/* Miranda NG: the free IM client for Microsoft* Windows* Copyright (с) 2012-16 Miranda NG project (http://miranda-ng.org), Copyright (c) 2000-08 Miranda ICQ/IM project, all portions of this codebase are copyrighted to the people listed in contributors.txt. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ #pragma once #ifndef _CLC_H_ #define _CLC_H_ #include "modern_image_array.h" #include "m_xpTheme.h" // Новый формат настроек. #define TRAY_ICON_MODE_GLOBAL 1 #define TRAY_ICON_MODE_ACC 2 #define TRAY_ICON_MODE_CYCLE 4 #define TRAY_ICON_MODE_ALL 8 #define NIIF_INTERN_UNICODE 0x00000100 #define SETTING_STATE_HIDDEN 0 #define SETTING_STATE_MINIMIZED 1 #define SETTING_STATE_NORMAL 2 #define SETTING_BRINGTOFRONT_DEFAULT 0 #define SETTING_AVATAR_OVERLAY_TYPE_NORMAL 0 #define SETTING_AVATAR_OVERLAY_TYPE_PROTOCOL 1 #define SETTING_AVATAR_OVERLAY_TYPE_CONTACT 2 #define HCONTACT_ISGROUP 0x80000000 #define HCONTACT_ISINFO 0xFFFF0000 #define MAXSTATUSMSGLEN 256 #define INTM_STATUSMSGCHANGED (WM_USER+26) #define INTM_STATUSCHANGED (WM_USER+27) #define INTM_AVATARCHANGED (WM_USER+28) #define INTM_TIMEZONECHANGED (WM_USER+29) #define CLBF_TILEVTOROWHEIGHT 0x0100 #define TIMERID_SUBEXPAND 21 #define TIMERID_INVALIDATE 22 #define TIMERID_RECALCSCROLLBAR 26 #define TIMERID_FIRST TIMERID_RENAME #define TIMERID_LAST TIMERID_RECALCSCROLLBAR void clcSetDelayTimer(UINT_PTR uIDEvent, HWND hwnd, int nDelay = -1); #define FONTID_CONTACTS 0 #define FONTID_INVIS 1 #define FONTID_OFFLINE 2 #define FONTID_NOTONLIST 3 #define FONTID_OPENGROUPS 4 #define FONTID_OPENGROUPCOUNTS 5 #define FONTID_DIVIDERS 6 #define FONTID_OFFINVIS 7 #define FONTID_SECONDLINE 8 #define FONTID_THIRDLINE 9 #define FONTID_AWAY 10 #define FONTID_DND 11 #define FONTID_NA 12 #define FONTID_OCCUPIED 13 #define FONTID_CHAT 14 #define FONTID_INVISIBLE 15 #define FONTID_PHONE 16 #define FONTID_LUNCH 17 #define FONTID_CONTACT_TIME 18 #define FONTID_CLOSEDGROUPS 19 #define FONTID_CLOSEDGROUPCOUNTS 20 #define FONTID_STATUSBAR_PROTONAME 21 #define FONTID_EVENTAREA 22 #define FONTID_VIEMODES 23 #define FONTID_MODERN_MAX 23 #define DROPTARGET_OUTSIDE 0 #define DROPTARGET_ONSELF 1 #define DROPTARGET_ONNOTHING 2 #define DROPTARGET_ONGROUP 3 #define DROPTARGET_ONCONTACT 4 #define DROPTARGET_INSERTION 5 #define DROPTARGET_ONMETACONTACT 6 #define DROPTARGET_ONSUBCONTACT 7 #define CONTACTF_ONLINE 1 #define CONTACTF_INVISTO 2 #define CONTACTF_VISTO 4 #define CONTACTF_NOTONLIST 8 #define CONTACTF_CHECKED 16 #define CONTACTF_IDLE 32 #define AVATAR_POS_DONT_HAVE -1 #define AVATAR_POS_ANIMATED -2 #define TEXT_PIECE_TYPE_TEXT 0 #define TEXT_PIECE_TYPE_SMILEY 1 #define DRAGSTAGE_NOTMOVED 0 #define DRAGSTAGE_ACTIVE 1 #define DRAGSTAGEM_STAGE 0x00FF #define DRAGSTAGEF_MAYBERENAME 0x8000 #define DRAGSTAGEF_OUTSIDE 0x4000 #define DRAGSTAGEF_SKIPRENAME 0x2000 #define ITEM_AVATAR 0 #define ITEM_ICON 1 #define ITEM_TEXT 2 #define ITEM_EXTRA_ICONS 3 #define ITEM_CONTACT_TIME 4 #define NUM_ITEM_TYPE 5 #define TEXT_EMPTY -1 #define TEXT_STATUS 0 #define TEXT_NICKNAME 1 #define