; Common strings that belong to many files ;[ClientChangeNotify] ;[PopUps] ; ../../plugins/ClientChangeNotify/ClientChangeNotify.cpp ;[%s (was %s)] ;[) changed client to ] ;[Always except when client change notifications are disabled globally] ;[Always, even when client change notifications are disabled globally] ;[Client change notifications:] ;[ClientChangeNotify: Client changed] ;[Disable c&lient change notification] ;[Enable c&lient change notification] ;[Never, ignore client changes for this contact] ;[Use global settings (default)] ;[`[`!cdate()-!ctime()`]` ?cinfo(%subject%,display) (?cinfo(%subject%,id)) changed client to %extratext%] ;[changed client to %s] ;[changed client to %s (was %s)] ; ../../plugins/ClientChangeNotify/Misc.h ;[Can't open log file ] ;[Error #%d] ; ../../plugins/ClientChangeNotify/OptDlg.cpp ;[(you can use regular expressions here)] ;[Close popup] ;[Do nothing] ;[Open contact details window] ;[Open contact history] ;[Open contact menu] ;[Open log file] ;[Open message window] ; ../../plugins/ClientChangeNotify/Resources.rc ;[(you have to install pcre.dll or pcre3.dll to use regular expressions here)] ;[-1 = Infinite] ;[0 = Default] ;[Background] ;[Click action] ;[ClientChangeNotify error] ;[ClientChangeNotify requires it to work properly.] ;[Colours] ;[Delay] ;[Don't notify for contacts with disabled status notification] ;[Don't remind me anymore] ;[Enable notification] ;[Fingerprint plugin not found.] ;[Ignore these clients (separated by semicolons):] ;[Notify also when just client version changes] ;[OK] ;[On left click] ;[On right click] ;[Preview] ;[Sec] ;[Show client version] ;[Show previous client name] ;[Text] ;[Use default]