMessage( hwndDlg, IDC_SHOWHIDE, BUTTONADDTOOLTIP, (WPARAM)LPGENT("Hide Contacts"), BATF_TCHAR); historyWindow->isContactList = true; ShowWindow(GetDlgItem(hwndDlg,IDC_LIST_CONTACTS), SW_SHOW); ShowWindow(historyWindow->splitterYhWnd, SW_SHOW); } else { SendDlgItemMessage( hwndDlg, IDC_SHOWHIDE, BM_SETIMAGE, IMAGE_ICON, (LPARAM)historyWindow->plusIco); SendDlgItemMessage( hwndDlg, IDC_SHOWHIDE, BUTTONADDTOOLTIP, (WPARAM)LPGENT("Show Contacts"), BATF_TCHAR); historyWindow->isContactList = false; ShowWindow(GetDlgItem(hwndDlg,IDC_LIST_CONTACTS), SW_HIDE); ShowWindow(historyWindow->splitterYhWnd, SW_HIDE); } SendMessage(hwndDlg, WM_SIZE, 0, 0); } DlgReturn(TRUE); } } break; case WM_NOTIFY: { LPNMHDR pNmhdr; pNmhdr = (LPNMHDR)lParam; switch(pNmhdr->idFrom) { case IDC_LIST_CONTACTS: if(pNmhdr->code == CLN_LISTREBUILT) { HistoryWindow* historyWindow =(HistoryWindow*)GetWindowLongPtr(hwndDlg,GWLP_USERDATA); if(historyWindow != NULL) { historyWindow->ReloadContacts(); } DlgReturn(TRUE); } else if(pNmhdr->code == CLN_MYSELCHANGED) { HistoryWindow* historyWindow =(HistoryWindow*)GetWindowLongPtr(hwndDlg,GWLP_USERDATA); if(historyWindow->ContactChanged()) { MSGFILTER* msgFilter = (MSGFILTER *) lParam; if(msgFilter->msg == WM_LBUTTONDOWN) { SendMessage(pNmhdr->hwndFrom, WM_LBUTTONUP, msgFilter->wParam, msgFilter->lParam); } } DlgReturn(TRUE); } else if(pNmhdr->code == CLN_OPTIONSCHANGED) { ResetCList(hwndDlg); return FALSE; } //fall through //case IDC_LIST_CONTACTS: case IDC_SHOWHIDE: case IDC_FIND_TEXT: case IDC_EDIT: if ( pNmhdr->code == EN_LINK ) { ClickLink(GetDlgItem(hwndDlg, IDC_EDIT), (ENLINK *) lParam); return FALSE; } else if( pNmhdr->code == EN_SELCHANGE) { HistoryWindow* historyWindow =(HistoryWindow*)GetWindowLongPtr(hwndDlg,GWLP_USERDATA); historyWindow->searcher.ClearFind(); } else if(pNmhdr->code == EN_MSGFILTER) { MSGFILTER* msgFilter = (MSGFILTER *) lParam; if (msgFilter->msg == WM_KEYDOWN || msgFilter->msg == WM_SYSKEYDOWN) { HistoryWindow* historyWindow =(HistoryWindow*)GetWindowLongPtr(hwndDlg,GWLP_USERDATA); if(historyWindow->DoHotkey(msgFilter->msg, msgFilter->lParam, msgFilter->wParam, pNmhdr->idFrom)) DlgReturn(TRUE); } else if (msgFilter->msg == WM_RBUTTONDOWN || msgFilter->msg == WM_RBUTTONDBLCLK || msgFilter->msg == WM_NCRBUTTONUP || msgFilter->msg == WM_NCRBUTTONDBLCLK || msgFilter->msg == WM_NCRBUTTONDOWN) { DlgReturn(TRUE); } else if (msgFilter->msg == WM_RBUTTONUP) { HistoryWindow* historyWindow =(HistoryWindow*)GetWindowLongPtr(hwndDlg,GWLP_USERDATA); POINT clicked; LPNMITEMACTIVATE nmlv = (LPNMITEMACTIVATE)lParam; HWND window = historyWindow->editWindow; POINTL p; POINT scrool; LVHITTESTINFO info = {0}; p.x = clicked.x = info.pt.x = GET_X_LPARAM(msgFilter->lParam); p.y = clicked.y = info.pt.y = GET_Y_LPARAM(msgFilter->lParam); ClientToScreen(window, &clicked); SetFocus(window); int selChar = SendMessage(window, EM_CHARFROMPOS, 0, (LPARAM)&p); CHARRANGE chrg; SendMessage(window,EM_EXGETSEL,0,(LPARAM)&chrg); SendMessage(window,EM_GETSCROLLPOS,0,(LPARAM)&scrool); if(selChar < chrg.cpMin || selChar > chrg.cpMax) { chrg.cpMin = chrg.cpMax = selChar; } if(chrg.cpMin == chrg.cpMax) { CHARRANGE chrgNew; chrgNew.cpMin = chrg.cpMin; chrgNew.cpMax = chrg.cpMax + 1; SendMessage(window,EM_EXSETSEL,0,(LPARAM)&chrgNew); } CHARFORMAT2 chf; memset(&chf, 0, sizeof(CHARFORMAT2)); chf.cbSize = sizeof(CHARFORMAT2); chf.dwMask = CFM_LINK; SendMessage(window, EM_GETCHARFORMAT, SCF_SELECTION, (LPARAM)&chf); if(chrg.cpMin == chrg.cpMax) SendMessage(window,EM_EXSETSEL,0,(LPARAM)&chrg); HMENU hPopupMenu = CreatePopupMenu(); if(hPopupMenu != NULL) { if(chf.dwEffects & CFE_LINK) { AppendMenu(hPopupMenu, MF_STRING, IDM_OPENNEW, TranslateT("Open in &new window")); AppendMenu(hPopupMenu, MF_STRING, IDM_OPENEXISTING, TranslateT("&Open in existing window")); AppendMenu(hPopupMenu, MF_STRING, IDM_COPYLINK, TranslateT("&Copy link")); } else { AppendMenu(hPopupMenu, MF_STRING, IDM_COPY, TranslateT("Copy")); AppendMenu(hPopupMenu, MF_STRING, IDM_DELETE, TranslateT("Delete")); AppendMenu(hPopupMenu, MFT_SEPARATOR, 0, NULL); AppendMenu(hPopupMenu, MF_STRING, IDM_MESSAGE, TranslateT("Send Message")); AppendMenu(hPopupMenu, MF_STRING, IDM_QUOTE, TranslateT("Reply &Quoted")); AppendMenu(hPopupMenu, MF_STRING, IDM_DELETEGROUP, TranslateT("Delete Group")); AppendMenu(hPopupMenu, MF_STRING, IDM_DELETEUSER, TranslateT("Delete All User History")); } int selected = TrackPopupMenu(hPopupMenu, TPM_RETURNCMD, clicked.x, clicked.y, 0, hwndDlg, 0); switch (selected) { case IDM_COPY: { if(chrg.cpMax == chrg.cpMin && historyWindow->currentGroup.size() > 0) { size_t start = 0; while(start < historyWindow->currentGroup.size() && chrg.cpMin >= historyWindow->currentGroup[start].endPos) ++start; if(start < historyWindow->currentGroup.size()) { CHARRANGE chrgNew; chrgNew.cpMin = 0; if(start > 0) chrgNew.cpMin = historyWindow->currentGroup[start - 1].endPos; chrgNew.cpMax = historyWindow->currentGroup[start].endPos; SendMessage(window,EM_EXSETSEL,0,(LPARAM)&chrgNew); SendMessage(window,WM_COPY,0,0); SendMessage(window,EM_EXSETSEL,0,(LPARAM)&chrg); } } else { SendMessage(window,WM_COPY,0,0); } } break; case IDM_MESSAGE: //CallService(MS_MSG_SENDMESSAGE, (WPARAM)historyWindow->hContact, 0); CallFunctionAsync(ShowMessageWindow, new ShowMessageData(historyWindow->hContact)); break; case IDM_QUOTE: { if(historyWindow->currentGroup.size() > 0) { std::wstring quote; if(chrg.cpMax == chrg.cpMin) { size_t start = 0; while(start < historyWindow->currentGroup.size() && chrg.cpMin >= historyWindow->currentGroup[start].endPos) ++start; if(start < historyWindow->currentGroup.size()) { historyWindow->FormatQuote(quote, historyWindow->currentGroup[start], historyWindow->currentGroup[start].description); } } else { size_t start = 0; while(start < historyWindow->currentGroup.size() && chrg.cpMin >= historyWindow->currentGroup[start].endPos) ++start; size_t end = 0; while(end < historyWindow->currentGroup.size() && chrg.cpMax > historyWindow->currentGroup[end].endPos) ++end; if(end >= historyWindow->currentGroup.size()) end = historyWindow->currentGroup.size() - 1; if(start == end && start < historyWindow->currentGroup.size()) { int iStart = historyWindow->currentGroup[start].startPos; if(chrg.cpMin > iStart) iStart = chrg.cpMin; int iEnd = historyWindow->currentGroup[start].endPos; if(chrg.cpMax < iEnd) iEnd = chrg.cpMax; if(iEnd > iStart) { TEXTRANGE tr; tr.chrg.cpMin = iStart; tr.chrg.cpMax = iEnd; tr.lpstrText = new TCHAR[iEnd - iStart + 1]; SendMessage(historyWindow->editWindow, EM_GETTEXTRANGE, 0, (LPARAM) & tr); historyWindow->FormatQuote(quote, historyWindow->currentGroup[start], tr.lpstrText); delete [] tr.lpstrText; } } else { while(start <= end) { historyWindow->FormatQuote(quote, historyWindow->currentGroup[start], historyWindow->currentGroup[start].description); ++start; } } } if(!quote.empty()) { CallFunctionAsync(ShowMessageWindow, new ShowMessageData(historyWindow->hContact, quote)); } } } break; case IDM_DELETE: historyWindow->Delete(0); break; case IDM_DELETEGROUP: historyWindow->Delete(1); break; case IDM_DELETEUSER: historyWindow->Delete(2); break; case IDM_OPENNEW: case IDM_OPENEXISTING: case IDM_COPYLINK: { int start = chrg.cpMin, end = chrg.cpMin; CHARRANGE chrgNew; chrgNew.cpMin = start-1; chrgNew.cpMax = start; do { memset(&chf, 0, sizeof(CHARFORMAT2)); chf.cbSize = sizeof(CHARFORMAT2); chf.dwMask = CFM_LINK; int sel = SendMessage(window,EM_EXSETSEL,0,(LPARAM)&chrgNew); if(sel != chrgNew.cpMax) break; SendMessage(window, EM_GETCHARFORMAT, SCF_SELECTION, (LPARAM)&chf); --chrgNew.cpMin; --chrgNew.cpMax; --start; } while(start >= 0 && chf.dwEffects & CFE_LINK); ++start; chrgNew.cpMin = end; chrgNew.cpMax = end + 1; do { memset(&chf, 0, sizeof(CHARFORMAT2)); chf.cbSize = sizeof(CHARFORMAT2); chf.dwMask = CFM_LINK; int sel = SendMessage(window,EM_EXSETSEL,0,(LPARAM)&chrgNew); if(sel != chrgNew.cpMax) break; SendMessage(window, EM_GETCHARFORMAT, SCF_SELECTION, (LPARAM)&chf); ++chrgNew.cpMin; ++chrgNew.cpMax; ++end; } while(chf.dwEffects & CFE_LINK); --end; if(selected == IDM_COPYLINK) { chrgNew.cpMin = start; chrgNew.cpMax = end; SendMessage(window,EM_EXSETSEL,0,(LPARAM)&chrgNew); SendMessage(window,WM_COPY,0,0); SendMessage(window,EM_EXSETSEL,0,(LPARAM)&chrg); } else { ENLINK link; link.chrg.cpMin = start; link.chrg.cpMax = end; link.msg = WM_LBUTTONUP; link.nmhdr.code = selected; SendMessage(window,EM_EXSETSEL,0,(LPARAM)&chrg); ClickLink(window, &link); } } break; } DestroyMenu(hPopupMenu); } SendMessage(window,EM_SETSCROLLPOS,0,(LPARAM)&scrool); DlgReturn(TRUE); } } break; case IDC_LIST: if( pNmhdr->code == LVN_ITEMCHANGED) { NMLISTVIEW *nmlv = (NMLISTVIEW*)lParam; HistoryWindow* historyWindow =(HistoryWindow*)GetWindowLongPtr(hwndDlg,GWLP_USERDATA); if((nmlv->uChanged & LVIF_STATE) && (nmlv->uNewState & LVIS_SELECTED) && historyWindow->selected != nmlv->iItem && nmlv->iItem >= 0) { historyWindow->SelectEventGroup(nmlv->iItem); DlgReturn(TRUE); } } else if( pNmhdr->code == LVN_KEYDOWN) { LPNMLVKEYDOWN nmlv = (LPNMLVKEYDOWN)lParam; HistoryWindow* historyWindow =(HistoryWindow*)GetWindowLongPtr(hwndDlg,GWLP_USERDATA); if(historyWindow->DoHotkey(WM_KEYDOWN, 0, nmlv->wVKey, IDC_LIST)) DlgReturn(TRUE); } else if(pNmhdr->code == NM_RCLICK) { HistoryWindow* historyWindow =(HistoryWindow*)GetWindowLongPtr(hwndDlg,GWLP_USERDATA); POINT clicked; LPNMITEMACTIVATE nmlv = (LPNMITEMACTIVATE)lParam; HWND window = historyWindow->listWindow; LVHITTESTINFO info = {0}; clicked.x = info.pt.x = nmlv->ptAction.x; clicked.y = info.pt.y = nmlv->ptAction.y; ClientToScreen(window, &clicked); int newSel = SendMessage(window, LVM_SUBITEMHITTEST, 0, (LPARAM)&info); int curSel = historyWindow->selected; if(newSel >= 0) { HMENU hPopupMenu = CreatePopupMenu(); if(hPopupMenu != NULL) { AppendMenu(hPopupMenu, MF_STRING, IDM_COPY, TranslateT("Copy")); AppendMenu(hPopupMenu, MF_STRING, IDM_DELETEGROUP, TranslateT("Delete Group")); AppendMenu(hPopupMenu, MFT_SEPARATOR, 0, NULL); AppendMenu(hPopupMenu, MF_STRING, IDM_MESSAGE, TranslateT("Send Message")); AppendMenu(hPopupMenu, MF_STRING, IDM_DELETEUSER, TranslateT("Delete All User History")); int selected = TrackPopupMenu(hPopupMenu, TPM_RETURNCMD, clicked.x, clicked.y, 0, hwndDlg, 0); switch (selected) { case IDM_COPY: { CHARRANGE chrg; SendMessage(historyWindow->editWindow,EM_EXGETSEL,0,(LPARAM)&chrg); CHARRANGE chrgNew; chrgNew.cpMin = 0; chrgNew.cpMax = -1; SendMessage(historyWindow->editWindow,EM_EXSETSEL,0,(LPARAM)&chrgNew); SendMessage(historyWindow->editWindow,WM_COPY,0,0); SendMessage(historyWindow->editWindow,EM_EXSETSEL,0,(LPARAM)&chrg); } break; case IDM_MESSAGE: CallService(MS_MSG_SENDMESSAGE, (WPARAM)historyWindow->hContact, 0); break; case IDM_DELETEGROUP: historyWindow->Delete(1); break; case IDM_DELETEUSER: historyWindow->Delete(2); break; } DestroyMenu(hPopupMenu); } } DlgReturn(TRUE); } break; case IDC_TOOLBAR: if( pNmhdr->code == TBN_DROPDOWN) { LPNMTOOLBAR lpnmTB= (LPNMTOOLBAR)lParam; HistoryWindow* historyWindow =(HistoryWindow*)GetWindowLongPtr(hwndDlg,GWLP_USERDATA); if(lpnmTB->iItem == IDM_FIND) { historyWindow->FindToolbarClicked(lpnmTB); } else if(lpnmTB->iItem == IDM_CONFIG) { historyWindow->ConfigToolbarClicked(lpnmTB); } else if(lpnmTB->iItem == IDM_DELETE) { historyWindow->DeleteToolbarClicked(lpnmTB); } DlgReturn(TBDDRET_DEFAULT); } else if( pNmhdr->code == NM_KEYDOWN) { LPNMKEY nmlv = (LPNMKEY)lParam; HistoryWindow* historyWindow =(HistoryWindow*)GetWindowLongPtr(hwndDlg,GWLP_USERDATA); if(historyWindow->DoHotkey(WM_KEYDOWN, 0, nmlv->nVKey, IDC_TOOLBAR)) DlgReturn(TRUE); } break; } break; } case WM_CTLCOLORDLG: { HistoryWindow* historyWindow =(HistoryWindow*)GetWindowLongPtr(hwndDlg,GWLP_USERDATA); DlgReturn((LONG_PTR)historyWindow->bkBrush); } case WM_CTLCOLORSTATIC: { HistoryWindow* historyWindow =(HistoryWindow*)GetWindowLongPtr(hwndDlg,GWLP_USERDATA); HWND curhWnd = (HWND)lParam; if(historyWindow->splitterXhWnd == curhWnd || historyWindow->splitterYhWnd == curhWnd) { DlgReturn((LONG_PTR)historyWindow->bkBrush); } break; } case WM_CTLCOLOREDIT: { HistoryWindow* historyWindow =(HistoryWindow*)GetWindowLongPtr(hwndDlg,GWLP_USERDATA); HWND curhWnd = (HWND)lParam; if(historyWindow->findWindow == curhWnd) { HDC edithdc = (HDC)wParam; LOGFONT font; SetTextColor(edithdc, Options::instance->GetFont(Options::Find, &font)); SetBkColor(edithdc, Options::instance->GetColor(Options::FindBackground)); DlgReturn((LONG_PTR)historyWindow->bkFindBrush); } break; } case DM_SPLITTERMOVED: { HistoryWindow* historyWindow =(HistoryWindow*)GetWindowLongPtr(hwndDlg,GWLP_USERDATA); historyWindow->SplitterMoved((HWND)lParam, wParam, true); break; } case WM_INITDIALOG: { TranslateDialogDefault(hwndDlg); HistoryWindow* historyWindow = (HistoryWindow*)lParam; historyWindow->hWnd = hwndDlg; historyWindow->isWnd = true; SetWindowLongPtr(hwndDlg,GWLP_USERDATA,(LONG_PTR)lParam); historyWindow->Initialise(); } DlgReturn(TRUE); case DM_HREBUILD: { HistoryWindow* historyWindow =(HistoryWindow*)GetWindowLongPtr(hwndDlg,GWLP_USERDATA); if(!historyWindow->isLoading) { historyWindow->isLoading = true; historyWindow->ReloadContacts(); mir_forkthread(HistoryWindow::FillHistoryThread, historyWindow); } } DlgReturn(TRUE); case WM_DESTROY: { HistoryWindow* historyWindow =(HistoryWindow*)GetWindowLongPtr(hwndDlg,GWLP_USERDATA); historyWindow->Destroy(); } DlgReturn(TRUE); } return FALSE; } void HistoryWindow::Initialise() { splitterXhWnd = GetDlgItem(hWnd, IDC_SPLITTER); splitterYhWnd = GetDlgItem(hWnd, IDC_SPLITTERV); OldSplitterProc = (WNDPROC)SetWindowLongPtr(splitterXhWnd, GWLP_WNDPROC, (LONG_PTR) SplitterSubclassProc); SetWindowLongPtr(splitterYhWnd, GWLP_WNDPROC, (LONG_PTR) SplitterSubclassProc); editWindow = GetDlgItem(hWnd, IDC_EDIT); findWindow = GetDlgItem(hWnd, IDC_FIND_TEXT); toolbarWindow = GetDlgItem(hWnd, IDC_TOOLBAR); listWindow = GetDlgItem(hWnd, IDC_LIST); RECT rc; POINT pt; GetWindowRect(splitterXhWnd, &rc); pt.y = (rc.top + rc.bottom) / 2; pt.x = 0; ScreenToClient(hWnd, &pt); splitterOrgY = pt.y; splitterY = pt.y; GetWindowRect(splitterYhWnd, &rc); pt.y = 0; pt.x = (rc.left + rc.right) / 2; ScreenToClient(hWnd, &pt); splitterOrgX = pt.x; splitterX = pt.x; GetWindowRect(GetDlgItem(hWnd, IDC_LIST_CONTACTS), &rc); pt.y = rc.top; pt.x = rc.left; ScreenToClient(hWnd, &pt); listOryginalPos = pt.x; plusIco = LoadIconEx(IDI_SHOW, 1); minusIco = LoadIconEx(IDI_HIDE, 1); SendDlgItemMessage( hWnd, IDC_SHOWHIDE, BUTTONSETASPUSHBTN, TRUE, 0 ); SendDlgItemMessage( hWnd, IDC_SHOWHIDE, BUTTONSETASFLATBTN, TRUE, 0 ); if(hContact == NULL || Options::instance->showContacts) { SendDlgItemMessage( hWnd, IDC_SHOWHIDE, BM_SETIMAGE, IMAGE_ICON, (LPARAM)minusIco); SendDlgItemMessage( hWnd, IDC_SHOWHIDE, BUTTONADDTOOLTIP, (WPARAM)LPGENT("Hide Contacts"), BATF_TCHAR); Button_SetCheck(GetDlgItem(hWnd,IDC_SHOWHIDE), BST_CHECKED); isContactList = true; } else { SendDlgItemMessage( hWnd, IDC_SHOWHIDE, BM_SETIMAGE, IMAGE_ICON, (LPARAM)plusIco); SendDlgItemMessage( hWnd, IDC_SHOWHIDE, BUTTONADDTOOLTIP, (WPARAM)LPGENT("Show Contacts"), BATF_TCHAR); Button_SetCheck(GetDlgItem(hWnd,IDC_SHOWHIDE), BST_UNCHECKED); ShowWindow(GetDlgItem(hWnd,IDC_LIST_CONTACTS), SW_HIDE); ShowWindow(splitterYhWnd, SW_HIDE); isContactList = false; } RegisterHotkeyControl(GetDlgItem(hWnd, IDC_SHOWHIDE)); RegisterHotkeyControl(GetDlgItem(hWnd, IDC_LIST_CONTACTS)); ResetCList(hWnd); RestorePos(); SendMessage(hWnd, WM_SETICON, ICON_BIG, ( LPARAM )LoadSkinnedIconBig( SKINICON_OTHER_HISTORY )); SendMessage(hWnd, WM_SETICON, ICON_SMALL, ( LPARAM )LoadSkinnedIcon( SKINICON_OTHER_HISTORY )); SendMessage(editWindow,EM_AUTOURLDETECT,TRUE,0); SendMessage(editWindow,EM_SETEVENTMASK,0,ENM_LINK | ENM_SELCHANGE | ENM_KEYEVENTS | ENM_MOUSEEVENTS); SendMessage(editWindow,EM_SETEDITSTYLE,SES_EXTENDBACKCOLOR,SES_EXTENDBACKCOLOR); himlSmall = ImageList_Create(16, 16, ILC_COLOR32 | ILC_MASK, 2, 2); himlNone = ImageList_Create(16, 16, ILC_COLOR32 | ILC_MASK, 2, 2); ImageList_SetIconSize(himlNone, 0, 16); if(himlSmall) { allIconNumber = iconsNum + 3; eventIcons = new HICON[allIconNumber]; for(int i = 0; i < iconsNum; ++i) { eventIcons[i] = Skin_GetIconByHandle( iconList[i].hIcolib ); ImageList_AddIcon(himlSmall, eventIcons[i]); } int id = iconsNum; eventIcons[id] = LoadSkinnedIcon(SKINICON_EVENT_FILE); ImageList_AddIcon(himlSmall, eventIcons[id]); eventIcons[++id] = LoadSkinnedIcon(SKINICON_EVENT_URL); ImageList_AddIcon(himlSmall, eventIcons[id]); eventIcons[++id] = LoadSkinnedIcon(SKINICON_OTHER_WINDOWS); ImageList_AddIcon(himlSmall, eventIcons[id]); if((isGroupImages = Options::instance->groupShowEvents) != false) ListView_SetImageList(listWindow, himlSmall, LVSIL_SMALL); } bkBrush = CreateSolidBrush(Options::instance->GetColor(Options::WindowBackground)); bkFindBrush = CreateSolidBrush(Options::instance->GetColor(Options::FindBackground)); LVCOLUMN col = {0}; col.mask = LVCF_WIDTH | LVCF_TEXT; col.cx = 470; col.pszText = _T(""); ListView_InsertColumn(listWindow, 0, &col); ListView_SetColumnWidth(listWindow, 0, LVSCW_AUTOSIZE_USEHEADER); ListView_SetExtendedListViewStyleEx(listWindow, LVS_EX_FULLROWSELECT, LVS_EX_FULLROWSELECT); COLORREF bkColor = Options::instance->GetColor(Options::GroupListBackground); ListView_SetBkColor(listWindow, bkColor); ListView_SetTextBkColor(listWindow, bkColor); LOGFONT font; ListView_SetTextColor(listWindow, Options::instance->GetFont(Options::GroupList, &font)); Edit_LimitText(findWindow, 100); RegisterHotkeyControl(findWindow); HIMAGELIST himlButtons = ImageList_Create(16, 16, ILC_COLOR32 | ILC_MASK, 3, 3); if(himlButtons) { findNextIco = LoadIconEx(IDI_FINDNEXT); ImageList_AddIcon(himlButtons, findNextIco); findPrevIco = LoadIconEx(IDI_FINDPREV); ImageList_AddIcon(himlButtons, findPrevIco); configIco = LoadSkinnedIcon(SKINICON_OTHER_OPTIONS); ImageList_AddIcon(himlButtons, configIco); deleteIco = LoadSkinnedIcon(SKINICON_OTHER_DELETE); ImageList_AddIcon(himlButtons, deleteIco); // Set the image list. SendMessage(toolbarWindow, TB_SETIMAGELIST, 0, (LPARAM)himlButtons); // Load the button images. SendMessage(toolbarWindow, TB_LOADIMAGES, (WPARAM)IDB_STD_SMALL_COLOR, (LPARAM)HINST_COMMCTRL); } TBBUTTON tbButtons[] = { { 0, IDM_FIND, TBSTATE_ENABLED, BTNS_DROPDOWN, {0}, 0, (INT_PTR)TranslateT("Find Next") }, { 3, IDM_DELETE, TBSTATE_ENABLED, BTNS_DROPDOWN, {0}, 0, (INT_PTR)TranslateT("Delete")}, { 2, IDM_CONFIG, TBSTATE_ENABLED, BTNS_DROPDOWN, {0}, 0, (INT_PTR)TranslateT("Options")}, }; SendMessage(toolbarWindow, TB_BUTTONSTRUCTSIZE, (WPARAM)sizeof(TBBUTTON), 0); SendMessage(toolbarWindow, TB_ADDBUTTONS, (WPARAM)SIZEOF(tbButtons), (LPARAM)&tbButtons); SendMessage(toolbarWindow, TB_SETBUTTONSIZE, 0, MAKELPARAM(16, 16)); SendMessage(toolbarWindow, TB_SETEXTENDEDSTYLE, 0, TBSTYLE_EX_DRAWDDARROWS); SendMessage(toolbarWindow, TB_SETMAXTEXTROWS, 0, 0); SetDefFilter(Options::instance->defFilter); InvalidateRect(listWindow, NULL, TRUE); InvalidateRect(hWnd, NULL, TRUE); SendMessage(hWnd, DM_SETDEFID, IDM_FIND, 0); SendMessage(hWnd, WM_SIZE, 0, 0); SendMessage(hWnd,DM_HREBUILD,0,0); isDestroyed = false; } void HistoryWindow::Destroy() { HICON hIcon = (HICON)SendMessage(hWnd, WM_SETICON, ICON_BIG, 0); Skin_ReleaseIcon(hIcon); hIcon = (HICON)SendMessage(hWnd, WM_SETICON, ICON_SMALL, 