TEXT_STATUS_MESSAGE 2 #define TEXT_TEXT 3 #define TEXT_CONTACT_TIME 4 #define TEXT_LISTENING_TO 5 #define TEXT_TEXT_MAX_LENGTH 1024 typedef struct tagClcContactTextPiece { int type; int len; union { struct { int start_pos; }; struct { HICON smiley; int smiley_width; int smiley_height; }; }; } ClcContactTextPiece; enum { CIT_PAINT_END = 0, //next items are invalids CIT_AVATAR, // 1 CIT_ICON, // 2 CIT_TEXT, // 3 //the contact name or group name CIT_SUBTEXT1, // 4 //the second line for contact or group counter for groups CIT_SUBTEXT2, // 5 CIT_TIME, // 6 CIT_CHECKBOX, // 7 CIT_SELECTION, // 8 CIT_EXTRA = 64 //use bit compare for extra icon, the mask &0x3F will return number of extra icon }; struct tContactItems { BYTE itemType; //one of above CIT_ definitions RECT itemRect; }; struct ClcContact : public ClcContactBase { ClcContact *subcontacts; int iSubAllocated, iSubNumber; bool bSubExpanded, bImageIsSpecial; int avatar_pos; avatarCacheEntry *avatar_data; SIZE avatar_size; CSmileyString ssText; // For hittest int pos_indent; RECT pos_check; RECT pos_avatar; RECT pos_icon; RECT pos_label; RECT pos_contact_time; RECT pos_extra[EXTRA_ICON_COUNT]; DWORD lastPaintCounter; BYTE bContactRate; // For extended layout BYTE ext_nItemsNum; BOOL ext_fItemsValid; tContactItems ext_mpItemsDesc[EXTRA_ICON_COUNT + 10]; //up to 10 items __forceinline bool isCheckBox(DWORD_PTR style) const { return (style & CLS_CHECKBOXES && type == CLCIT_CONTACT) || (style & CLS_GROUPCHECKBOXES && type == CLCIT_GROUP) || (type == CLCIT_INFO && flags & CLCIIF_CHECKBOX); } __forceinline bool isChat() const { return (type == CLCIT_CONTACT) && (db_get_b(hContact, proto, "ChatRoom", 0) != 0); } }; struct ClcLineInfo { BOOL show; int top_space; BOOL draw_smileys; int type; TCHAR text[TEXT_TEXT_MAX_LENGTH]; BOOL xstatus_has_priority; BOOL show_status_if_no_away; BOOL show_listening_if_no_away; BOOL use_name_and_message_for_xstatus; }; struct ClcModernFontInfo { HFONT hFont; int fontHeight, changed; COLORREF colour; BYTE effect; COLORREF effectColour1; COLORREF effectColour2; }; struct ClcData : public ClcDataBase { BYTE HiLightMode; BYTE doubleClickExpand; int MetaIgnoreEmptyExtra; BYTE expandMeta; BYTE IsMetaContactsEnabled; time_t last_tick_time; BOOL force_in_dialog; int subIndent; int rightMargin; HBITMAP hMenuBackground; DWORD MenuBkColor, MenuBkHiColor, MenuTextColor, MenuTextHiColor; int MenuBmpUse; // Row height int *row_heights; int row_heights_size; int row_heights_allocated; // Avatar cache IMAGE_ARRAY_DATA avatar_cache; // Row int row_min_heigh; int row_border; int row_before_group_space; BOOL row_variable_height; BOOL row_align_left_items_to_left; BOOL row_align_right_items_to_right; int row_items[NUM_ITEM_TYPE]; BOOL row_hide_group_icon; BYTE row_align_group_mode; // Avatar BOOL avatars_show; BOOL avatars_draw_border; COLORREF avatars_border_color; BOOL avatars_round_corners; BOOL avatars_use_custom_corner_size; int avatars_custom_corner_size; BOOL avatars_ignore_size_for_row_height; BOOL avatars_draw_overlay; int avatars_overlay_type; int