/* Miranda IM: the free IM client for Microsoft* Windows* Copyright 2000-2008 Miranda ICQ/IM project, all portions of this codebase are copyrighted to the people listed in contributors.txt. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ /* This file contains code related to new modern free positioned skinned buttons */ #include "hdr/modern_commonheaders.h" #include "hdr/modern_skinengine.h" #include "hdr/modern_clcpaint.h" #include "m_api/m_skinbutton.h" #define MODERNSKINBUTTONCLASS "MirandaModernSkinButtonClass" BOOL ModernSkinButtonModuleIsLoaded = FALSE; static HANDLE hookSystemShutdown_ModernSkinButton = NULL; static LRESULT CALLBACK ModernSkinButtonWndProc(HWND hwndDlg, UINT msg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam); int ModernSkinButtonUnloadModule(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam); int SkinSelector_DeleteMask(MODERNMASK * mm); HWND SetToolTip(HWND hwnd, TCHAR * tip); typedef struct _ModernSkinButtonCtrl { HWND hwnd; BYTE down; // button state BYTE focus; // has focus (1 or 0) BYTE hover; BYTE IsSwitcher; BOOL fCallOnPress; char * ID; char * CommandService; char * StateService; char * HandleService; char * ValueDBSection; char * ValueTypeDef; int Left, Top, Bottom, Right; HMENU hMenu; TCHAR * Hint; } ModernSkinButtonCtrl; typedef struct _HandleServiceParams { HWND hwnd; DWORD msg; WPARAM wParam; LPARAM lParam; BOOL handled; } HandleServiceParams; static CRITICAL_SECTION csTips; static HWND hwndToolTips = NULL; int ModernSkinButtonLoadModule() { WNDCLASSEX wc; ZeroMemory(&wc, sizeof(wc)); wc.cbSize = sizeof(wc); wc.lpszClassName = _T(MODERNSKINBUTTONCLASS); wc.lpfnWndProc = ModernSkinButtonWndProc; wc.hCursor = LoadCursor(NULL, IDC_ARROW); wc.cbWndExtra = sizeof(ModernSkinButtonCtrl*); wc.hbrBackground = 0; wc.style = CS_GLOBALCLASS; RegisterClassEx(&wc); InitializeCriticalSection(&csTips); hookSystemShutdown_ModernSkinButton = ModernHookEvent(ME_SYSTEM_SHUTDOWN, ModernSkinButtonUnloadModule); ModernSkinButtonModuleIsLoaded = TRUE; return 0; } int ModernSkinButtonUnloadModule(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { ModernUnhookEvent(hookSystemShutdown_ModernSkinButton); DeleteCriticalSection(&csTips); return 0; } static int ModernSkinButtonPaintWorker(HWND hwnd, HDC whdc) { HDC hdc; HBITMAP bmp,oldbmp; RECT rc; HDC sdc = NULL; ModernSkinButtonCtrl* bct = (ModernSkinButtonCtrl *)GetWindowLongPtr(hwnd, GWLP_USERDATA); if (!bct) return 0; if (!IsWindowVisible(hwnd)) return 0; if (!whdc && !g_CluiData.fLayered) InvalidateRect(hwnd,NULL,FALSE); if (whdc && g_CluiData.fLayered) hdc = whdc; else { //sdc = GetWindowDC(GetParent(hwnd)); hdc = CreateCompatibleDC(NULL); } GetClientRect(hwnd,&rc); bmp = ske_CreateDIB32(rc.right,rc.bottom); oldbmp = (HBITMAP)SelectObject(hdc,bmp); if (!g_CluiData.fLayered) ske_BltBackImage(bct->hwnd,hdc,NULL); { MODERNMASK