/* ========================================================================

                              Custom Status List

  Custom Status List plugin for Miranda-IM (www.miranda-im.org)
  Follower of Custom Status History List by HANAX
  Copyright � 2006-2008 HANAX
  Copyright � 2007-2009 jarvis

  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
  modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
  as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
  of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
  GNU General Public License for more details.

  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
  along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
  Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307, USA.


  Offers List of your Custom Statuses.


// ====[ INCLUDES AND DEFINITIONS ]======================================== */

#ifndef __CSLIST_H
#define __CSLIST_H 1

#define WINVER          0x501
#define _WIN32_WINNT    0x501
#define _WIN32_IE	    0x600


#include <windows.h>

#include <newpluginapi.h>
#include <m_database.h>
#include <m_system_cpp.h>
#include <m_langpack.h>
#include <m_clistint.h>
#include <m_icolib.h>
#include <m_protosvc.h>
#include <m_xstatus.h>
#include <m_options.h>
#include <m_hotkeys.h>

#include <m_variables.h>
#include <win2k.h>

#include "resource.h"
#include "version.h"

// ====[ BASIC DEFINITIONS ]==================================================

#define MODULENAME	       LPGEN("Custom Status List")
#define MODNAME		"CSList"

// ====[ LIMITS ]=============================================================

#define EXTRASTATUS_TITLE_LIMIT			64   // limit of chars for extra status title
#define EXTRASTATUS_MESSAGE_LIMIT		2048 // limit of chars for extra status message

// ====[ DEFAULT DB VALUES ]==================================================

#define DEFAULT_ICQ_XSTATUS_ENABLED                 1
#define DEFAULT_PLUGIN_SHOW_RELNOTES                0
#define DEFAULT_ITEMS_COUNT                         0
#define DEFAULT_ITEM_ICON                           0
#define DEFAULT_ITEM_IS_FAVOURITE                   0
#define DEFAULT_ALLOW_EXTRA_ICONS                   1

// ====[ FUNCTION MACROS ]====================================================

// set which row is selected (cannot be only focused, but fully selected - second param ;))
#define ListView_GetSelectedItemMacro( hwnd )   ListView_GetNextItem( hwnd, -1, LVNI_FOCUSED | LVNI_SELECTED );
#ifndef ListView_SetSelectionMark
  #define ListView_SetSelectionMark( x, y )     0

#define getByte(setting, error)           db_get_b(NULL, MODNAME, setting, error)
#define setByte(setting, value)           db_set_b(NULL, MODNAME, setting, value)
#define getWord(setting, error)           db_get_w(NULL, MODNAME, setting, error)
#define setWord(setting, value)           db_set_w(NULL, MODNAME, setting, value)
#define getDword(setting, error)          db_get_dw(NULL, MODNAME, setting, error)
#define setDword(setting, value)          db_set_dw(NULL, MODNAME, setting, value)
#define getTString(setting, dest)         db_get_ts(NULL, MODNAME, setting, dest)
#define setTString(setting, value)        db_set_ts(NULL, MODNAME, setting, value)
#define deleteSetting(setting)            db_unset(NULL, MODNAME, setting)

// --
typedef void (__cdecl *pForAllProtosFunc)( char*, void *);

// ====[ STRUCTURES ]=========================================================

struct StatusItem // list item structure
	int     m_iIcon;
	BOOL    m_bFavourite;

		m_iIcon = 0;
		lstrcpy(m_tszTitle, _T(""));
		lstrcpy(m_tszMessage, _T(""));
		m_bFavourite = FALSE;

	StatusItem( const StatusItem& p )
		m_iIcon = p.m_iIcon;
		lstrcpy( m_tszTitle, p.m_tszTitle );
		lstrcpy( m_tszMessage, p.m_tszMessage );
		m_bFavourite = p.m_bFavourite;


static struct CSForm { // icons + buttons
	int     idc;
	TCHAR*  ptszTitle;
	TCHAR*  ptszDescr;
	char *  pszIconIcoLib;
	int     iconNoIcoLib;
	HANDLE  hIcoLibItem;

} forms[] = {

	{ -1, LPGENT("Main Menu"), LPGENT("Main Icon"), "icon", IDI_CSLIST },
	{ IDC_ADD, LPGENT("Add new item"), LPGENT("Add"), "add", IDI_ADD },
	{ IDC_MODIFY, LPGENT("Modify selected item"), LPGENT("Modify"), "modify", IDI_MODIFY },
	{ IDC_REMOVE, LPGENT("Delete selected item"), LPGENT("Remove"), "remove", IDI_REMOVE },
	{ IDC_FAVOURITE, LPGENT("Set/unset current item as favorite"), LPGENT("Favorite"), "favourite", IDI_FAVOURITE },
	{ IDC_UNDO, LPGENT("Undo changes"), LPGENT("Undo changes"), "undo", IDI_UNDO },
	{ IDC_IMPORT, LPGENT("Import statuses from database"), LPGENT("Import"), "import", IDI_IMPORT },
	{ IDC_FILTER, LPGENT("Filter list"), LPGENT("Filter"), "filter", IDI_FILTER },
	{ IDCLOSE, LPGENT("Close without changing custom status"), LPGENT("No change"), "nochng", IDI_CLOSE },
	{ IDC_CANCEL, LPGENT("Clear custom status (reset to None) and close"), LPGENT("Clear"), "clear", IDI_UNSET },
	{ IDOK, LPGENT("Set custom status to selected one and close"), LPGENT("Set"), "apply", IDI_APPLY }

