/* Miranda NG: the free IM client for Microsoft* Windows* Copyright (ñ) 2012-16 Miranda NG project (http://miranda-ng.org), Copyright (c) 2000-08 Miranda ICQ/IM project, all portions of this codebase are copyrighted to the people listed in contributors.txt. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ #include "stdafx.h" void InsertContactIntoTree(MCONTACT hContact, int status); wchar_t* UnknownConctactTranslatedName = NULL; void cliFreeCacheItem(ClcCacheEntry *p) { mir_free_and_nil(p->szSecondLineText); mir_free_and_nil(p->szThirdLineText); p->ssSecondLine.DestroySmileyList(); p->ssThirdLine.DestroySmileyList(); corecli.pfnFreeCacheItem(p); } void cliCheckCacheItem(ClcCacheEntry *pdnce) { if (pdnce == NULL) return; if (pdnce->hContact == NULL) { //selfcontact if (!pdnce->tszName) pdnce->tszName = pcli->pfnGetContactDisplayName(NULL, GCDNF_NOCACHE); return; } if (pdnce->m_pszProto == NULL) { pdnce->m_pszProto = GetContactProto(pdnce->hContact); if (pdnce->m_pszProto && pdnce->tszName) mir_free_and_nil(pdnce->tszName); } if (pdnce->tszName == NULL) { pdnce->tszName = pcli->pfnGetContactDisplayName(pdnce->hContact, GCDNF_NOCACHE); pdnce->m_bIsUnknown = !mir_tstrcmp(pdnce->tszName, UnknownConctactTranslatedName); } if (pdnce->m_iStatus == 0) //very strange look status sort is broken let always reread status pdnce->m_iStatus = GetStatusForContact(pdnce->hContact, pdnce->m_pszProto); // this variable isn't filled inside cliCreateCacheItem() because the filter could be changed dynamically if (pdnce->dwLastMsgTime == -1 && g_CluiData.bFilterEffective & (CLVM_FILTER_LASTMSG | CLVM_FILTER_LASTMSG_NEWERTHAN | CLVM_FILTER_LASTMSG_OLDERTHAN)) { pdnce->dwLastMsgTime = db_get_dw(pdnce->hContact, "CList", "mf_lastmsg", 0); if (pdnce->dwLastMsgTime == 0) pdnce->dwLastMsgTime = CompareContacts2_getLMTime(pdnce->hContact); } corecli.pfnCheckCacheItem(pdnce); } int GetStatusForContact(MCONTACT hContact, char *szProto) { return (szProto) ? db_get_w(hContact, szProto, "Status", ID_STATUS_OFFLINE) : ID_STATUS_OFFLINE; } int GetContactInfosForSort(MCONTACT hContact, char **Proto, wchar_t **Name, int *Status) { ClcCacheEntry *cacheEntry = pcli->pfnGetCacheEntry(hContact); if (cacheEntry != NULL) { if (Proto != NULL) *Proto = cacheEntry->m_pszProto; if (Name != NULL) *Name = cacheEntry->tszName; if (Status != NULL) *Status = cacheEntry->m_iStatus; } return 0; } int GetContactCachedStatus(MCONTACT hContact) { return pcli->pfnGetCacheEntry(hContact)->getStatus(); } int ContactAdded(WPARAM hContact, LPARAM) { if (!MirandaExiting()) pcli->pfnChangeContactIcon(hContact, pcli->pfnIconFromStatusMode(GetContactProto(hContact), ID_STATUS_OFFLINE, hContact)); return 0; } int MetaStatusChanged(WPARAM hMeta, LPARAM) { ClcCacheEntry *pdnce = pcli->pfnGetCacheEntry(hMeta); if (pdnce) Clist_Broadcast(INTM_STATUSCHANGED, hMeta, 0); return 0; } int ContactSettingChanged(WPARAM hContact, LPARAM