Request = {0}; // int res; //HBRUSH br = CreateSolidBrush(RGB(255,255,255)); char * Value = NULL; DWORD val = 0; { if (bct->ValueDBSection && bct->ValueTypeDef) { char * key; char * section; DWORD defval = 0; char buf[20]; key = mir_strdup(bct->ValueDBSection); section = key; if (bct->ValueTypeDef[0] != 's') defval = (DWORD)atol(bct->ValueTypeDef+1); do { if (key[0] == '/') {key[0] = '\0'; key++; break;} key++; } while (key[0] != '\0'); switch (bct->ValueTypeDef[0]) { case 's': { Value = db_get_sa(NULL,section,key); if (!Value) Value = mir_strdup(bct->ValueTypeDef+1); break; } case 'd': defval = db_get_dw(NULL,section,key,defval); Value = mir_strdup(_ltoa(defval,buf,SIZEOF(buf))); break; case 'w': defval = db_get_w(NULL,section,key,defval); Value = mir_strdup(_ltoa(defval,buf,SIZEOF(buf))); break; case 'b': defval = db_get_b(NULL,section,key,defval); Value = mir_strdup(_ltoa(defval,buf,SIZEOF(buf))); break; } mir_free_and_nill(section); } } g_clcPainter.AddParam(&Request,mod_CalcHash("Module"),"MButton",0); g_clcPainter.AddParam(&Request,mod_CalcHash("ID"),bct->ID,0); g_clcPainter.AddParam(&Request,mod_CalcHash("Down"),bct->down?"1":"0",0); g_clcPainter.AddParam(&Request,mod_CalcHash("Focused"),bct->focus?"1":"0",0); g_clcPainter.AddParam(&Request,mod_CalcHash("Hovered"),bct->hover?"1":"0",0); if (Value) { g_clcPainter.AddParam(&Request,mod_CalcHash("Value"),Value,0); mir_free_and_nill(Value); } SkinDrawGlyphMask(hdc,&rc,&rc,&Request); SkinSelector_DeleteMask(&Request); // DeleteObject(br); } if (!whdc && g_CluiData.fLayered) { RECT r; SetRect(&r,bct->Left,bct->Top,bct->Right,bct->Bottom); ske_DrawImageAt(hdc,&r); //CallingService to immeadeately update window with new image. } if (whdc && !g_CluiData.fLayered) { RECT r = {0}; GetClientRect(bct->hwnd,&r); BitBlt(whdc,0,0,r.right,r.bottom,hdc,0,0,SRCCOPY); } SelectObject(hdc,oldbmp); DeleteObject(bmp); if (!whdc || !g_CluiData.fLayered) { SelectObject(hdc, GetStockObject(DEFAULT_GUI_FONT)); mod_DeleteDC(hdc); } // if (sdc) // ReleaseDC(GetParent(hwnd),sdc); return 0; } static int ModernSkinButtonToggleDBValue(char * ValueDBSection,char *ValueTypeDef) { if (ValueDBSection && ValueTypeDef) { char * key; char * section; char * val; char * val2; char * Value; long l1,l2,curval; DWORD defval = 0; // char buf[20]; key = mir_strdup(ValueDBSection); section = key; do { if (key[0] == '/') {key[0] = '\0'; key++; break;} key++; } while (key[0] != '\0'); val = mir_strdup(ValueTypeDef+1); val2 = val; do { if (val2[0] == '/') {val2[0] = '\0'; val2++; break;} val2++; } while (val2[0] != '\0'); if (ValueTypeDef[0] != 's') { l1 = (DWORD)atol(val); l2 = (DWORD)atol(val2); } switch (ValueTypeDef[0]) { case 's': { Value = db_get_sa(NULL,section,key); if (!Value ||(Value && mir_bool_strcmpi(Value,val2))) Value = mir_strdup(val); else