0); Skin_ReleaseIcon(hIcon); UnregisterHotkeyControl(GetDlgItem(hWnd, IDC_SHOWHIDE)); UnregisterHotkeyControl(GetDlgItem(hWnd, IDC_LIST_CONTACTS)); UnregisterHotkeyControl(findWindow); isDestroyed = true; HistoryWindow::Close(this); } void HistoryWindow::SplitterMoved(HWND splitter, LONG pos, bool screenPos) { POINT pt; RECT rc1; RECT rc2; POINT pt1; POINT pt2; if(splitter == splitterXhWnd) { GetWindowRect(listWindow, &rc1); GetWindowRect(editWindow, &rc2); pt.x = 0; pt.y = pos; pt1.x = rc1.left; pt1.y = rc1.top; pt2.x = rc2.right; pt2.y = rc2.bottom; if(screenPos) ScreenToClient(hWnd, &pt); ScreenToClient(hWnd, &pt1); ScreenToClient(hWnd, &pt2); if ((pt.y >= pt1.y + MIN_PANELHEIGHT) && (pt.y < pt2.y - MIN_PANELHEIGHT)) { splitterY = pt.y; if(!screenPos) SendMessage(hWnd, WM_SIZE, 0, 0); //if(M->isAero()) // InvalidateRect(GetParent(hwndDlg), NULL, FALSE); } } else { GetWindowRect(GetDlgItem(hWnd, IDC_LIST_CONTACTS), &rc1); GetWindowRect(listWindow, &rc2); pt.x = pos; pt.y = 0; pt1.x = rc1.left; pt1.y = rc1.top; pt2.x = rc2.right; pt2.y = rc2.bottom; if(screenPos) ScreenToClient(hWnd, &pt); ScreenToClient(hWnd, &pt1); ScreenToClient(hWnd, &pt2); if ((pt.x >= pt1.x + MIN_PANELHEIGHT) && (pt.x < pt2.x - MIN_PANELHEIGHT)) { splitterX = pt.x; if(!screenPos) SendMessage(hWnd, WM_SIZE, 0, 0); //if(M->isAero()) // InvalidateRect(GetParent(hwndDlg), NULL, FALSE); } } } int HistoryWindow::HistoryDlgResizer(HWND hwnd, LPARAM, UTILRESIZECONTROL *urc) { HistoryWindow* historyWindow =(HistoryWindow*)GetWindowLongPtr(hwnd,GWLP_USERDATA); switch(urc->wId) { case IDC_LIST: { urc->rcItem.bottom += historyWindow->splitterY - historyWindow->splitterOrgY; urc->rcItem.left += historyWindow->splitterX - historyWindow->splitterOrgX; if(!historyWindow->isContactList) urc->rcItem.left = historyWindow->listOryginalPos; return RD_ANCHORX_WIDTH|RD_ANCHORY_TOP; } case IDC_LIST_CONTACTS: { urc->rcItem.right += historyWindow->splitterX - historyWindow->splitterOrgX; return RD_ANCHORX_LEFT|RD_ANCHORY_HEIGHT; } case IDC_SPLITTER: { urc->rcItem.top += historyWindow->splitterY - historyWindow->splitterOrgY; urc->rcItem.bottom += historyWindow->splitterY - historyWindow->splitterOrgY; urc->rcItem.left += historyWindow->splitterX - historyWindow->splitterOrgX; if(!historyWindow->isContactList) urc->rcItem.left = 0; return RD_ANCHORX_WIDTH|RD_ANCHORY_TOP; } case IDC_SPLITTERV: { urc->rcItem.left += historyWindow->splitterX - historyWindow->splitterOrgX; urc->rcItem.right += historyWindow->splitterX - historyWindow->splitterOrgX; return RD_ANCHORX_LEFT|RD_ANCHORY_HEIGHT; } case IDC_EDIT: { urc->rcItem.top += historyWindow->splitterY - historyWindow->splitterOrgY; urc->rcItem.left += historyWindow->splitterX - historyWindow->splitterOrgX; if(!historyWindow->isContactList) urc->rcItem.left = historyWindow->listOryginalPos; return RD_ANCHORX_WIDTH|RD_ANCHORY_HEIGHT; } case IDC_FIND_TEXT: return RD_ANCHORX_WIDTH|RD_ANCHORY_TOP; case IDC_SHOWHIDE: return RD_ANCHORX_LEFT|RD_ANCHORY_TOP; case IDC_TOOLBAR: return RD_ANCHORX_RIGHT|RD_ANCHORY_TOP; } return RD_ANCHORX_LEFT|RD_ANCHORY_TOP; } void HistoryWindow::FillHistoryThread(void* param) { HistoryWindow *hInfo = ( HistoryWindow* )param; HWND hwndList = hInfo->listWindow; ListView_DeleteAllItems(hwndList); hInfo->SelectEventGroup(-1); hInfo->EnableWindows(FALSE); bool isNewOnTop = Options::instance->groupNewOnTop; hInfo->RefreshEventList(); LVITEM item = {0}; item.mask = LVIF_STATE; item.iItem = 0; item.state = LVIS_SELECTED; item.stateMask = LVIS_SELECTED; if(!isNewOnTop) { item.iItem = ListView_GetItemCount(hwndList) - 1; if(item.iItem < 0) item.iItem = 0; } ListView_SetItem(hwndList, &item); ListView_SetColumnWidth(hwndList, 0, LVSCW_AUTOSIZE_USEHEADER); ListView_EnsureVisible(hwndList, item.iItem, FALSE); hInfo->EnableWindows(TRUE); SetFocus(hwndList); } void HistoryWindow::AddGroup(bool isMe, const std::wstring &time, const std::wstring &user, const std::wstring &eventText, int ico) { TCHAR msg[256]; msg[0] = 0; if(Options::instance->groupShowTime) { _tcscpy_s(msg, time.c_str()); } if(Options::instance->groupShowName) { if(msg[0] != 0) _tcscat_s(msg, _T(" ")); _tcscat_s(msg, user.c_str()); } if(Options::instance->groupShowMessage) { if(msg[0] != 0) _tcscat_s(msg, _T(" ")); _tcscat_s(msg, eventText.c_str()); } LVITEM item = {0}; item.mask = LVIF_TEXT | LVIF_IMAGE; item.iItem = MAXINT; item.pszText = msg; item.iImage = ico; ListView_InsertItem(listWindow, &item); } void HistoryWindow::ReplaceIcons(HWND hwndDlg, int selStart, BOOL isSent) { if(g_SmileyAddAvail) { CHARRANGE sel; SMADD_RICHEDIT3 smadd = {0}; sel.cpMin = selStart; sel.cpMax = -1; smadd.cbSize = sizeof(smadd); smadd.hwndRichEditControl = hwndDlg; smadd.Protocolname = GetContactProto(hContact); smadd.hContact = hContact; smadd.flags = isSent ? SAFLRE_OUTGOING : 0; if (selStart > 0) smadd.rangeToReplace = &sel; CallService(MS_SMILEYADD_REPLACESMILEYS, 0, (LPARAM)&smadd); } } void SetFontFromOptions(ITextFont *TextFont, int caps, Options::Fonts fontId) { COLORREF fontColor; LOGFONT font; fontColor = Options::instance->GetFont(fontId, &font); BSTR bstrFont = SysAllocString(font.lfFaceName); TextFont->SetName(bstrFont); SysFreeString(bstrFont); TextFont->SetForeColor(fontColor); TextFont->SetWeight(font.lfWeight); font.lfHeight = (font.lfHeight * 72) / caps; TextFont->SetSize(font.lfHeight < 0 ? -font.lfHeight : font.lfHeight); TextFont->SetItalic(font.lfItalic ? tomTrue : tomFalse); TextFont->SetItalic(font.lfUnderline ? tomTrue : tomFalse); TextFont->SetItalic(font.lfStrikeOut ? tomTrue : tomFalse); } void HistoryWindow::SelectEventGroup(int sel) { SendMessage(editWindow, WM_SETTEXT, 0, (LPARAM)_T("")); currentGroup.clear(); selected = sel; if(sel < 0 || sel >= (int)eventList.size()) return; TCHAR _str[MAXSELECTSTR + 8]; // for safety reason TCHAR *str = _str + sizeof(int)/sizeof(TCHAR); BSTR pStr = str; unsigned int *strLen = (unsigned int*)_str; str[0] = 0; tm lastTime; bool isFirst = true; bool lastMe = false; long startAt, endAt; long cnt; std::wstring strStl; IRichEditOle* RichEditOle; EventData data; if (SendMessage(editWindow, EM_GETOLEINTERFACE, 0, (LPARAM)&RichEditOle) == 0) return; ITextDocument* TextDocument; if (RichEditOle->QueryInterface(IID_ITextDocument, (void**)&TextDocument) != S_OK) { RichEditOle->Release(); return; } ITextSelection* TextSelection; ITextFont *TextFont; SendMessage(editWindow, EM_SETREADONLY, FALSE, 