/* Miranda NG: the free IM client for Microsoft* Windows* Copyright (ñ) 2012-16 Miranda NG project (http://miranda-ng.org), Copyright (c) 2000-08 Miranda ICQ/IM project, all portions of this codebase are copyrighted to the people listed in contributors.txt. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. Created by Pescuma */ #include "stdafx.h" #include "modern_image_array.h" #include "modern_commonprototypes.h" #pragma comment(lib, "msimg32.lib") static mir_cs cs; // To use this code in other places, replace the body of this func by the body of ske_CreateDIB32 static HBITMAP ImageArray_CreateBitmapPoint(int cx, int cy, void ** pt) { return ske_CreateDIB32Point(cx, cy, pt); } // Initialize data static BOOL ImageArray_Alloc(IMAGE_ARRAY_DATA *iad, int size) { int size_grow = size; if (size_grow > iad->nodes_allocated_size) { size_grow += iad->grow_step - (size_grow % iad->grow_step); if (iad->nodes != NULL) { IMAGE_ARRAY_DATA_NODE *tmp = (IMAGE_ARRAY_DATA_NODE *)realloc((void *)iad->nodes, sizeof(IMAGE_ARRAY_DATA_NODE) * size_grow); if (tmp == NULL) { TRACE("Out of memory: realloc returned NULL (ImageArray_Alloc)"); ImageArray_Free(iad, FALSE); return FALSE; } iad->nodes = tmp; memset(&iad->nodes[iad->nodes_allocated_size], 0, (size_grow - iad->nodes_allocated_size) * sizeof(IMAGE_ARRAY_DATA_NODE)); } else { iad->nodes = (IMAGE_ARRAY_DATA_NODE *)malloc(sizeof(IMAGE_ARRAY_DATA_NODE) * size_grow); if (iad->nodes == NULL) { TRACE("Out of memory: alloc returned NULL (ImageArray_Alloc)"); ImageArray_Free(iad, FALSE); return FALSE; } memset(iad->nodes, 0, (sizeof(IMAGE_ARRAY_DATA_NODE) * size_grow)); } iad->nodes_allocated_size = size_grow; } else if (size < iad->nodes_allocated_size) { // Give some more space to try to avoid a free if ((iad->nodes_allocated_size - size) / iad->grow_step >= 2) { IMAGE_ARRAY_DATA_NODE *tmp; size_grow += iad->grow_step - (size_grow % iad->grow_step); tmp = (IMAGE_ARRAY_DATA_NODE *)realloc((void *)iad->nodes, sizeof(IMAGE_ARRAY_DATA_NODE) * size_grow); if (tmp == NULL) { TRACE("Out of memory: realloc returned NULL when reducing size! (ImageArray_Alloc)"); ImageArray_Free(iad, FALSE); return FALSE; } iad->nodes = tmp; } } iad->nodes_size = size; return TRUE; } // Initialize data void ImageArray_Initialize(IMAGE_ARRAY_DATA *iad, BOOL width_based, int grow_step) { iad->width_based = width_based; iad->grow_step = grow_step; if (iad->grow_step <= 0) { iad->grow_step = 1; } iad->hdc = CreateCompatibleDC(NULL); iad->img = NULL; iad->width = 0; iad->height = 0; iad->nodes = NULL; iad->nodes_allocated_size = 0; iad->nodes_size = 0; } // Free data // If keep_bitmap is TRUE, doesn't delete de bitmap and return its handle. Else, return NULL HBITMAP ImageArray_Free(IMAGE_ARRAY_DATA *iad, BOOL keep_bitmap) { DeleteDC(iad->hdc); if (iad->img != NULL && !keep_bitmap) { DeleteObject(iad->img); iad->img = NULL; iad->width = 0; iad->height = 0; } if (iad->nodes != NULL) { free(iad->nodes); iad->nodes = NULL; iad->nodes_allocated_size = 0; iad->nodes_size = 0; } return iad->img; } // Free data but keep config void ImageArray_Clear(IMAGE_ARRAY_DATA *iad) { HDC tmpdc = CreateCompatibleDC(iad->hdc); if (iad->hdc) DeleteDC(iad->hdc); iad->hdc = tmpdc; if (iad->img != NULL) { DeleteObject(iad->img); iad->img = NULL; iad->width = 0; iad->height = 0; } if (iad->nodes != NULL) { free(iad->nodes); iad->nodes = NULL; iad->nodes_allocated_size = 0; iad->nodes_size = 0; } } // Add image to the list (return the index of the image or -1 on error) // If pos == -1, add to the end of the list int ImageArray_AddImage(IMAGE_ARRAY_DATA *iad, HBITMAP hBmp, int pos) { BITMAP bm; int new_width, new_height; HBITMAP hNewBmp, old_bmp; HDC hdc_old; BOOL