/* Miranda NG: the free IM client for Microsoft* Windows* Copyright (C) 2012-19 Miranda NG team (https://miranda-ng.org), Copyright (c) 2000-08 Miranda ICQ/IM project, all portions of this codebase are copyrighted to the people listed in contributors.txt. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ #include "stdafx.h" #include "modern_statusbar.h" int g_mutex_bOnTrayRightClick = 0; BOOL g_bMultiConnectionMode = FALSE; BOOL IS_WM_MOUSE_DOWN_IN_TRAY; BOOL g_trayTooltipActive = FALSE; POINT tray_hover_pos = { 0 }; // don't move to win2k.h, need new and old versions to work on 9x/2000/XP #define NIF_STATE 0x00000008 #define NIF_INFO 0x00000010 #ifndef _INC_SHLWAPI typedef struct _DllVersionInfo { DWORD cbSize; DWORD dwMajorVersion; // Major version DWORD dwMinorVersion; // Minor version DWORD dwBuildNumber; // Build number DWORD dwPlatformID; // DLLVER_PLATFORM_* } DLLVERSIONINFO; #define DLLVER_PLATFORM_WINDOWS 0x00000001 // Windows 95 #define DLLVER_PLATFORM_NT 0x00000002 // Windows NT typedef HRESULT(CALLBACK* DLLGETVERSIONPROC)(DLLVERSIONINFO *); #endif BOOL g_MultiConnectionMode = FALSE; char* g_szConnectingProto = nullptr; int GetStatusVal(int status) { if (IsStatusConnecting(status)) // 'connecting' status has the top priority return 600; switch (status) { case ID_STATUS_OFFLINE: return 50; case ID_STATUS_ONLINE: return 100; case ID_STATUS_INVISIBLE: return 120; case ID_STATUS_AWAY: return 200; case ID_STATUS_DND: return 210; case ID_STATUS_NA: return 220; case ID_STATUS_OCCUPIED: return 230; } return 0; } INT_PTR CListTray_GetGlobalStatus(WPARAM, LPARAM) { g_szConnectingProto = nullptr; int curstatus = ID_STATUS_OFFLINE; int connectingCount = 0; g_bMultiConnectionMode = false; for (auto &it : Accounts()) { if (!it->IsVisible()) continue; if (IsStatusConnecting(it->iRealStatus)) { connectingCount++; if (connectingCount == 1) g_szConnectingProto = it->szModuleName; else g_bMultiConnectionMode = true; } else if (GetStatusVal(it->iRealStatus) > GetStatusVal(curstatus)) curstatus = it->iRealStatus; } return curstatus; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// static UINT_PTR autoHideTimerId; static VOID CALLBACK TrayIconAutoHideTimer(HWND hwnd, UINT, UINT_PTR idEvent, DWORD) { KillTimer(hwnd, idEvent); HWND hwndClui = g_clistApi.hwndContactList; HWND ActiveWindow = GetActiveWindow(); if (ActiveWindow == hwndClui) return; if (CLUI_CheckOwnedByClui(ActiveWindow)) return; CListMod_HideWindow(); SetProcessWorkingSetSize(GetCurrentProcess(), -1, -1); } int cliTrayIconPauseAutoHide(WPARAM, LPARAM) { if (g_plugin.getByte("AutoHide", SETTING_AUTOHIDE_DEFAULT)) { if (GetActiveWindow() != g_clistApi.hwndContactList && GetWindow(GetParent(GetActiveWindow()), GW_OWNER) != g_clistApi.hwndContactList) { KillTimer(nullptr, autoHideTimerId); autoHideTimerId = CLUI_SafeSetTimer(nullptr, 0, 1000 * g_plugin.getWord("HideTime", SETTING_HIDETIME_DEFAULT), TrayIconAutoHideTimer); } } return 0; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Tray event handler INT_PTR cli_TrayIconProcessMessage(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { MSG *msg = (MSG*)wParam; switch (msg->message) { case WM_EXITMENULOOP: if (g_clistApi.bTrayMenuOnScreen) g_clistApi.bTrayMenuOnScreen = FALSE; break; case TIM_CALLBACK: if ((GetAsyncKeyState(VK_CONTROL) & 0x8000) && msg->lParam == WM_LBUTTONDOWN && !g_plugin.getByte("Tray1Click", SETTING_TRAY1CLICK_DEFAULT)) { POINT pt; HMENU hMenu = Menu_GetStatusMenu(); g_mutex_bOnTrayRightClick = 1; IS_WM_MOUSE_DOWN_IN_TRAY = 1; SetForegroundWindow(msg->hwnd); SetFocus(msg->hwnd); GetCursorPos(&pt); g_clistApi.bTrayMenuOnScreen = TRUE; TrackPopupMenu(hMenu, TPM_TOPALIGN | TPM_LEFTALIGN | TPM_LEFTBUTTON, pt.x, pt.y, 0, msg->hwnd, nullptr); PostMessage(msg->hwnd, WM_NULL, 0, 0); g_mutex_bOnTrayRightClick = 0; IS_WM_MOUSE_DOWN_IN_TRAY = 0; } else if (msg->lParam == WM_MBUTTONDOWN || msg->lParam == WM_LBUTTONDOWN || msg->lParam == WM_RBUTTONDOWN) { IS_WM_MOUSE_DOWN_IN_TRAY = 1; } else break; *((LRESULT*)lParam) = 0; return TRUE; case WM_ACTIVATE: SetCursor(LoadCursor(nullptr, IDC_ARROW)); { HWND h1 = (HWND)msg->lParam; HWND h2 = h1 ? GetParent(h1) : nullptr; if (g_plugin.getByte("AutoHide", SETTING_AUTOHIDE_DEFAULT)) { if (LOWORD(msg->wParam) == WA_INACTIVE && h2 != g_clistApi.hwndContactList) autoHideTimerId = CLUI_SafeSetTimer(nullptr, 0, 1000 * g_plugin.getWord("HideTime", SETTING_HIDETIME_DEFAULT), TrayIconAutoHideTimer); else { KillTimer(nullptr, autoHideTimerId); autoHideTimerId = 0; } } else if (autoHideTimerId) { KillTimer(nullptr, autoHideTimerId); autoHideTimerId = 0; } } return FALSE; //to avoid autohideTimer in core } return corecli.pfnTrayIconProcessMessage(wParam, lParam); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Tray module init VOID CALLBACK cliTrayCycleTimerProc(HWND, UINT, UINT_PTR, DWORD) { if (!g_clistApi.trayIconCount) return; PROTOACCOUNT **acc; int AccNum; Proto_EnumAccounts(&AccNum, &acc); // looking for the appropriate account to show its icon int t = g_clistApi.cycleStep; do { g_clistApi.cycleStep = (g_clistApi.cycleStep + 1) % AccNum; if (g_clistApi.cycleStep == t) return; } while (acc[g_clistApi.cycleStep]->bIsVirtual || !acc[g_clistApi.cycleStep]->bIsVisible); cliTrayCalcChanged(acc[g_clistApi.cycleStep]->szModuleName, 0, 0); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // this function sets the default settings values. it also migrates the // existing settings into the new format void SettingsMigrate(void) { BYTE TrayIcon = g_plugin.getByte("TrayIcon"); BYTE AlwaysPrimary = g_plugin.getByte("AlwaysPrimary"); BYTE AlwaysMulti = g_plugin.getByte("AlwaysMulti"); ptrA PrimaryStatus(g_plugin.getStringA("PrimaryStatus")); // these strings must always be set if (PrimaryStatus) { g_plugin.setString("tiAccS", PrimaryStatus); g_plugin.setString("tiAccV", PrimaryStatus); } else { g_plugin.setString("tiAccS", ""); g_plugin.setString("tiAccV", ""); } switch (TrayIcon) { case 0: // global or single acc if (AlwaysPrimary) { if (!PrimaryStatus) { // global always g_plugin.setByte("tiModeS", TRAY_ICON_MODE_GLOBAL); g_plugin.setByte("tiModeV", TRAY_ICON_MODE_GLOBAL); } else { // single acc always g_plugin.setByte("tiModeS", TRAY_ICON_MODE_ACC); g_plugin.setByte("tiModeV", TRAY_ICON_MODE_ACC); } } else { g_plugin.setByte("tiModeS", TRAY_ICON_MODE_GLOBAL); g_plugin.setByte("tiModeV", (PrimaryStatus) ? TRAY_ICON_MODE_ACC : TRAY_ICON_MODE_GLOBAL); } break; case 1: // cycle g_plugin.setByte("tiModeS", TRAY_ICON_MODE_CYCLE); g_plugin.setByte("tiModeV", TRAY_ICON_MODE_CYCLE); break; case 2: // multiple g_plugin.setByte("tiModeS", (AlwaysMulti) ? TRAY_ICON_MODE_ALL : TRAY_ICON_MODE_GLOBAL); g_plugin.setByte("tiModeV", TRAY_ICON_MODE_ALL); break; } } // calculates number of accounts to be displayed // and the number of the most active account static int GetGoodAccNum(bool *bDiffers, bool *bConn = nullptr) { *bDiffers = false; if (bConn) *bConn = false; int iPrevStatus = 0, res = 0; for (auto &pa : Accounts()) { if (!pa->IsVisible()) continue; res++; if (!iPrevStatus) iPrevStatus = pa->iRealStatus; else if (iPrevStatus != pa->iRealStatus) *bDiffers = true; if (bConn) if (IsStatusConnecting(pa->iRealStatus)) *bConn = true; } return res; } BYTE OldMode; // UINT_PTR TimerID = 0; int cliTrayIconInit(HWND hwnd) { if (g_clistApi.trayIconCount != 0) return 0; if (TimerID) { KillTimer(nullptr, TimerID); TimerID = 0; } // Присутствуют ли в базе новые настройки? Если да, то обновление не нужно. if (-1 == g_plugin.getByte("tiModeS", -1)) SettingsMigrate(); // Нужно узнать количество годных аккаунтов и неодинаковость их статусов. bool bDiffers; g_clistApi.trayIconCount = GetGoodAccNum(&bDiffers); // Если таковых аккаунтов не нашлось вообще, то будем показывать основную иконку Миранды. if (!g_clistApi.trayIconCount) { g_clistApi.trayIconCount = 1; g_clistApi.trayIcon = (trayIconInfo_t*)mir_calloc(sizeof(trayIconInfo_t) * g_clistApi.trayIconCount); Clist_TrayIconAdd(hwnd, nullptr, nullptr, CListTray_GetGlobalStatus(0, 0)); OldMode = TRAY_ICON_MODE_GLOBAL; return 0; } BYTE Mode; if (!bDiffers) // all equal OldMode = Mode = g_plugin.getByte("tiModeS", TRAY_ICON_MODE_GLOBAL); else OldMode = Mode = g_plugin.getByte("tiModeV", TRAY_ICON_MODE_GLOBAL); // Некоторые режимы всегда показывают единственную иконку. if (Mode < 8) g_clistApi.trayIconCount = 1; g_clistApi.trayIcon = (trayIconInfo_t*)mir_calloc(sizeof(trayIconInfo_t) * g_clistApi.trayIconCount); // Добавляем иконки. switch (Mode) { case TRAY_ICON_MODE_GLOBAL: Clist_TrayIconAdd(hwnd, nullptr, nullptr, CListTray_GetGlobalStatus(0, 0)); break; case TRAY_ICON_MODE_ACC: { ptrA szProto(g_plugin.getStringA((!bDiffers) ? "tiAccS" : "tiAccV")); if (!szProto) break; PROTOACCOUNT *pa = Proto_GetAccount(szProto); if (!pa || !pa->ppro) Clist_TrayIconAdd(hwnd, nullptr, nullptr, CListTray_GetGlobalStatus(0, 0)); else Clist_TrayIconAdd(hwnd, pa->szModuleName, nullptr, pa->ppro->m_iStatus); } break; case TRAY_ICON_MODE_CYCLE: Clist_TrayIconAdd(hwnd, nullptr, nullptr, CListTray_GetGlobalStatus(0, 0)); g_clistApi.cycleStep = 0; cliTrayCycleTimerProc(nullptr, 0, 0, 0); // force icon update // Не сохраняем ID таймера в pcli, чтобы fnTrayIconUpdateBase не убивала