/* Miranda NG: the free IM client for Microsoft* Windows* Copyright (c) 2012-18 Miranda NG team (https://miranda-ng.org), Copyright (c) 2000-08 Miranda ICQ/IM project, all portions of this codebase are copyrighted to the people listed in contributors.txt. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. Created by Pescuma Modified by FYR */ ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Module for working with lines text and avatars #include "stdafx.h" #include "modern_sync.h" typedef BOOL(*ExecuteOnAllContactsFuncPtr) (ClcContact *contact, BOOL subcontact, void *param); ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Module static declarations static int CopySkipUnprintableChars(wchar_t *to, wchar_t * buf, DWORD size); static BOOL ExecuteOnAllContacts(ClcData *dat, ExecuteOnAllContactsFuncPtr func, void *param); static BOOL ExecuteOnAllContactsOfGroup(ClcGroup *group, ExecuteOnAllContactsFuncPtr func, void *param); ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Get time zone for contact // void Cache_GetTimezone(ClcData *dat, MCONTACT hContact) { ClcCacheEntry *pdnce = Clist_GetCacheEntry(hContact); if (dat == nullptr && pcli->hwndContactTree) dat = (ClcData *)GetWindowLongPtr(pcli->hwndContactTree, 0); if (dat && dat->hWnd == pcli->hwndContactTree) { DWORD flags = dat->contact_time_show_only_if_different ? TZF_DIFONLY : 0; pdnce->hTimeZone = TimeZone_CreateByContact(hContact, nullptr, flags); } } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Get all lines of text // void Cache_GetText(ClcData *dat, ClcContact *contact) { Cache_GetFirstLineText(dat, contact); if (!dat->bForceInDialog) { if (dat->secondLine.show) Cache_GetNthLineText(dat, contact->pce, 2); if (dat->thirdLine.show) Cache_GetNthLineText(dat, contact->pce, 3); } } void CSmileyString::AddListeningToIcon(ClcData *dat, wchar_t *szText) { iMaxSmileyHeight = 0; DestroySmileyList(); if (szText == nullptr) return; int text_size = (int)mir_wstrlen(szText); plText = List_Create(0, 1); // Add Icon { ClcContactTextPiece *piece = (ClcContactTextPiece *)mir_alloc(sizeof(ClcContactTextPiece)); piece->type = TEXT_PIECE_TYPE_SMILEY; piece->len = 0; piece->smiley = g_hListeningToIcon; piece->smiley_width = 16; piece->smiley_height = 16; ICONINFO icon; if (GetIconInfo(piece->smiley, &icon)) { BITMAP bm; if (GetObject(icon.hbmColor, sizeof(BITMAP), &bm)) { piece->smiley_width = bm.bmWidth; piece->smiley_height = bm.bmHeight; } DeleteObject(icon.hbmMask); DeleteObject(icon.hbmColor); } dat->text_smiley_height = max(piece->smiley_height, dat->text_smiley_height); iMaxSmileyHeight = max(piece->smiley_height, iMaxSmileyHeight); List_Insert(plText, piece, plText->realCount); } // Add text { ClcContactTextPiece *piece = (ClcContactTextPiece *)mir_alloc(sizeof(ClcContactTextPiece)); piece->type = TEXT_PIECE_TYPE_TEXT; piece->start_pos = 0; piece->len = text_size; List_Insert(plText, piece, plText->realCount); } } void CSmileyString::_CopySmileyList(SortedList *plInput) { if (!plInput || plInput->realCount == 0) return; plText = List_Create(0, 1); for (int i = 0; i < plInput->realCount; i++) { ClcContactTextPiece *pieceFrom = (ClcContactTextPiece *)plInput->items[i]; if (pieceFrom != nullptr) { ClcContactTextPiece *piece = (ClcContactTextPiece *)mir_alloc(sizeof(ClcContactTextPiece)); *piece = *pieceFrom; if (pieceFrom->type == TEXT_PIECE_TYPE_SMILEY) piece->smiley = CopyIcon(pieceFrom->smiley); List_Insert(plText, piece, plText->realCount); } } } void CSmileyString::DestroySmileyList() { if (plText == nullptr) return; if (IsBadReadPtr(plText, sizeof(SortedList))) { plText = nullptr; return; } if (plText->realCount != 0) { for (int i = 0; i < plText->realCount; i++) { if (plText->items[i] != nullptr) { ClcContactTextPiece *piece = (ClcContactTextPiece *)plText->items[i]; if (!IsBadWritePtr(piece, sizeof(ClcContactTextPiece))) { if (piece->type == TEXT_PIECE_TYPE_SMILEY && piece->smiley != g_hListeningToIcon) DestroyIcon_protect(piece->smiley); mir_free(piece); } } } List_Destroy(plText); } mir_free(plText); plText = nullptr; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Parsing of text for smiley // void CSmileyString::ReplaceSmileys(ClcData *dat, ClcCacheEntry *pdnce, wchar_t * szText, BOOL replace_smileys) { int last_pos = 0; iMaxSmileyHeight = 0; DestroySmileyList(); if (!dat->text_replace_smileys || !replace_smileys || szText == nullptr) return; int text_size = (int)mir_wstrlen(szText); // Call service for the first time to see if needs to be used... SMADD_BATCHPARSE2 sp = { 0 }; sp.cbSize = sizeof(sp); if (dat->text_use_protocol_smileys) { sp.Protocolname = pdnce->szProto; if (db_get_b(0, "CLC", "Meta", SETTING_USEMETAICON_DEFAULT) != 1 && pdnce->szProto != nullptr && mir_strcmp(pdnce->szProto, META_PROTO) == 0) { MCONTACT hContact = db_mc_getMostOnline(pdnce->hContact); if (hContact != 0) sp.Protocolname = GetContactProto(hContact); } } else sp.Protocolname = "clist"; sp.str = szText; sp.flag = SAFL_TCHAR; SMADD_BATCHPARSERES *spr = (SMADD_BATCHPARSERES*)CallService(MS_SMILEYADD_BATCHPARSE, 0, (LPARAM)&sp); // Did not find a simley if (spr == nullptr || (INT_PTR)spr == CALLSERVICE_NOTFOUND) return; // Lets add smileys plText = List_Create(0, 1); for (unsigned i = 0; i < sp.numSmileys; ++i) { if (spr[i].hIcon != nullptr) { // For deffective smileypacks // Add text if (spr[i].startChar - last_pos > 0) { ClcContactTextPiece *piece = (ClcContactTextPiece *)mir_alloc(sizeof(ClcContactTextPiece)); piece->type = TEXT_PIECE_TYPE_TEXT; piece->start_pos = last_pos;//sp.str - text; piece->len = spr[i].startChar - last_pos; List_Insert(plText, piece, plText->realCount); } // Add smiley { BITMAP bm; ICONINFO icon; ClcContactTextPiece *piece = (ClcContactTextPiece *)mir_alloc(sizeof(ClcContactTextPiece)); piece->type = TEXT_PIECE_TYPE_SMILEY; piece->len = spr[i].size; piece->smiley = spr[i].hIcon; piece->smiley_width = 16; piece->smiley_height = 16; if (GetIconInfo(piece->smiley, &icon)) { if (GetObject(icon.hbmColor, sizeof(BITMAP), &bm)) { piece->smiley_width = bm.bmWidth; piece->smiley_height = bm.bmHeight; } DeleteObject(icon.hbmMask); DeleteObject(icon.hbmColor); } dat->text_smiley_height = max(piece->smiley_height, dat->text_smiley_height); iMaxSmileyHeight = max(piece->smiley_height, iMaxSmileyHeight); List_Insert(plText, piece, plText->realCount); } } // Get next last_pos = spr[i].startChar + spr[i].size; } CallService(MS_SMILEYADD_BATCHFREE, 0, (LPARAM)spr); // Add rest of text if (last_pos < text_size) { ClcContactTextPiece *piece = (ClcContactTextPiece *)mir_alloc(sizeof(ClcContactTextPiece)); piece->type = TEXT_PIECE_TYPE_TEXT; piece->start_pos = last_pos; piece->len = text_size - last_pos; List_Insert(plText, piece, plText->realCount); } } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Getting Status name // returns -1 for XStatus, 1 for Status // int GetStatusName(wchar_t *text, int text_size, ClcCacheEntry *pdnce, BOOL xstatus_has_priority) { BOOL noAwayMsg = FALSE; BOOL noXstatus = FALSE; // Hide status text if Offline /// no offline WORD nStatus = pdnce->getStatus(); if ((nStatus == ID_STATUS_OFFLINE || nStatus == 0) && g_CluiData.bRemoveAwayMessageForOffline) noAwayMsg = TRUE; if (nStatus == ID_STATUS_OFFLINE || nStatus == 0) noXstatus = TRUE; text[0] = '\0'; // Get XStatusName if (!noAwayMsg && !noXstatus && xstatus_has_priority && pdnce->hContact && pdnce->szProto) { DBVARIANT dbv = { 0 }; if (!db_get_ws(pdnce->hContact, pdnce->szProto, "XStatusName", &dbv)) { //mir_wstrncpy(text, dbv.pszVal, text_size); CopySkipUnprintableChars(text, dbv.ptszVal, text_size - 1); db_free(&dbv); if (text[0] != '\0') return -1; } } // Get Status name wchar_t *tmp = Clist_GetStatusModeDescription(nStatus, 0); if (tmp && *tmp) { mir_wstrncpy(text, tmp, text_size); return 1; } // Get XStatusName if (!noAwayMsg && !noXstatus && !xstatus_has_priority && pdnce->hContact && pdnce->szProto) { DBVARIANT dbv = { 0 }; if (!db_get_ws(pdnce->hContact, pdnce->szProto, "XStatusName", &dbv)) { CopySkipUnprintableChars(text, dbv.ptszVal, text_size - 1); db_free(&dbv); if (text[0] != '\0') return -1; } } return 1; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Get Listening to information // void GetListeningTo(wchar_t *text, int text_size, ClcCacheEntry *pdnce) { *text = '\0'; if (pdnce->m_iStatus == ID_STATUS_OFFLINE || pdnce->m_iStatus == 0) return; ptrW tszValue(db_get_wsa(pdnce->hContact, pdnce->szProto, "ListeningTo")); if (tszValue != nullptr) CopySkipUnprintableChars(text, tszValue, text_size - 1); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Getting Status message(Away message) // returns -1 for XStatus, 1 for Status // int GetStatusMessage(wchar_t *text, int text_size, ClcCacheEntry *pdnce, BOOL xstatus_has_priority) { BOOL noAwayMsg = FALSE; WORD wStatus = pdnce->getStatus(); *text = '\0'; // Hide status text if Offline /// no offline if (wStatus == ID_STATUS_OFFLINE || wStatus == 0) noAwayMsg = TRUE; // Get XStatusMsg if (!noAwayMsg && xstatus_has_priority && pdnce->hContact && pdnce->szProto) { ptrW tszXStatusMsg(db_get_wsa(pdnce->hContact, pdnce->szProto, "XStatusMsg")); if (tszXStatusMsg != nullptr) { CopySkipUnprintableChars(text, tszXStatusMsg, text_size - 1); if (text[0] != '\0') return -1; } } // Get StatusMsg if (pdnce->hContact && text[0] == '\0') { ptrW tszStatusMsg(db_get_wsa(pdnce->hContact, "CList", "StatusMsg")); if (tszStatusMsg != nullptr) { CopySkipUnprintableChars(text, tszStatusMsg, text_size - 1); if (text[0] != '\0') return 1; } } // Get XStatusMsg if (!noAwayMsg && !xstatus_has_priority && pdnce->hContact && pdnce->szProto && text[0] == '\0') { // Try to get XStatusMsg ptrW tszXStatusMsg(db_get_wsa(pdnce->hContact, pdnce->szProto, "XStatusMsg")); if (tszXStatusMsg != nullptr) { CopySkipUnprintableChars(text, tszXStatusMsg, text_size - 1); if (text[0] != '\0') return -1; } } return 1; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Get the text for specified lines int