#include "stdafx.h" CMPlugin g_plugin; MWindowList hWindowList; static HGENMENU g_hMenuItem; ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// PLUGININFOEX pluginInfoEx = { sizeof(PLUGININFOEX), __PLUGIN_NAME, PLUGIN_MAKE_VERSION(__MAJOR_VERSION, __MINOR_VERSION, __RELEASE_NUM, __BUILD_NUM), __DESCRIPTION, __AUTHOR, __COPYRIGHT, __AUTHORWEB, UNICODE_AWARE, // {A9E9C114-84B9-434B-A3D5-89921D39DDFF} {0xa9e9c114, 0x84b9, 0x434b, {0xa3, 0xd5, 0x89, 0x92, 0x1d, 0x39, 0xdd, 0xff}} }; CMPlugin::CMPlugin() : PLUGIN("BuddyPounce", pluginInfoEx) {} ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// int MsgAck(WPARAM, LPARAM lParam) { ACKDATA *ack = (ACKDATA*)lParam; if (ack && ack->type == ACKTYPE_MESSAGE) { if (ack->hProcess == (HANDLE)WindowList_Find(hWindowList, ack->hContact)) { if (g_plugin.getByte("ShowDeliveryMessages", 1)) CreateMessageAcknowlegedWindow(ack->hContact, ack->result == ACKRESULT_SUCCESS); if (ack->result == ACKRESULT_SUCCESS) { // wrtie it to the DB DBEVENTINFO dbei = {}; DBVARIANT dbv; int reuse = g_plugin.getByte(ack->hContact, "Reuse"); if (!g_plugin.getWString(ack->hContact, "PounceMsg", &dbv) && (dbv.pwszVal[0] != '\0')) { T2Utf pszUtf(dbv.pwszVal); dbei.eventType = EVENTTYPE_MESSAGE; dbei.flags = DBEF_UTF | DBEF_SENT; dbei.szModule = (char*)ack->szModule; dbei.timestamp = time(0); dbei.cbBlob = (int)mir_strlen(pszUtf) + 1; dbei.pBlob = (PBYTE)(char*)pszUtf; db_event_add(ack->hContact, &dbei); } // check to reuse if (reuse > 1) g_plugin.setByte(ack->hContact, "Reuse", (BYTE)(reuse - 1)); else { g_plugin.setByte(ack->hContact, "Reuse", 0); g_plugin.setWString(ack->hContact, "PounceMsg", L""); } } WindowList_Remove(hWindowList, (HWND)ack->hProcess); } } return 0; } int PrebuildContactMenu(WPARAM hContact, LPARAM) { Menu_ShowItem(g_hMenuItem, (CallProtoService(GetContactProto(hContact), PS_GETCAPS, PFLAGNUM_1) & PF1_IM) != 0); return 0; } int BuddyPounceOptInit(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM) { OPTIONSDIALOGPAGE odp = {}; odp.flags = ODPF_BOLDGROUPS | ODPF_UNICODE; odp.pszTemplate = MAKEINTRESOURCEA(IDD_OPTIONS); odp.szGroup.w = LPGENW("Message sessions"); odp.szTitle.w = LPGENW("Buddy Pounce"); odp.pfnDlgProc = BuddyPounceOptionsDlgProc; g_plugin.addOptions(wParam, &odp); return 0; } int statusCheck(int statusFlag, int status) { if (statusFlag == ANY || !statusFlag) return 1; switch (status) { case ID_STATUS_OFFLINE: return 0; case ID_STATUS_ONLINE: return (statusFlag & ONLINE); case ID_STATUS_AWAY: return (statusFlag & AWAY); case ID_STATUS_NA: return (statusFlag & NA); case ID_STATUS_OCCUPIED: return (statusFlag & OCCUPIED); case ID_STATUS_DND: return (statusFlag & DND); case ID_STATUS_FREECHAT: return (statusFlag & FFC); case ID_STATUS_INVISIBLE: return (statusFlag & INVISIBLE); } return 0; } int CheckDate(MCONTACT hContact) { time_t curtime = time(nullptr); if (!g_plugin.getByte(hContact, "GiveUpDays", 0)) return 1; if (g_plugin.getByte(hContact, "GiveUpDays", 0) && (abs((time_t)g_plugin.getDword(hContact, "GiveUpDate", 0)) > curtime)) return 1; return 0; } void SendPounce(wchar_t *text, MCONTACT hContact) { if (HANDLE hSendId = (HANDLE)ProtoChainSend(hContact, PSS_MESSAGE, 0, T2Utf(text))) WindowList_Add(hWindowList, (HWND)hSendId, hContact); } int UserOnlineSettingChanged(WPARAM hContact, LPARAM lParam) { DBCONTACTWRITESETTING *cws = (DBCONTACTWRITESETTING*)lParam; char *szProto = GetContactProto(hContact); if (hContact == NULL || strcmp(cws->szSetting, "Status")) return 0; if (szProto && (CallProtoService(szProto, PS_GETCAPS, PFLAGNUM_1, 0) & PF1_IM)) { int newStatus = cws->value.wVal; int oldStatus = db_get_w(hContact, "UserOnline", "OldStatus", ID_STATUS_OFFLINE); if (newStatus != oldStatus && newStatus != ID_STATUS_OFFLINE) { DBVARIANT dbv; if (!g_plugin.getWString(hContact, "PounceMsg", &dbv) && (dbv.pwszVal[0] != '\0')) { // check