/* Wrapper for XP theme */ typedef void * XPTHANDLE; typedef HANDLE HTHEME; XPTHANDLE xpt_AddThemeHandle(HWND hwnd, LPCWSTR className); void xpt_FreeThemeHandle(XPTHANDLE xptHandle); void xpt_FreeThemeForWindow(HWND hwnd); BOOL xpt_IsValidHandle(XPTHANDLE xptHandle); HRESULT xpt_DrawThemeBackground(XPTHANDLE xptHandle, HDC hdc, int type, int state, const RECT * sizeRect, const RECT * clipRect); HRESULT xpt_DrawThemeParentBackground(HWND hWnd, HDC hdc, const RECT * sizeRect); HRESULT xpt_DrawThemeText(XPTHANDLE xptHandle, HDC hdc, int type, int state, LPCTSTR lpStr, int len, DWORD flag1, DWORD flag2, const RECT * textRect); BOOL xpt_IsThemeBackgroundPartiallyTransparent(XPTHANDLE xptHandle, int type, int state); HRESULT xpt_DrawTheme(XPTHANDLE xptHandle, HWND hwnd, HDC hdc, int type, int state, const RECT *sizeRect, const RECT * clipRect); BOOL xpt_IsThemed(XPTHANDLE xptHandle); BOOL xpt_EnableThemeDialogTexture(HWND hwnd, DWORD flags); // next will be called only from one place void XPThemesUnloadModule(); void xpt_OnWM_THEMECHANGED(); //definitions //#include //TODO: ADD HERE other definitions of part and states from //WINDOW #define WP_CAPTION 1 #define WP_SMALLCAPTION 2 #define WP_SMALLMINCAPTION 4 #define WP_SMALLMAXCAPTION 6 #define CS_ACTIVE 1 #define CS_INACTIVE 2