/* Miranda NG: the free IM client for Microsoft* Windows* Copyright (ñ) 2012-17 Miranda NG project (http://miranda-ng.org) Copyright (c) 2000-05 Miranda ICQ/IM project, all portions of this codebase are copyrighted to the people listed in contributors.txt. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ #include "stdafx.h" int hLangpack; HINSTANCE g_hInst = 0; CLIST_INTERFACE *pcli = NULL, coreCli; HIMAGELIST himlCListClc = NULL; LRESULT CALLBACK ContactListWndProc(HWND hwnd, UINT msg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam); LRESULT CALLBACK ContactListControlWndProc(HWND hwnd, UINT msg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam); void RebuildEntireList(HWND hwnd, ClcData *dat); void RebuildEntireListInternal(HWND hwnd, ClcData *dat, BOOL call_orig); void SetGroupExpand(HWND hwnd, ClcData *dat, struct ClcGroup *group, int newState); void ScrollTo(HWND hwnd, ClcData *dat, int desty, int noSmooth); void RecalcScrollBar(HWND hwnd, ClcData *dat); void LoadClcOptions(HWND hwnd, ClcData *dat, BOOL); int GetRowHeight(ClcData *dat, int item); void SortCLC(HWND hwnd, ClcData *dat, int useInsertionSort); ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // external functions void InitCustomMenus(void); void PaintClc(HWND hwnd, ClcData *dat, HDC hdc, RECT * rcPaint); int ClcOptInit(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam); int CluiOptInit(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam); int CListOptInit(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam); ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // dll stub BOOL WINAPI DllMain(HINSTANCE hInstDLL, DWORD, LPVOID) { g_hInst = hInstDLL; DisableThreadLibraryCalls(g_hInst); return TRUE; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // returns the plugin information PLUGININFOEX pluginInfo = { sizeof(pluginInfo), __PLUGIN_NAME, PLUGIN_MAKE_VERSION(__MAJOR_VERSION, __MINOR_VERSION, __RELEASE_NUM, __BUILD_NUM), __DESCRIPTION, __AUTHOR, __AUTHOREMAIL, __COPYRIGHT, __AUTHORWEB, UNICODE_AWARE, // {53E095A3-2695-490A-9DAD-D20479093831} {0x53e095a3, 0x2695, 0x490a, {0x9d, 0xad, 0xd2, 0x4, 0x79, 0x9, 0x38, 0x31}} }; extern "C" __declspec(dllexport) PLUGININFOEX *MirandaPluginInfoEx(DWORD) { return &pluginInfo; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // returns plugin's interfaces information extern "C" __declspec(dllexport) const MUUID MirandaInterfaces[] = { MIID_CLIST, MIID_LAST }; ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // called when number of accounts has been changed static int OnAccountsChanged(WPARAM, LPARAM) { himlCListClc = Clist_GetImageList(); return 0; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // called when all modules got loaded static int OnModulesLoaded(WPARAM, LPARAM) { himlCListClc = Clist_GetImageList(); return 0; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // options iniatialization static int OnOptsInit(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { ClcOptInit(wParam, lParam); CluiOptInit(wParam, lParam); CListOptInit(wParam, lParam); return 0; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // menu status services static INT_PTR GetStatusMode(WPARAM, LPARAM) { return pcli->currentDesiredStatusMode; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // main clist initialization routine extern "C" int __declspec(dllexport) CListInitialise() { pcli = Clist_GetInterface(); g_bSortByStatus = db_get_b(NULL, "CList", "SortByStatus", SETTING_SORTBYSTATUS_DEFAULT); g_bSortByProto = db_get_b(NULL, "CList", "SortByProto", SETTING_SORTBYPROTO_DEFAULT); coreCli = *pcli; pcli->hInst = g_hInst; pcli->pfnPaintClc = PaintClc; pcli->pfnContactListWndProc = ContactListWndProc; pcli->pfnContactListControlWndProc = ContactListControlWndProc; pcli->pfnRebuildEntireList = RebuildEntireList; pcli->pfnSetGroupExpand = SetGroupExpand; pcli->pfnRecalcScrollBar = RecalcScrollBar; pcli->pfnScrollTo = ScrollTo; pcli->pfnLoadClcOptions = LoadClcOptions; pcli->pfnGetRowHeight = GetRowHeight; pcli->pfnSortCLC = SortCLC; pcli->pfnCompareContacts = CompareContacts; CreateServiceFunction(MS_CLIST_GETSTATUSMODE, GetStatusMode); HookEvent(ME_SYSTEM_MODULESLOADED, OnModulesLoaded); HookEvent(ME_PROTO_ACCLISTCHANGED, OnAccountsChanged); HookEvent(ME_OPT_INITIALISE, OnOptsInit); InitCustomMenus(); return 0; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // a plugin loader aware of CList exports will never call this. extern "C" int __declspec(dllexport) Load() { return 1; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // a plugin unloader extern "C" int __declspec(dllexport) Unload(void) { return 0; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// wchar_t* MyDBGetContactSettingTString(MCONTACT hContact, char* module, char* setting, wchar_t* out, size_t len, wchar_t *def) { DBVARIANT dbv; out[0] = '\0'; if (!db_get_ws(hContact, module, setting, &dbv)) { if (dbv.type == DBVT_ASCIIZ) MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, 0, dbv.pszVal, -1, out, (int)len); else if (dbv.type == DBVT_UTF8) MultiByteToWideChar(CP_UTF8, 0, dbv.pszVal, -1, out, (int)len); else if (dbv.type == DBVT_WCHAR) mir_wstrncpy(out, dbv.pwszVal, (int)len); else if (def != NULL) mir_wstrncpy(out, def, (int)len); db_free(&dbv); } else { if (def != NULL) mir_wstrncpy(out, def, (int)len); } return out; } #define DATA_BLOCK 128 typedef struct { wchar_t *text; size_t allocated; size_t used; } StringHelper; int CopyData(StringHelper *str, const wchar_t *text, size_t len) { size_t totalSize; if (len == 0) return 0; if (text == NULL) return 0; totalSize = str->used + len + 1; if (totalSize > str->allocated) { totalSize += DATA_BLOCK - (totalSize % DATA_BLOCK); if (str->text != NULL) { wchar_t *tmp = (wchar_t *)mir_realloc(str->text, sizeof(wchar_t) * totalSize); if (tmp == NULL) { mir_free(str->text); return -1; } str->text = tmp; } else { str->text = (wchar_t *)mir_alloc(sizeof(wchar_t) * totalSize); if (str->text == NULL) { return -2; } } str->allocated = totalSize; } memmove(&str->text[str->used], text, sizeof(wchar_t) * len); str->used += len; str->text[str->used] = '\0'; return 0; } wchar_t * ParseText(const wchar_t *text, const wchar_t **variables, size_t variablesSize, const wchar_t **data, size_t dataSize) { size_t length = mir_wstrlen(text); size_t nextPos = 0; StringHelper ret = { 0 }; size_t i; // length - 1 because a % in last char will be a % and point for (i = 0; i < length - 1; i++) { if (text[i] == '%') { BOOL found = FALSE; if (CopyData(&ret, &text[nextPos], i - nextPos)) return NULL; if (text[i + 1] == '%') { if (CopyData(&ret, L"%", 1)) return NULL; i++; found = TRUE; } else { size_t size = min(variablesSize, dataSize); size_t j; // See if can find it for (j = 0; j < size; j++) { size_t vlen = mir_wstrlen(variables[j]); if (wcsnicmp(&text[i], variables[j], vlen) == 0) { if (CopyData(&ret, data[j], mir_wstrlen(data[j]))) return NULL; i += vlen - 1; found = TRUE; break; } } } if (found) nextPos = i + 1; else nextPos = i; } } if (nextPos < length) if (CopyData(&ret, &text[nextPos], length - nextPos)) return NULL; return ret.text; } LRESULT CALLBACK ContactListWndProc(HWND hwnd, UINT msg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { switch (msg) { case WM_NCCREATE: return DefWindowProc(hwnd, msg, wParam, lParam); case WM_CREATE: break; case WM_DRAWITEM: return Menu_DrawItem(lParam); } return coreCli.pfnContactListWndProc(hwnd, msg, wParam, lParam); } LRESULT CALLBACK ContactListControlWndProc(HWND hwnd, UINT msg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { ClcData *dat = (ClcData*)GetWindowLongPtr(hwnd, 0); RECT r; switch (msg) { case WM_CREATE: dat = new ClcData(); SetWindowLongPtr(hwnd, 0, (LONG_PTR)dat); dat->hwnd_list = CreateWindow(L"LISTBOX", L"", (WS_VISIBLE | WS_CHILD | LBS_NOINTEGRALHEIGHT | LBS_NOTIFY | LBS_WANTKEYBOARDINPUT | WS_VSCROLL), 0, 0, 0, 0, hwnd, NULL, g_hInst, 0); dat->need_rebuild = FALSE; GetClientRect(hwnd, &r); SetWindowPos(dat->hwnd_list, 0, r.left, r.top, r.right - r.left, r.bottom - r.top, SWP_NOZORDER | SWP_NOACTIVATE); break; case WM_SIZE: GetClientRect(hwnd, &r); SetWindowPos(dat->hwnd_list, 0, r.left, r.top, r.right - r.left, r.bottom - r.top, SWP_NOZORDER | SWP_NOACTIVATE); break; case WM_PRINTCLIENT: case WM_PAINT: if (dat->need_rebuild) RebuildEntireListInternal(hwnd, (ClcData*)dat, FALSE); // no break case WM_VSCROLL: case WM_MOUSEWHEEL: case WM_KEYDOWN: return DefWindowProc(hwnd, msg, wParam, lParam); case INTM_SCROLLBARCHANGED: return TRUE; case WM_VKEYTOITEM: { int key = LOWORD(wParam); if (key == VK_LEFT || key == VK_RIGHT || key == VK_RETURN || key == VK_DELETE || key == VK_F2) { coreCli.pfnContactListControlWndProc(hwnd, WM_KEYDOWN, key, 0); return dat->selection; } NMKEY nmkey; nmkey.hdr.hwndFrom = hwnd; nmkey.hdr.idFrom = GetDlgCtrlID(hwnd); nmkey.hdr.code = NM_KEYDOWN; nmkey.nVKey = key; nmkey.uFlags = 0; if (SendMessage(GetParent(hwnd), WM_NOTIFY, 0, (LPARAM)& nmkey)) return -2; } return -1; case WM_COMMAND: if ((HANDLE)lParam != dat->hwnd_list || HIWORD(wParam) != LBN_SELCHANGE) break; dat->selection = SendMessage(dat->hwnd_list, LB_GETCURSEL, 0, 0); KillTimer(hwnd, TIMERID_INFOTIP); KillTimer(hwnd, TIMERID_RENAME); dat->szQuickSearch[0] = 0; pcli->pfnInvalidateRect(hwnd, NULL, FALSE); pcli->pfnEnsureVisible(hwnd, (ClcData*)dat, dat->selection, 0); UpdateWindow(hwnd); break; case WM_SETFOCUS: case WM_ENABLE: SetFocus(dat->hwnd_list); break; } return coreCli.pfnContactListControlWndProc(hwnd, msg, wParam, lParam); } wchar_t status_name[128]; wchar_t* GetStatusName(struct ClcContact *item) { int status; status_name[0] = '\0'; if (item->hContact == NULL || item->proto == NULL) return status_name; // Get XStatusName MyDBGetContactSettingTString(item->hContact, item->proto, "XStatusName", status_name, _countof(status_name), NULL); if (status_name[0] != '\0') return status_name; // Get status name status = db_get_w(item->hContact, item->proto, "Status", ID_STATUS_OFFLINE); mir_wstrncpy(status_name, pcli->pfnGetStatusModeDescription(status, 0), _countof(status_name)); return status_name; } wchar_t status_message[256]; wchar_t* GetStatusMessage(struct ClcContact *item) { status_message[0] = '\0'; if (item->hContact == NULL || item->proto == NULL) return status_message; // Get XStatusMsg MyDBGetContactSettingTString(item->hContact, item->proto, "XStatusMsg", status_message, _countof(status_message), NULL); if (status_message[0] != '\0') return status_message; // Get status message MyDBGetContactSettingTString(item->hContact, "CList", "StatusMsg", status_message, _countof(status_message), NULL); return status_message; } wchar_t proto_name[128]; wchar_t* GetProtoName(struct ClcContact *item) { #ifdef UNICODE char description[128]; #endif proto_name[0] = '\0'; if (item->hContact == NULL || item->proto == NULL) { mir_wstrncpy(proto_name, TranslateT("Unknown protocol"), _countof(proto_name)); return proto_name; } PROTOACCOUNT *acc = Proto_GetAccount(item->proto); if (acc == NULL) { #ifdef UNICODE CallProtoService(item->proto, PS_GETNAME, sizeof(description), (LPARAM)description); mir_snwprintf(proto_name, L"%S", description); #else CallProtoService(item->proto, PS_GETNAME, sizeof(proto_name), (LPARAM)proto_name); #endif return proto_name; } mir_wstrncpy(proto_name, acc->tszAccountName, _countof(proto_name)); return proto_name; } void RebuildEntireListInternal(HWND hwnd, ClcData *tmp_dat, BOOL call_orig) { ClcData *dat = (ClcData*)tmp_dat; wchar_t tmp[1024]; wchar_t count[128]; wchar_t template_contact[1024]; wchar_t template_group[1024]; wchar_t template_divider[1024]; wchar_t template_info[1024]; int selection = dat->selection; BOOL has_focus = (GetFocus() == dat->hwnd_list || GetFocus() == hwnd); if (call_orig) coreCli.pfnRebuildEntireList(hwnd, (ClcData*)dat); MyDBGetContactSettingTString(NULL, "CLC", "TemplateContact", template_contact, 1024, TranslateT("%name% [%status% %protocol%] %status_message%")); MyDBGetContactSettingTString(NULL, "CLC", "TemplateGroup", template_group, 1024, TranslateT("Group: %name% %count% [%mode%]")); MyDBGetContactSettingTString(NULL, "CLC", "TemplateDivider", template_divider, 1024, TranslateT("Divider: %s")); MyDBGetContactSettingTString(NULL, "CLC", "TemplateInfo", template_info, 1024, TranslateT("Info: %s")); SendMessage(dat->hwnd_list, WM_SETREDRAW, FALSE, 0); // Reset content SendMessage(dat->hwnd_list, LB_RESETCONTENT, 0, 0); // Set font SendMessage(dat->hwnd_list, WM_SETFONT, (WPARAM)dat->fontInfo[FONTID_CONTACTS].hFont, 0); // Add all items to the list ClcGroup *group = &dat->list; group->scanIndex = 0; wchar_t *text = tmp; size_t size = _countof(tmp); while (true) { if (group->scanIndex == group->cl.getCount()) { if ((group = group->parent) == NULL) break; text -= 2; size += 2; group->scanIndex++; continue; } ClcContact *item = group->cl[group->scanIndex]; text[0] = '\0'; switch (item->type) { case CLCIT_GROUP: { wchar_t *szCounts = pcli->pfnGetGroupCountsText(dat, item); const wchar_t *t[] = { L"%name%", L"%count%", L"%mode%" }; const wchar_t *v[] = { item->szText, count, item->group->expanded ? TranslateT("Expanded") : TranslateT("Collapsed") }; if (szCounts[0] != '\0') mir_snwprintf(count, L"%s ", szCounts); else count[0] = '\0'; wchar_t *txt = ParseText(template_group, t, _countof(t), v, _countof(v)); if (txt != NULL) mir_wstrncpy(text, txt, size); mir_free(txt); } break; case CLCIT_CONTACT: { const wchar_t *t[] = { L"%name%", L"%status%", L"%protocol%", L"%status_message%" }; const wchar_t *v[] = { item->szText, GetStatusName(item), GetProtoName(item), GetStatusMessage(item) }; wchar_t *txt = ParseText(template_contact, t, _countof(t), v, _countof(v)); if (txt != NULL) mir_wstrncpy(text, txt, size); mir_free(txt); } break; case CLCIT_DIVIDER: mir_snwprintf(text, size, template_divider, item->szText); break; case CLCIT_INFO: mir_snwprintf(text, size, template_info, item->szText); break; } SendMessage(dat->hwnd_list, LB_ADDSTRING, 0, (LPARAM)tmp); if (item->type == CLCIT_GROUP && item->group->expanded) { group = item->group; text[0] = ' '; text[1] = ' '; text += 2; size -= 2; group->scanIndex = 0; continue; } group->scanIndex++; } SendMessage(dat->hwnd_list, WM_SETREDRAW, TRUE, 0); InvalidateRect(dat->hwnd_list, NULL, TRUE); dat->selection = selection; SendMessage(dat->hwnd_list, LB_SETCURSEL, dat->selection, 0); if (has_focus) SetFocus(dat->hwnd_list); dat->need_rebuild = FALSE; } void RebuildEntireList(HWND hwnd, ClcData *dat) { RebuildEntireListInternal(hwnd, dat, TRUE); } void SetGroupExpand(HWND hwnd, ClcData *dat, struct ClcGroup *group, int newState) { coreCli.pfnSetGroupExpand(hwnd, dat, group, newState); dat->need_rebuild = TRUE; } void ScrollTo(HWND, ClcData*, int, int) { } void RecalcScrollBar(HWND, ClcData*) { } void LoadClcOptions(HWND hwnd, ClcData *dat, BOOL bFirst) { coreCli.pfnLoadClcOptions(hwnd, dat, bFirst); dat->bFilterSearch = false; dat->rowHeight = SendMessage(dat->hwnd_list, LB_GETITEMHEIGHT, 0, 0); } int GetRowHeight(ClcData *dat, int) { dat->rowHeight = SendMessage(dat->hwnd_list, LB_GETITEMHEIGHT, 0, 0); return dat->rowHeight; } void SortCLC(HWND hwnd, ClcData *dat, int useInsertionSort) { if (dat->bNeedsResort) { coreCli.pfnSortCLC(hwnd, dat, useInsertionSort); dat->need_rebuild = TRUE; } }