Cache_GetLineText(ClcCacheEntry *pdnce, int type, LPTSTR text, int text_size, ClcLineInfo &line) { if (text == nullptr) return TEXT_EMPTY; text[0] = '\0'; switch (type) { case TEXT_STATUS: LBL_Status: if (GetStatusName(text, text_size, pdnce, line.xstatus_has_priority) == -1 && line.use_name_and_message_for_xstatus) { // Try to get XStatusMsg ptrW tszXStatusMsg(db_get_wsa(pdnce->hContact, pdnce->szProto, "XStatusMsg")); if (tszXStatusMsg != nullptr && tszXStatusMsg[0] != 0) { wchar_t *tmp = NEWWSTR_ALLOCA(text); mir_snwprintf(text, text_size, L"%s: %s", tmp, tszXStatusMsg); CopySkipUnprintableChars(text, text, text_size - 1); } } return TEXT_STATUS; case TEXT_NICKNAME: if (pdnce->hContact && pdnce->szProto) { ptrW tszNick(db_get_wsa(pdnce->hContact, pdnce->szProto, "Nick")); if (tszNick != nullptr) { mir_wstrncpy(text, tszNick, text_size); CopySkipUnprintableChars(text, text, text_size - 1); } } return TEXT_NICKNAME; case TEXT_STATUS_MESSAGE: if (GetStatusMessage(text, text_size, pdnce, line.xstatus_has_priority) == -1 && line.use_name_and_message_for_xstatus) { // Try to get XStatusName ptrW tszXStatusName(db_get_wsa(pdnce->hContact, pdnce->szProto, "XStatusName")); if (tszXStatusName != nullptr && tszXStatusName[0] != 0) { wchar_t *tmp = NEWWSTR_ALLOCA(text); mir_snwprintf(text, text_size, L"%s: %s", tszXStatusName, tmp); CopySkipUnprintableChars(text, text, text_size - 1); } } else if (line.use_name_and_message_for_xstatus && line.xstatus_has_priority) { // Try to get XStatusName ptrW tszXStatusName(db_get_wsa(pdnce->hContact, pdnce->szProto, "XStatusName")); if (tszXStatusName != nullptr && tszXStatusName[0] != 0) { mir_wstrncpy(text, tszXStatusName, text_size); CopySkipUnprintableChars(text, text, text_size - 1); } } if (text[0] == '\0') { if (line.show_listening_if_no_away) { GetListeningTo(text, text_size, pdnce); if (text[0] != '\0') return TEXT_LISTENING_TO; } if (line.show_status_if_no_away) // re-request status if no away goto LBL_Status; } return TEXT_STATUS_MESSAGE; case TEXT_LISTENING_TO: GetListeningTo(text, text_size, pdnce); return TEXT_LISTENING_TO; case TEXT_TEXT: { ptrW tmp(variables_parsedup(line.text, pdnce->tszName, pdnce->hContact)); mir_wstrncpy(text, tmp, text_size); CopySkipUnprintableChars(text, text, text_size - 1); } return TEXT_TEXT; case TEXT_CONTACT_TIME: if (pdnce->hTimeZone) { // Get pdnce time text[0] = 0; TimeZone_PrintDateTime(pdnce->hTimeZone, L"t", text, text_size, 0); } return TEXT_CONTACT_TIME; } return TEXT_EMPTY; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Get the text for First Line void Cache_GetFirstLineText(ClcData *dat, ClcContact *contact) { if (GetCurrentThreadId() != g_dwMainThreadID) return; ClcCacheEntry *pdnce = contact->pce; wchar_t *name = Clist_GetContactDisplayName(contact->hContact); if (dat->first_line_append_nick && !dat->bForceInDialog) { DBVARIANT dbv = { 0 }; if (!db_get_ws(pdnce->hContact, pdnce->szProto, "Nick", &dbv)) { wchar_t nick[_countof(contact->szText)]; mir_wstrncpy(nick, dbv.ptszVal, _countof(contact->szText)); db_free(&dbv); // They are the same -> use the name to keep the case if (mir_wstrcmpi(name, nick) == 0) mir_wstrncpy(contact->szText, name, _countof(contact->szText)); else // Append then mir_snwprintf(contact->szText, L"%s - %s", name, nick); } else