/* Miranda IM: the free IM client for Microsoft* Windows* Copyright 2000-2008 Miranda ICQ/IM project, all portions of this codebase are copyrighted to the people listed in contributors.txt. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ /************************************************************************/ /** FILE CONTAINS HEADER PART FOR .../modernb/clui.c file **/ /** **/ /** !!! DO NOT INCLUDE IN TO OTHER FILES !!! **/ /************************************************************************/ /* Definitions */ #pragma once #define TM_AUTOALPHA 1 #define TM_DELAYEDSIZING 2 #define TM_BRINGOUTTIMEOUT 3 #define TM_BRINGINTIMEOUT 4 #define TM_UPDATEBRINGTIMER 5 #define TM_SMOTHALPHATRANSITION 20 #define TM_WINDOWUPDATE 100 #define TM_STATUSBARUPDATE 200 #define MS_CLUI_SHOWMAINMENU "CList/ShowMainMenu" #define MS_CLUI_SHOWSTATUSMENU "CList/ShowStatusMenu" #define AC_SRC_NO_PREMULT_ALPHA 0x01 #define AC_SRC_NO_ALPHA 0x02 #define AC_DST_NO_PREMULT_ALPHA 0x10 #define AC_DST_NO_ALPHA 0x20 #define ANIMATION_STEP 40 #define AEROGLASS_MINALPHA 24 /* Declaration of prototypes in other modules */ int ClcUnloadModule(); int ClcGetShortData(ClcData* pData, struct SHORTDATA *pShortData); int ClcEnterDragToScroll(HWND hwnd, int Y); int CListMod_ContactListShutdownProc(WPARAM wParam,LPARAM lParam); int CListMod_HideWindow(HWND hwndContactList, int mode); int CListSettings_GetCopyFromCache(ClcCacheEntry *pDest, DWORD flag); int CListSettings_SetToCache(ClcCacheEntry *pSrc, DWORD flag); int CLUIServices_LoadModule(void); INT_PTR CLUIServices_SortList(WPARAM wParam,LPARAM lParam); INT_PTR CLUIServices_ProtocolStatusChanged(WPARAM wParam,LPARAM lParam); void Docking_GetMonitorRectFromWindow(HWND hWnd,RECT *rc); int EventArea_Create(HWND hCluiWnd); int ExtraImage_ExtraIDToColumnNum(int extra); void GroupMenus_Init(); int ModernSkinButtonLoadModule(); int ModernSkinButton_ReposButtons(HWND parent, BYTE draw,RECT *r); void ske_ApplyTransluency(); HBITMAP ske_CreateDIB32(int cx, int cy); HBITMAP ske_CreateDIB32Point(int cx, int cy, void ** bits); int ske_JustUpdateWindowImage(); void ske_LoadSkinFromDB(void); int ske_RedrawCompleteWindow(); int ske_UpdateWindowImage(); int ske_ValidateFrameImageProc(RECT *r); HWND StatusBar_Create(HWND parent); void RowHeight_InitModernRow(); int UnhookAll(); /* External variables */ /* Global variables */ DWORD g_dwMainThreadID=0, g_dwAwayMsgThreadID=0, g_dwGetTextAsyncThreadID=0, g_dwSmoothAnimationThreadID=0, g_dwFillFontListThreadID=0; HMENU g_hMenuMain; BOOL g_bTransparentFlag=FALSE; BOOL g_mutex_bChangingMode=FALSE, g_mutex_bSizing=FALSE; BOOL g_flag_bOnModulesLoadedCalled=FALSE; RECT g_rcEdgeSizingRect={0}; BOOL (WINAPI *g_proc_SetLayeredWindowAttributes)(HWND,COLORREF,BYTE,DWORD); BOOL (WINAPI *g_proc_SetLayeredWindowAttributesNew)(HWND,COLORREF,BYTE,DWORD); BOOL (WINAPI *g_proc_AnimateWindow)(HWND hWnd,DWORD dwTime,DWORD dwFlags); /* Module function prototypes */ int CLUI_IsInMainWindow(HWND hwnd); int CLUI_SizingOnBorder(POINT pt, int size); int CLUI_SmoothAlphaTransition(HWND hwnd, BYTE GoalAlpha, BOOL wParam); int CLUI_TestCursorOnBorders(); static int CLUI_CreateTimerForConnectingIcon(WPARAM wParam,LPARAM lParam); static int CLUI_SmoothAlphaThreadTransition(HWND hwnd); /* structs */ typedef struct tagPROTOTICKS{ int nIconsCount; int