lParam) { if (MirandaExiting() || !pcli || hContact == NULL) return 0; ClcCacheEntry *pdnce = pcli->pfnGetCacheEntry(hContact); if (pdnce == NULL) { TRACE("!!! Very bad pdnce not found."); return 0; } if (pdnce->m_pszProto == NULL) return 0; DBCONTACTWRITESETTING *cws = (DBCONTACTWRITESETTING*)lParam; if (!strcmp(cws->szModule, pdnce->m_pszProto)) { if (!strcmp(cws->szSetting, "Status")) { pdnce->m_iStatus = cws->value.wVal; if (pdnce->bIsHidden) return 0; if (cws->value.wVal == ID_STATUS_OFFLINE) if (g_CluiData.bRemoveAwayMessageForOffline) db_set_s(hContact, "CList", "StatusMsg", ""); if ((db_get_w(NULL, "CList", "SecondLineType", 0) == TEXT_STATUS_MESSAGE || db_get_w(NULL, "CList", "ThirdLineType", 0) == TEXT_STATUS_MESSAGE) && pdnce->hContact && pdnce->m_pszProto) amRequestAwayMsg(hContact); Clist_Broadcast(INTM_STATUSCHANGED, hContact, 0); } else if (!strcmp(cws->szModule, META_PROTO) && !memcmp(cws->szSetting, "Status", 6)) { // Status0..N for metacontacts if (pcli->hwndContactTree && g_flag_bOnModulesLoadedCalled) pcli->pfnInitAutoRebuild(pcli->hwndContactTree); if ((db_get_w(NULL, "CList", "SecondLineType", SETTING_SECONDLINE_TYPE_DEFAULT) == TEXT_STATUS_MESSAGE || db_get_w(NULL, "CList", "ThirdLineType", SETTING_THIRDLINE_TYPE_DEFAULT) == TEXT_STATUS_MESSAGE) && pdnce->hContact && pdnce->m_pszProto) amRequestAwayMsg(hContact); } else if (!strcmp(cws->szSetting, "ApparentMode")) pdnce->ApparentMode = cws->value.wVal; else if (!strcmp(cws->szSetting, "IdleTS")) pdnce->IdleTS = cws->value.dVal; else if (!strcmp(cws->szSetting, "IsSubcontact")) { pdnce->m_bIsSub = (cws->value.type == DBVT_DELETED) ? false : cws->value.bVal != 0; pcli->pfnInitAutoRebuild(pcli->hwndContactTree); } } if (!strcmp(cws->szModule, "CList")) { // name is null or (setting is myhandle) if (!strcmp(cws->szSetting, "Rate")) Clist_Broadcast(CLM_AUTOREBUILD, 0, 0); else if (!strcmp(cws->szSetting, "NotOnList")) pdnce->NotOnList = cws->value.bVal; else if (!strcmp(cws->szSetting, "Expanded")) pdnce->IsExpanded = cws->value.bVal; else if (!strcmp(cws->szSetting, "Hidden")) { pdnce->bIsHidden = cws->value.bVal; if (cws->value.type == DBVT_DELETED || cws->value.bVal == 0) pcli->pfnChangeContactIcon(hContact, pcli->pfnIconFromStatusMode(pdnce->m_pszProto, pdnce->getStatus(), hContact)); Clist_Broadcast(CLM_AUTOREBUILD, 0, 0); } else if (!strcmp(cws->szSetting, "noOffline")) { pdnce->m_bNoHiddenOffline = cws->value.bVal; Clist_Broadcast(CLM_AUTOREBUILD, 0, 0); } } else if (!strcmp(cws->szModule, "Protocol")) { if (!strcmp(cws->szSetting, "p")) { pdnce->m_pszProto = GetContactProto(hContact); char *szProto = (cws->value.type == DBVT_DELETED) ? NULL : cws->value.pszVal; pcli->pfnChangeContactIcon(hContact, pcli->pfnIconFromStatusMode(szProto, pdnce->getStatus(), hContact)); } } return 0; } int OnLoadLangpack(WPARAM, LPARAM) { UnknownConctactTranslatedName = TranslateT("(Unknown contact)"); return 0; }