my status if (statusCheck(g_plugin.getWord(hContact, "SendIfMyStatusIsFLAG", 0), Proto_GetStatus(szProto)) // check the contacts status && statusCheck(g_plugin.getWord(hContact, "SendIfTheirStatusIsFLAG", 0), newStatus)) { // check if we r giving up after x days if (CheckDate(hContact)) { if (g_plugin.getWord(hContact, "ConfirmTimeout", 0)) { SendPounceDlgProcStruct *spdps = (SendPounceDlgProcStruct *)mir_alloc(sizeof(SendPounceDlgProcStruct)); wchar_t *message = mir_wstrdup(dbv.pwszVal); // will get free()ed in the send confirm window proc spdps->hContact = hContact; spdps->message = message; CreateDialogParam(g_plugin.getInst(), MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDD_CONFIRMSEND), nullptr, SendPounceDlgProc, (LPARAM)spdps); // set the confirmation window to send the msg when the timeout is done mir_free(message); } else SendPounce(dbv.pwszVal, hContact); } } db_free(&dbv); } } } return 0; } INT_PTR BuddyPounceMenuCommand(WPARAM hContact, LPARAM) { if (g_plugin.getByte("UseAdvanced", 0) || g_plugin.getByte(hContact, "UseAdvanced", 0)) CreateDialogParam(g_plugin.getInst(), MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDD_POUNCE), nullptr, BuddyPounceDlgProc, hContact); else CreateDialogParam(g_plugin.getInst(), MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDD_POUNCE_SIMPLE), nullptr, BuddyPounceSimpleDlgProc, hContact); return 0; } INT_PTR AddSimpleMessage(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { MCONTACT hContact = wParam; wchar_t* message = (wchar_t*)lParam; g_plugin.setWString(hContact, "PounceMsg", message); g_plugin.setWord(hContact, "SendIfMyStatusIsFLAG", (WORD)g_plugin.getWord("SendIfMyStatusIsFLAG", 1)); g_plugin.setWord(hContact, "SendIfTheirStatusIsFLAG", (WORD)g_plugin.getWord("SendIfTheirStatusIsFLAG", 1)); g_plugin.setByte(hContact, "Reuse", (BYTE)g_plugin.getByte("Reuse", 0)); g_plugin.setByte(hContact, "GiveUpDays", (BYTE)g_plugin.getByte("GiveUpDays", 0)); g_plugin.setDword(hContact, "GiveUpDate", (DWORD)(g_plugin.getByte(hContact, "GiveUpDays", 0)*SECONDSINADAY)); return 0; } INT_PTR AddToPounce(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { MCONTACT hContact = wParam; wchar_t* message = (wchar_t*)lParam; DBVARIANT dbv; if (!g_plugin.getWString(hContact, "PounceMsg", &dbv)) { wchar_t* newPounce = (wchar_t*)mir_alloc(mir_wstrlen(dbv.pwszVal) + mir_wstrlen(message) + 1); if (!newPounce) return 1; mir_wstrcpy(newPounce, dbv.pwszVal); mir_wstrcat(newPounce, message); g_plugin.setWString(hContact, "PounceMsg", newPounce); mir_free(newPounce); db_free(&dbv); } else AddSimpleMessage(hContact, (LPARAM)message); return 0; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Load (hook ModulesLoaded) int CMPlugin::Load() { HookEvent(ME_CLIST_PREBUILDCONTACTMENU, PrebuildContactMenu); HookEvent(ME_DB_CONTACT_SETTINGCHANGED, UserOnlineSettingChanged); HookEvent(ME_OPT_INITIALISE, BuddyPounceOptInit); HookEvent(ME_PROTO_ACK, MsgAck); CMenuItem mi(&g_plugin); SET_UID(mi, 0x719c1596, 0xb0fd, 0x4c74, 0xb7, 0xe4, 0xeb, 0x22, 0xf4, 0x99, 0xd7, 0x68); mi.position = 10; mi.hIcolibItem = LoadIcon(g_plugin.getInst(), MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDI_POUNCE)); mi.name.a = LPGEN("&Buddy Pounce"); mi.pszService = "BuddyPounce/MenuCommand"; g_hMenuItem = Menu_AddContactMenuItem(&mi); CreateServiceFunction(mi.pszService, BuddyPounceMenuCommand); hWindowList = WindowList_Create(); // service funcitons for other devs... */ CreateServiceFunction("BuddyPounce/AddSimplePounce", AddSimpleMessage); // add a simple pounce to a contact CreateServiceFunction("BuddyPounce/AddToPounce", AddToPounce); // add to the exsisitng pounce, if there isnt 1 then add a new simple pounce. return 0; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// int CMPlugin::Unload() { WindowList_Destroy(hWindowList); return 0; }