last_one; int i; if (hBmp == NULL) return -1; mir_cslock lck(cs); if (pos < 0) pos = iad->nodes_size; // Add to end? if (pos >= iad->nodes_size) { pos = iad->nodes_size; last_one = TRUE; } else { last_one = FALSE; } // Get bounds if (!GetObject(hBmp, sizeof(BITMAP), &bm)) return -1; if (iad->width_based) { new_width = max(bm.bmWidth, iad->width); new_height = iad->height + bm.bmHeight; } else { new_width = bm.bmWidth + iad->width; new_height = max(iad->height, bm.bmHeight); } // Alloc image hNewBmp = ImageArray_CreateBitmapPoint(new_width, new_height, &(iad->lpBits)); if (hNewBmp == NULL) return -1; // Alloc array if (!ImageArray_Alloc(iad, iad->nodes_size + 1)) { DeleteObject(hNewBmp); return -1; } // Move image... // Set some draw states SelectObject(iad->hdc, hNewBmp); hdc_old = CreateCompatibleDC(iad->hdc); old_bmp = (HBITMAP)GetCurrentObject(hdc_old, OBJ_BITMAP); SetBkMode(iad->hdc, TRANSPARENT); { POINT org; GetBrushOrgEx(iad->hdc, &org); SetStretchBltMode(iad->hdc, HALFTONE); SetBrushOrgEx(iad->hdc, org.x, org.y, NULL); } { int x = 0, y = 0, w = 0, h = 0; // 1- old data if (pos > 0) { SelectObject(hdc_old, iad->img); if (iad->width_based) { w = iad->width; h = 0; for (i = 0; i < pos; i++) { h += iad->nodes[i].height; } } else { h = iad->height; w = 0; for (i = 0; i < pos; i++) { w += iad->nodes[i].width; } } BitBlt(iad->hdc, 0, 0, w, h, hdc_old, 0, 0, SRCCOPY); } // 2- new image if (iad->width_based) { x = 0; y = h; } else { x = w; y = 0; } SelectObject(hdc_old, hBmp); BitBlt(iad->hdc, x, y, bm.bmWidth, bm.bmHeight, hdc_old, 0, 0, SRCCOPY); // 3- old data if (!last_one) { int ox, oy; SelectObject(hdc_old, iad->img); if (iad->width_based) { ox = 0; oy = y; x = 0; y += bm.bmHeight; w = iad->width; h = iad->height - h; } else { ox = x; oy = 0; x += bm.bmWidth; y = 0; w = iad->width - w; h = iad->height; } BitBlt(iad->hdc, x, y, w, h, hdc_old, ox, oy, SRCCOPY); } } // restore things SelectObject(hdc_old, old_bmp); DeleteDC(hdc_old); if (iad->img != NULL) DeleteObject(iad->img); iad->img = hNewBmp; // Move array if (!last_one && iad->nodes_size > 1) { memmove(&iad->nodes[pos + 1], &iad->nodes[pos], (iad->nodes_size - pos) * sizeof(IMAGE_ARRAY_DATA_NODE)); } iad->nodes[pos].width = bm.bmWidth; iad->nodes[pos].height = bm.bmHeight; iad->width = new_width; iad->height = new_height; return pos; } // Change an image in the list (return TRUE on success) BOOL ImageArray_ChangeImage(IMAGE_ARRAY_DATA *iad, HBITMAP hBmp, int pos) { BITMAP bm; int new_width, new_height; HBITMAP hNewBmp; HDC hdc_old; int i; if (hBmp == NULL) return FALSE; if (pos < 0) return FALSE; if (pos >= iad->nodes_size) return FALSE; mir_cslock lck(cs); // Get bounds if (!GetObject(hBmp, sizeof(BITMAP), &bm)) return FALSE; if (iad->width_based) { new_width = max(bm.bmWidth, iad->width); new_height = iad->height + bm.bmHeight - iad->nodes[pos].height; } else { new_width = bm.bmWidth + iad->width - iad->nodes[pos].width; new_height = max(iad->height, bm.bmHeight); } // Alloc image hNewBmp = ImageArray_CreateBitmapPoint(new_width, new_height, &(iad->lpBits)); if (hNewBmp == NULL) return FALSE; // Move image... // Set some draw states SelectObject(iad->hdc, hNewBmp); hdc_old = CreateCompatibleDC(iad->hdc); SetBkMode(iad->hdc, TRANSPARENT); { POINT org; GetBrushOrgEx(iad->hdc, &org); SetStretchBltMode(iad->hdc, HALFTONE); SetBrushOrgEx(iad->hdc, org.x, org.y, NULL); } { int x = 0, y = 0, w = 0, h = 0; // 1- old data if (pos > 0) { SelectObject(hdc_old, iad->img); if (iad->width_based) { w = iad->width; h = 0; for (i = 0; i < pos; i++) { h += iad->nodes[i].height; } } else { h = iad->height; w = 0; for (i = 0; i < pos; i++) { w += iad->nodes[i].width; } } BitBlt(iad->hdc, 0, 