nCycleStartTick; char * szProto; int nIndex; BOOL bTimerCreated; BOOL bGlobal; HIMAGELIST himlIconList; } PROTOTICKS,*LPPROTOTICKS; typedef struct tagCHECKFILLING { HDC hDC; RECT rcRect; } CHECKFILLING; /* Module global variables */ static BYTE bAlphaEnd; static BYTE bOldHideOffline; static BYTE bOldUseGroups; static WORD wBehindEdgeShowDelay, wBehindEdgeHideDelay, wBehindEdgeBorderSize; static BOOL mutex_bAnimationInProgress=FALSE, mutex_bShowHideCalledFromAnimation=FALSE, mutex_bIgnoreActivation=FALSE, mutex_bDisableAutoUpdate=TRUE, mutex_bDuringSizing=FALSE, mutex_bDelayedSizing=FALSE; //TBC is it need? static BOOL flag_bFirstTimeCall=FALSE; static BOOL bTransparentFocus=TRUE, bNeedFixSizingRect=FALSE, bShowEventStarted=FALSE; static HANDLE hRenameMenuItem, hShowAvatarMenuItem, hHideAvatarMenuItem; static UINT uMsgGetProfile=0; static int nLastRequiredHeight=0, nRequiredHeight=0, nMirMenuState=0, nStatusMenuState=0; static RECT rcNewWindowRect={0}, rcOldWindowRect ={0}, rcSizingRect={0}, rcCorrectSizeRect={0}; static HANDLE hFrameContactTree; static PROTOTICKS CycleStartTick[64]={0};//max 64 protocols static int nAnimatedIconStep=100; int CheckFramesPos(RECT *wr); //cluiframes.c int CLUIFrames_ApplyNewSizes(int mode); //cluiframes.c int CLUIFrames_GetTotalHeight(); //cluiframes.c int CLUIFrames_RepaintSubContainers(); //cluiframes.c int CLUIFramesGetMinHeight(); //cluiframes.c int SizeFramesByWindowRect(RECT *r, HDWP * PosBatch, int mode); //cluiframes.c int InitSkinHotKeys(); BOOL amWakeThread(); BOOL gtaWakeThread(); void CreateViewModeFrame(); HIMAGELIST hAvatarOverlays=NULL; OVERLAYICONINFO g_pAvatarOverlayIcons[ID_STATUS_OUTTOLUNCH - ID_STATUS_OFFLINE + 1] = { { "AVATAR_OVERLAY_OFFLINE", LPGEN("Offline"), IDI_AVATAR_OVERLAY_OFFLINE, -1}, { "AVATAR_OVERLAY_ONLINE", LPGEN("Online"), IDI_AVATAR_OVERLAY_ONLINE, -1}, { "AVATAR_OVERLAY_AWAY", LPGEN("Away"), IDI_AVATAR_OVERLAY_AWAY, -1}, { "AVATAR_OVERLAY_DND", LPGEN("DND"), IDI_AVATAR_OVERLAY_DND, -1}, { "AVATAR_OVERLAY_NA", LPGEN("NA"), IDI_AVATAR_OVERLAY_NA, -1}, { "AVATAR_OVERLAY_OCCUPIED", LPGEN("Occupied"), IDI_AVATAR_OVERLAY_OCCUPIED, -1}, { "AVATAR_OVERLAY_CHAT", LPGEN("Free for chat"), IDI_AVATAR_OVERLAY_CHAT, -1}, { "AVATAR_OVERLAY_INVISIBLE", LPGEN("Invisible"), IDI_AVATAR_OVERLAY_INVISIBLE, -1}, { "AVATAR_OVERLAY_PHONE", LPGEN("On the phone"), IDI_AVATAR_OVERLAY_PHONE, -1}, { "AVATAR_OVERLAY_LUNCH", LPGEN("Out to lunch"), IDI_AVATAR_OVERLAY_LUNCH, -1} }; OVERLAYICONINFO g_pStatusOverlayIcons[ID_STATUS_OUTTOLUNCH - ID_STATUS_OFFLINE + 1] = { { "STATUS_OVERLAY_OFFLINE", LPGEN("Offline"), IDI_STATUS_OVERLAY_OFFLINE, -1}, { "STATUS_OVERLAY_ONLINE", LPGEN("Online"), IDI_STATUS_OVERLAY_ONLINE, -1}, { "STATUS_OVERLAY_AWAY", LPGEN("Away"), IDI_STATUS_OVERLAY_AWAY, -1}, { "STATUS_OVERLAY_DND", LPGEN("DND"), IDI_STATUS_OVERLAY_DND, -1}, { "STATUS_OVERLAY_NA", LPGEN("NA"), IDI_STATUS_OVERLAY_NA, -1}, { "STATUS_OVERLAY_OCCUPIED", LPGEN("Occupied"), IDI_STATUS_OVERLAY_OCCUPIED, -1}, { "STATUS_OVERLAY_CHAT", LPGEN("Free for chat"), IDI_STATUS_OVERLAY_CHAT, -1}, { "STATUS_OVERLAY_INVISIBLE", LPGEN("Invisible"), IDI_STATUS_OVERLAY_INVISIBLE, -1}, { "STATUS_OVERLAY_PHONE", LPGEN("On the phone"), IDI_STATUS_OVERLAY_PHONE, -1}, { "STATUS_OVERLAY_LUNCH", LPGEN("Out to lunch"), IDI_STATUS_OVERLAY_LUNCH, -1} };