mir_wstrncpy(contact->szText, name, _countof(contact->szText)); } else mir_wstrncpy(contact->szText, name, _countof(contact->szText)); if (!dat->bForceInDialog) contact->ssText.ReplaceSmileys(dat, pdnce, contact->szText, dat->first_line_draw_smileys); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Get the text for Second Line void Cache_GetNthLineText(ClcData *dat, ClcCacheEntry *pdnce, int n) { wchar_t Text[240 - EXTRA_ICON_COUNT]; Text[0] = 0; ClcLineInfo &line = (n == 2) ? dat->secondLine : dat->thirdLine; wchar_t* &szText = (n == 2) ? pdnce->szSecondLineText : pdnce->szThirdLineText; // in most cases replaceStrW does nothing if (!line.show) { replaceStrW(szText, nullptr); return; } int type = Cache_GetLineText(pdnce, line.type, Text, _countof(Text), line); if (Text[0] == 0) { replaceStrW(szText, nullptr); return; } Text[_countof(Text) - 1] = 0; //to be sure that it is null terminated string replaceStrW(szText, Text); CSmileyString &ss = (n == 2) ? pdnce->ssSecondLine : pdnce->ssThirdLine; if (type == TEXT_LISTENING_TO && szText[0] != '\0') ss.AddListeningToIcon(dat, szText); else ss.ReplaceSmileys(dat, pdnce, szText, line.draw_smileys); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void RemoveTag(wchar_t *to, wchar_t *tag) { wchar_t *st = to; int len = (int)mir_wstrlen(tag); int lastsize = (int)mir_wstrlen(to) + 1; while (st = wcsstr(st, tag)) { lastsize -= len; memmove((void*)st, (void*)(st + len), (lastsize)*sizeof(wchar_t)); } } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Copy string with removing Escape chars from text and BBcodes static int CopySkipUnprintableChars(wchar_t *to, wchar_t * buf, DWORD size) { DWORD i; BOOL keep = 0; wchar_t * cp = to; if (!to) return 0; if (!buf) { to[0] = '\0'; return 0; } for (i = 0; i < size; i++) { if (buf[i] == 0) break; if (buf[i] > 0 && buf[i] < ' ') { *cp = ' '; if (!keep) cp++; keep = 1; } else { keep = 0; *cp = buf[i]; cp++; } } *cp = 0; //remove bbcodes: [b] [i] [u] <b> <i> <u> RemoveTag(to, L"[b]"); RemoveTag(to, L"[/b]"); RemoveTag(to, L"[u]"); RemoveTag(to, L"[/u]"); RemoveTag(to, L"[i]"); RemoveTag(to, L"[/i]"); RemoveTag(to, L"<b>"); RemoveTag(to, L"</b>"); RemoveTag(to, L"<u>"); RemoveTag(to, L"</u>"); RemoveTag(to, L"<i>"); RemoveTag(to, L"</i>"); RemoveTag(to, L"[B]"); RemoveTag(to, L"[/b]"); RemoveTag(to, L"[U]"); RemoveTag(to, L"[/u]"); RemoveTag(to, L"[I]"); RemoveTag(to, L"[/i]"); RemoveTag(to, L"<B>"); RemoveTag(to, L"</B>"); RemoveTag(to, L"<U>"); RemoveTag(to, L"</U>"); RemoveTag(to, L"<I>"); RemoveTag(to, L"</I>"); return i; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // If ExecuteOnAllContactsFuncPtr returns FALSE, stop loop // Return TRUE if finished, FALSE if was stoped // static BOOL ExecuteOnAllContacts(ClcData *dat, ExecuteOnAllContactsFuncPtr func, void *param) { return ExecuteOnAllContactsOfGroup(&dat->list, func, param); } static BOOL ExecuteOnAllContactsOfGroup(ClcGroup *group, ExecuteOnAllContactsFuncPtr func, void *param) { if (!group) return TRUE; for (auto &it : group->cl) { if (it->type == CLCIT_CONTACT) { if (!func(it, FALSE, param)) return FALSE; if (it->iSubAllocated > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < it->iSubAllocated; i++) if (!func(&it->subcontacts[i], TRUE, param)) return FALSE; } } else if (it->type == CLCIT_GROUP) if (!ExecuteOnAllContactsOfGroup(it->group, func, param)) return FALSE; } return TRUE; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Avatar working routines // BOOL UpdateAllAvatarsProxy(ClcContact *contact, BOOL, void *param) { Cache_GetAvatar((ClcData *)param, contact); return TRUE; } void UpdateAllAvatars(ClcData *dat) { ExecuteOnAllContacts(dat, UpdateAllAvatarsProxy, dat); } BOOL ReduceAvatarPosition(ClcContact *contact, BOOL, void *param) { if (contact->avatar_pos >= *((int *)param)) contact->avatar_pos--; return TRUE; } void Cache_ProceedAvatarInList(ClcData *dat, ClcContact *contact) { AVATARCACHEENTRY *ace = contact->avatar_data; int old_pos = contact->avatar_pos; if (ace == nullptr || ace->dwFlags == AVS_BITMAP_EXPIRED || ace->hbmPic == nullptr) { // Avatar was not ready or removed - need to remove it from cache if (old_pos >= 0) { ImageArray_RemoveImage(&dat->avatar_cache, old_pos); // Update all items ExecuteOnAllContacts(dat, ReduceAvatarPosition, (void *)&old_pos); contact->avatar_pos = AVATAR_POS_DONT_HAVE; return; } } else if (contact->avatar_data->hbmPic != nullptr) { // let's add it // Clipping width and height LONG width_clip = dat->avatars_maxwidth_size ? dat->avatars_maxwidth_size : dat->avatars_maxheight_size; LONG height_clip = dat->avatars_maxheight_size; if (height_clip * ace->bmWidth / ace->bmHeight <= width_clip) width_clip = height_clip * ace->bmWidth / ace->bmHeight; else height_clip = width_clip * ace->bmHeight / ace->bmWidth; if (wildcmpiw(contact->avatar_data->szFilename, L"*.gif")) { if (old_pos == AVATAR_POS_ANIMATED) AniAva_RemoveAvatar(contact->hContact); int res = AniAva_AddAvatar(contact->hContact, contact->avatar_data->szFilename, width_clip, height_clip); if (res) { contact->avatar_pos = AVATAR_POS_ANIMATED; contact->avatar_size.cy = HIWORD(res); contact->avatar_size.cx = LOWORD(res); return; } } // Create objs HDC hdc = CreateCompatibleDC(dat->avatar_cache.hdc); void *pt; HBITMAP hDrawBmp = ske_CreateDIB32Point(width_clip, height_clip, &pt); HBITMAP oldBmp = (HBITMAP)SelectObject(hdc, hDrawBmp); // need to draw avatar bitmap here DrawAvatarImageWithGDIp(hdc, 0, 0, width_clip, height_clip, ace->hbmPic, 0, 0, ace->bmWidth, ace->bmHeight, ace->dwFlags, 255); SelectObject(hdc, oldBmp); DeleteDC(hdc); // Add to list if (old_pos >= 0) { ImageArray_ChangeImage(&dat->avatar_cache, hDrawBmp, old_pos); contact->avatar_pos = old_pos; } else contact->avatar_pos = ImageArray_AddImage(&dat->avatar_cache, hDrawBmp, -1); if (old_pos == AVATAR_POS_ANIMATED && contact->avatar_pos != AVATAR_POS_ANIMATED) AniAva_RemoveAvatar(contact->hContact); DeleteObject(hDrawBmp); } } void Cache_GetAvatar(ClcData *dat, ClcContact *contact) { // workaround for avatar service if (g_CluiData.bSTATE != STATE_NORMAL) { contact->avatar_pos = AVATAR_POS_DONT_HAVE; contact->avatar_data = nullptr; return; } if (dat->avatars_show && !db_get_b(contact->hContact, "CList", "HideContactAvatar", 0)) { contact->avatar_data = (AVATARCACHEENTRY*)CallService(MS_AV_GETAVATARBITMAP, contact->hContact, 0); if (contact->avatar_data == nullptr || contact->avatar_data->dwFlags == AVS_BITMAP_EXPIRED) contact->avatar_data = nullptr; if (contact->avatar_data != nullptr) contact->avatar_data->t_lastAccess = (DWORD)time(0); } else contact->avatar_data = nullptr; Cache_ProceedAvatarInList(dat, contact); }