0, w, h, hdc_old, 0, 0, SRCCOPY); } // 2- new image if (iad->width_based) { x = 0; y = h; } else { x = w; y = 0; } SelectObject(hdc_old, hBmp); BitBlt(iad->hdc, x, y, bm.bmWidth, bm.bmHeight, hdc_old, 0, 0, SRCCOPY); // 3- old data if (pos < iad->nodes_size - 1) { int ox, oy; SelectObject(hdc_old, iad->img); if (iad->width_based) { ox = 0; oy = y + iad->nodes[pos].height; x = 0; y += bm.bmHeight; w = iad->width; h = iad->height - h - iad->nodes[pos].height; } else { ox = x + iad->nodes[pos].width; oy = 0; x += bm.bmWidth; y = 0; w = iad->width - w - iad->nodes[pos].width; h = iad->height; } BitBlt(iad->hdc, x, y, w, h, hdc_old, ox, oy, SRCCOPY); } } // restore things DeleteDC(hdc_old); if (iad->img != NULL) DeleteObject(iad->img); iad->img = hNewBmp; // Move array iad->nodes[pos].width = bm.bmWidth; iad->nodes[pos].height = bm.bmHeight; iad->width = new_width; iad->height = new_height; return pos; } // Remove an image BOOL ImageArray_RemoveImage(IMAGE_ARRAY_DATA *iad, int pos) { int new_width, new_height; HBITMAP hNewBmp; HDC hdc_old; int i; if (pos < 0) return FALSE; if (pos >= iad->nodes_size) return FALSE; mir_cslock lck(cs); // Get bounds if (iad->width_based) { new_width = iad->width; new_height = iad->height - iad->nodes[pos].height; } else { new_width = iad->width - iad->nodes[pos].width; new_height = iad->height; } // Alloc image hNewBmp = ImageArray_CreateBitmapPoint(new_width, new_height, &(iad->lpBits)); if (hNewBmp == NULL) return FALSE; // Move image... // Set some draw states SelectObject(iad->hdc, hNewBmp); hdc_old = CreateCompatibleDC(iad->hdc); SetBkMode(iad->hdc, TRANSPARENT); { POINT org; GetBrushOrgEx(iad->hdc, &org); SetStretchBltMode(iad->hdc, HALFTONE); SetBrushOrgEx(iad->hdc, org.x, org.y, NULL); } { int x = 0, y = 0, w = 0, h = 0; if (pos > 0) { SelectObject(hdc_old, iad->img); if (iad->width_based) { w = iad->width; h = 0; for (i = 0; i < pos; i++) { h += iad->nodes[i].height; } } else { h = iad->height; w = 0; for (i = 0; i < pos; i++) w += iad->nodes[i].width; } BitBlt(iad->hdc, 0, 0, w, h, hdc_old, 0, 0, SRCCOPY); } if (pos < iad->nodes_size - 1) { int ox, oy; SelectObject(hdc_old, iad->img); if (iad->width_based) { ox = 0; oy = h + iad->nodes[pos].height; x = 0; y = h; w = iad->width; h = iad->height - h - iad->nodes[pos].height; } else { ox = w + iad->nodes[pos].width; oy = 0; x = w; y = 0; w = iad->width - w - iad->nodes[pos].width; h = iad->height; } BitBlt(iad->hdc, x, y, w, h, hdc_old, ox, oy, SRCCOPY); } } // restore things DeleteDC(hdc_old); if (iad->img != NULL) DeleteObject(iad->img); iad->img = hNewBmp; // Move array if (pos < iad->nodes_size - 1) { memmove(&iad->nodes[pos], &iad->nodes[pos + 1], (iad->nodes_size - pos - 1) * sizeof(IMAGE_ARRAY_DATA_NODE)); } iad->nodes_size--; iad->width = new_width; iad->height = new_height; // Free array ImageArray_Alloc(iad, iad->nodes_size); return pos; } BOOL ImageArray_DrawImage(IMAGE_ARRAY_DATA *iad, int pos, HDC hdcDest, int nXDest, int nYDest, BYTE Alpha) { if (hdcDest == NULL || pos < 0 || pos >= iad->nodes_size) return FALSE; mir_cslock lck(cs); { int w, h, i; if (iad->width_based) { w = 0; h = 0; for (i = 0; i < pos; i++) { h += iad->nodes[i].height; } } else { h = 0; w = 0; for (i = 0; i < pos; i++) { w += iad->nodes[i].width; } } BLENDFUNCTION bf = { AC_SRC_OVER, 0, Alpha, AC_SRC_ALPHA }; AlphaBlend(hdcDest, nXDest, nYDest, iad->nodes[pos].width, iad->nodes[pos].height, iad->hdc, w, h, iad->nodes[pos].width, iad->nodes[pos].height, bf); } return FALSE; } BOOL ImageArray_GetImageSize(IMAGE_ARRAY_DATA *iad, int pos, SIZE *lpSize) { mir_cslock lck(cs); if (lpSize) { lpSize->cx = iad->nodes[pos].width; lpSize->cy = iad->nodes[pos].height; } return TRUE; }