// ====[ MY BITCHY LIST IMPLEMENTATION x)) ]==================================
// TODO: Optimize it all x))

template< class T > struct ListItem
	T* m_item;
	ListItem* m_next;

		m_item = NULL;
		m_next = NULL;

		delete m_item;

	ListItem( StatusItem* si )
		m_item = si;
		m_next = NULL;

	ListItem( const ListItem& p )
		m_item = p.item;
		m_next = NULL;

template< class T > struct List
	ListItem< T >* m_items;
	unsigned int   m_count;

	typedef int ( *compareFunc )( const T* p1, const T* p2 );
	compareFunc m_compare;

	List( compareFunc compFnc )
		m_items = NULL;
		m_count = 0;
		m_compare = compFnc;


	ListItem< T >* getListHead()
		return m_items;

	unsigned int getCount()
		return m_count;

	int add( T* csi )
		int position = 0;
		ListItem< T >* item = new ListItem< T >( csi );
		if ( m_items == NULL )
			m_items = item;
			ListItem< T >* help = item;
			item->m_next = m_items;
			while ( help->m_next != NULL )
				int cmp = m_compare( item->m_item, help->m_next->m_item );
				if ( cmp == 1 )
					help = help->m_next;
				else if ( cmp == 0 )
					delete item;
					return -1;
			if ( help != item )
				item->m_next = help->m_next;
				help->m_next = item;
			else m_items = item;
		return position;

	int remove(const unsigned int item)
		int position = 0;
		if (item >= m_count)
			return -1;

		ListItem< T >* help = m_items;
		ListItem< T >* removed;
		if ( item == 0 )
			m_items = m_items->m_next;
			removed = help;
			for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < item - 1; i++ )
				help = help->m_next;
			removed = help->m_next;
			help->m_next = help->m_next->m_next;
		delete removed;
		return position;

	T* get( const unsigned int item )
		ListItem< T >* help = m_items;
		for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < item; i++ )
			help = help->m_next;
		return help->m_item;

	T* operator[]( const unsigned int item )
		return get( item );

	void destroy()
		while ( m_count > 0 )
			remove( 0 );

// ====[ CLASSING -- FUNNY STUFF :) ]=========================================

struct CSWindow;
struct CSAMWindow;

struct CSListView
	HWND        m_handle;
	CSWindow*   m_parent;

	CSListView( HWND, CSWindow* );

	void    addItem( StatusItem* item, int itemNumber );
	void    initItems( ListItem< StatusItem >* items );
	void    reinitItems( ListItem< StatusItem >* items );
	void    removeItems();
	int     getPositionInList();
	void    setFullFocusedSelection( int selection );

struct CSItemsList
	List< StatusItem > *m_list;

	static int compareItems( const StatusItem* p1, const StatusItem* p2 );
	void loadItems(char *protoName);
	void saveItems(char *protoName);

	CSItemsList(char *protoName);

struct CSWindow
	HWND            m_handle;
	BOOL            m_bExtraIcons;
	CSItemsList*    m_itemslist;
	CSListView*     m_listview;
	CSAMWindow*     m_addModifyDlg;
	HIMAGELIST      m_icons;
	int             m_statusCount;
	BOOL            m_bSomethingChanged;
	TCHAR*          m_filterString;
	char *          m_protoName;
	CSWindow(char *protoName);

	void    initIcons();
	void    deinitIcons();
	void    initButtons();
	void    loadWindowPosition();
	BOOL    toggleButtons();
	void    toggleEmptyListMessage();
	void    toggleFilter();
	BOOL    itemPassedFilter( ListItem< StatusItem >* li );

	void __inline saveWindowPosition( HWND hwnd )
		if (getByte("RememberWindowPosition", DEFAULT_REMEMBER_WINDOW_POSITION) == TRUE)
			Utils_SaveWindowPosition(hwnd, NULL, MODNAME, "Position");

struct CSAMWindow
	WORD        m_action;
	StatusItem* m_item;
	CSWindow*   m_parent;
	BOOL        m_bChanged;

	HWND        m_handle;
	HWND        m_hCombo;
	HWND        m_hMessage;

	CSAMWindow( WORD action, CSWindow* parent );

	void    exec();
	void    setCombo();
	void    fillDialog();
	void    checkFieldLimit( WORD action, WORD item );
	void    checkItemValidity();

// service functions
INT_PTR __cdecl  showList(WPARAM, LPARAM, LPARAM);

// protocols enumeration related functions
void addProtoStatusMenuItem(char *protoName);

// other functions
void IitIcoLib();
void RegisterHotkeys(char buf[200], TCHAR* accName, int Number);
void SetStatus(WORD code, StatusItem* item, char *protoName);

// ====[ PROCEDURES ]=========================================================

INT_PTR CALLBACK CSWindowProc( HWND hwnd, UINT message, WPARAM wparam, LPARAM lparam );
INT_PTR CALLBACK CSAMWindowProc( HWND hwnd, UINT message, WPARAM wparam, LPARAM lparam );
INT_PTR CALLBACK CSRNWindowProc( HWND hwnd, UINT message, WPARAM wparam, LPARAM lparam );
INT_PTR CALLBACK CSOptionsProc( HWND hwnd, UINT message, WPARAM wparam, LPARAM lparam );

#endif /* __CSLIST_H */