avatars_maxheight_size; int avatars_maxwidth_size; // Icon BOOL icon_hide_on_avatar; BOOL icon_draw_on_avatar_space; BOOL icon_ignore_size_for_row_height; // Contact time BOOL contact_time_show; BOOL contact_time_show_only_if_different; // Text BOOL text_rtl; BOOL text_align_right; BOOL text_replace_smileys; BOOL text_resize_smileys; int text_smiley_height; BOOL text_use_protocol_smileys; BOOL text_ignore_size_for_row_height; // First line BOOL first_line_draw_smileys; BOOL first_line_append_nick; // Second & third line ClcLineInfo secondLine, thirdLine; ClcModernFontInfo fontModernInfo[FONTID_MODERN_MAX + 1]; HWND hWnd; BYTE menuOwnerType; int menuOwnerID; DWORD m_paintCouter; //range is enoght to 49 days if painting will occure each one millisecond BYTE useMetaIcon; BYTE drawOverlayedStatus; int nInsertionLevel; BYTE dbbMetaHideExtra; BYTE dbbBlendInActiveState; BYTE dbbBlend25; XPTHANDLE hCheckBoxTheme; BYTE bCompactMode; __forceinline int getRowHeight(int iRow) const { return (row_variable_height) ? row_heights[iRow] : rowHeight; } }; typedef struct tagOVERLAYICONINFO { char *name; char *description; int id; int listID; } OVERLAYICONINFO; // clc.c void ClcOptionsChanged(void); // clcidents.c int cliGetRowsPriorTo(ClcGroup *group, ClcGroup *subgroup, int contactIndex); int FindItem(HWND hwnd, ClcData *dat, DWORD hItem, ClcContact **contact, ClcGroup **subgroup, int *isVisible, bool isIgnoreSubcontacts); int cliGetRowByIndex(ClcData *dat, int testindex, ClcContact **contact, ClcGroup **subgroup); // clcitems.c void cliRebuildEntireList(HWND hwnd, ClcData *dat); void cli_AddContactToTree(HWND hwnd, ClcData *dat, MCONTACT hContact, int updateTotalCount, int checkHideOffline); void cli_SortCLC(HWND hwnd, ClcData *dat, int useInsertionSort); int GetNewSelection(ClcGroup *group, int selection, int direction); // clcmsgs.c LRESULT cli_ProcessExternalMessages(HWND hwnd, ClcData *dat, UINT msg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam); // clcutils.c void cliRecalcScrollBar(HWND hwnd, ClcData *dat); void cliBeginRenameSelection(HWND hwnd, ClcData *dat); int cliHitTest(HWND hwnd, ClcData *dat, int testx, int testy, ClcContact **contact, ClcGroup **group, DWORD *flags); void cliScrollTo(HWND hwnd, ClcData *dat, int desty, int noSmooth); int GetDropTargetInformation(HWND hwnd, ClcData *dat, POINT pt); void LoadCLCOptions(HWND hwnd, ClcData *dat, BOOL bFirst); COLORREF cliGetColor(char *module, char *color, COLORREF defColor); // clcpaint.c void CLCPaint_cliPaintClc(HWND hwnd, ClcData *dat, HDC hdc, RECT *rcPaint); // clcopts.c int ClcOptInit(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam); DWORD GetDefaultExStyle(void); void GetFontSetting(int i, LOGFONT *lf, COLORREF *colour, BYTE *effect, COLORREF *eColour1, COLORREF *eColour2); // clistsettings.c TCHAR* GetContactDisplayNameW(MCONTACT hContact, int mode); // groups.c TCHAR* GetGroupNameTS(int idx, DWORD* pdwFlags); int RenameGroupT(WPARAM groupID, LPARAM newName); int GetContactCachedStatus(MCONTACT hContact); #endif /* _CLC_H_ */