; Common strings that belong to many files ;[Add] ;[Add new item] ;[Custom Status List] ;[Modify] ; ../../plugins/CSList/cslist.cpp ;[Do you really want to delete selected item?] ;[Do you want old database entries to be deleted after Import?] ;[Favourites] ;[Message] ;[Modify item] ;[Regular statuses] ;[Status] ;[This field doesn't accept string longer than %d characters. The string will be truncated.] ;[Title] ;[Warning] ; ../../plugins/CSList/cslist.h ;[Afraid] ;[Amazed] ;[Amorous] ;[Angry] ;[Annoyed] ;[Anxious] ;[Aroused] ;[Ashamed] ;[Bored] ;[Brave] ;[Browsing] ;[Business] ;[Calm] ;[Cautious] ;[Clear] ;[Clear custom status (reset to None) and close] ;[Close without changing custom status] ;[Coffee] ;[Cold] ;[Confident] ;[Confused] ;[Contemplative] ;[Contented] ;[Cranky] ;[Crazy] ;[Creative] ;[Curious] ;[Dejected] ;[Delete selected item] ;[Depressed] ;[Disappointed] ;[Disgusted] ;[Dismayed] ;[Distracted] ;[Drinking beer] ;[Eating] ;[Embarrassed] ;[Envious] ;[Excited] ;[Favourite] ;[Feeling sick] ;[Filter] ;[Filter list] ;[Flirtatious] ;[Frustrated] ;[Gaming] ;[Grateful] ;[Grieving] ;[Grumpy] ;[Guilty] ;[Happy] ;[Having fun] ;[Hopeful] ;[Hot] ;[Humbled] ;[Humiliated] ;[Hungry] ;[Hurt] ;[I'm high] ;[Import] ;[Import statuses from database] ;[Impressed] ;[In awe] ;[In love] ;[Indignant] ;[Interested] ;[Intoxicated] ;[Invincible] ;[Jealous] ;[Journal] ;[Listening to music] ;[Lonely] ;[Lost] ;[Love] ;[Lucky] ;[Main Icon] ;[Main Menu] ;[Mean] ;[Meeting] ;[Modify selected item] ;[Moody] ;[Nervous] ;[Neutral] ;[No change] ;[Offended] ;[On WC] ;[On the phone] ;[Outraged] ;[PDA] ;[Party] ;[Picnic] ;[Playful] ;[Proud] ;[Relaxed] ;[Relieved] ;[Remorseful] ;[Remove] ;[Restless] ;[Sad] ;[Sarcastic] ;[Satisfied] ;[Searching] ;[Serious] ;[Set] ;[Set custom status to selected one and close] ;[Set/unset current item as favorite] ;[Sex] ;[Shocked] ;[Shooting] ;[Shopping] ;[Shy] ;[Sick] ;[Sleeping] ;[Sleepy] ;[Smoking] ;[Spontaneous] ;[Stressed] ;[Strong] ;[Studying] ;[Surfing] ;[Surprised] ;[Taking a bath] ;[Thankful] ;[Thinking] ;[Thirsty] ;[Tired] ;[To be or not to be] ;[Typing] ;[Undefined] ;[Undo changes] ;[Watching TV] ;[Watching pro7 on TV] ;[Weak] ;[Working] ;[Worried] ; ../../plugins/CSList/cslist.rc ;[A] ;[Add/Modify] ;[Add/Modify Custom Status] ;[Allow extra ICQ Custom status items (ICQ Plus only)] ;[C] ;[Cancel] ;[Confirm deletion of items] ;[D] ;[Delete entries in ICQ Custom status menu after Import] ;[F] ;[I] ;[List settings] ;[M] ;[N] ;[No items available in the database.\nClick the Add button to define some.] ;[Note: Menu items are only visible when at least one ICQ account is properly set. Check if you have at least one account with UIN filled in.] ;[O] ;[Remember last window position] ;[U]