/* Bonsai plugin for Miranda IM Copyright © 2006 Cristian Libotean This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ #include "services.h" static CRITICAL_SECTION csServices; static DWORD OPTIONS_ADDPAGE_HASH = NameHashFunction("Opt/AddPage"); CALLSERVICEFUNCTION realCallServiceFunction = NULL; int InitServices() { InitializeCriticalSection(&csServices); HookRealServices(); return 0; } int DestroyServices() { UnhookRealServices(); DeleteCriticalSection(&csServices); return 0; } void HookRealServices() { Log("Hooking real CallService(). Replacing 0x%p with 0x%p", pluginLink->CallService, BonsaiCallServiceFunction); realCallServiceFunction = pluginLink->CallService; pluginLink->CallService = BonsaiCallServiceFunction; } void UnhookRealServices() { Log("Unhooking real CallService(). Replacing 0x%p with 0x%p", pluginLink->CallService, realCallServiceFunction); EnterCriticalSection(&csServices); pluginLink->CallService = realCallServiceFunction; LeaveCriticalSection(&csServices); } INT_PTR BonsaiCallServiceFunction(const char *name, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { int res; int run = 1; int fix = 0; const int MAX_SIZE = 256; WCHAR group[MAX_SIZE]; WCHAR title[MAX_SIZE]; WCHAR tabTitle[MAX_SIZE]; BYTE temp[200] = {0}; OPTIONSDIALOGPAGE *options = (OPTIONSDIALOGPAGE *) lParam; if (NameHashFunction(name) == OPTIONS_ADDPAGE_HASH) { memmove(temp, options, options->cbSize); options = (OPTIONSDIALOGPAGE *) temp; //EnterCriticalSection(&csServices); if ((options->cbSize > 60) && !(options->flags & ODPF_UNICODE) && (options->pszTab) && (!bUseANSIStrings)) { MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, 0, options->pszTab, -1, tabTitle, MAX_SIZE); options->pszTab = (char *) tabTitle; } FixPluginOptions(name, options, group, MAX_SIZE, title, MAX_SIZE); if (!options->pszTitle) { run = 0; } } res = (run) ? realCallServiceFunction(name, wParam, (LPARAM) options) : CALLSERVICE_NOTFOUND; return res; } int FixPluginOptions(const char *serviceName, void *options, WCHAR *group, int cGroup, WCHAR *title, int cTitle) { MEMORY_BASIC_INFORMATION mbi; HINSTANCE hInstance; const int MODULE_MAX_SIZE = 256; char mod[MODULE_MAX_SIZE]; WCHAR plugin[MODULE_MAX_SIZE]; mod[0] = '\0'; if(VirtualQuery(serviceName, &mbi, sizeof(mbi) )) { hInstance = (HINSTANCE)(mbi.AllocationBase); char mod_path[MAX_PATH]; GetModuleFileName(hInstance, mod_path, MAX_PATH); // chop path char *p = strrchr(mod_path, '.'); if (p) { p[0] = '\0'; } p = strrchr(mod_path, '\\'); if(p) { p++; strncpy(mod, p, sizeof(mod)); } } if (strlen(mod) > 0) { if (bUseANSIStrings) { _strlwr(mod); } MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, 0, mod, -1, plugin, MODULE_MAX_SIZE); const int MAX_SIZE = 256; WCHAR temp1[MAX_SIZE]; WCHAR temp2[MAX_SIZE]; WCHAR *optGroup = temp1; WCHAR *optTitle = temp2; OPTIONSDIALOGPAGE *odp = (OPTIONSDIALOGPAGE *) options; temp1[0] = temp2[0] = L'\0'; if ((odp->flags & ODPF_UNICODE) && (odp->cbSize > 40)) { optGroup = (WCHAR *) odp->pszGroup; optTitle = (WCHAR *) odp->pszTitle; Log("[UNICODE] %-15S - Initial options location %S->%S (unicode)", plugin, optGroup, optTitle); } else{ Log(" %-15S - Initial options location %s->%s", plugin, odp->pszGroup, odp->pszTitle); MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, 0, odp->pszGroup, -1, temp1, MAX_SIZE); MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, 0, odp->pszTitle, -1, temp2, MAX_SIZE); if (odp->cbSize > 40) //some old plugins don't have flags variable in structure { odp->flags |= ODPF_UNICODE; } } int index = lstPluginOptions.Add(plugin, optGroup, optTitle); odp->pszGroup = (char *) GetPluginGroup(lstPluginOptions[index], group, cGroup); odp->pszTitle = (char *) GetPluginTitle(lstPluginOptions[index], title, cTitle); Log("[UNICODE] %-15S - New options location %S->%S", plugin, odp->pszGroup, odp->pszTitle); if ((bUseANSIStrings) || (odp->cbSize <= 40)) //if plugins doesn't have flags variable in structure then they only support ansi strings { Log(" Plugin is either very old or we're running on Windows 98, converting back to ansi strings ..."); WCHAR temp[MAX_SIZE]; if (odp->pszGroup) { wcsncpy(temp, (WCHAR *) odp->pszGroup, MAX_SIZE); WideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP, 0, temp, -1, odp->pszGroup, cGroup, NULL, NULL); } if (odp->pszTitle) { wcsncpy(temp, (WCHAR *) odp->pszTitle, MAX_SIZE); WideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP, 0, temp, -1, odp->pszTitle, cTitle, NULL, NULL); } if (odp->cbSize > 40) { Log(" Windows98 - Resetting ODPF_UNICODE flag"); odp->flags &= ~ODPF_UNICODE; } } } return 0; }