его. TimerID = CLUI_SafeSetTimer(nullptr, 0, g_plugin.getWord("CycleTime", SETTING_CYCLETIME_DEFAULT) * 1000, cliTrayCycleTimerProc); break; case TRAY_ICON_MODE_ALL: for (auto &pa : Accounts().rev_iter()) if (pa->IsVisible() && pa->ppro != nullptr) Clist_TrayIconAdd(hwnd, pa->szModuleName, nullptr, pa->ppro->m_iStatus); break; } return 0; } int cliTrayCalcChanged(const char *szChangedProto, int, int) { if (!szChangedProto) return -1; if (!g_clistApi.trayIconCount) return -1; if (!Clist_GetProtocolVisibility(szChangedProto)) return -1; bool bDiffers, bConn; GetGoodAccNum(&bDiffers, &bConn); // if the icon number to be changed, reinitialize module from scratch BYTE Mode = g_plugin.getByte((!bDiffers) ? "tiModeS" : "tiModeV", TRAY_ICON_MODE_GLOBAL); if (Mode != OldMode) { OldMode = Mode; Clist_TrayIconIconsChanged(); } HICON hIcon = nullptr; int i = 0, iStatus; switch (Mode) { case TRAY_ICON_MODE_GLOBAL: hIcon = g_clistApi.pfnGetIconFromStatusMode(0, nullptr, CListTray_GetGlobalStatus(0, 0)); Clist_TrayIconMakeTooltip(nullptr, nullptr); break; case TRAY_ICON_MODE_ACC: // В этом режиме показывается иконка совершенно определённого аккаунта, и не всегда это szChangedProto. { ptrA szProto(g_plugin.getStringA(bDiffers ? "tiAccV" : "tiAccS")); if (szProto == nullptr) break; iStatus = Proto_GetStatus(szProto); if (g_StatusBarData.bConnectingIcon && IsStatusConnecting(iStatus)) hIcon = (HICON)CLUI_GetConnectingIconService((WPARAM)szProto, 0); else hIcon = g_clistApi.pfnGetIconFromStatusMode(0, szProto, Proto_GetStatus(szProto)); Clist_TrayIconMakeTooltip(nullptr, szProto); } break; case TRAY_ICON_MODE_CYCLE: iStatus = Proto_GetStatus(szChangedProto); if (g_StatusBarData.bConnectingIcon && IsStatusConnecting(iStatus)) hIcon = (HICON)CLUI_GetConnectingIconService((WPARAM)szChangedProto, 0); else if (!bConn) hIcon = g_clistApi.pfnGetIconFromStatusMode(0, szChangedProto, Proto_GetStatus(szChangedProto)); Clist_TrayIconMakeTooltip(nullptr, nullptr); break; case TRAY_ICON_MODE_ALL: // Какой индекс у аккаунта, который будем апдейтить? for (; i < g_clistApi.trayIconCount; i++) if (!mir_strcmp(g_clistApi.trayIcon[i].szProto, szChangedProto)) break; iStatus = Proto_GetStatus(szChangedProto); if (g_StatusBarData.bConnectingIcon && IsStatusConnecting(iStatus)) hIcon = (HICON)CLUI_GetConnectingIconService((WPARAM)szChangedProto, 0); else hIcon = g_clistApi.pfnGetIconFromStatusMode(0, szChangedProto, Proto_GetStatus(szChangedProto)); Clist_TrayIconMakeTooltip(nullptr, g_clistApi.trayIcon[i].szProto); break; } trayIconInfo_t &p = g_clistApi.trayIcon[i]; DestroyIcon(p.hBaseIcon); p.hBaseIcon = hIcon; replaceStrW(p.ptszToolTip, g_clistApi.szTip); NOTIFYICONDATA nid = { sizeof(NOTIFYICONDATA) }; nid.hWnd = g_clistApi.hwndContactList; nid.uID = p.id; nid.hIcon = p.hBaseIcon; nid.uFlags = NIF_ICON | NIF_TIP; // if Tipper is missing or turned off for tray, use system tooltips if (!ServiceExists("mToolTip/ShowTip") || !db_get_b(0, "Tipper", "TrayTip", 1)) wcsncpy_s(nid.szTip, g_clistApi.szTip, _TRUNCATE); Shell_NotifyIcon(NIM_MODIFY, &nid); return -1; }