Value = mir_strdup(val2); db_set_s(NULL,section,key,Value); mir_free_and_nill(Value); break; } case 'd': curval = db_get_dw(NULL,section,key,l2); curval = (curval == l2)?l1:l2; db_set_dw(NULL,section,key,(DWORD)curval); break; case 'w': curval = db_get_w(NULL,section,key,l2); curval = (curval == l2)?l1:l2; db_set_w(NULL,section,key,(WORD)curval); break; case 'b': curval = db_get_b(NULL,section,key,l2); curval = (curval == l2)?l1:l2; db_set_b(NULL,section,key,(BYTE)curval); break; } mir_free_and_nill(section); mir_free_and_nill(val); } return 0; } static char *_skipblank(char * str) //str will be modified; { char * endstr = str+strlen(str); while ((*str == ' ' || *str == '\t') && *str != '\0') str++; while ((*endstr == ' ' || *endstr == '\t') && *endstr != '\0' && endstr < str) endstr--; if (*endstr != '\0') { endstr++; *endstr = '\0'; } return str; } static int _CallServiceStrParams(IN char * toParce, OUT int *Return) { char * pszService; char * param1 = NULL; char * param2 = NULL; int paramCount = 0; int result = 0; pszService = mir_strdup(toParce); param2 = strrchr(pszService, '%'); if (param2) { paramCount++; *param2 = '\0'; param2++; _skipblank(param2); if (strlen(param2) == 0) param2 = NULL; } param1 = strrchr(pszService, '%'); if (param1) { paramCount++; *param1 = '\0'; param1++; _skipblank(param1); if (strlen(param1) == 0) param1 = NULL; } if (!pszService) return 0; if (strlen(pszService) == 0) { mir_free(pszService); return 0; } if (param1 && *param1 == '\"') { param1++; *(param1+strlen(param1)) = '\0'; } else if (param1) { param1 = (char*)atoi(param1); } if (param2 && *param2 == '\"') { param2++; *(param2+strlen(param2)) = '\0'; } else if (param2) param2 = (char*)atoi(param2); if (paramCount == 1) { param1 = param2; param2 = NULL; } if (!ServiceExists(pszService)) { result = 0; } else { int ret = 0; result = 1; ret = CallService(pszService, (WPARAM)param1, (WPARAM)param2); if (Return) *Return = ret; } mir_free(pszService); return result; } static LRESULT CALLBACK ModernSkinButtonWndProc(HWND hwndDlg, UINT msg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { ModernSkinButtonCtrl* bct = (msg != WM_NCCREATE)?(ModernSkinButtonCtrl *)GetWindowLongPtr(hwndDlg, GWLP_USERDATA):0; if (bct && bct->HandleService && IsBadStringPtrA(bct->HandleService,255)) bct->HandleService = NULL; if (bct) if (bct->HandleService) if (ServiceExists(bct->HandleService)) { int t; HandleServiceParams MSG = {0}; MSG.hwnd = hwndDlg; MSG.msg = msg; MSG.wParam = wParam; MSG.lParam = lParam; t = CallService(bct->HandleService,(WPARAM)&MSG,0); if (MSG.handled) return t; } switch(msg) { case WM_NCCREATE: { SetWindowLongPtr(hwndDlg, GWL_STYLE, GetWindowLongPtr(hwndDlg, GWL_STYLE)|BS_OWNERDRAW); SetWindowLongPtr(hwndDlg, GWLP_USERDATA, 0); if (((CREATESTRUCT *)lParam)->lpszName) SetWindowText(hwndDlg, ((CREATESTRUCT *)lParam)->lpszName); return TRUE; } case WM_DESTROY: { if (bct) { EnterCriticalSection(&csTips); if (hwndToolTips) { TOOLINFO ti; ZeroMemory(&ti, sizeof(ti)); ti.cbSize = sizeof(ti); ti.uFlags = TTF_IDISHWND; ti.hwnd = bct->hwnd; ti.uId = (UINT_PTR)bct->hwnd; if (SendMessage(hwndToolTips, TTM_GETTOOLINFO, 0, (LPARAM)&ti)) { SendMessage(hwndToolTips, TTM_DELTOOL, 0, (LPARAM)&ti); } if (SendMessage(hwndToolTips, TTM_GETTOOLCOUNT, 0, (LPARAM)&ti) == 0) { DestroyWindow(hwndToolTips); hwndToolTips = NULL; } } LeaveCriticalSection(&csTips); if (bct->ID) mir_free_and_nill(bct->ID); if (bct->CommandService) mir_free_and_nill(bct->CommandService); if (bct->StateService) mir_free_and_nill (bct->StateService); if (bct->HandleService) mir_free_and_nill(bct->HandleService); if (bct->Hint) mir_free_and_nill(bct->Hint); if (bct->ValueDBSection) mir_free_and_nill(bct->ValueDBSection); if (bct->ValueTypeDef) mir_free_and_nill(bct->ValueTypeDef); mir_free_and_nill(bct); } SetWindowLongPtr(hwndDlg, GWLP_USERDATA, 0); break; // DONT! fall thru } case WM_SETCURSOR: { HCURSOR hCurs1; hCurs1 = LoadCursor(NULL, IDC_ARROW); if (hCurs1) SetCursor(hCurs1); if (bct) SetToolTip(hwndDlg, bct->Hint); return 1; } case WM_PRINT: { if (IsWindowVisible(hwndDlg)) ModernSkinButtonPaintWorker(hwndDlg,(HDC)wParam); break; } case WM_PAINT: { if (IsWindowVisible(hwndDlg) && !g_CluiData.fLayered) { PAINTSTRUCT ps = {0}; BeginPaint(hwndDlg,&ps); ModernSkinButtonPaintWorker(hwndDlg,(HDC)ps.hdc); EndPaint(hwndDlg,&ps); } return DefWindowProc(hwndDlg, msg, wParam, lParam); } case WM_CAPTURECHANGED: { bct->hover = 0; bct->down = 0; ModernSkinButtonPaintWorker(bct->hwnd,0); // KillTimer(bct->hwnd,1234); break; } //case WM_TIMER: // { // POINT t; // GetCursorPos(&t); // if (bct->hover && WindowFromPoint(t) != bct->hwnd) // { // KillTimer(bct->hwnd,1234); // bct->hover = 0; // ReleaseCapture(); // PaintWorker(bct->hwnd,0); // } // return 0; // } case WM_MOUSEMOVE: { if (!bct->hover) { SetCapture(bct->hwnd); bct->hover = 1; //KillTimer(bct->hwnd,1234); //CLUI_SafeSetTimer(bct->hwnd,1234,100,NULL); ModernSkinButtonPaintWorker(bct->hwnd,0); return 0; } else { POINT t; t.x = LOWORD(lParam); t.y = HIWORD(lParam); ClientToScreen(bct->hwnd,&t); if (WindowFromPoint(t) != bct->hwnd) ReleaseCapture(); return 0; } } case WM_LBUTTONDOWN: { //KillTimer(bct->hwnd,1234); //CLUI_SafeSetTimer(bct->hwnd,1234,100,NULL); bct->down = 1; SetForegroundWindow(GetParent(bct->hwnd)); ModernSkinButtonPaintWorker(bct->hwnd,0); if (bct && bct->CommandService && IsBadStringPtrA(bct->CommandService,255)) bct->CommandService = NULL; if (bct->fCallOnPress) { if (bct->CommandService) { if (!