0); TextDocument->Freeze(&cnt); TextDocument->GetSelection(&TextSelection); HDC hDC = GetDC(NULL); int caps = GetDeviceCaps(hDC, LOGPIXELSY); std::deque<EventIndex> revDeq; std::deque<EventIndex>& deq = eventList[sel]; if(Options::instance->messagesNewOnTop) { revDeq.insert(revDeq.begin(), deq.rbegin(), deq.rend()); deq = revDeq; } COLORREF backColor = GetSysColor(COLOR_WINDOW); for(std::deque<EventIndex>::iterator it = deq.begin(); it != deq.end(); ++it) { EventIndex hDbEvent = *it; if(GetEventData(hDbEvent, data)) { bool isUser = Options::instance->messagesShowName && (isFirst || (!lastMe && data.isMe) || (lastMe && !data.isMe)); lastMe = data.isMe; backColor = Options::instance->GetColor(lastMe ? Options::OutBackground : Options::InBackground); if(Options::instance->messagesShowEvents) { str[0] = _T('>'); str[1] = 0; *strLen = 1 * sizeof(TCHAR); TextSelection->SetStart(MAXLONG); TextSelection->GetFont(&TextFont); TextFont->SetBackColor(backColor); TextSelection->SetText(pStr); TextFont->Release(); int imId; HICON ico; if(GetEventIcon(lastMe, data.eventType, imId)) { ico = eventIcons[imId]; } else { ico = GetEventCoreIcon(hDbEvent); if(ico == NULL) { ico = eventIcons[imId]; } } ImageDataObject::InsertIcon(RichEditOle, ico, backColor, 16, 16); } TCHAR* formatDate = Options::instance->messagesShowSec ? (isUser ? _T("d s ") : _T("d s\n")) : (isUser ? _T("d t ") : _T("d t\n")); if(!Options::instance->messagesShowDate) { if(isFirst) { isFirst = false; formatDate = Options::instance->messagesShowSec ? (isUser ? _T("s ") : _T("s\n")) : (isUser ? _T("t ") : _T("t\n")); time_t tt = data.timestamp; localtime_s(&lastTime, &tt); } else { time_t tt = data.timestamp; tm t; localtime_s(&t, &tt); if(lastTime.tm_yday == t.tm_yday && lastTime.tm_year == t.tm_year) formatDate = Options::instance->messagesShowSec ? (isUser ? _T("s ") : _T("s\n")) : (isUser ? _T("t ") : _T("t\n")); } } tmi.printTimeStamp(NULL, data.timestamp, formatDate, str , MAXSELECTSTR, 0); *strLen = (unsigned int)_tcslen(str) * sizeof(TCHAR); TextSelection->SetStart(MAXLONG); TextSelection->GetFont(&TextFont); SetFontFromOptions(TextFont, caps, lastMe ? Options::OutTimestamp : Options::InTimestamp); TextFont->SetBackColor(backColor); TextSelection->SetText(pStr); TextFont->Release(); if(isUser) { if(lastMe) mir_sntprintf( str, MAXSELECTSTR, _T("%s\n"), myName ); else mir_sntprintf( str, MAXSELECTSTR, _T("%s\n"), contactName ); *strLen = (unsigned int)_tcslen(str) * sizeof(TCHAR); TextSelection->SetStart(MAXLONG); TextSelection->GetFont(&TextFont); SetFontFromOptions(TextFont, caps, lastMe ? Options::OutName : Options::InName); TextSelection->SetText(pStr); TextFont->Release(); } GetEventMessage(hDbEvent, str); strStl = str; size_t i = strStl.length(); if(i + 1 >= MAXSELECTSTR) continue; str[i++] = _T('\n'); str[i] = 0; *strLen = (unsigned int)i * sizeof(TCHAR); TextSelection->SetStart(MAXLONG); TextSelection->GetFont(&TextFont); SetFontFromOptions(TextFont, caps, lastMe ? Options::OutMessages : Options::InMessages); TextFont->SetBackColor(backColor); TextSelection->GetStart(&startAt); TextSelection->SetText(pStr); TextFont->Release(); if(Options::instance->messagesUseSmileys) ReplaceIcons(editWindow, startAt, lastMe); TextSelection->SetStart(MAXLONG); TextSelection->GetStart(&endAt); currentGroup.push_back(MessageData(strStl, startAt, endAt, lastMe, data.timestamp)); } } TextSelection->SetRange(0, 0); TextSelection->Release(); TextDocument->Unfreeze(&cnt); TextDocument->Release(); RichEditOle->Release(); SendMessage(editWindow, EM_SETREADONLY, TRUE, 0); SendMessage(editWindow,EM_SETBKGNDCOLOR,0, backColor); if (cnt == 0) { UpdateWindow(editWindow); } if(isStartSelect && !Options::instance->messagesNewOnTop) { HWND h = SetFocus(editWindow); CHARRANGE ch; ch.cpMin = ch.cpMax = MAXLONG; SendMessage(editWindow,EM_EXSETSEL,0,(LPARAM)&ch); SendMessage(editWindow,EM_SCROLLCARET,0,0); } isStartSelect = false; } LRESULT CALLBACK HistoryWindow::SplitterSubclassProc(HWND hwnd, UINT msg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { HWND hwndParent = GetParent(hwnd); HistoryWindow *dat = (HistoryWindow*)GetWindowLongPtr(hwndParent, GWLP_USERDATA); if(dat == NULL || dat->isDestroyed) return FALSE; switch (msg) { case WM_NCHITTEST: return HTCLIENT; case WM_SETCURSOR: { RECT rc; GetClientRect(hwnd, &rc); SetCursor(rc.right > rc.bottom ? hCurSplitNS : hCurSplitWE); return TRUE; } case WM_LBUTTONDOWN: { SetCapture(hwnd); return 0; } case WM_MOUSEMOVE: if (GetCapture() == hwnd) { RECT rc; GetClientRect(hwnd, &rc); SendMessage(hwndParent, DM_SPLITTERMOVED, rc.right > rc.bottom ? (short) HIWORD(GetMessagePos()) + rc.bottom / 2 : (short) LOWORD(GetMessagePos()) + rc.right / 2, (LPARAM) hwnd); } return 0; case WM_ERASEBKGND: return(1); case WM_LBUTTONUP: { HWND hwndCapture = GetCapture(); ReleaseCapture(); SendMessage(hwndParent, WM_SIZE, 0, 0); RedrawWindow(hwndParent, NULL, NULL, RDW_ALLCHILDREN | RDW_INVALIDATE | RDW_UPDATENOW); return 0; } } return CallWindowProc(dat->OldSplitterProc, hwnd, msg, wParam, lParam); } void HistoryWindow::EnableWindows(BOOL enable) { EnableWindow(GetDlgItem(hWnd,IDC_LIST_CONTACTS), enable); EnableWindow(listWindow, enable); EnableWindow(findWindow, enable); EnableWindow(toolbarWindow, enable); isLoading = !enable; } void HistoryWindow::ReloadContacts() { HWND contactList = GetDlgItem(hWnd,IDC_LIST_CONTACTS); if(EventList::GetContactMessageNumber(NULL)) { if(hSystem == NULL) { CLCINFOITEM cii = { 0 }; cii.cbSize = sizeof(cii); cii.flags = CLCIIF_GROUPFONT | CLCIIF_BELOWCONTACTS; cii.pszText = TranslateT("System"); hSystem = (HANDLE) SendMessage(contactList, CLM_ADDINFOITEM, 0, (LPARAM) & cii); } } else { if(hSystem != NULL) { SendMessage(contactList, CLM_DELETEITEM, (WPARAM)hSystem, 0); hSystem = NULL; } } HANDLE _hContact = db_find_first(); while(_hContact) { if(EventList::GetContactMessageNumber(_hContact) && (metaContactProto == NULL || DBGetContactSettingByte(_hContact, metaContactProto, "IsSubcontact", 0) == 0)) { HANDLE hItem = (HANDLE)SendMessage(contactList, CLM_FINDCONTACT, (WPARAM)_hContact, 0); if(hItem == NULL) { SendMessage(contactList, CLM_ADDCONTACT, (WPARAM)_hContact, 0); } } else { HANDLE hItem = (HANDLE)SendMessage(contactList, CLM_FINDCONTACT, (WPARAM)_hContact, 0); if(hItem != NULL) { SendMessage(contactList, CLM_DELETEITEM, (WPARAM)_hContact, 0); } } _hContact = db_find_next(_hContact); } if(hContact != NULL) { HANDLE hItem = (HANDLE)SendMessage(contactList, CLM_FINDCONTACT, (WPARAM)hContact, 0); if(hItem != NULL) { SendMessage(contactList, CLM_ENSUREVISIBLE, (WPARAM)hItem, 0); SendMessage(contactList, CLM_SELECTITEM, (WPARAM)hItem, 0); } } else if(hSystem != NULL) { SendMessage(contactList, CLM_ENSUREVISIBLE, (WPARAM)hSystem, 0); SendMessage(contactList, CLM_SELECTITEM, (WPARAM)hSystem, 0); } } bool HistoryWindow::DoHotkey(UINT msg, LPARAM lParam, WPARAM wParam, int window) { MSG message; message.hwnd = hWnd; message.message = msg; message.lParam = lParam; message.wParam = wParam; LRESULT mim_hotkey_check = CallService(MS_HOTKEY_CHECK, (WPARAM)&message, (LPARAM)("History")); switch(mim_hotkey_check) { case HISTORY_HK_FIND: SetFocus(findWindow); Edit_SetSel(findWindow, 0, -1); break; case HISTORY_HK_FINDNEXT: searcher.ChangeFindDirection(false); break; case HISTORY_HK_FINDPREV: searcher.ChangeFindDirection(true); break; case HISTORY_HK_MATCHCASE: searcher.SetMatchCase(!searcher.IsMatchCase()); break; case HISTORY_HK_MATCHWHOLE: searcher.SetMatchWholeWords(!searcher.IsMatchWholeWords()); break; case HISTORY_HK_SHOWCONTACTS: Button_SetCheck(GetDlgItem(hWnd, IDC_SHOWHIDE), Button_GetCheck(GetDlgItem(hWnd, IDC_SHOWHIDE)) & BST_CHECKED ? BST_UNCHECKED : BST_CHECKED); SendMessage(hWnd, WM_COMMAND, MAKELONG(IDC_SHOWHIDE, BN_CLICKED), NULL); break; case HISTORY_HK_ONLYIN: searcher.SetOnlyIn(!searcher.IsOnlyIn()); break; case HISTORY_HK_ONLYOUT: searcher.SetOnlyOut(!searcher.IsOnlyOut()); break; case HISTORY_HK_ONLYGROUP: searcher.SetOnlyGroup(!searcher.IsOnlyGroup()); break; case HISTORY_HK_ALLCONTACTS: searcher.SetAllUsers(!searcher.IsAllUsers()); break; case HISTORY_HK_EXRHTML: { ExportManager exp(hWnd, hContact, GetFilterNr()); exp.Export(IExport::RichHtml); } break; case HISTORY_HK_EXPHTML: { ExportManager exp(hWnd, hContact, GetFilterNr()); exp.Export(IExport::PlainHtml); } break; case HISTORY_HK_EXTXT: { ExportManager exp(hWnd, hContact, GetFilterNr()); exp.Export(IExport::Txt); } break; case HISTORY_HK_EXBIN: { ExportManager exp(hWnd, hContact, GetFilterNr()); exp.Export(IExport::Binary); } break; case HISTORY_HK_EXDAT: { ExportManager exp(hWnd, hContact, GetFilterNr()); exp.Export(IExport::Dat); } break; case HISTORY_HK_IMPBIN: { DoImport(IImport::Binary); } break; case HISTORY_HK_IMPDAT: { DoImport(IImport::Dat); } break; case HISTORY_HK_DELETE: { int what = window == IDC_EDIT ? 0 : (window == IDC_LIST ? 1 : (window == IDC_LIST_CONTACTS ? 2 : -1)); Delete(what); return what != -1; } break; default: return false; } return true; } void HistoryWindow::RestorePos() { HANDLE contactToLoad = hContact; if(hContact == NULL) { Utils_RestoreWindowPosition(hWnd,NULL,MODULE,"history_"); contactToLoad = NULL; } else if(Utils_RestoreWindowPosition(hWnd,hContact,MODULE,"history_") != 0) { Utils_RestoreWindowPosition(hWnd,NULL,MODULE,"history_"); contactToLoad = NULL; } if(DBGetContactSettingByte(contactToLoad, MODULE, "history_ismax", 0)) { ShowWindow(hWnd, SW_SHOWMAXIMIZED); } LONG pos = DBGetContactSettingDword(contactToLoad, MODULE, "history_splitterv", 0); if(pos > 0) { SplitterMoved(splitterYhWnd, pos, false); } pos = DBGetContactSettingDword(contactToLoad, MODULE, "history_splitter", 0); if(pos > 0) { SplitterMoved(splitterXhWnd, pos, false); } } void HistoryWindow::SavePos(bool all) { HANDLE contactToSave = hContact; if(all) { HANDLE _hContact = db_find_first(); while(_hContact) { DBDeleteContactSetting(_hContact, MODULE, "history_x"); DBDeleteContactSetting(_hContact, MODULE, "history_y"); DBDeleteContactSetting(_hContact, MODULE, "history_width"); DBDeleteContactSetting(_hContact, MODULE, "history_height"); DBDeleteContactSetting(_hContact, MODULE, "history_ismax"); DBDeleteContactSetting(_hContact, MODULE, "history_splitterv"); DBDeleteContactSetting(_hContact, MODULE, "history_splitter"); _hContact = db_find_next(_hContact); } contactToSave = NULL; } Utils_SaveWindowPosition(hWnd,contactToSave,MODULE,"history_"); WINDOWPLACEMENT wp; wp.length=sizeof(wp); GetWindowPlacement(hWnd,&wp); DBWriteContactSettingByte(contactToSave, MODULE, "history_ismax", wp.showCmd == SW_MAXIMIZE ? 1 : 0); DBWriteContactSettingDword(contactToSave, MODULE, "history_splitterv", splitterX); DBWriteContactSettingDword(contactToSave, MODULE, "history_splitter", splitterY); } #define DEF_FILTERS_START 50000 void HistoryWindow::FindToolbarClicked(LPNMTOOLBAR lpnmTB) { RECT rc; SendMessage(lpnmTB->hdr.hwndFrom, TB_GETRECT, (WPARAM)lpnmTB->iItem, (LPARAM)&rc); MapWindowPoints(lpnmTB->hdr.hwndFrom, HWND_DESKTOP, (LPPOINT)&rc, 2); HMENU hPopupMenu = CreatePopupMenu(); if(hPopupMenu != NULL) { AppendMenu(hPopupMenu, MF_STRING, IDM_FINDNEXT, TranslateT("Find Next")); AppendMenu(hPopupMenu, MF_STRING, IDM_FINDPREV, TranslateT("Find Previous")); AppendMenu(hPopupMenu, MFT_SEPARATOR, 0, NULL); AppendMenu(hPopupMenu, searcher.IsMatchCase() ? MF_STRING | MF_CHECKED : MF_STRING, IDM_MATCHCASE, TranslateT("Match Case")); AppendMenu(hPopupMenu, searcher.IsMatchWholeWords() ? MF_STRING | MF_CHECKED : MF_STRING, IDM_MATCHWHOLE, TranslateT("Match Whole Word")); AppendMenu(hPopupMenu, searcher.IsOnlyIn() ? MF_STRING | MF_CHECKED : MF_STRING, IDM_ONLYIN, TranslateT("Only Incomming Messages")); AppendMenu(hPopupMenu, searcher.IsOnlyOut() ? MF_STRING | MF_CHECKED : MF_STRING, IDM_ONLYOUT, TranslateT("Only Outgoing Messages")); AppendMenu(hPopupMenu, searcher.IsOnlyGroup() ? MF_STRING | MF_CHECKED : MF_STRING, IDM_ONLYGROUP, TranslateT("Only Selected Group")); AppendMenu(hPopupMenu, searcher.IsAllUsers() ? MF_STRING | MF_CHECKED : MF_STRING, IDM_ALLUSERS, TranslateT("All Contacts")); AppendMenu(hPopupMenu, MFT_SEPARATOR, 0, NULL); HMENU hFilterMenu = CreatePopupMenu(); int filter = GetFilterNr(); AppendMenu(hFilterMenu, filter == 0 ? MF_STRING | MF_CHECKED : MF_STRING, IDM_FILTERDEF, TranslateT("Default history events")); AppendMenu(hFilterMenu, filter == 1 ? MF_STRING | MF_CHECKED : MF_STRING, IDM_FILTERALL, TranslateT("All events")); for(size_t i = 0 ; i < Options::instance->customFilters.size(); ++i) { UINT flags = MF_STRING; if(filter - 2 == i) flags |= MF_CHECKED; AppendMenu(hFilterMenu, flags, DEF_FILTERS_START + i, Options::instance->customFilters[i].name.c_str()); } AppendMenu(hPopupMenu, MF_STRING | MF_POPUP, (UINT_PTR)hFilterMenu, TranslateT("Filters")); if(searcher.IsFindBack()) SetMenuDefaultItem(hPopupMenu, IDM_FINDPREV, FALSE); else SetMenuDefaultItem(hPopupMenu, IDM_FINDNEXT, FALSE); int