/* Miranda NG: the free IM client for Microsoft* Windows* Copyright (c) 2012-14 Miranda NG project (http://miranda-ng.org), Copyright (c) 2000-08 Miranda ICQ/IM project, all portions of this codebase are copyrighted to the people listed in contributors.txt. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ #include "hdr/modern_commonheaders.h" #include "hdr/modern_clist.h" #include "m_api/m_skin_eng.h" #include "m_api/m_skinbutton.h" #include "hdr/modern_commonprototypes.h" #include "hdr/modern_sync.h" #define WM_DOCKCALLBACK (WM_USER+121) #define WM_CREATEDOCKED (WM_USER+122) #define EDGESENSITIVITY 3 #define DOCKED_NONE 0 #define DOCKED_LEFT 1 #define DOCKED_RIGHT 2 BOOL LockSubframeMoving = 0; static int TempDock = 0; static int dock_drag_dx = 0; static int dock_drag_dy = 0; static void Docking_GetMonitorRectFromPoint(POINT pt,RECT *rc) { MONITORINFO monitorInfo; HMONITOR hMonitor = MonitorFromPoint(pt,MONITOR_DEFAULTTONEAREST); // always returns a valid value monitorInfo.cbSize = sizeof(MONITORINFO); if (GetMonitorInfo(hMonitor, &monitorInfo)) { memcpy(rc,&monitorInfo.rcMonitor,sizeof(RECT)); return; } // "generic" win95/NT support, also serves as failsafe rc->left = 0; rc->top = 0; rc->bottom = GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYSCREEN); rc->right = GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXSCREEN); } void Docking_GetMonitorRectFromWindow(HWND hWnd,RECT *rc) { POINT ptWindow; GetWindowRect(hWnd,rc); ptWindow.x = rc->left; ptWindow.y = rc->top; Docking_GetMonitorRectFromPoint(ptWindow,rc); } static void Docking_AdjustPosition(HWND hwnd,RECT *rcDisplay,RECT *rc) { APPBARDATA abd; memset(&abd, 0, sizeof(abd)); abd.cbSize = sizeof(abd); abd.hWnd = hwnd; abd.uEdge = g_CluiData.fDocked == DOCKED_LEFT?ABE_LEFT:ABE_RIGHT; abd.rc = *rc; abd.rc.top = rcDisplay->top; abd.rc.bottom = rcDisplay->bottom; if (g_CluiData.fDocked == DOCKED_LEFT) { abd.rc.right = rcDisplay->left+abd.rc.right-abd.rc.left; abd.rc.left = rcDisplay->left; } else { abd.rc.left = rcDisplay->right-(abd.rc.right-abd.rc.left); abd.rc.right = rcDisplay->right; } SHAppBarMessage(ABM_SETPOS,&abd); *rc = abd.rc; } int Docking_IsDocked(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { return g_CluiData.fDocked; } int Docking_ProcessWindowMessage(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { APPBARDATA abd; static int draggingTitle; MSG *msg = (MSG*)wParam; if (msg->message == WM_DESTROY) db_set_b(NULL,"CList","Docked",(BYTE)g_CluiData.fDocked); if (!g_CluiData.fDocked && msg->message != WM_CREATE && msg->message != WM_MOVING && msg->message != WM_CREATEDOCKED && msg->message != WM_MOVE && msg->message != WM_SIZE) return 0; switch(msg->message) { case WM_CREATE: //if (GetSystemMetrics(SM_CMONITORS)>1) return 0; if ( db_get_b(NULL,"CList","Docked",0) && db_get_b(NULL,"CLUI","DockToSides",SETTING_DOCKTOSIDES_DEFAULT)) { PostMessage(msg->hwnd,WM_CREATEDOCKED, 0, 0); } draggingTitle = 0; return 0; case WM_CREATEDOCKED: //we need to post a message just after creation to let main message function do some work g_CluiData.fDocked = (BOOL)db_get_b(NULL,"CList","Docked",0); if (IsWindowVisible(msg->hwnd) && !IsIconic(msg->hwnd)) { RECT rc, rcMonitor; memset(&abd, 0, sizeof(abd)); abd.cbSize = sizeof(abd); abd.hWnd = msg->hwnd; abd.lParam = 0; abd.uCallbackMessage = WM_DOCKCALLBACK; SHAppBarMessage(ABM_NEW,&abd); GetWindowRect(msg->hwnd,&rc); Docking_GetMonitorRectFromWindow(msg->hwnd,&rcMonitor); Docking_AdjustPosition(msg->hwnd,&rcMonitor,&rc); MoveWindow(msg->hwnd,rc.left,rc.top,rc.right-rc.left,rc.bottom-rc.top,TRUE); g_CluiData.mutexPreventDockMoving = 0; Sync(CLUIFrames_OnMoving,msg->hwnd,&rc); g_CluiData.mutexPreventDockMoving = 1; ModernSkinButton_ReposButtons( msg->hwnd, SBRF_DO_NOT_DRAW, NULL ); } break; case WM_CAPTURECHANGED: ModernSkinButton_ReposButtons(msg->hwnd, SBRF_DO_NOT_DRAW,NULL); return 0; case WM_ACTIVATE: memset(&abd, 0, sizeof(abd)); abd.cbSize = sizeof(abd); abd.hWnd = msg->hwnd; SHAppBarMessage(ABM_ACTIVATE,&abd); return 0; case WM_SIZE: ModernSkinButton_ReposButtons( msg->hwnd, SBRF_DO_REDRAW_ALL, NULL ); return 0; case WM_WINDOWPOSCHANGED: { if (g_CluiData.fDocked) ModernSkinButton_ReposButtons( msg->hwnd,SBRF_DO_NOT_DRAW, NULL ); return 0; // XXX: check me!!! memset(&abd, 0, sizeof(abd)); abd.cbSize = sizeof(abd); abd.hWnd = msg->hwnd; SHAppBarMessage(ABM_WINDOWPOSCHANGED,&abd); ModernSkinButton_ReposButtons( msg->hwnd, SBRF_DO_NOT_DRAW, NULL ); return 0; } case WM_MOVING: { RECT rcMonitor; RECT rcWindow; RECT *rc; int dx = 0; POINT ptCursor; if (g_CluiData.fDocked) return 0; // stop early BOOL bControlled = (BOOL)(GetAsyncKeyState(VK_CONTROL)&0x8000); // GetMessagePos() is no good, position is always unsigned GetCursorPos(&ptCursor); GetWindowRect(msg->hwnd,&rcWindow); dock_drag_dx = rcWindow.left-ptCursor.x; dock_drag_dy = rcWindow.top-ptCursor.y; Docking_GetMonitorRectFromPoint(ptCursor,&rcMonitor); if (((ptCursor.x < rcMonitor.left+EDGESENSITIVITY) || (ptCursor.x >= rcMonitor.right-EDGESENSITIVITY)) && db_get_b(NULL,"CLUI","DockToSides",SETTING_DOCKTOSIDES_DEFAULT)) { memset(&abd, 0, sizeof(abd)); abd.cbSize = sizeof(abd); abd.hWnd = msg->hwnd; abd.lParam = 0; abd.uCallbackMessage = WM_DOCKCALLBACK; SHAppBarMessage(ABM_NEW,&abd); if (ptCursor.x < rcMonitor.left+EDGESENSITIVITY) g_CluiData.fDocked = DOCKED_LEFT; else g_CluiData.fDocked = DOCKED_RIGHT; // TempDock = 1; GetWindowRect(msg->hwnd,(LPRECT)msg->lParam); rc = (RECT*)msg->lParam; if (g_CluiData.fDocked == DOCKED_RIGHT) dx = (rc->right>rcMonitor.right)?rc->right-rcMonitor.right:0; else dx = (rc->left < rcMonitor.left)?rc->left-rcMonitor.left:0; OffsetRect(rc,-dx,0); Docking_AdjustPosition(msg->hwnd,(LPRECT)&rcMonitor,(LPRECT)msg->lParam); SendMessage(msg->hwnd,WM_SIZE, 0, 0); g_CluiData.mutexPreventDockMoving = 0; Sync(CLUIFrames_OnMoving,msg->hwnd,(LPRECT)msg->lParam); g_CluiData.mutexPreventDockMoving = 1; mouse_event(MOUSEEVENTF_LEFTUP, 0, 0, 0, 0); db_set_b(NULL,"CList","Docked",(BYTE)g_CluiData.fDocked); ModernSkinButton_ReposButtons( msg->hwnd, SBRF_DO_NOT_DRAW, NULL ); return TRUE; } return 0; } case WM_EXITSIZEMOVE: { RECT rcMonitor; RECT rcWindow; if (TempDock) TempDock = 0; GetWindowRect(msg->hwnd,&rcWindow); Docking_GetMonitorRectFromWindow(msg->hwnd,&rcMonitor); Docking_AdjustPosition(msg->hwnd,&rcMonitor,&rcWindow); *((LRESULT*)lParam) = TRUE; g_CluiData.mutexPreventDockMoving = 0; SetWindowPos(msg->hwnd, 0, rcWindow.left,rcWindow.top, 0, 0, SWP_NOSIZE|SWP_NOZORDER|SWP_NOREDRAW|SWP_NOSENDCHANGING); Sync(CLUIFrames_OnMoving,msg->hwnd,&rcWindow); ModernSkinButton_ReposButtons( msg->hwnd, SBRF_DO_NOT_DRAW, NULL );// -= -= -= g_CluiData.mutexPreventDockMoving = 1; return 1; } case WM_MOVE: { ModernSkinButton_ReposButtons(msg->hwnd, SBRF_DO_ALT_DRAW, NULL); return 0; } case WM_SIZING: { /*RECT rcMonitor; Docking_GetMonitorRectFromWindow(msg->hwnd,&rcMonitor); Docking_AdjustPosition(msg->hwnd,&rcMonitor,(LPRECT)msg->lParam); *((LRESULT*)lParam) = TRUE; */ RECT rc; if (g_CluiData.fDocked) ModernSkinButton_ReposButtons(msg->hwnd, SBRF_DO_NOT_DRAW,NULL); return FALSE; rc = *(RECT*)(msg->lParam); g_CluiData.mutexPreventDockMoving = 0; Sync(CLUIFrames_OnMoving,msg->hwnd,&rc); // -= -= -= return TRUE; } case WM_SHOWWINDOW: { if (msg->lParam) return 0; BOOL toBeDocked = (BOOL)db_get_b(NULL,"CLUI","DockToSides",SETTING_DOCKTOSIDES_DEFAULT); if ((msg->wParam && g_CluiData.fDocked < 0) || (!msg->wParam && g_CluiData.fDocked>0)) g_CluiData.fDocked = -g_CluiData.fDocked; memset(&abd, 0, sizeof(abd)); abd.cbSize = sizeof(abd); abd.hWnd = msg->hwnd; if (msg->wParam) { RECT rc, rcMonitor; Docking_GetMonitorRectFromWindow(msg->hwnd,&rcMonitor); abd.lParam = 0; abd.uCallbackMessage = WM_DOCKCALLBACK; SHAppBarMessage(ABM_NEW,&abd); GetWindowRect(msg->hwnd,&rc); Docking_AdjustPosition(msg->hwnd,&rcMonitor,&rc); MoveWindow(msg->hwnd,rc.left,rc.top,rc.right-rc.left,rc.bottom-rc.top,FALSE); Sync(CLUIFrames_OnMoving,msg->hwnd,&rc); ModernSkinButton_ReposButtons(msg->hwnd, SBRF_DO_NOT_DRAW,NULL);// -= -= -= } else { SHAppBarMessage(ABM_REMOVE,&abd); } } return 0; case WM_NCHITTEST: { LONG result; result = DefWindowProc(msg->hwnd,WM_NCHITTEST,msg->wParam,msg->lParam); if (result == HTSIZE || result == HTTOP || result == HTTOPLEFT || result == HTTOPRIGHT || result == HTBOTTOM || result == HTBOTTOMRIGHT || result == HTBOTTOMLEFT) {*((LRESULT*)lParam) = HTCLIENT; return TRUE;} if (g_CluiData.fDocked == DOCKED_LEFT && result == HTLEFT) {*((LRESULT*)lParam) = HTCLIENT; return TRUE;} if (g_CluiData.fDocked == DOCKED_RIGHT && result == HTRIGHT) {*((LRESULT*)lParam) = HTCLIENT; return TRUE;} return 0; } case WM_SYSCOMMAND: if ((msg->wParam&0xFFF0) != SC_MOVE) return 0; SetActiveWindow(msg->hwnd); SetCapture(msg->hwnd); draggingTitle = 1; *((LRESULT*)lParam) = 0; return TRUE; case WM_MOUSEMOVE: if (!draggingTitle) return 0; { RECT rc; POINT pt; GetClientRect(msg->hwnd,&rc); if (((g_CluiData.fDocked == DOCKED_LEFT || g_CluiData.fDocked == -DOCKED_LEFT) && (short)LOWORD(msg->lParam)>rc.right) || ((g_CluiData.fDocked == DOCKED_RIGHT || g_CluiData.fDocked == -DOCKED_RIGHT) && (short)LOWORD(msg->lParam) < 0)) { ReleaseCapture(); draggingTitle = 0; memset(&abd, 0, sizeof(abd)); abd.cbSize = sizeof(abd); abd.hWnd = msg->hwnd; SHAppBarMessage(ABM_REMOVE,&abd); g_CluiData.fDocked = 0; GetCursorPos(&pt); PostMessage(msg->hwnd,WM_NCLBUTTONDOWN,HTCAPTION,MAKELPARAM(pt.x,pt.y)); SetWindowPos(msg->hwnd, 0, pt.x-rc.right/2,pt.y-GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYFRAME)-GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYSMCAPTION)/2,db_get_dw(NULL,"CList","Width",0),db_get_dw(NULL,"CList","Height",0),SWP_NOZORDER); db_set_b(NULL,"CList","Docked",(BYTE)g_CluiData.fDocked); // ModernSkinButton_ReposButtons(msg->hwnd, SBRF_DO_NOT_DRAW, NULL); } return 1; } case WM_LBUTTONUP: if (draggingTitle) { ReleaseCapture(); draggingTitle = 0; } return 0; case WM_DOCKCALLBACK: switch(msg->wParam) { case ABN_WINDOWARRANGE: CLUI_ShowWindowMod(msg->hwnd,msg->lParam?SW_HIDE:SW_SHOW); { RECT rc, rcMonitor; Docking_GetMonitorRectFromWindow(msg->hwnd,&rcMonitor); GetWindowRect(msg->hwnd,&rc); Docking_AdjustPosition(msg->hwnd,&rcMonitor,&rc); Sync(CLUIFrames_OnMoving,msg->hwnd,&rc); // -= -= -= ModernSkinButton_ReposButtons(msg->hwnd, SBRF_DO_NOT_DRAW, NULL); g_CluiData.mutexPreventDockMoving = 1; } break; } return TRUE; case WM_DESTROY: if (g_CluiData.fDocked>0) { memset(&abd, 0, sizeof(abd)); abd.cbSize = sizeof(abd); abd.hWnd = msg->hwnd; SHAppBarMessage(ABM_REMOVE,&abd); ModernSkinButton_ReposButtons(msg->hwnd, SBRF_DO_NOT_DRAW, NULL); } return 0; } return 0; }