_CallServiceStrParams(bct->CommandService, NULL)&& (bct->ValueDBSection && bct->ValueTypeDef)) ModernSkinButtonToggleDBValue(bct->ValueDBSection,bct->ValueTypeDef); } bct->down = 0; ModernSkinButtonPaintWorker(bct->hwnd,0); } return 0; } case WM_LBUTTONUP: if (bct->down) { //KillTimer(bct->hwnd,1234); //CLUI_SafeSetTimer(bct->hwnd,1234,100,NULL); ReleaseCapture(); bct->hover = 0; bct->down = 0; ModernSkinButtonPaintWorker(bct->hwnd,0); if (bct && bct->CommandService && IsBadStringPtrA(bct->CommandService,255)) bct->CommandService = NULL; if (bct->CommandService) if (_CallServiceStrParams(bct->CommandService, NULL)) {} else if (bct->ValueDBSection && bct->ValueTypeDef) ModernSkinButtonToggleDBValue(bct->ValueDBSection,bct->ValueTypeDef); } } return DefWindowProc(hwndDlg, msg, wParam, lParam); } HWND SetToolTip(HWND hwnd, TCHAR * tip) { TOOLINFO ti; if (!tip) return 0; EnterCriticalSection(&csTips); if (!hwndToolTips) { // hwndToolTips = CreateWindowEx(WS_EX_TOPMOST, TOOLTIPS_CLASS, TEXT(""), WS_POPUP, 0, 0, 0, 0, NULL, NULL, GetModuleHandle(NULL), NULL); hwndToolTips = CreateWindowEx(0, TOOLTIPS_CLASS, NULL, WS_POPUP | TTS_NOPREFIX | TTS_ALWAYSTIP, CW_USEDEFAULT, CW_USEDEFAULT, CW_USEDEFAULT, CW_USEDEFAULT, hwnd, NULL, GetModuleHandle(NULL), NULL); SetWindowPos(hwndToolTips, HWND_TOPMOST,0, 0, 0, 0, SWP_NOMOVE | SWP_NOSIZE | SWP_NOACTIVATE); } ZeroMemory(&ti, sizeof(ti)); ti.cbSize = sizeof(ti); ti.uFlags = TTF_IDISHWND; ti.hwnd = hwnd; ti.uId = (UINT_PTR)hwnd; if (SendMessage(hwndToolTips, TTM_GETTOOLINFO, 0, (LPARAM)&ti)) { SendMessage(hwndToolTips, TTM_DELTOOL, 0, (LPARAM)&ti); } ti.uFlags = TTF_IDISHWND|TTF_SUBCLASS; ti.uId = (UINT_PTR)hwnd; ti.lpszText = (TCHAR*)tip; SendMessage(hwndToolTips,TTM_ADDTOOL,0,(LPARAM)&ti); LeaveCriticalSection(&csTips); return hwndToolTips; } typedef struct _MButton { HWND hwnd; BYTE ConstrainPositionFrom; //(BBRRTTLL) L = 0 - from left, L = 1 from right, L = 2 from center int OrL,OrR,OrT,OrB; int minW,minH; ModernSkinButtonCtrl * bct; } MButton; MButton * Buttons = NULL; DWORD ButtonsCount = 0; #define _center_h( rc ) (( (rc)->right + (rc)->left ) >> 1) #define _center_v( rc ) (( (rc)->bottom + (rc)->top ) >> 1) int ModernSkinButton_AddButton(HWND parent, char * ID, char * CommandService, char * StateDefService, char * HandeService, int Left, int Top, int Right, int Bottom, DWORD sbFlags, TCHAR * Hint, char * DBkey, char * TypeDef, int MinWidth, int MinHeight) { // if (!parent) return 0; if (!ModernSkinButtonModuleIsLoaded) return 0; if (!Buttons) Buttons = (MButton*)mir_alloc(sizeof(MButton)); else Buttons = (MButton*)mir_realloc(Buttons,sizeof(MButton)*(ButtonsCount+1)); { //HWND hwnd; RECT rc = {0}; ModernSkinButtonCtrl* bct; int l,r,b,t; if (parent) GetClientRect(parent,&rc); l = ( sbFlags & SBF_ALIGN_TL_RIGHT ) ? ( rc.right + Left ) : ( sbFlags & SBF_ALIGN_TL_HCENTER ) ? ( _center_h( &rc ) + Left ) : ( rc.left + Left ); t = ( sbFlags & SBF_ALIGN_TL_BOTTOM ) ? ( rc.bottom + Top ) : ( sbFlags & SBF_ALIGN_TL_VCENTER ) ? ( _center_v( &rc ) + Top ) : ( rc.top+Top ); r = ( sbFlags & SBF_ALIGN_BR_RIGHT ) ? ( rc.right + Right ) : ( sbFlags & SBF_ALIGN_BR_HCENTER ) ? ( _center_h( &rc) + Right ) : ( rc.left + Right ); b = ( sbFlags & SBF_ALIGN_BR_BOTTOM ) ? ( rc.bottom + Bottom ) : ( sbFlags & SBF_ALIGN_BR_VCENTER ) ? ( _center_v( &rc ) + Bottom ) : ( rc.top + Bottom ); bct = (ModernSkinButtonCtrl *)mir_alloc(sizeof(ModernSkinButtonCtrl)); memset(bct,0,sizeof(ModernSkinButtonCtrl)); bct->Left = l; bct->Right = r; bct->Top = t; bct->Bottom = b; bct->fCallOnPress = ( sbFlags & SBF_CALL_ON_PRESS ) != 0; bct->HandleService = mir_strdup(HandeService); bct->CommandService = mir_strdup(CommandService); bct->StateService = mir_strdup(StateDefService); if (DBkey && &DBkey != '\0') bct->ValueDBSection = mir_strdup(DBkey); else bct->ValueDBSection = NULL; if (TypeDef && &TypeDef != '\0') bct->ValueTypeDef = mir_strdup(TypeDef); else bct->ValueTypeDef = mir_strdup("sDefault"); bct->ID = mir_strdup(ID); bct->Hint = mir_tstrdup(Hint); Buttons[ButtonsCount].bct = bct; Buttons[ButtonsCount].hwnd = NULL; Buttons[ButtonsCount].OrL = Left; Buttons[ButtonsCount].OrT = Top; Buttons[ButtonsCount].OrR = Right; Buttons[ButtonsCount].OrB = Bottom; Buttons[ButtonsCount].ConstrainPositionFrom = (BYTE)sbFlags; Buttons[ButtonsCount].minH = MinHeight; Buttons[ButtonsCount].minW = MinWidth; ButtonsCount++; // CLUI_ShowWindowMod(hwnd,SW_SHOW); } return 0; } static int ModernSkinButtonErase(int l,int t,int r, int b) { DWORD i; if (!ModernSkinButtonModuleIsLoaded) return 0; if (!g_CluiData.fLayered) return 0; if (!g_pCachedWindow) return 0; if (!g_pCachedWindow->hImageDC ||!g_pCachedWindow->hBackDC) return 0; if (!(l||r||t||b)) { for(i = 0; i < ButtonsCount; i++) { if (pcli->hwndContactList && Buttons[i].hwnd != NULL) { //TODO: Erase button BitBlt(g_pCachedWindow->hImageDC,Buttons[i].bct->Left,Buttons[i].bct->Top,Buttons[i].bct->Right-Buttons[i].bct->Left,Buttons[i].bct->Bottom-Buttons[i].bct->Top, g_pCachedWindow->hBackDC,Buttons[i].bct->Left,Buttons[i].bct->Top,SRCCOPY); } } } else { BitBlt(g_pCachedWindow->hImageDC,l,t,r-l,b-t, g_pCachedWindow->hBackDC,l,t,SRCCOPY); } return 0; } static HWND ModernSkinButtonCreateWindow(ModernSkinButtonCtrl * bct, HWND parent) { HWND hwnd; if (bct == NULL) return FALSE; { TCHAR *UnicodeID; UnicodeID = mir_a2u(bct->ID); hwnd = CreateWindow(_T(MODERNSKINBUTTONCLASS),UnicodeID,WS_VISIBLE|WS_CHILD,bct->Left,bct->Top,bct->Right-bct->Left,bct->Bottom-bct->Top,parent,NULL,g_hInst,NULL); mir_free(UnicodeID); } bct->hwnd = hwnd; bct->focus = 0; SetWindowLongPtr(hwnd, GWLP_USERDATA, (LONG_PTR)bct); return hwnd; } int ModernSkinButtonRedrawAll(HDC hdc) { DWORD i; if (!ModernSkinButtonModuleIsLoaded) return 0; g_mutex_bLockUpdating++; for(i = 0; i < ButtonsCount; i++) { if (pcli->hwndContactList && Buttons[i].hwnd == NULL) Buttons[i].hwnd = ModernSkinButtonCreateWindow(Buttons[i].bct,pcli->hwndContactList); ModernSkinButtonPaintWorker(Buttons[i].hwnd,0); } g_mutex_bLockUpdating--; return 0; } int ModernSkinButtonDeleteAll() { DWORD i; if (!ModernSkinButtonModuleIsLoaded) return 0; for(i = 0; i < ButtonsCount; i++) if (Buttons[i].hwnd) DestroyWindow(Buttons[i].hwnd); if (Buttons) mir_free_and_nill(Buttons); ButtonsCount = 0; return 0; } int ModernSkinButton_ReposButtons(HWND parent, BYTE draw, RECT * r) { DWORD i; RECT rc; RECT clr; RECT rd; BOOL altDraw = FALSE; static SIZE oldWndSize = {0}; if (!ModernSkinButtonModuleIsLoaded) return 0; GetWindowRect(parent,&rd); GetClientRect(parent,&clr); if (!r) GetWindowRect(parent,&rc); else rc = *r; if (g_CluiData.fLayered && ( draw & SBRF_DO_ALT_DRAW )) { int sx,sy; sx = rd.right-rd.left; sy = rd.bottom-rd.top; if (sx != oldWndSize.cx || sy != oldWndSize.cy) altDraw = TRUE;//EraseButtons(); oldWndSize.cx = sx; oldWndSize.cy = sy; } OffsetRect(&rc,-rc.left,-rc.top); rc.right = rc.left+(clr.right-clr.left); rc.bottom = rc.top+(clr.bottom-clr.top); for(i = 0; i < ButtonsCount; i++) { int l,r,b,t; RECT oldRect = {0}; int sbFlags = Buttons[i].ConstrainPositionFrom; if (parent && Buttons[i].hwnd == NULL) { Buttons[i].hwnd = ModernSkinButtonCreateWindow(Buttons[i].bct,parent); altDraw = FALSE; } l = ( sbFlags & SBF_ALIGN_TL_RIGHT ) ? ( rc.right + Buttons[i].OrL ) : ( sbFlags & SBF_ALIGN_TL_HCENTER ) ? ( _center_h( &rc ) + Buttons[i].OrL ) : ( rc.left + Buttons[i].OrL ); t = ( sbFlags & SBF_ALIGN_TL_BOTTOM ) ? ( rc.bottom + Buttons[i].OrT ) : ( sbFlags & SBF_ALIGN_TL_VCENTER ) ? ( _center_v( &rc ) + Buttons[i].OrT ) : ( rc.top + Buttons[i].OrT ); r = ( sbFlags & SBF_ALIGN_BR_RIGHT ) ? ( rc.right + Buttons[i].OrR ) : ( sbFlags & SBF_ALIGN_BR_HCENTER ) ? ( _center_h( &rc) + Buttons[i].OrR ) : ( rc.left + Buttons[i].OrR ); b = ( sbFlags & SBF_ALIGN_BR_BOTTOM ) ? ( rc.bottom + Buttons[i].OrB ) : ( sbFlags & SBF_ALIGN_BR_VCENTER ) ? ( _center_v( &rc ) + Buttons[i].OrB ) : ( rc.top + Buttons[i].OrB ); SetWindowPos(Buttons[i].hwnd,HWND_TOP,l,t,r-l,b-t,0); if ( (rc.right-rc.left < Buttons[i].minW /*&& Buttons[i].minW != 0*/) ||(rc.bottom-rc.top < Buttons[i].minH /*&& Buttons[i].minH != 0*/)) CLUI_ShowWindowMod(Buttons[i].hwnd,SW_HIDE); else CLUI_ShowWindowMod(Buttons[i].hwnd,SW_SHOW); if ((1 || altDraw)&& (Buttons[i].bct->Left != l || Buttons[i].bct->Top != t || Buttons[i].bct->Right != r|| Buttons[i].bct->Bottom != b)) { //Need to erase in old location ModernSkinButtonErase(Buttons[i].bct->Left,Buttons[i].bct->Top,Buttons[i].bct->Right,Buttons[i].bct->Bottom); } Buttons[i].bct->Left = l; Buttons[i].bct->Top = t; Buttons[i].bct->Right = r; Buttons[i].bct->Bottom = b; } if ( draw & SBRF_DO_REDRAW_ALL ) ModernSkinButtonRedrawAll(0); return 0; }