selected = TrackPopupMenu(hPopupMenu, TPM_RETURNCMD, rc.left, rc.bottom, 0, hWnd, 0); switch (selected) { case IDM_FINDNEXT: searcher.ChangeFindDirection(false); break; case IDM_FINDPREV: searcher.ChangeFindDirection(true); break; case IDM_MATCHCASE: searcher.SetMatchCase(!searcher.IsMatchCase()); break; case IDM_MATCHWHOLE: searcher.SetMatchWholeWords(!searcher.IsMatchWholeWords()); break; case IDM_ONLYIN: searcher.SetOnlyIn(!searcher.IsOnlyIn()); break; case IDM_ONLYOUT: searcher.SetOnlyOut(!searcher.IsOnlyOut()); break; case IDM_ONLYGROUP: searcher.SetOnlyGroup(!searcher.IsOnlyGroup()); break; case IDM_ALLUSERS: searcher.SetAllUsers(!searcher.IsAllUsers()); break; case IDM_FILTERDEF: SetDefFilter(0); SendMessage(hWnd,DM_HREBUILD,0,0); break; case IDM_FILTERALL: SetDefFilter(1); SendMessage(hWnd,DM_HREBUILD,0,0); break; default: if(selected >= DEF_FILTERS_START) { SetDefFilter(selected - DEF_FILTERS_START + 2); SendMessage(hWnd,DM_HREBUILD,0,0); } break; } DestroyMenu(hFilterMenu); DestroyMenu(hPopupMenu); } } void HistoryWindow::ConfigToolbarClicked(LPNMTOOLBAR lpnmTB) { RECT rc; SendMessage(lpnmTB->hdr.hwndFrom, TB_GETRECT, (WPARAM)lpnmTB->iItem, (LPARAM)&rc); MapWindowPoints(lpnmTB->hdr.hwndFrom, HWND_DESKTOP, (LPPOINT)&rc, 2); HMENU hPopupMenu = CreatePopupMenu(); if(hPopupMenu != NULL) { AppendMenu(hPopupMenu, MF_STRING, IDM_OPTIONS, TranslateT("Options")); AppendMenu(hPopupMenu, MF_STRING, IDM_FONTS, TranslateT("Fonts & Colors")); AppendMenu(hPopupMenu, MF_STRING, IDM_ICONS, TranslateT("Icons")); AppendMenu(hPopupMenu, MF_STRING, IDM_HOTKEYS, TranslateT("Hotkeys")); AppendMenu(hPopupMenu, MFT_SEPARATOR, 0, NULL); HMENU hExportMenu = CreatePopupMenu(); AppendMenu(hExportMenu, MF_STRING, IDM_EXPORTRHTML, TranslateT("Rich Html")); AppendMenu(hExportMenu, MF_STRING, IDM_EXPORTPHTML, TranslateT("Plain Html")); AppendMenu(hExportMenu, MF_STRING, IDM_EXPORTTXT, TranslateT("Txt")); AppendMenu(hExportMenu, MF_STRING, IDM_EXPORTBINARY, TranslateT("Binary")); AppendMenu(hExportMenu, MF_STRING, IDM_EXPORTDAT, TranslateT("Dat (mContacts)")); HMENU hImportMenu = CreatePopupMenu(); AppendMenu(hImportMenu, MF_STRING, IDM_IMPORTBINARY, TranslateT("Binary")); AppendMenu(hImportMenu, MF_STRING, IDM_IMPORTDAT, TranslateT("Dat (mContacts)")); AppendMenu(hPopupMenu, MF_STRING | MF_POPUP, (UINT_PTR)hExportMenu, TranslateT("Export")); AppendMenu(hPopupMenu, MF_STRING | MF_POPUP, (UINT_PTR)hImportMenu, TranslateT("Import")); AppendMenu(hPopupMenu, MFT_SEPARATOR, 0, NULL); AppendMenu(hPopupMenu, MF_STRING, IDM_SAVEPOS, TranslateT("Save window position as default")); AppendMenu(hPopupMenu, MF_STRING, IDM_SAVEPOSALL, TranslateT("Save window position for all contacts")); SetMenuDefaultItem(hPopupMenu, IDM_OPTIONS, FALSE); int selected = TrackPopupMenu(hPopupMenu, TPM_RETURNCMD, rc.left, rc.bottom, 0, hWnd, 0); switch (selected) { case IDM_OPTIONS: SendMessage(hWnd, WM_COMMAND, IDM_CONFIG, 0); break; case IDM_FONTS: OpenOptions("Customize", "Fonts & Colors"); break; case IDM_ICONS: OpenOptions("Customize", "Icons"); break; case IDM_HOTKEYS: OpenOptions("Customize", "Hotkeys"); break; case IDM_SAVEPOS: SavePos(false); break; case IDM_SAVEPOSALL: SavePos(true); break; case IDM_EXPORTRHTML: { ExportManager exp(hWnd, hContact, GetFilterNr()); exp.Export(IExport::RichHtml); } break; case IDM_EXPORTPHTML: { ExportManager exp(hWnd, hContact, GetFilterNr()); exp.Export(IExport::PlainHtml); } break; case IDM_EXPORTTXT: { ExportManager exp(hWnd, hContact, GetFilterNr()); exp.Export(IExport::Txt); } break; case IDM_EXPORTBINARY: { ExportManager exp(hWnd, hContact, GetFilterNr()); exp.Export(IExport::Binary); } break; case IDM_EXPORTDAT: { ExportManager exp(hWnd, hContact, GetFilterNr()); exp.Export(IExport::Dat); } break; case IDM_IMPORTBINARY: { DoImport(IImport::Binary); } break; case IDM_IMPORTDAT: { DoImport(IImport::Dat); } break; } DestroyMenu(hExportMenu); DestroyMenu(hImportMenu); DestroyMenu(hPopupMenu); } } void HistoryWindow::DoImport(IImport::ImportType type) { ExportManager exp(hWnd, hContact, GetFilterNr()); std::vector<IImport::ExternalMessage> messages; std::wstring err; std::vector<HANDLE> contacts; HANDLE _hContact = db_find_first(); while(_hContact) { contacts.push_back(_hContact); _hContact = db_find_next(_hContact); } bool changeContact = false; HANDLE lastContact = hContact; int i = 1; do { bool differentContact = false; if(exp.Import(type, messages, &err, &differentContact, &contacts)) { int act = MessageBox(hWnd, TranslateT("Do you want save imported messages to local profile?"), TranslateT("Import"), MB_ICONQUESTION | MB_YESNOCANCEL | MB_DEFBUTTON2); if(act == IDYES) { MargeMessages(messages); if(!changeContact) { HistoryWindow::RebuildEvents(hContact); } } else if(act == IDNO) { EventList::AddImporter(hContact, type, exp.GetFileName()); if(!changeContact) { HistoryWindow::RebuildEvents(hContact); } } } else if(differentContact) { int act = MessageBox(hWnd, TranslateT("File contain history for different contact. Do you want to change contact and import?"), TranslateT("Error"), MB_ICONQUESTION | MB_YESNO | MB_DEFBUTTON2); if(act == IDYES) { changeContact = true; hContact = exp.hContact; } } else if(!err.empty()) { MessageBox(hWnd, err.c_str(), TranslateT("Error"), MB_ICONERROR); } } while(changeContact && i--); if(changeContact) { hContact = lastContact; ReloadContacts(); SelectContact(exp.hContact); HistoryWindow::RebuildEvents(exp.hContact); } } void HistoryWindow::DeleteToolbarClicked(LPNMTOOLBAR lpnmTB) { RECT rc; SendMessage(lpnmTB->hdr.hwndFrom, TB_GETRECT, (WPARAM)lpnmTB->iItem, (LPARAM)&rc); MapWindowPoints(lpnmTB->hdr.hwndFrom, HWND_DESKTOP, (LPPOINT)&rc, 2); HMENU hPopupMenu = CreatePopupMenu(); if(hPopupMenu != NULL) { AppendMenu(hPopupMenu, MF_STRING, IDM_DELETE, TranslateT("Delete")); AppendMenu(hPopupMenu, MF_STRING, IDM_DELETEGROUP, TranslateT("Delete Group")); AppendMenu(hPopupMenu, MF_STRING, IDM_DELETEUSER, TranslateT("Delete All User History")); SetMenuDefaultItem(hPopupMenu, IDM_DELETE, FALSE); int selected = TrackPopupMenu(hPopupMenu, TPM_RETURNCMD, rc.left, rc.bottom, 0, hWnd, 0); switch (selected) { case IDM_DELETE: Delete(0); break; case IDM_DELETEGROUP: Delete(1); break; case IDM_DELETEUSER: Delete(2); break; } DestroyMenu(hPopupMenu); } } void HistoryWindow::Delete(int what) { int toDelete = 1; size_t start = 0; size_t end = 0; if(selected < 0 || selected >= (int)eventList.size() || what > 2 || what < 0) return; if(what == 0) { CHARRANGE chrg; SendMessage(editWindow,EM_EXGETSEL,0,(LPARAM)&chrg); if(chrg.cpMin == 0 && chrg.cpMax == -1) { toDelete = (int)currentGroup.size(); } else { while(start < currentGroup.size() && chrg.cpMin >= currentGroup[start].endPos) ++start; end = start; while(end < currentGroup.size() && chrg.cpMax > currentGroup[end].endPos) ++end; if(start >= currentGroup.size()) return; if(end < currentGroup.size()) ++end; toDelete = (int)(end - start); } } else if(what == 1) { end = currentGroup.size(); toDelete = (int)end; } else { if(eventList.size() == 0) return; toDelete = 1; } if(toDelete == 0) return; TCHAR message[256]; if(what == 2) _tcscpy_s(message, TranslateT("This operation will PERMANENTLY REMOVE all history for this contact.\nAre you sure you want to do this?")); else _stprintf_s(message, TranslateT("Number of history items to delete: %d.\nAre you sure you want to do this?"), toDelete); if(MessageBox(hWnd, message, TranslateT("Are You sure?"), MB_OKCANCEL | MB_ICONERROR) != IDOK) return; bool areImpMessages = false; bool rebuild = false; if(what == 2) { for(size_t j = 0; j < eventList.size(); ++j) { for(size_t i = 0; i < eventList[j].size(); ++i) { DeleteEvent(eventList[j][i]); } } areImpMessages = EventList::IsImportedHistory(hContact); rebuild = true; } else { for(size_t i = start; i < end; ++i) { EventIndex& ev = eventList[selected][i]; DeleteEvent(ev); areImpMessages |= ev.isExternal; } if(start == 0 && end == currentGroup.size()) { rebuild = true; } else { rebuild = false; } } if(areImpMessages) { TCHAR *message = TranslateT("Do you want delete all imported messages for this contact?\nNote that next scheduler task import this messages again."); if(MessageBox(hWnd, message, TranslateT("Are You sure?"), MB_YESNO | MB_ICONERROR) == IDYES) { EventList::DeleteImporter(hContact); rebuild = true; } } if(rebuild) { RebuildEvents(hContact); } else { RebuildGroup(selected); SelectEventGroup(selected); } } bool HistoryWindow::ContactChanged(bool sync) { if(!isLoading) { HANDLE hItem = (HANDLE)SendDlgItemMessage(hWnd, IDC_LIST_CONTACTS, CLM_GETSELECTION, 0, 0); if(hItem != NULL) { int typeOf = SendDlgItemMessage(hWnd, IDC_LIST_CONTACTS, CLM_GETITEMTYPE,(WPARAM)hItem,0); if(typeOf == CLCIT_CONTACT) { if(hContact != hItem) { ChangeToFreeWindow(this); isLoading = true; hContact = hItem; ReloadContacts(); if(sync) FillHistoryThread(this); else mir_forkthread(HistoryWindow::FillHistoryThread, this); return true; } } else if(typeOf == CLCIT_INFO && hSystem == hItem) { if(hContact != NULL) { ChangeToFreeWindow(this); isLoading = true; hContact = NULL; ReloadContacts(); if(sync) FillHistoryThread(this); else mir_forkthread(HistoryWindow::FillHistoryThread, this); return true; } } } } return false; } void HistoryWindow::GroupImagesChanged() { if(isGroupImages != Options::instance->groupShowEvents) { isGroupImages = Options::instance->groupShowEvents; if(isGroupImages) { ListView_SetImageList(listWindow, himlSmall, LVSIL_SMALL); } else { ListView_SetImageList(listWindow, himlNone, LVSIL_SMALL); } } } void HistoryWindow::FormatQuote(std::wstring& quote, const MessageData& md, const std::wstring& msg) { if(md.isMe) quote += myName; else quote += contactName; TCHAR str[32]; tmi.printTimeStamp(NULL, md.timestamp, _T("d t"), str , 32, 0); quote += _T(", "); quote += str; quote += _T("\n"); int f = 0; do { int nf = (int)msg.find_first_of(_T("\r\n"), f); if(nf >= 0 && nf < (int)msg.length()) { if(nf - f >= 0 ) { quote += _T(">"); quote += msg.substr(f, nf - f); quote += _T("\n"); } f = nf + 1; if(msg[nf] == _T('\r') && f < (int)msg.length() && msg[f] == _T('\n')) ++f; } else if(msg.length() - f > 0) { quote += _T(">"); quote += msg.substr(f, msg.length() - f); quote += _T("\n"); f = -1; } else f = -1; } while(f > 0 && f < (int)msg.length()); } HANDLE HistoryWindow::GetNextContact(HANDLE hContact, int adder) { HWND contactList = GetDlgItem(hWnd,IDC_LIST_CONTACTS); bool find = false; HANDLE _hContact; if(adder > 0) { if(hContact != NULL) { _hContact = db_find_next(hContact); while(_hContact) { HANDLE hItem = (HANDLE)SendMessage(contactList, CLM_FINDCONTACT, (WPARAM)_hContact, 0); if(hItem != NULL) { find = true; break; } _hContact = db_find_next(_hContact); } if(!find && EventList::GetContactMessageNumber(NULL)) { _hContact = NULL; find = true; } } if(!find) { _hContact = db_find_first(); while(_hContact && _hContact != hContact) { HANDLE hItem = (HANDLE)SendMessage(contactList, CLM_FINDCONTACT, (WPARAM)_hContact, 0); if(hItem != NULL) { find = true; break; } _hContact = db_find_next(_hContact); } } } else { HANDLE lastContact = NULL; _hContact = db_find_first(); while(_hContact && _hContact != hContact) { HANDLE hItem = (HANDLE)SendMessage(contactList, CLM_FINDCONTACT, (WPARAM)_hContact, 0); if(hItem != NULL) { lastContact = _hContact; } _hContact = db_find_next(_hContact); } if(hContact != NULL) { if(lastContact == NULL && !EventList::GetContactMessageNumber(NULL)) { _hContact = db_find_next(hContact); while(_hContact) { HANDLE hItem = (HANDLE)SendMessage(contactList, CLM_FINDCONTACT, (WPARAM)_hContact, 0); if(hItem != NULL) { lastContact = _hContact; } _hContact = db_find_next(_hContact); } } if(lastContact != NULL || EventList::GetContactMessageNumber(NULL)) { _hContact = lastContact; find = true; } } else if(lastContact != NULL) { _hContact = lastContact; find = true; } } if(find) { return _hContact; } else { return hContact; } } void HistoryWindow::SelectContact(HANDLE _hContact) { if(hContact != _hContact) { HWND contactList = GetDlgItem(hWnd,IDC_LIST_CONTACTS); if(_hContact != NULL) { HANDLE hItem = (HANDLE)SendMessage(contactList, CLM_FINDCONTACT, (WPARAM)_hContact, 0); if(hItem != NULL) { SendMessage(contactList, CLM_ENSUREVISIBLE, (WPARAM)hItem, 0); SendMessage(contactList, CLM_SELECTITEM, (WPARAM)hItem, 0); } } else { SendMessage(contactList, CLM_ENSUREVISIBLE, (WPARAM)hSystem, 0); SendMessage(contactList, CLM_SELECTITEM, (WPARAM)hSystem, 0); } while(isLoading) Sleep(100); ContactChanged(true); } } void ResetCList(HWND hWnd) { COLORREF bkCLColor = Options::instance->GetColor(Options::ContactListBackground); SendDlgItemMessage(hWnd, IDC_LIST_CONTACTS, CLM_SETBKBITMAP, 0, (LPARAM)(HBITMAP) NULL); SendDlgItemMessage(hWnd, IDC_LIST_CONTACTS, CLM_SETBKCOLOR, bkCLColor, 0); SendDlgItemMessage(hWnd, IDC_LIST_CONTACTS, CLM_SETUSEGROUPS, Options::instance->showContactGroups, 0); }